Risen: Beginning of a Legacy

LauraLouiseWrites tarafından

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Hidden within the world of mortals, the offspring of legends, of immortals and those beings thought to be onl... Daha Fazla

Chapter One: Evangeline
Chapter Two: Marguerite
Chapter Three: Evangeline
Chapter Four: Evangeline
Chapter Five: Alecto
Chapter Six: Satan
Chapter Seven: Orion
Chapter Eight: DeeDee
Chapter Nine: Orion
Chapter Ten: Heca
Chapter Eleven: Evangeline
Chapter Twelve: DeeDee
Chapter Thirteen: Evangeline
Chapter Fourteen: Evangeline
Chapter Fifteen: Satan
Chapter Sixteen: Evangeline
Chapter Seventeen: Luther
Chapter Eighteen: Evangeline
Chapter Nineteen: Uriel
Chapter Twenty: DeeDee
Chapter Twenty One: Heca
Chapter Twenty Two: Evangeline
Chapter Twenty Three: Evangeline
Chapter Twenty Four: Evangeline
Chapter Twenty Five: Alecto
Chapter Twenty Seven: Evangeline
Chapter Twenty Eight: Heca
Chapter Twenty Nine: Satan
Chapter Thirty: Morgana
Chapter Thirty One: Uriel
Chapter Thirty Two: DeeDee
Chapter Thirty Three: Evangeline
Chapter Thirty Four: DeeDee
Chapter Thirty Five: Heca
Chapter Thirty Six: Evangeline
Chapter Thirty Seven: Evangeline
Chapter Thirty Eight: Evangeline

Chapter Twenty Six: Proteus

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LauraLouiseWrites tarafından

Proteus was always late. As he huffed along next to his cousin, they finally made it to the clearing where their friends were already dotted around a warming bonfire.
     Despite the returning Masters, one of which, Master Delacruz; who almost refused to let them out the gates of Warriod because of their tardiness, their uncle had made a good case for them. Now, stepping into the warm orange glow of the impromptu bonfire party, Proteus was glad to have such a revered uncle in his family tree.
     'Great job getting Uncle Elroy to set this up.' he said, clapping Cay on the back.
     'You know me cuz, anything for a good time,' came the reply to which Proteus grinned.
     As a chorus of hello's greeted him and Cay, he plonked himself down next to Zeru and took the can of cider he offered. The evening was crisp, but this became muted as the warm flames heat curled around the clearing.
     Proteus always liked being outside. The forest was bursting with life, with protection. The earth under him was coarse, and yet comfortable as he settled back, listening to Blair and Zeru argue over superhero movies.
     On his other side, Cay attempted conversation with the candidate who had given him his tattoos. The girl was shy, challengingly so, and if his cousin enjoyed one thing more than his training, it was a challenge. Proteus watched the wind ripple the trees, he rolled out the tension in his shoulders as the shadows deepened and muted the colour of green around them.
     The leaves and branches rustled and creaked as a background soundtrack to the chatter all around him. He shot a smile and nod towards Heca, who sat across from him, clearly absorbed in the debate going on between himself, Evangeline and Adonis. Proteus smiled; the guy was totally into that girl.
     The wind picked up. Beneath his hands, the earth itself seemed to cool, as if the warmth needed to retreat deeper into the ground. With a glance at the trees about them, even they seemed to be curling up, protecting themselves from the cooling air and sense of distress filling the forest. As if she knew trouble was coming. Proteus shook his head and put the can of cider aside.
     Thinking of the earth as a she, a living being? What a freaky train of thought that had just been; it kind of creeped him out. What was wrong with his brain, analysing like that? He stood up, needing to walk off the goosebumps that had just erupted up along his neck.
     Abruptly, his right palm started to sting, the skin felt hot, irritable. He ground his teeth, stretching out his fingers and tried to shake the sensation away. As he moved away from the fire, rubbing at the spot of his sudden pain he nearly bumped into Morgana, who was flitting about the clearing. Always moving, and rushing about, the girl could never just be still. Orion moved with her, the pair clearly playing some sort of flirtatious game of tag.
     'Oop, sorry Proteus. Didn't see you.' she grinned.
     'No worries. I was distracted.' Proteus replied.
His hand was on fire. He winced, clenching said hand. The world around him let out a low groan. The dirt under his feet gave a subtle shudder that he sensed from the base of his feet, up his legs to coil in a worrying knot in the base of his stomach. Proteus surveyed the clearing around them as he felt the first drops of rain.
     'You okay?'
Morgana was looking at him with a crease in her brow.
     'Fine... I'm alright, I think I put my hand in some nettles or something. Burns like a bugger.' he offered, distractedly.
     His mind was on the world around them. The area seemed too quiet, the trees too still. Without warning the sky awoke, thick sheets of rain, grumbling wind and loud claps of thunder stormed into action above them within a matter of minutes. Screams and outburst rose to meet the clashes and drumming of the downpour.
     Proteus watched as the gathering broke apart and pockets of people began dashing for the academies. He looked about for Cay but the guy was already vanishing into the tree line, the Angelus candidate at his side. Proteus grinned. Ever the knight in shining armour.
     Proteus sought protection under the canopy of a cluster of trees, watching everyone leave, waiting to make sure no one remained. Evangeline and Heca spotted his action and as they tugged DeeDee to follow them, Heca nodded at Proteus, wordlessly leaving him in charge of the last few students.
     'Thinking about breaking out the Gene Kelly?' Blair joked from behind him.
     'No no, I don't do dancing, just admiring the speed at which a thunderstorm can ruin a party.' Proteus quipped.
Proteus shifted, falling into step beside Zeru as they moved onto the woodland paths last, the empty area almost a sad sight as the rain lashed onto the ground.
     'Anyone else concerned about where this storm came from?' Proteus asked as they struggled on. Blair glanced at Proteus; a questioning look shot his way.
     'What would make you think that?' Blair shouted over the noise.
Proteus shrugged; in truth he was as confused as Blair's face suggested. The world around him was moaning, crying out at the destruction the storm was inflicting. And for Proteus, his hand still burning, he felt the earth's cry so acutely it was terrifying him that he was so aware of it in his chest.
     Blair cried out, tripping over a mess of roots and sprawling to the ground. The group paused, reaching down to help Blair to his feet.
     'Ah, ow, shit, my ankle.'
His face was the image of pain. Adonis appeared next to them as he stumbled through the darkening undergrowth. His flashlight splintered the pressing dark as the crescendo of the raging storm heightened.
     He was as soaked as the rest of them but handing over his flashlight, Adonis slung his arm around Blair and took most of the warrior's weight, tugging him from the floor.
     'I thought the term was April showers?' he joked.
As they moved, he gave Blair an understanding jostle who was gritting his teeth against the pain. Proteus smiled, as he swung the flashlight over their path. Zeru was beside Blair, worry lining his face. Proteus saw the quick squeeze he gave Blair's hand. Proteus smiled to himself as his friend gripped Zeru's hand back for a moment. Good for them.
     'I have something we can use as a brace in my rucksack...' Zeru suggested suddenly, he reached behind him only to moan. 'Crud, my rucksack!'
     'Nevermind, let's move.' Adonis said, adjusting Blair so they could travel faster.
     'No, I have to go back for it. My medication is in there.' Zeru exclaimed.
     Proteus glanced at Adonis, the storm seemed to have set into its maximum phase and the group were already soaked to bone, the darkness couldn't press any tighter.
     'I'll go with you.' Proteus offered.
     'Stay safe, and hurry.' Blair instructed.
The group parted ways in a rush of movement. The lightning overheard cracked and light split the darkness, for a moment. Proteus glimpsed the mud, now mushy and slick, splattering tree trunks, and the groan of them urged for haste.


Proteus and Zeru fought their way back to the clearing. When they reached its centre, the turbulent weather had become a physical being, a tempest attacking their every step.
     'Holy cow!' Zeru gasped.
His breathing was hitched and raspy, worry etched deep in his eyes. The pair groped around until Zeru found his rucksack. He ripped into it grabbing at an inhaler. Proteus was in full Warrior mode and the rising danger alarm in his chest consumed him. His hand pulsed a warning.
     A cracking groan alerted them both as a myriad of tree branches ripped from their homes and crashed through the canopy of leaves, heading straight for the clearing floor. Proteus sprang into action and hurled himself at Zeru, knocking the guy left. He gripped him as they tumbled away, squelching through the mud. The branches crashed into the ground, sinking a little into the soft sludge.
     Zeru panted, clapping Proteus on the shoulder in thanks. The thunder roared overhead and if possible, the darkness almost sliced at Proteus' body. He struggled to his feet. Then, amidst the onslaught of noise, he heard it. The dark, daemonic call, the words of the Heh-el playne, of His malevolence and cruelty swirling amongst the storm's melody.
     Proteus whirled around, trying to see the source of the chanting. For the briefest moment, the shadows parted in their writhing and he thought he glimpsed a person, or at least an outline of a male stood watching the dark storm rage.
     Pain laced his legs and he shouted out. As shadows pressed in and the moment passed, Proteus doubted his eyes, pushing the sight out of his mind.
     Dark tendrils, which Proteus could not see, had begun to curl around him, but found they were unable to penetrate. Proteus grunted; slumping to the ground as the skin on his right palm exploded in heat and pain.
     His body folded in around his hand, the pain pulsing within as he gave into the need to scream. But Zeru beat him to it. The guy yelled out, his arms swiping out at invisible attackers.
Proteus tried to scramble to his side, but the candidate's eyes were rolling back and he cracked Proteus in the jaw to keep him back.
     'Stop! Stop, it's not my fault, I didn't choose to be-- no no, please. I--'
Zeru screamed again, pushing to his feet and took off running, his arms wrapped over his head covering his ears.
     Proteus struggled to stand in the ever-increasing sludge, unaware that the satanic chanting had ceased or that the tendrils had been smothered. Dragged off himself and Zeru and suppressed into the liquid, muddy earth.
     'Zeru stop!' Proteus cried out as he chased after him, thankful to catch up in a few hefty strides. In the stormy night, he flailed out a hand, grabbing at Zeru, 'Ze, come on, buddy, talk to me!' he shouted.
     He watched horrified as Zeru's eyes rolled back and he passed out. The final act of the storm began, raging about them as all of Zeru's deadweight slumped into Proteus. He yelled out for help as the extra weight made him stumble. Without free hands to stop them, Proteus and an unconscious Zeru tumbled down a hidden lip, sliding down into a sunken part of the forest floor.
     Down they fell, crashing into tree stumps, collecting a patchwork of leaves as they went. Proteus groaned as they finally stopped in a heap of muddy limbs. He gasped, tempted to lie there, in the soft embrace of the earth until the storm passed.
     A crunching, tumbling roar grumbled from far beyond Proteus' eyesight, changed his mind about lying still. Louder and louder above the storm it rumbled, until it was all Proteus could hear. Adrenaline drained away and fear gripped him. The ground around him quaked, the gritty earth smell of rushing mud, preceded the monster thundering towards them. Proteus, gripped Zeru's body closer, crouching over him. There was no time, nowhere to hide; at the base of this haphazard hill, as if the gully marked two parts of the forest meeting, was where they were going to die.
     'Oh gods...'
Proteus whispered.His hands fisted, and his thoughts steeled. Please don't let me die here. He didn't know who he was praying to, who exactly he was asking for protection, only that in this pandemonium; protection was all he needed, wanted.
     His right hand went white hot, as if he was being branded and Proteus screamed. Unfurling his fingers, he blinked away the tears of pain. A bolt of lightning struck the earth mere feet from him and Zeru, and in its light he saw a symbol blazing in his skin. An ear splitting groan of collapsing trees and rushing mud focused him. As the towering mudslide thundered home, Proteus crouched over Zeru and on instinct threw out his right hand, bellowing.
     'Protect me!'
He envisioned the mud passing them, the earth curving away from him and Zeru, protecting them from the crashing wave of mud and forest rubble.
     What felt like an eternity passed before he dared to open his eyes, and when he did Proteus nearly shut them again, so he didn't have to process the sight before him. The mudslide was indeed careening past them.
     An arcing wave of sludge rose up from the ground just beyond his outstretched palm, the symbol on it beating warmth in time with his heartbeat. The earth curved like his brain had foolishly commanded, the wave of it curving up like a dome, stopping the landslide from burying them.
     The mud slowed. Proteus sensed the change of pace... Before his vision confirmed it. He brought his palm down so it faced the ground and slowly brought his arm down, watching as the earth responded, the protective dome around himself and Zeru collapsing back into the ground.
     As the earth returned to its place as part of the forest floor, Proteus felt the connection between himself and it, fade. Until the presence within his body was only a quiet whisper in the back of his mind.
     'Whoa...' he muttered, tumbling backwards onto his ass in stunned exhaustion.
     'I'll say.' Zeru mumbled on a groan as he sat up, glancing about, he added, 'so, the gift of protection's your element then?'
     'I guess it is.'Proteus traced the new tattoo on his palm.
The pain had gone but a new aspect of his training had just begun.


Dawn broke, and Proteus woke slightly refreshed, but cold and still slightly sodden from the rain. Zeru was already fidgeting beside him.
     'I'm not sure if the mud will hold us climbing on it.' he offered as a good morning.
     'Probably not.'
Proteus blinked, the events of the previous night jumping into his thoughts. He sat up, opening up his palm to look at the new marking on his skin.
     'It's the Alchemy symbol for earth.' Zeru informed him.
     Proteus glanced at the Angelus to be. He flexed his hand a little and then tentatively rubbed his palms together.
     'Cool, I guess. Shall we try it out?' he asked.
Proteus stood, placing his hand on the wall of mud to their left. He focused. He focused harder than he had on anything before this moment and willed the drying mud to part. Like he had done the previous night, he imagined himself manipulating the terrain so it flattened, bent to his will and moved away from them.
     His personality had always been steady, calm. He was protective of all he came to care for, and he knew Zeru was hurt, the unsteady, raspy breathing told him the Angelus candidate was trying to keep his panic in check.
     Proteus felt his hand shudder, heat coiled around the marking, seeping deep into his soul. He shouted out, bringing his other hand to the wall of mud and on his determined exhale the earth shuddered and bent, the mud parting as he turned his hands so his palms faced alternate sides of the gully he was creating.
     'Come on.' he grunted, unsure how long he could manipulate the ground.
     Ten minutes later and Proteus was sweating from places he didn't know could sweat. His head pounded and all the muscles in his arms throbbed from exertion. As Zeru pointed out the end of the mudslide's wake, the pair of them dashed out of the ravine of dirt. The shuddering grumble of earth followed them. Proteus panted, his hands against his knees.
Proteus and Zeru jumped. Heca, Evangeline and Cay all stood open mouthed several mounds of hill above from him and Zeru. Master Rivas; already scaling down the hillside towards them, gripped an emerging root and leaned down. He stretched out a hand to help the two of them back onto the forest track that led to the academies.
     Proteus reached out his right hand to the Master after Zeru was safely out of harm's way. Master Rivas paused before gripping it, taking in the addition.
     'Congratulations Warrior Proteus. Quite an achievement.'
The words had an instant effect. Proteus felt himself become soothed and the tightness in his body relaxed for the first time since his hand had begun to hurt the day before. As he climbed up to the path, his feet back on, relatively safe ground, his mind came full circle and he felt the right track was again the one he walked.Evangeline and Cay crowded him, both reaching for his hand. Their personalities so similar he almost chuckled as they jostled each other to get the first look.
     'This is so cool.' Evangeline beamed, her finger tracing the marking, 'did it hurt?'
     'Like you wouldn't believe, I now know how branded cows feel.'
     'Well, be thankful it wasn't on your ass then.' she teased.
     'Seriously cuz, this is major, I mean, this has gotta be a record. No warrior has gained their elemental oath so fast; you beat Delacruz's time by like a year!' Cay exclaimed.
The group trudged away from the mudslide debris and out towards one of the main tracks back to Warriod.
     'He is gonna be pissed.' Heca chipped in, grinning at Proteus, clapping him on the back.
     'You were incredible Proteus, you saved my life.' Zeru concluded, glancing at the group. 'Really, I don't know how to thank you.' he murmured.
His pace slowed. Proteus paused then slung his arm around Zeru and tugged him forward.
     'I'll put it on a tab for you, I'm sure one day a horde will have my back to the wall and you can step in.'
     Zeru turned his mismatched eyes to Proteus and finally a tired smile lifted his features. As Heca, Cay and Evangeline began debating amongst themselves the new development, Proteus muttered,
     'And the screaming incident, we can keep that between us if you want.'
     'For today at least, let's do that.' Zeru agreed.


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