Golden Future (Prince Nuada f...

By WhileFalling

25.6K 743 264

By accident, Elise stumbled upon a strange elven man in the tunnel system underneath the city. She quickly be... More

~ Welcome ~
One; a meeting
Two; 'the fool'
Three; cherries
Four; puzzle
Five; golden object
Six; the tiniest cog in the machine
Seven; our loyalties shape us
Nine; the beauty of touch
Ten; the spear of truth
Eleven; evening by fire.
Twelve; confusion reigned by gold
Part thirteen; golden sun

Eight; murky waters

1.4K 52 24
By WhileFalling

Thank you for reading so far as this.

Sleep did not help much with anything. The headache from the day before was somehow worse when I swung my legs over the edge of the bed. The bed was fine, a little too soft compared to what I was used to, but at least I was rested. A familiar growling made the presence of hunger known. Feeling glad I could wear something clean, warm and fresh, I picked out one of the long dresses from the wardrobe. A dark green one. Its fabric was smooth, similar in feel to silk or polyester. Knowing that the two siblings belong to the royal family, I did not doubt each dress was of a natural fibre and of good quality too. It had tiny buttons down the front that provided a real struggle for my long nails, and comfortable flared sleeves.

The small creature from the day before waited outside the door. Apparently they had been waiting for me, as they took hold of my skirt and guided me toward another door, towards the beginning of the hallway. The door was open just a crack, the voices of the siblings drifted outside. Once we reached it, they let go and gestured me to go in. I moved my hand to the doorknob, but the heated voices of Nuada and Nuala stopped me.

"- least give her a chance," it was Nuala's voice. "Even if you get what you want, nothing will change while your heart remains cold."

Nuada replied, his voice hoarser than usual. "Sister, my heart does not need some human," spoken with venom, then his voice got quieter, "as it is perfectly content with just us."

Some noises I couldn't entirely place. A bump. Words whisper-yelled in Bethmoorian. Just as I realised I could not keep standing there, with tears clouding my vision, the door was yanked from my grip by Nuala. Her eyes widened in surprise as she physically bumped into me. Without saying anything, she hurried off to her own room. Being spotted by Nuada instantly, it was not an option to just ignore the hunger and leave, so I swallowed the lump in my throat and entered the small kitchen.

All surfaces were made of a light-coloured wood. It appears the siblings were having breakfast with oatmeal and something that smelled like Belgian waffles. There was a small wooden table, dented and marred with use, in the middle of the space. On the kitchen counters was a small cooking set. Pans hung from hooks on the wall. Above it, there was a shelf with glass jars and ceramic pots; jam, marmalade, sugar, flour, salt, herbs and so on.

Shifting my gaze to Nuada, I was the one who spoke first, after clearing my throat. "Is the Princess alright?" I gestured to the door through which she disappeared. Feigning ignorance seemed to be the best course of action – until I could go home.

Nuada did not meet my eyes, said: "We have our disagreements, but we do not love one another any less."

"I assume that is normal for siblings." I said, swallowing a second time as I started rummaging for food available. It would help if they properly welcomed me in this unfamiliar space. "What food can I eat?"

"Anything," said the Prince, with a dismissive gesture, still preoccupied by his thoughts.

There were warm waffles on a plate covered by a cloth. I helped myself. And to some marmalade. A sweet breakfast to help with the headache. With a shove, Nuada had pushed himself from the table and stood up.

"I will be at the library." then left and shut the door, not giving me, with a mouthful of waffle, the chance to reply.

What a cozy morning, such good company they are, I thought to myself, in an attempt to raise my spirit. At least the food was good. There had been little time to myself the past few days. Almost as if either one or both kept watch over me. Or it just happened to be that way. I finished the food and cleaned up after myself.

Lacking anything else to do, I cleaned the surfaces with warm water and the block of soap by the sink. I never wanted to return home more than I did at that moment. Nuada said so himself, he is not looking for someone like me; human, fragile, greedy, destructive... As someone so old, he was just playing that day when he tried to keep me from seeing Brian. And I, foolish, thought more of it. I slammed the pan in the sink with unnecessary clatter. I can put two and two together. Nuala wanted me here, not Nuada. It must be so annoying to him, to have such an inferior creature in his palace, helping themselves to the royal marmalade. Scrubbing it with the hard sponge, I became more and more pissed off. Here – in some ridiculous underground palace that no one apparently inhibits anymore, absolutely stuck, missed a deadline that I worked very hard on, all because two idiot siblings (very sorry Nuala) thought it was fun to knock me out and drag me along to another continent??

I was debating to 'drop' one of the plates, but decided that that was not how my mother raised me, however I did slam every possible drawer and doors while cleaning up.

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