Our Strange Love

By Asiansmessedmeup

248K 12.1K 1.7K

Gulf and Mew have been married for 5 years now, but they've been together for 7. Gulf is Mew's baby and a go... More

Their Styles
Their Home
Excuse Me
A Dog
Yes or No?
A Trip?
Chocolate chip cookie
What the Hell!?
Halloween PT.2
Birthday Party Pt. 1
7 Years Ago...
Birthday Party Pt.2
Gulf's Birthday Pt. 1
5 Years Ago...
Inside Cabin
Scared Hubby
Christmas Preparation
Christmas Day
Acquired Knowledge
Last Day
Back Home
Surprise Hubby and New Friends
Asking the Hubby
Meeting Xia Yao
Meeting the Guards
Mew's Birthday
Baby Shower and Surprises
Lies and Capture
Pain and Soreness
Due Date
Thanya and Thonya
Gulf's Parents
~Our Journey Begins~
My Psycho Baby
Cutie's Bad Boy


3K 185 63
By Asiansmessedmeup

~Gulf's POV~

ime skips

~2 months later~

"Mommy! I can't sleep!"

My baby spiders are 2 and a half months old now and they can barely sleep through the night without crying at least once.

"I know my little spider but I told you babies need a lot of attention and care. They'll sleep soon. Go back to your room."

It's early August and my little spiders are going back to school in 2 weeks. So far my hubby has been helping me by watching over my studio and taking the boys with him to his office everyday.

Sometimes I take my baby spiders with me to my studio to check up on it but I've only done it 3 times so far.

Thorn rubbed his eyes and wandered back to his room while I adjusted my baby spiders on my chest.

I'll feed them then I'll change them before putting them to sleep again.

They attached themselves to my chest and started sucking. I already fed then before they went to bed so I really hope I still have enough milk left.

I can't make them formula while they are crying in my arms.

Thonya started crying again. Thanya is still eating though.

"Thonya, mommy is sorry. I don't have any more milk. Let Thanya finish and I'll make you some formula." I cooed.

Just as soon as I said that Thanya started wailing.


I stood up and tried to rock them when I heard the door open. I looked and saw my hubby holding two bottles.

"You should've woke me up baby."

"You already work enough during the day. You need your sleep."

He took Thonya from me and gave me one bottle.

"And so do you. If this happens again you need to wake me up. I'm here too. I can help you."

"I know but you need your sleep."

"If I'm too tired I can just go to work late or skip a day. It's no big deal. I'd rather help you take care of our princesses than go to work on time."

Soon enough our baby spiders are finished eating and started to yawn.

We burped them and changed their diapers before placing them back in their crib. I made sure their mobile was on and their pacifiers were in their mouths.

"Do you think it'll get cold tonight hubby?"

"Baby, it's almost 3 in the morning. It's going to get hotter soon but just place their blanket over their tummies. If they cold they'll more likely cuddle closer together, if they get hot they'll kick off their blanket. Let's go back to bed."

He dragged me back to our room after turning off the lamp and leaving their nursery. He pulled off my pants and left my shirt on before yanking me over his body in our bed.

"Sleep baby. Don't over work yourself or else I'll be forced to fuck you every night to exhaustion to make you sleep. Love you baby."

I gulped and nodded my head.

"Okay hubby, I'll wake you up if I can't take care of the baby spiders without your help."

I felt a smack on my ass.

"Wrong. You will wake me up if they wake up."

"Okay hubby, love you."

"I love you too now sleep."


~1 year old~

"Ma ma."


I just entered my hubby's office and saw my baby spiders.

I watched as they crawled to me and tried to grasp on my legs.

I squat down to lift them into my arms.

"Hi my baby spiders. Did you behave while mommy was gone?"

I walked over to my hubby to kiss his lips. As soon as our lips touched I felt two hands on my face.


They pushed my face away from his and started to plant their lips on my cheeks. I got drool over my cheeks and I laughed.

"Of course my baby spiders. Daddy doesn't get kisses today. Was daddy a bad daddy?"

My hubby just glared at our babies before pulling me down to peck my lips.

"Mommy is daddy's. My kisses."

I giggled against his lips before he pulled me to sit in his lap.

"Hi baby. How was work?"

"My face kinds hurts from the excessive smiling and I swear my assistant got my shoes size wrong. My feet are killing me. I forgot how tiring runways can be. How much longer till you're done? We need to pick up our little spiders. By the way, Nala asked if we could pick up Type from his dance practice. He's not that far from where Thorn's coding class and Tharn's piano lessons."

"Of course. Let me finish reading over this document and then we can go."

He finished 20 minutes later and we made our way to the car and to our little spiders.

My kids are learning about things they like to do now. Thorn loves coding and things to do with robots and building things. Tharn loves music and he wants to learn every instrument he can. Type loves to dance and sing.

We buckled in our baby spiders and started making our way to Thorn first since he's closer.

Once we picked him up he started his usual chatting.

"Hi! You won't believe what happened today! My teacher gave me a gold star for my coding today! I want to put it with my other gold stars!"

The way we fit all the kids in the car is they sit in the third row. The babies stay in the second row.

Next we picked up Tharn.

He got in and kisses his baby sisters before sitting down and buckling in.

"Hello! I learned a new scale today! My teacher says I'm a natural so I can start learning some music pieces next week!"

Finally we picked up Type. He skipped out of the building and into the car.

"I finally did it! I can do the splits now! I can finally start memorizing the dance routine for the ballet practice next week!"

They are growing up so fast.

"What do you guys want for dinner?"


~3 years later~

The boys are almost 11 and the girls are 4

I got a call from the phone Type recently got and my heart panicked as I rushed there. I'm glad my parents are taking care of the babies today.

I made sure I had the little bag I made a few weeks ago before entering the building.

"Where is the bathroom by the gym?"

"Uh why sir?"

"Because, one if my kids has an emergency and I need to get to him. He said he was in gym class but he needs me right now!"

She gave me instructions and I rushed to the bathroom. As soon I got in I heard sniffles and cries.


"M-mama Gulf?"

"Yes my little spider?"

"I'm scared."

"I know honey but it's natural. Do you need new clothes?"


"Unlock the door so I can help you."

He ran out into my arms and cried.

I let him calm down before giving him the little bag. His gym shorts have red stains on the bottom so I'm going to take him to our home to change.

"What is that mama Gulf?"

"It's a sanitary pad. You need to put it on your underwear so it collects the blood."

"But it's all messy."

"I know, that's why I made a bag for you. It has fresh underwear and a pad."

I showed him how to put it on by using the new pair and then leaving the stall to let him put it on.

After he got out I pulled off my leather jacket and wrapped it around his waist.

"Will mama or papa be mad?"

"No, it's a natural part of growing up. I had mine when I was 12. I'll tell you more about a period when we get home. Where's your bag?"

"In the gym."

"Go to the office and wait for me there. I'll be there soon."

He nodded and went to the office while I went to the gym. I entered and found the coach.

"Excuse me sir, where do the kids keep their bags?"

"Ma'am, you aren't allowed to be in here. If you need something, you can ask the office."

"What I need is Type's bag."

I heard footsteps running towards me.

I turned and saw my kids panting next to me.


"Hi boys, it's an emergency and I need to know where Type's bag is. I have to take him home."

They looked confused but they pointed to a room near us.

"Thank you, go back to class. Daddy will be by to pick you up later."

They kissed my cheeks and ran away.

"What's the emergency that requires you to know where their bags are?"

"Private matters. I just need his bag and I'll go."

I entered the room and easily found his bag and quickly grabbed it before leaving.

Type saw me and stood up while I checked him out.

He looked pale and sick once we got in the car.

"It hurts."

"I know. I'll help you when we get home."

He chewed on the chocolate and once we got home, he was calmer and less scared.

I took him to Tharn's room and went to is closet where some of Type's clothes stay.

My boys have had separate rooms for a little over a year now but it's still weird sometimes.

"Here, it's easier if your comfortable."

I gave him one darker colored hoodie and a pair of dark shorts before he went to change.

He came out dressed and sat on Tharn's bed.

"What's happening to me mama Gulf?"

"Type, it's called a period or menstrual cycle. Once a month for a few days, you will bleed and you will need to wear a sanitary pad."

"Once a month?"

"Yes. You will need to change the sanitary pads every 8 hours and you need to start tracking your period on your phone. It helps you be prepared before your period begins. However, a period also affects your body in a few ways."

He nodded his head and pulled out his phone to let me download the app.

"You will start craving foods and getting hungry easily. You will also experience moods swings and cramps."


"Yes, your tummy will hurt and it will be painful. It helps to have a heating pad to deal with the pain. Does your tummy hurt?"

He looked down and nodded his head.

"Come on, let's go get a heating pad and you can rest in my room."


He spent the rest of the morning laying down in our bed and occasionally crying.

"Type, do you want to go out and get lunch?"

"But my clothes."

"The pad prevents the blood from staining your clothes. If it's too scary, we can get you a bigger shirt or hoodie to cover you."

"Okay, can we get spicy chicken?"

"It's better to avoid spicy food right now. It can hurt your tummy and make your cramps worse. We can still get chicken though."

He pouted but nodded his head.

"Okay mama Gulf. Thank you for helping me."

"Of course my little spider. Anytime."


~1 year later~

Right now we have Thorn, Tharn and Type sitting in front of us all at the ages of 12.

Nala, John, my hubby and I agreed it's time to have this discussion....the sex talk.

"What's going on?" Thorn asked.

"Well, we all decided it's time we tell you guys about something important. About growing up and stuff." Nala said.

"It's about your body and how it changes as you go through puberty." My hubby added.

"What's puberty?" Tharn asked.

"We are about to explain. So, there is a difference in puberty for girls and boys. So listen to us very carefully." I explained.

"So, when a boy goes through puberty, his... privates, will grow and his body will under go other changes. Look at me and papa Mew. We didn't shave for a few days to show you this. Soon, you will have facial and body hair start growing on you. We will teach you how to shave when you start growing facial hair."

"Your body will also grow by getting taller and gaining more muscle mass. You will also need to be aware to shower more and wear deodorant since you will start to stink. Your voice will also get deeper. However, there is one thing you will need to know." My hubby said.

John coughed before he continued his explanation.

"You will also get...horny. When you are horny, your privates will get hard and stand up. It's a natural part of puberty so don't be scared. That is called an erection. To relieve it...you uhh...need to uhh. Mew you can continue."

My boys are looking really red and keep looking down at their thin bodies.

"To get rid of the erection, you need to uhh, masturbate. When you masturbate, you wrap your hand around your privates and umm...you need to move your hand up and down."

"What!?" Both of them exclaimed.

Type looked pale and raised his hand.

"Yes Type?"

"W-what if you d-don't have boy privates?"

"We'll get to that in a minute."

By the time we finished the explanation on puberty, we had to start about sex. The kids all look pale and scared. They keep looking down at their bodies and shivering.

"Now to start the talk about sex."

"What's sex?" Tharn asked.

"Well, we talked about how as you get older your body starts producing more hormones. Sex, is an act where a...penis enters a hole in a person's body....the vagina or the anus."

All of them gasped and screamed.

"I have to put that in somebody!?"

"I have to let that in my body!?"

They started panicking and freaking out.

"Hey, listen to us."

They nodded their heads as they whimpered.

I'm so sorry my little spiders.

The rest of the explanation ended up with Type passed out on the couch.


So yeah, bunches of time skips.

We only have a couple more chapters before this book is over.

As I was writing about the sex talk I was so red and awkward.

Cya in the next chapter lovelies bye-bye 💜💜💜

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