The Legend of Ben 10: Book 1...

By Misaka_Omnitrix

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Earth.. Water... Fire... Air... My grandmother used to tell me the tales of a long lost civilization from lon... More

Prologue: The Vehicle..
The Ladies
All Aboard
Book 1: Sentience, Chapter 1: A Substitute Avatar.
Chapter 1: A Substitute Avatar (Part 2).
Chapter 2: The Girl
Chapter 2: The Girl (Part 2)
Chapter 3: The Nursery.
Chapter 3: The Nursery (Part 2)
Chapter 4: The Chase (Part 2)
Chapter 5: The Tree of Death
Chaper 5: The Tree of Death (Part 2)
Chapter 6: The Death General
Chapter 6: The Death General (Part 2)
Chapter 7: The True Horror
Chapter 7: The True Horror, Part 2.
Chapter 8: Brothers and Enemies (Part 1)

Chapter 4: The Chase

1.8K 68 104
By Misaka_Omnitrix

"Where exactly are we going?" Ben asked as Azula led him further and further down a large flight of stairs. 

"Like I said." said Azula. "To meet the others.."

Azula opened a door at the bottom of the stairs that was glowing orange in the torchlight. The door creaked open to reveal a large red colored arena surrounded  by large hanging banners that were emblazoned with the moon crescent  

Two people were fighting in the center of the room. 

The both of them didn't look much older than Ben.  One of them was a girl with bobbed black hair, her features European, something that Ben immediately noticed in a mostly Asian world. 

She wore Fire-nation style armor similar to Azula's own black armor over read clothing, and she was punching her fists through multiple blobs of what appeared to be green energy in liquid bubble form. 

The glowing green jelly-like bubbles that had glowing energy spheres in their centers were being generated by the hands of a boy who also looked European. He had similar armor, with sandy colored hair and green eyes. 

"Ha! On the ropes now!" The boy exclaimed, grinning. 

"Oh screw you." the girl muttered. 

At that moment Ben realized that she wasn't punching through the energy spheres as the ones that missed her bounced several times like rubber balls before exploding into massive plasma bolts, but the ones that touched her fists disappeared.

Rather she was absorbing them. 

Ben's initial suspicions were confirmed as the girl smacked her hand to the floor and stone armor coated her body. 

"An Osmosian." Ben muttered without thinking.

The boy and girl stopped fighting as the girl grinned, putting a hand on her hip and looking up at Ben. "Hey hey! Somebody knows his aliens. Actually I'm half human. How'd you know?"

"Because Ben Tennyson here is like you." said Azula, causing Ben's spine to freeze from end to end. "He's from your era. "

The girl stared with awe as the boy looked shocked. 

"N-No way, y-you're Ben 10!?" the girl squealed. 

"Y-you." Ben turned to look at Azula. 

"Oh please.. Bob Fire? How dumb do you think I am? And honestly that fool Sokka. I know you're here with the Avatar's friends." said Azula. 

"DAMNIT SOKKA!" Ben wheezed. "Then why!? Why haven't you-?"

"Killed you? Tennyson, you're a valuable asset whose on the wrong side of this war. I don't know what they've told you about me, but the Ladies stand against the Avatar because the Avatar stands against the natural order and righteousness of this world. They're the good guys! Something I'm hoping you'll understand as Earth's former defender yourself." said Azula.  "These two have told me a lot about you."

"Mia!" the Osmosian girl clasped her hands over Ben's hand and shook it, looking nervous and excited. "U-uh, I'm your biggest fan! I've been to all your guest appearances 10 million years ago!"

"The name's Chris, don't expect me to go hug you or anything, but I'm a fan too, I guess." said the boy with a wave. 


"Mia's the only extraterrestrial connection here." said Azula. "Chris is a mutant who gained strange abilities after he woke up from his cryo sleep. You're not the only one who was sleeping Ben. There are others, others out there still from your time."

Ben narrowed his eyes at Azula. "What are you going to do? What is it you exactly want from me?"

Azula shrugged. "Honestly I think I've told you everything. I want you as part of my task force, loyal to me. In return, you get to help me reunite this world under the hands of a humanitarian cause. The Ladies came to this world because it was starving under the rule of the Avatar. He and the Spirits were the real invading force. Think about it. Why is there a spirit world now? That was not originally a part of this planet.  The Ladies work with the Plumbers, they are what's left of it. You know the Plumbers right? The intergalactic Police, they still exist.  Mia's father was a Plumber too."

Ben gritted his teeth. "I see. So you intend to lie to me so you can use me huh?"

"Whatever do you mean?" Azula said. 

"I've traveled with the Avatar's friends, you can't pretend who they are, what they are." Ben exclaimed. 

"They were lied to too. Avatar Aang brainwashed them, it's why I haven't killed them. I will show them mercy and allow them to live their lives. It is Aang who wishes to use them." said Azula. "See..?"

Azula gestured a hand to show several Soldiers holding Toph between them. Her wrists and legs were bound in what appeared to be platinum cuffs. 

The cuffs were undone and the soldiers stepped away from the surprised girl as Azula smiled in a seemingly benevolent way. 

"You see? No harm." said Azula. 

"Don't listen to her Ben!!" Toph yelled. "Azula's cunning! She's trying to manipulate you!"

"Oh please, look at these two members of my task force, they couldn't be happier." said Azula.

"It's true." said Mia. "Me and Chris have been here for a while M-Mr. Ben 10 sir! she saved our lives! I don't know what the trouble is with this Toph person, but-."

"We trust Azula completely. She's our captain. We've seen her give food to the poor and save villages from the tyranny of the rebels under Fire Lord Zuko ourselves." said Chris. "Please, er Ben 10 sir. We could use a hero like you to help us. Help the Matriarch save the Earth."

But Ben was shaking his head. "I've seen the girls you captured, can you explain that?"

Azula sighed. "Those girls were infected with a rare type of disease that we've been trying to deal with. Unfortunately it is highly contagious, so the Ladies can't risk touching them directly. So other methods are utilized in taking and treating them. Many have misunderstood-."

"You really expect me to believe that instantly!?"

Azula smiled, and for the first time Ben felt that she was showing a genuine expression of smiling.  Her cheeks turned pink. "Well, at least believe the fact that we have plenty in common. You and I have much in common. We're both warriors, we're both fighters, and we're both meant to guide this world into tomorrow.  And I'd like to have you at my side. Trust me when I say, I've never seen another person in the same way as I see you. You're genuinely confounding."

Azula took Ben's hand in her own gentle grasp. "I'm sure you understand how I feel."

Ben just stared, feeling shock course through him. "Azula..?"

Toph just puffed up her cheeks, trying not to vomit. "Y-you've GOT to be kidding me."

"BEN!" Katara's voice shrieked into Ben's coms through the Omnitrix. "The Girls.. the Girls are all just bodies for them. The Ladies are laying their eggs in the girls and killing them so that the bodies can be their children's bodies! That's what they're doing!"

Ben stared with shock. 

Azula blinked, looking suspicious. She couldn't hear the coms after all. "Tennyson?"

"You're killing them." Ben whispered. "Killing them so they can be their body suits.."

Azula sighed and stepped away as blue flames began to engulf her fists. "It seems, that we'll need to keep you confined for now."

"L-Lady Azula, we can't-." Mia began. 

"We went over this Mia." said Chris as plasma engulfed his hands. "Azula warned us. He might not understand. We'll need to keep him here till he can-."

"TOPH!!" Ben roared. 

Toph slid her foot forward, and massive spines of stone erupted in a wall between Ben and Azula right as Azula sent her fist forward, firing a powerful blast of blue fire. 

Ben leaped away from the flames licking the stone wall as he slammed a hand against his Omnitrix. 

He transformed into Jetray and soared into the air at supersonic speed. 

Azula gritted her teeth and hurled out a flurry of flaming punches and kicks, sending more blue blasts skyward. 

Jetray flew like a bolt of red lightning, zooming in and out of the way before firing a green neuroshock beam from his tail, creating an explosion at Azula's feet and knocking her back. 

"Jeez!!" Chris caught Azula in his arms as she was knocked back and Mia ran forward right before Toph stepped in front of her.

Toph raised a fist and made a clawed motion with a hand, causing a pyramid of stone spires to erupt around Mia like a cage. But Mia absorbed the rock and smashed through, her body now covered in stone skin,  the earth rumbling beneath her every step. 

She leaped up and aimed a kick at Toph, which she ducked before slamming her hand into the Osmosian girl's stomach, shattering the stone armor with earth bending. 

Toph kicked Mia in the jaw, sending her sprawling. 

But as soon as she did so, Chris was already enveloping his hands in plasma bubbles and flinging them at Toph. 

Toph sidestepped the energy blobs as they exploded behind her in bursts of green plasma. She then raised a stone spire from the ground and sent it sliding forward. 

Chris grinned and smacked his hands together, spreading them out to create as stretchy plasma energy goo shield  between them, stopping the stone spire cold as the energy gum stretched and strained against the rock which melted down as the energy super heated it. 

(Chris's power is based off Bungee Gum that is used by Hisoka in Hunter X Hunter). 

"Ewww, or not? What is that stuff?" Toph asked. 

"Sticky Energy blind girl, sticky jelly energy!" said Chris. "You're out of your league Bender! Our powers are way cooler." 

"Cool doesn't mean strong." said Toph. "And I'm not alone!"

Jetray zoomed down at Chris and grabbed his shoulders in his prehensile talons, throwing Chris through a hanging banner as the boy yelled, ripping the banner down and becoming wrapped like a mummy. 

"Mia." grunted Azula, panting as she stood up, clutching her shoulder. "What do you know?"

"That's Jetray! He can fly really fast and shoot nerve targeting energy beams from his eyes and tail." said Mia. "We'll have to catch him by surprise."

"Surprise hmm?" Azula smirked as she began to make circular motions with her arms, electrical energy trailing from her fingers, right before she sent out a powerful bolt of lightning from two of her fingers with a thrusting motion directly at Toph.

"Eh!?" Toph started to Earth Bend a second too late. The cold lightning was too fast. 

"AGGGGHH!" Jetray soared out in front of Toph, blocking the strike with his back, an explosion erupting over him like burning smoke. 

"BEN NO!!" Toph yelled as Jetray tumbled to the ground, his body smoking

"Th-that's one way to do it I g-guess? I thought we weren't trying to kill them." said Mia tentatively. 

"Jetray is fast like you said, we knew he'd take the blast in time, there was no risk." said Azula simply.

"Right, as you say." said Mia. "Now there's only the Blind Earth Bender."

"I'll deal with her myself." said Azula pleasantly, adjusting her armor straps as she stood up and popped her neck. "The alien boy is one thing but the Earth Bender doesn't do well with your power. She can metal bend too."

"Noted." said Mia. "I'll go help Chris then."

Azula and Toph began to circle one another, Toph still holding her ready Earth Bending stance. 

"Now this is a first, I can't remember any time that the two of us ever went one on one." said Azula. "Katara I've fought, Zu Zu too many times to count, and lets not forget the time I almost killed the Avatar, oh wait I DID kill him, somehow he came back."

Toph clenched her hands into fists. "I'm the greatest Earth Bender in the world, you'll have to do better than that."

"True, I guess I won't hold back!" Azula began to ready another circular gesture for a lightning blast, only for a powerful Neuro shock beam to blast just past her, barely missing. 

"What!?" Azula staggered back to see Jetray hovering nearby. "You took that and just shook it off!?"

"Oh please, I've felt Megawatts hit harder than you! And there was WAY more of them."

Azula scowled and made to start fire bending, but before she could there was another flash of green light and Humungousaur exploded into being in front of her, the ground rumbling as he stepped forward. 

"Stay back! STAY BACK!! STAY BACK!" Azula fired fireball after fireball at Humungousaur, but the blue flames merely parted around his tough armor, not fazing him in the slightest. 

"RAAAH!" Humungousaur stomped the earth with one foot, and the shockwave from the stomp sent Azula flying back and tumbling across the room. 

"YOU!" Azula made to stand up only for Humungousaur to slam his tail against the floor of the arena and block off half the room in a pile of rubble, so whatever Azula said, he didn't hear. 

"You didn't kill her." said Toph. 

"I don't kill people, I save them." Humungousaur growled. 

"The two other kiddos I get, they're like you, they probably don't know what they're doing." said Toph. "But Azula can't be saved. There are lots of people who can't be saved, and she's definitely one of them."

"I won't sink to their level." said Humungousaur. 

Toph gave Ben a sad look. 

"What?" Humungousaur asked. 

"Ben, winning a war without killing people is like trying to make food without arms." said Toph. 

"Then I'll use my damn feet." Humungousaur growled as he turned around and began smashing his way through the stairs leading into the room. "Lets get out of here."

As soon as they reached the surface, soldiers were already running over with swords in their hands as Earth Benders began throwing massive boulders in their direction. 

Humungousaur immediately transformed into Jetray again and the Aerophibian skyrocketed through the air, firing multiple barrages of energy beams, filling the entire section of the city with plumes of smoke, obscuring the vision of all the men present.

As Jetray soared through the air, Toph raised up a massive wall of earth in front of her. "Get down!!"

Sure enough, Toph's tremor senses caught what Ben himself couldn't see, and Jetray soared back down behind the wall as multiple energy beams exploded out of the smoke, reddish in color. 

"Of course they have those." Jetray muttered as the smoke cleared to show rotating dome-like turrets with long silver barrels. "Still, not as advanced as Highbreed stuff. I think if I go Humungousaur again I can clear us a path."

"Civilians are that way though, it's too risky!" Toph exclaimed. 

Suddenly, the sound of a car horn seemed to pierce through the air, as the alternate sound of tires skidding and people screaming drew closer and closer until-.."

"BEEP BEEEEEP!" The Rust Bucket skidded and exploded straight through Toph's earthen wall. 

"WHOOOOOOOO!" Sokka exclaimed, waving his hands in the air, Katara in the shotgun seat. "I LOVE RUST BUCKEEEET!"

Jetray and Toph looked at each other and shrugged. 

Well that worked. 

The Rust Bucket's engine exploded with power as the booster rockets erupted from its hull and both Toph and Jetray leaped inside. 

"FOOOOMMM!" The Rust Bucket exploded into the sky, energy beams glancing off it's hard as Taydenite exterior, rushing straight into the clouds. 

Ben, back in human form, collapsed onto the couch with Toph, the both of them panting in relief while the Rust Bucket slowed down to it's automatic 40 mph cruising speed. 

"That was too close." Ben muttered.

"Really? I think you could've beaten all of them." said Toph.

"Well yeah, but if somebody like a Lady showed up we'd be screwed." said Sokka, looking back from the driver's seat. 

"Uh guys? What does that mean?" Katara asked, pointing at the red flashing light on the Rust Bucket's dashboard with the English words "Impact Imminent" going on and off.

"Oh no." Ben said, right before the Rust Bucket shook violently. 

Energy bolts even more powerful than the ones of the turrets on the ground were firing violently at the Rust Bucket's exterior, as a black ship rose from beneath the clouds like a shark getting ready to violently pounce at its prey. 

It was sleek, smooth, black and around twice the size of the Rust Bucket . It's rectangular shape was offset by it's smooth rounded slanted down front and long black stealth-plane like wings and energy boosters that glowed a dark red. 

"Wh-what is THAT!?" Sokka squealed. "They have a Rust Bucket too!?"

"That's a Military Grade Loboan Stealth shuttle!" Ben exclaimed. "Where did they get that!?"

At that moment a blinking light appeared on the Rust Bucket's dashboard and a holographic image of a screen projected out, showing an image of Azula in a dark cockpit with Chris and Mia behind her. 

"Hello there, well if it isn't all of Zuzu's little friends." said Azula with a smirk. 

"You know technically Zu Zu could be YOUR nickname too." Toph muttered.

"Azula! I take it that thing is yours?" growled Katara.

"Well well, little water bender, it's been a long time." said Azula with a chuckle. "So you lot have found yourselves a new substitute for the missing Avatar, a long lost super hero whom you've thrown a bunch of lies at to get him on your side."

"Ben please! Azula's  right, we're just trying to help others!" exclaimed Mia. "My brother wouldn't want- I mean.."

"C'mon Tennyson! They're lying to you." said Chris. "Come with us! Surrender peacefully and we won't hurt anyone. That flying hunk of junk you're in can't outrun the Shadow Wing.

"Shadow Wing, damnit that's such a cool name." Sokka muttered. 

"Azula's the one lying to you two!" Katara exclaimed. "And if you think you can fool Ben with such a dumb tactic Azula, you don't know a thing about him!!" 

As Azula and Katara exchanged words, Ben looked rapidly around the Rust Bucket, before running over to the driver's seat and then hammering a fist on one of the dashboard controls, shutting off the message.

"What are you doing!?" Katara exclaimed. 

"Putting her on manual." said Ben. "The Rust Bucket can only cruise on auto. If we're going to escape a Loboan Stealth Shuttle we need to fly at full speed!"

"B-but you said you couldn't drive this thing either right!?" Katara asked. 

"I'm better than you or Sokka at least, I learned a bit!" Ben exclaimed. "But we don't have any better options right now! The weapons on that thing will tear Rust Bucket apart!"

"U-UH BEN!! BEN BEN BEN BEN!" Sokka screamed. 

"What!?" Ben yelled

Sokka pointed out the front window. 

Ben looked where Sokka was frantically indicating and his eyes went wide as he saw Lei Lei flying at the Rust Bucket like a bullet, enveloped in lightning. 

"SOKKA TAKE THE WHEEL!" Ben roared as he lunged forward and transformed in a bright flash of green light.

Chilling Winter Spirit: Big Chill

Big Chill turned see through as the giant moth man that Katara and the others had first seen come out of the Rust Bucket when they met Ben, phased straight through the front windshield of the flying vehicle. 

Big Chill flew straight through Lei Lei, causing the giggling Lady to suddenly stop as her entire body froze in a chunk of ice. 

Big Chill turned solid once more before grabbing the frozen Lei Lei and throwing her at the Shadow Wing, 

Lei Lei laughed as the ice around her shattered and she landed gracefully on the hull of the Shadow Wing. "Hey hey hey!! Azulaaaaaaa! I know you're in a tizzy to have Benjy Ben join our merry band, but I think I'll take it from here! Kay kay? Teehee!"

"Lei Lei!?" Azula's voice came out of the stealth shuttle's speakers. "Wait!! Damnit he's mine!"

"Sorry can't hear you over the voices in my head!" Lei Lei exclaimed with vicious merriment as lightning claws erupted from her sleeves and she leaped at Big Chill. 

"Guess we're doing this." Big Chill hissed in his ethereal voice. 

Another flash of green light later and Chromastone was flying at Lei Lei, colliding with her in mid air as he left an ultraviolet light trail where he flew. 

"POW POW POW POW!!" Lei wrapped her legs around Chromastone's head and began hammering her lightning claws into his head, burning shockwaves erupting from each blow. 

But each attack was absorbed into Chromastone's body in an instant as he suddenly burned with light, and an ultraviolet laser sent Lei Lei shooting into the sky.

Lei Lei's body flipped around in the air, adjusting instantly before flying back down at Chromastone. 

"Crazy Electro Lady can fly! Great!" Chromastone yelled as he crossed his arms together and blocked a lightning claw strike. 

Chromastone lashed his arms out, sending Lei Lei soaring back before firing a tremendous barrage of multiple ultraviolet beams from his entire body at the Lady who moved through the air in psychotic looking zig zags, laughing profusely as she dodged each and ever laser, flying as well as Jetray ever did. 

"LOVELY LOVELY LEI LEI'S SPECTACULAR ENTRANCE! YIPEEEEEEEEE!" Lei Lei twirled over next to Chromastone like a dancer, hurling a hyper fast spinning roundhouse kick into the alien's side. 

Another shockwave shook the air, this time not from electricity. Chromastone actually felt his crystaline bones rattle a bit. If he wasn't near invincible, he estimated any other alien of his would've almost turned to jelly. This girl's pure physical strength was almost like Humungousaur's. 

"Now, lets see how you handle.. THIS!" Lei Lei suddenly spun in mid air, throwing a powerful lightning sphere straight at- The Rust Bucket!?

The blast was aimed straight at the Rust Bucket's exhaust ports, meaning it would short out the vehicle's flight systems and cause an instant plummet to the earth below. 

"SHIT!" Another explosion of green light and Jetray soared at hyper sonic speed, slamming his body into the Rust Bucket and tackling it out of the way in just the nick of time. 

Jetray spun around as the Rust Bucket's autopilot righted itself, firing several Neuroshock beams in retaliation. 

Lei Lei laughed as she swiped her sleeves through the neuroshock beams, easily redirecting them with an electric charge. "Gonna have to do better than that Doofus!"

As soon as Lei Lei said the words 'Doofus', Jetray gritted his teeth furiously. "I'll show ya better Dweeb!"

Jetray suddenly froze. Wh-why had he responded like that-?!

"Ohhh no, you're starting to learn just a little too much.." Lei Lei brought her sleeve up to her mask, a shadow going over it. "That just won't do at all, looks like you have to die."

Lei Lei raised a sleeve into the air, and suddenly massive thunderclouds began to gather in the sky, obscuring the very sun itself. 

"Whoa.. whoa.. WHOA!!" Jetray stammered as pillars of lightning and storming winds began erupt from the thunder clouds. 

"Here's a Lei Lei special! Only for when Lei Lei want's to absolutely positively kill you doofus! 

Lei Lei pointed her sleeve down at the Rust Bucket. "Face Judgement-."

A massive bolt exploded down from the sky. A pillar of lightning so powerful, so cold, so intentional, that somehow Jetray knew that if it hit a nuclear bunker, it wouldn't survive. This was Lei Lei's full power unleashed. 


A green light erupted as a new alien emerged from the light. The creature was humanoid with two long black wires with golden plugs on the end growing out of his head, as well as a long black plug wire for a tail.  Plugs were also on the tips of his fingers.  

HIs entire rubber-like coated body was black with a white stripe down his chest, and one large green eye with a rectangular light green pupil glowed on his face. 

 The Messenger of a Bender's Cold Fire, Feedback. 

Feedback hurled out his plug antennae, absorbing the the lightning blast in one go, his wires crackling and his eye glowing bright as the power swelled inside him. 

Feedback hurled out his plug fingers, firing a giant lightning blast that was even more powerful than the one Lei Lei had thrown, his ability allowing him to take absorb any energy attack and fire it back as an even more powerful electric assault. 

Lei Lei let out a vicious roar and slashed a lightning claw formation straight through Feedback's counter attack.

"FEEDBACK!?" growled Lei Lei. "Doofus, you always liked that one WAY too much!!"

Feedback shot at Lei Lei, firing lightning from his finger plugs so that he could propel himself through the air with electromagnetism, giving him a bit of pseudo flight. 

"Honestly, trying to use Feedback to fly!? Hahahahaha! Lei Lei is AMUSED!!" Lei Lei dodged a plug strike from one of Feedback's wires and hurled a kick into the Conductoid's side. 

Feedback had to hold back a scream, puffing up his cheeks in pain as he felt several ribs suddenly break. 

Feedback was sent flying down to earth, exploding across the the forest floor, dragging out a dust cloud. 

"BEN!!" everyone in the Rust Bucket yelled as they pressed themselves to the windows of the Rust Bucket. 

"Hold on!!" Sokka yelled, running to the driver's seat. "I'll drive-!"

"SOKKA YOU CAN'T FLY THIS THING!" Katara screamed. 

Sure enough, the Rust Bucket began zooming around like a crazy dragon fly, slamming straight into the Shadow Wing, also sending it spinning out of control. 

"AAAAAGGHHH!!" Azula fell out of her cockpit as Mia began to vomit into a nearby console and the stealth shuttle was sent hurling straight towards the sun. 

"EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!" Sokka screamed like a girl as the Rust Bucket began shooting to the ground.

Suddenly as the the Rust Bucket began to skim the forest treetops, a massive hand caught it like a baseball mitt. 

Humungousaur grinned as he held the Rust Bucket in his hand

"B-Ben!?" Sokka stammered. 

"Sorry about this, I'll catch up okay guys?" Humungousaur said.  "Rust Bucket, activate Automatic Autopilot Airborn correction."

"Noted." said a computerized voice. 

"Wait.. Ben, if you're thinking what I think you're thinking.. BEN DON'T DO IT!!" Katara yelled. 

"STRRRIIIIIIIKE!" Humungousaur wound his arm up, and using his tremendous boundless strength, threw the Rust Bucket into the sky. 

Everyone in the Rust Bucket screamed as the RV was sent hurling farther and farther across the sky until it was just a pimprick. 

"Hmmm.. about several miles should do it." Humungousaur muttered right as something exploded into the earth behind him. 

Lei Lei rose from a smoking crater, lightning claws extending from under her sleeves, her hair was now neon blue and jagged as if it were made of electric plasma.  "Lei Lei sees you're as predictable as ever! Teehee. Accepting that you're going to die here!?"

Humungousaur grinned. "One last trick up my sleeve. "

He slammed his hand to the Omnitrix Badge on his chest, and four prongs grew from its sides as his body suddenly transformed. 

His skin turned green, his armor grew thicker, his body grew up to twice his normal size. biomechanical armor with metal spikes grew over his back as a spiked morning star erupted from his tail.. more armor encasing parts of his head resembling an ankylosaurian look, his chest also growing metallic armor.. 

"Tsk, Ultimate Humungousaur." Grunted Lei Lei as lightning crackled around her body wickedly. 

Warmonger Ancient Tyrant Dragon: Ultimate Humungousaur.. 

Alien Spotlight: BOLTERGEIST

Ohmtovian Phantasms are known for several things. Their numbers, their aggressive behavior towards outsiders, and numerous nightmares of unfortunate passing lost space travelers.

Ohmtovia is a planet that is more machine than geological world. Comprised of interlocking machines and mechanisms, its believed that Ohmtovia is in fact a living planet with a central CPU being the source of it's vast artificial intelligence. Ohmtovian Phantasms have mastered the ability to merge with the planet's system, manipulating the machines and mechanisms, as well as all organic life by possessing their nervous systems and circuits using the electric-plasma based energy bodies inside their Straightjacket-like outer layers. They tend to possess the ships of those who dare to pass by their world, taking their pilots for horrifying joy rides or possessing the pilots themselves. And woe betide those who step upon the planet's surface and find what appear to be flat and empty belts and cloth and straightjackets with masks lying around. The original owners of those bodies will return soon.

Boltergeist is best described as the Electric Ghost Freak. In his own original body, Boltergeist is capable of manipulating electricity to the point that his power is comparable to Buzzshock. Able to fire lightning bolts, while using his stretchy body to his advantage. He even possesses Big-Chill/Ghost Freak intangibility by manipulating the molecules of his outer body.

Boltergeist's possession power however is a little more technical and strange. For one, he doesn't merge his body to his enemy but rather he leaves his actual body behind, his Straight Jacket-like skin falling limp and flat to the ground like a deflated balloon when his invisible electromagnetic body automatically goes into the nearest target (it cannot stay outside of the body by itself without possessing something automatically). Whether its an electronic device, or an organic life form (even a tree!) Boltergeist merges with nervous systems, machine circuitry, even dead bodies, and gains the ability to manipulate them with enhanced abilities. Machines can generate limbs made of electric plasma, float and even fire limited forms of Boltergeist's electric power. And humans possessed by Boltergeist possess enhanced strength and speed on the level of DNAliens.

Unfortunately there are limits. For instance, harming Boltergeist's original body while he possesses another can still harm him. And Boltergeist can only maintain possession for a limited time, eventually automatically returning to his own body.

Sokka: "Why is the Rust Bucket's Tv flickering?"

Boltergeist: *voice coming from the staticky TV* "Soooookkkaaa.... Sooooooookkkkaaaa....we're coming.... we're coming to get you......"


Toph and Katara: *trying their best not to burst out laughing*

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