Imagine to believe || Fillie

By strangerodds

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(fillie au) In which Finn find's out about the deep secrets behind all his abilities, and why it's there in t... More

Chapter 1: Changes
Chapter 2: Back
Chapter 3: Cat
Chapter 4: Trailer buddy
Chapter 5: New information
Chapter 6: Dream
Chapter 7: Baking
Chapter 8: Alpha
Chapter 9: Sleepover
Chapter 10: Blurry flashbacks
Chapter 11: Silhouette
Chapter 12: Sick
Chapter 13: Delmi
Chapter 14: Spirit
Chapter 15: Help
Chapter 16: Believe
Chapter 17: Invitation
Chapter 18: Confession
Chapter 19: Time
Chapter 20: England
Chapter 21: Cookies
Chapter 22: Golden
Chapter 23: Show me
Chapter 24: Family
Chapter 25: A promise you can't keep

Chapter 26: Determination

38 6 2
By strangerodds

Millie's pov:

Sadie and I, exited the uber we rode from my house to the restaurant the cast announced where we would all shoud be.

I opened the glass door for both of us, then looked around the room for atleast one of the familiar faces of our friends.

Then I caught sight of Gaten's curly hair, "Sadie, there." I pointed my index finger on where Gaten is standing, his back facing us.

We made our way to him. "Hey, Gate's!" I greeted enthusiastically.

He turned around, a grin splitting his face as he eyed us both, "Hey, girls! The rest of the cast and Duffer are inside." He greeted back, then pointed his index finger at a closed door on the side of us.

"Alright, we'll go in." Sadie announced, before we both made our way to the wooden door and swung it open.

We are met with all the cast either standing or sitting and chatting with eachother.

I made my way to sit on a vacant sit that just happened to be beside Finn who is looking the other way, talking to Caleb.

Sadie then sat beside Caleb and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. At their action, Finn turned around, now sitting properly on his seat.

Not before he placed his hand on the table, he saw me, "Oh hey Mills! how are you?"

"Good, how bout' you?" I asked back.

"Yeah I'm fine too."

At that I looked around the table, then a question suddenly popped up in my head. "Who's plan was this?"

"This get together," I added, explaining.

He nodded his head to David who is talking to Matt about something. My mouth formed into an 'o' shape.

"Yep, he said something about; 'We all haven't been in the same room for atleast a night to just bond, beside work.'" He  re-said David's words.

I nodded my head, "Yeah, I agree."

Suddenly the door swung open and came in Gaten and soon after, the waiter who caried multiple menus.

She gave us all separately and I took mine, opening it then scanning all the names of food that is placed in order.

I decided to get the spaghetti. Minutes later of deciding, we all finally made up our minds of what we all are getting, as the waiter wrote down all the picked out meals.

I moved on my seat to sit properly, my back now resting on the chair. My gaze slowly turning to Finn who's already looking at me...

He quickly turned around, clearly flustered. I felt a smirk crawling on my face, then I leaned in secretly to him.

"Don't be shy Finnie, I know it's not everyday you see a beautiful view." I lowly said, close to his ear, 'What is wrong with me.'

I shrugged off my thoughts. He turned around, his eyes wide as saucers and his mouth hung open, "Wha- I- It's not t-that I swear! Wait! not that you're beautiful, b-because you are and there's no other way around it, and I just-" He stammered, before I cut him off with my chuckle.

"I know, I'm just messing with you." I stated, grinning, amused at his state. His pale cheeks flushed red and his eyes still wide open.

"I- oh..." He sounded out.

"So what did you get?" I asked, like earlier hadn't even happen.

"What? Oh... I got the usual... you know, vegetables." He responded, shrugging his shoulders.

I nodded my head, "How about you?"

"Just some pasta."

After that, the cast and Duffers just continued to catch up with things and talk about anything and everything.

Suddenly Sadie's words popped up in my head... Even if you two can't see it, everybody else can. Everybody knows that you two are meant to be.

'What if I try again? Does it make me desperate to keep chasing after a guy that clearly doesn't want to be in a relationship... But does it make me look bad that I just want him for some reason that I can't explain why... Maybe it's because it's him... Finn... he's not like other people and you can see that physically and emotionally, like he freaking have powers... Anyways, not the point. I'll try again later... But this time, I wont give up and just let him walk away, again...'

'I refuse to give up.'

Jeloma's pov:

I browsed my bookshelf full of books, looking for that one particular book I'm looking for, my fingers finally landed the old book.


I blew the dust off the beige colored cover, that faded in time, the title still prominent. I made my way back to my chair behind the table and sat down, placing the book infront of me.

Flipping through the pages until I landed on a certain page I've been looking for.

Alpha's color;

Every Alpha have different colors, and from a historical view, those colors are often seen on the iris' of their eyes.

The color of the eyes often are tinted as they grow up or they're naturally born with them...

The colors of an Alpha are commonly; Turquoise or Purple

I looked up from the written words that I've probably read a hundred times now, hoping that somehow it would explain his color, but it barely helped.

I sighed in frustration, 'I can't help him if I don't know what his color meant...'


His parents are indeed powerful people but it doesn't explain why he's so... Uncommon... There are other families that is much more powerful than Maria and Alex, and on Finn's case... It doesn't make sense...

It seems like he's the most powerful yet. But, why?

I looked out the window from my chair and across the room where the open view of the outside, is shown.

"Gold..." I mumbled under my breath, trying really hard to figure it out.

His parents were both Alphasins... And that could explain it, but like I said... There are still much more powerful people than them.

Then suddenly an idea popped in my head, 'people... Humans! His been with humans for atlease seventeen years of his life and he must've addapted something, that alphas cant do here.'

For centuries, not a single Alpha lived, nor traveled across the other world, and it must mean something... I just don't know the final answer, yet.

'I'll ask him... Hopefully he'll answer truthfully.' As I thought of that, Gergahi came in the room.

"General..." He trailed off.

I started to feel concerned, "What is it, Gergahi?"

He took a moment to release a deep sigh, "I... I tried to uh... I tried to cross the boundary..." He trailed off.

My brows furrowed in confusion, "Where are you going here, Gergahi?" I questioned, thinking for the bad.

"I-I somehow can't cross to the other side." He finished, looking everywhere but me.

My eyes widened, 'Oh Lord... What are we gonna do...' I thought, internally panicking. "Do you have any idea why?"

He reluctantly shook his head in response. Then I remembered something... Or someone.

Waseha hurriedly handed me the basket where the sleeping baby is bundled up in a quilt, unaware of the crisis surrounding him.

"You must cross now!" Waseha urgently spoke, as I look at him in confusion.

"What's happening?"

"The brothers are having a battle... And we can't keep the baby around here, or he's gonna do something horrible to him." Waseha responded while ushering me inside the cottage, shutting it close then locking it.

He looked bqck at me with a stern gaze, "Listen, Jeloma. This is really urgent, we can't keep him around here, Queen's order and that's final."

I nodded my head, "Alright... But where am I gonna leave him?" I asked, suddenly feeling sympathy for the sleeping child... That would soon probably lose his parents.

He sighed, frustratedly, "That's the thing... We don't know... But we trust you Jeloma, we trust you to take him to the right people that will accept him of what he is."

Suddenly a hoard of footsteps was heard from outside causing the cottage to shake, and dusts falling from the ceiling.

His eyes widened in panic, "Wolf." He mumbled under his breath, his face paled.

Then he stalked forward into me and took the basket from my hand and pushed it gently on my chest, causing me to hold it in place with both of my hands.

"You have to go, You have to cross to the other boundary before he forces a field that will make you jump back." He sternly said.

"Wait- EARTH?!" I exclaimed, He nodded his head, eyes closed.

"Just do it, Jeloma. We don't have another choice, you gotta leave." He practically pleaded.

I nodded my head once, a look of determination etched on my face, "Alright..."

At that I spun around, my surroundings spinning, the basket still clutched to my chest as I waited for my arrival to Earth...

My face paled... The same way Waseha's did, 'We can no longer cross...' "Gergahi... I'm afraid we... We can no longer have access to cross." I announced, looking down.

"What? What are we gonna do? How is he gonna be able to teleport here?" He frantically asked, I looked up at him, to see his eyes wide as saucers.

"I- I don't know... We can't come and send him messages if this is the case... I'm afraid we failed..." I lowly said.

"No! We're not failing now, we fought for our justice and that's what we're gonna do, and I know we'll find a way... Or atleast he'll atleast acknowledge the suffering of this world.

I nodded my head, agreeing to his words... 'I beg you to understand, Finn... We beg you...'

Zelah's pov:

"She's not giving up..." I announced.

Her eyes lit up in confusion and worry, "Why won't she?"

"From what I've seen... She seem to be more than just like him... It seems to me that she wouldn't just give him up." I explained.

Earlier, I dressed up as their waiter to be able to snuck in (their lack of security made me roll my eyes), and possibly read all their minds.

Especially the brothers... The Duffers to be exact, that we later on found out that they now know, not only his powers... But his plan to leave Earth.

I don't get it... Even his own family doesn't even know... Anyway, back to the point, After I read the thoughts of the Duffers which is all about the change of plans of their show.

It amazes me how almost, both of them have linked brains that like they both can think about the same thing without even telling the other.

Back to Millie. I decided to read her mind... The same time she thought about those, er... Thoughts...

It scares me but at the same it fascinates me how determined she is to achieve a goal, that she know is almost impossible.

But here she is... Making a plan. "What do you want me to do?" I asked, as I looked at Plena's facial expression. Her brows furrowed her index on her lips while her thumb is under her chin, supporting her head, while she looked far away, seemingly deep in thought.

"We can't stop her... We can't approach her either. Curse the Delmi rules..." She mumbled the last part to herself.

It's true... We can't approach any human, physically, unless if it is an order from the royal king or queen themselves... This rule is very important to Delmi, that should not be broken by anyone.

But others... Like the people with an ability that can teleport... Doesn't even need a permission to approach a person.

It doesn't make sense... But what even make sense? I nodded, agreeing to her. Then the older woman thought for awhile before speaking her mind, "Alright... Here's what we're gonna do..." The planning begins.

The plan of how we can somehow stop her... The plan to make her stop liking him or make him avoid her till the day of departure.

Finn's pov:

Me, the cast and the Duffers finally finished dinner and now we're on our way to some arcade the Duffers suggested and so here we are, sitting at the party van that the Duffers own.

I looked beside the window to see different colored lights we pass by at the cold night of April, different silhouette of buildings noticeable.

The tinted window not allowing from outside to see us. I then moved my head to Millie, that is seated across from me, sitting between Sadie and Caleb.

We all are basically smushed together by the lack of space, even in this big van. I looked at her intently, as her gaze is down on her phone laughing with Sadie and Noah at what she showed them on the bright screen illuminating her beautiful facial features.

I softly smiled to myself, forgetting about all my problems for a few seconds as my focus is stayed on the beautiful woman sitting across from me, all happy and enjoying her time.

Suddenly, the car halted, as Joe slowly manoeuvre the van around to park it infront of the one story building with neon strip lights, lighting the bold letters of its building name.

"Alright, we're here!" Joe spoke in enthusiasm, before opening his car door then jumping out.

We all soon after piled out, finally can breath properly after the suffocating space we have to be in.

We all entered the building, the warmth of the heater hit my body, causing a shiver down my spine as I looked around.

Like any other arcade, it got different types of game machines that needs a token of some sort to activate and a counter that have game consoles displayed inside a glass below it.

"You guys do what you wanna do, you all are big enough to take care of yourselves, so shoo." David stated humorously, before separating from the group and off to one of the machines.

I mentally shrugged, then following Joe, Natalia, Maya and Charlie... 'Alright, time to say goodbye without being to obvious.' I thought to myself.

Standing behind them, "Hey..." I spoke up, 'fuck... This is awkward.'

"Oh, hey Finnlard. What's up?"Joe responded, as he's the first to notice my presence.

"Nothing, just wanted to hang ou with you guys." I shrugged, trying to play it cool.

"Alright..." Natalia responded, obviously getting suspicious. My eyes mentally widened.

I cleared my throat before speaking, "You guys know that I love you guys, like big siblings, right? And I love hanging around with each and everyone of you,"

They gave me looks, "What?" I spoke up.

It stayed silent for atleast five seconds before thankfully Maya broke it, "Is something wrong?"

I quickly shook my head, trying to cover it up, "No, of course not, just you know... Wanted to let y'all know that." I said, trying to keep my voice from wavering or that would totally give me away.

Thankfully they seem to buy it, "You're acting a bit weird, though..." Charlie pointed out.

I grinned goofily, "I'm always weird." At that they burst out laughing and I soon joined them.

Millie's pov:

I looked at him from across the room, but my gaze soon broke when Sadie came up behind me, "What are you gonna do, Mills?" She questioned.

Turning around to her, my eyes widened, " H-how did you know I'm gonna do something?" I asked, utterly surprised.

She just shrugged, "It's obvious, you've been staring at him all night, and you have this thinking face that always prove you're planning about something."

My mouth fell open 'Am I that obvious?' "Alright! Shush... Keep it low, I'll explain it to you, but you got to not tell anyone about this."

Her eyes lit up in excitement, "Yes! And alright." She spoke with enthusiasm but at the same time her voice low.

Then I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder then Noah's head popping between us, "What is the gossip," He whispered.

I quickly moved away accidentally falling on my butt but quickly composing my self and dusting off my skirt, "N-nothing, i-it's nothing!" I stuttered.

"Your stuttering says otherwise, Mills. And I'm tired of being always excluded from you two's girl talks, c'mon let me join." He whined,  stomping his foot like a five years old.

I rolled my eyes, as Sadie just smirked silently behind Noah, "Nope, not happening." I declined, with the shake of my head.

"please~" He pleaded, with a poor attempt of doing puppy eyes.

"Noah, no. You'll just say it out loud after I tell it to you." I crossed my arms on my chest, pointing out the obvious.

He scoffed, before walkibg away, mumbling about something under his breath. I then turned back around to Sadie who's looking at me expectantly, "Girl... Tell me." She demanded, before pulling me to the bathroom then locking it.

She then looked back at me, giving me a look saying to go on.

I took a deep breath, "So remember what you said to me earlier?? I asked, she nodded her head excitedly, already knowing where this is going but just want to hear it from me.

"I decided to y'know... Try it again for the third time, now..." I shyly spoke, feeling my cheeks heating up.

She squealed, "AH! YES! But how are you gonna do this?" She questioned.

I thought about that for awhile... "I honestly have no idea... Help me?" I asked, well... More like pleaded as I looked up.

She then grinned, "Yeah... I'll help, let's do this." She confirmed.

But before we could go out, I asked one thing that's been bugging me about this whole plan, "Can I ask you something?" She told me to go on.

"Do you think I seem desperate chasing after a guy?" I asked.

She quickly shook her head, now holding both my shoulders, "No. Absolutely not, You're not desperate you're just doing what is right. He can't see that so you step up to show him, and that's why this is happening. So don't ever think you're desperate chasing after a guy, becausd you're not chasing him to start off... You're trying to open his sleeping eyes." She sternly explained.

I smiled softly, "Alright." I spoke, feeling determined as ever now.

"Now once again, let's do this!" She exclaimed grasping my hand then pulling me out the bathroom and back to group.

I'm glad I have Sadie.

Twenty-sixth chapter, done!

So sorry! I needed to catch up with school and so here I am.

Thanks for reading!

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