Wolves| Taekook

By Jennyluvtaekook

241K 14.6K 2.7K

Jungkook, an alpha being tortured by his past was found wounded by Kim Taehyung in the woods. Kim Taehyung wa... More

Untitled Part 38


5.5K 401 94
By Jennyluvtaekook

"Kim Taehyung" Jungkook spoke as he walked towards Taehyung who was wiping the dining table. 

What Taehyung saw shocked him. Jungkook was carrying a bundle of cash in his hands.

"Yes?" He asked in a surprised manner.

"How much money do you actually need to leave this place?" Jungkook asked as he counted the money.

"U-umm, what?" Taehyung asked, stopping all his actions. Jungkook must be casually asking that, he thought.

"W-well...4,150,417₩ more" Taehyung hesitantly spoke.

"Alright. Here" Jungkook said in an indifferent manner, forwarding the said amount towards the now stunned Taehyung.

"I'm sorry, what?" Taehyung asked in bewilderment.

"I am giving you the money you need to leave this place" Jungkook spoke and Taehyung couldn't make out what Jungkook was trying to suggest.

"But why? What wrong did I do?" Taehyung asked and heard Jungkook click his tongue.

"Do you really need a reason? If it would have been someone else they would have taken the money and left already" Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"But then you're not someone who would just randomly hand anyone so much money" Taehyung reasoned out which irritated Jungkook more.

"Why do you even need a reason? You're getting the money you want, go to the city and get yourself a mate and live a happy life" Jungkook scoffed.

"This would only mean that I am mooching you off. I can't accept the money for which I haven't worked for" Taehyung frowned.

"You worked enough to earn this. Now accept it or just leave without it" Jungkook said and turned to leave.

"What?! No! I am not accepting any of this and how am I supposed to leave so suddenly?! Don't go deciding on your own!" Taehyung chided.

"What?! Now you're telling me you're the one who will decide if you want to leave or not?! In the first place, I was the one who gave you a place to stay!" Jungkook shouted as he picked up the money kept on the table.

"Just take the damn money and leave!" Jungkook yelled as he threw the money over Taehyung's face who was now infuriated.

"Fine! You jerk! I am so fucking happy to leave this hell hole! Fucking keep your money!" Taehyung pushed Jungkoom away as he opened the door and stormed out.


"Who does he think he is?! Louis the XIV?! Smashing the money over my face as if I am one of his nightstands!" Taehyung ranted as he stomped his feet on the ground, the snow crunching beneath him.

He stopped and screamed in frustration, panting with anger.

"Fuck! I left everything there! You stupid bitch!" He yelled as he ruffled his hair. He crouched down his head in his hands.

"I should have taken the fucking money. Then only his ass would have burned!" He sniffled his tears back.

"Fucking jerk" He cried out.

After crying his heart out, he sat under a tree thinking of what to do and where to go.

"I can't possibly go back and lose my dignity and my pack is definitely out of the question, they will rip me apart into pieces. Better I get my head ripped off by that jerk than them" Taehyung muttered to himself.

He stood up, shoving his dignity inside his ass and deciding to go back to Jungkook's house and leave with the cash he earned while working.

"Now now now. Who do we have here?~" Taehyung flinched as he heard someone's voice from behind.

The robust scent of the pheromones hit Taehyung's nose as he scrunched his face with discomfort. The scent screamed, "free from imprisonment".

That only meant one thing.

"It's a rogue alpha" Taehyung muttered under his nose, feeling the sensation of suffocation hitting him.

He was about to run when he noticed something, and it sent chills down his spine.

"Fuck. It's not just him" He mumbled as he started getting surrounded by a couple of them.

They're hunting


Jungkook plopped on the chair as he stared outside the window.  

He didn't even take the money when that's what he wanted the most.

 "But it's good that he left" He mumbled to himself yet there was no expression of satisfaction over his face.

He sighed as he stood up from the chair, glancing outside the window one last time.

"I'm hungry" He unintentionally mumbled out as he went inside the kitchen to grab something to eat, wondering if Taehyung had left before making lunch.


"I heard someone scream so I came to look who it was, and I found this cutie here" The rogue said to his friends who had shifted into their wolves.

Taehyung saw the alpha walk closer to him so he backed away but was met with the bark of the tree.

"Seems like you're a pack-less *sniff* omega" He smirked, licking his lips sending shivers down Taehyung's spine.

"How about you let us play with you before we eat you?" The rogue laughed as he grabbed Taehyung's hand.

"Leave me, you nunchuck dicked man!" Taehyung swatted the guy's hand away, angering him.

"What the fuck did you just call me?!" The man growled as he slapped Taehyung causing him to fall on his knees.

"Hey! That hurt!" Taehyung complained but whimpered when the man pulled him up by gripping his hair.

"Oh, this is gonna hurt more" The man dangerously spoke as he grabbed Taehyung's neck, knocking the breath out of him.

He then threw him in the middle of the circle of the growling wolves. Taehyung looked at them with horrified eyes.

"I don't wanna play with this bitch anymore. Finish him now!" The man yelled, shapeshifting into his wolf.

No no no! I can't die like this! Someone help me! Is anyone around?!

Taehyung wanted to voice out his words but because of the strong pheromones of the wolves, he couldn't speak or think about anything. His heart was beating rapidly out of fear but he couldn't do anything to calm it down.

Who do I call for?! I don't have anyone that would help me!

He suddenly gasped. 

Jungkook! Call for Jungkook!

He shut his eyes close with fear as he gripped the freezing snow in his fists.

Jungkook! Help me!

I need you!


"Fuck! Is there nothing in the house that is edible?!" Jungkook grunted with frustration. Well, there was everything in the fridge that could be used to make a nice meal, but Jungkook was never blessed with the talent to cook properly.

He groaned as he picked up an apple to curb his hunger, gnawing over it with anger.

Jungkook! Help me! 

Jungkook halted all his actions as he tried to figure out what he heard right now was real or just his imagination.

I need you! 

It was no joke. Taehyung was calling for him. He doesn't know how or why, but he knew Taehyung was definitely in danger.

The apple fell from his hand as he turned into his wolf.

Jungkook had no sense of consciousness or integrity as he ran out of his woods, following the trail of the scent of Taehyung that was calling for him.

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