Batman Arkham City

By victoriarowlands

6K 94 9

bruce Wayne and his wife Catin Wayne hold a rally to shut down a place named Arkham city that held the most d... More

Arkham City
The Still Mill
Poison Ivy
Joker's poisoned me
Penguin's Got Freeze
The Museum
The League Of Assassins
The Trials Of The Demon/ Freeze
Getting The Cure?
Strange's Vault
Protocol Ten
Final Battle
Catwoman VS TwoFace
Fragile Alliance
Wonder In The Wings
Shot In The Dark
Cold Call Killer
Identity Theft
The Tea Party
Heart Of Ice
The Riddler VS BatGirl

The Courthouse/ The Church

398 7 1
By victoriarowlands

batman made it to the courthouse where he sneaks inside through the balcony. he walked down the hallway before he came to the courtroom where he saw a group of Arkham inmates watching two-face as he stood next to a pool of acid with something hanging above it. Batman couldn't tell what that thing was but for now, he hid and listened as two-face who was twirling his coin in between his fingers as he spoke to himself. " the only way to get by in this place is to get ourselves some respect. fear. that's how we get respect. show them all how we do things. we should be fair, though. this is a place of justice, after all. screw justice. kill her and they'll all fear us. " two-face said before turning to the crowd of criminals. " bring out the defendant!" he said before the peace of fabric dropped in the acid-revealing Catwoman hanging upsidedown over the acid tank. " you certainly know how to keep a girl hanging, harv. hey, have you had some work done?" Catwoman said making two-face angry, he slaps her before saying, " that's for stealing from us. no one steals from us!" Catwoman just gave a small smile before she said in a kind tone, " I'm sorry. I've been a bad kitty. untie me and I can make it up to you" Catwoman said as two-face turned to her before saying, " let's see if the coin thinks you're telling the truth". he hen flips the coin in the air as it spins before he catches it in his hand and slaps it on top of his other hand. as he removed his hand to see what the coin said, he saw that it was on the clean said. he sighs before saying to the crowd, " this court is now in session" the crowd cheers as two-face walked to the judge's table before banging a gabble on the table as he tried to get the crowd's attention. " order in the court. order, order!" two-face said but then he grabs his gun and fired it in the air making the crowd settle down. " that's more like it. Welcome, people of Arkham city. it's good to see so many new faces in the crowd. fresh faces for the gang. today we present each of you with an exciting new opportunity. two opportunities. to join with us. to create a new force in Arkham... and take this place for ourselves! when the clown dies, we will own this town! We will RULE this town! or you can just leave now. and we will hunt you down and kill you all! but let's no dwell on the negative. let's have some fun!" as two-face was talking to the crowd, batman climbed to the higher part of the room and saw a sniper in front of him, he knew that taking out the thug with the gun was the key so he could deal with the rest of the thugs in the room. he takes out the thug quietly as two-face looked at Catwoman and said to the crowd, "fate delivered a gift to us tonight.  a gift that will show everybody that we mean business. and you, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, will be part of it. help us decide of we should kill the bitch who tried to steal from us. or let her go to do it again! like hell we will." once batman took out the gunman silently he looked down to see how many thugs there were in the room as he hears two-face say, " there are two sides to every story. let's hear hers before passing judgment. Nah! let's kill her and be done with it. so what will it be, distinguished members of the jury? is the bitch guilty? or should we let her go steal from someone else? " " objection! isn't that a leading question, Harvey?" Catwoman asks before two-face turned to her and said in anger, " silence in my court!" Catwoman smiled as she said, " let me go, boys. I've got places to go, people to see." two-face rolled his eyes not believing her. " more like, things to steal. maybe I should just cut both your hands off... or maybe we should wait for the verdict? yeah, yeah.whatever you say. I'm hoping for a hung jury anyway". 

than batman jumped down and landed on top of a thug, knocking him out. " it's batman!" a thug yelled out before he and his friends started running of as batman looked around to see some of two-face's thugs come charging towards him while other Arkham city inmates started running out of the courthouse. " our friend's Batman has arrived. grab him and cut him in two!" two-face said before he aimed his gun at batman but missed as batman jumped out of the way as he kept fighting thugs, " hold still batman" two-face said in anger as he reloaded his weapon. " hey, big guy!" Catwoman called to batman who turned to face her, " Any chance you can stop playing with those idiots and help me out here?" she asks as batman just looked at her and said, " I'm a little busy here, Catwoman" but then a thug grabs him from behind, but batman jumped over the thug before smashing the thugs face in the ground knocking him out as two-face fired his gun by missed again. " damint!" Two-face yelled out in frustration. batman finished off the last thug by breaking the man's arm before turning to face two-face, " objection" two-face said as he aimed his gun at batman who ran towards him, he fired his gun and the bullet his batman's chest sending him to the ground in pain. " overruled" two-face said before walking up to Catwoman and aimed his gun at her head as he asks, " heads or tails, kitty cat?" " which one gets me out of here alive?" Catwoman asks as two-face flips his coin and caught it in his hand. he looks at the coin to see it was the dirty side, " not this one. time to die" he said, I vote for a stay of execution." Catwoman said as she gets free of her bounds as scratches two-face's check before landing on the side of the acid tank as she looked down a two-face who was on the floor, " no gun, harv? shame. this is gonna hurt" Catwoman said as she gets out her iron claws. " two guns, bitch!" two-face said as he got out another gun and aimed it at Catwoman. 

but then, two-face was pulled up from the ground and was hanging above the acid tank as Catwoman looked up and saw batman hanging two-face over the tank. " and I thought it was cats who have nine lives" Catwoman said as batman lets go of two-face leaving him hanging over the acid tank before Catwoman walks up to two-face and said," how's it hanging, harv?" she then kicked him in the stomach making him groan in pain before getting her phone from his jacket as she said, " come to kitty" as Catwoman puts her phone in her suit, batman jumps down on the ground before Catwoman turned to  him and says," anyone ever tell you that you're full of surprises?" " I figured you could use my help, Selina" batman replied before Catwoman looked at her nails and said, " you're right. I think I chipped a nail back there" " funny" batman replied as Catwoman jumped down onto the ground and walked past as she said, " so what do you need, Mr. detective?" 

batman turned to face the thief and said, " protocol 10. what do you know, Selina?" Catwoman shrugged her shoulders, " never heard of it." she said. "  that's not what I wanted to hear. what about strange?" batman asks, Catwoman turns to the hero and said, " I don't trust him. he's been missing for years and then is suddenly put in charge of running Arkham city. rumor has it he's been working with joker. planning something very special just for you. maybe that's protocol 10?" but outside the courthouse from afar, someone was aiming a sniper at Catwoman. " twinkle, twinkle, little bat. watch me kill your favorite cat!" the person said as he laughed but then lets out a caught. " the ex-district attorney here said something about...." Catwoman said but then batman saw something being aimed at Catwoman's head, he grabs her and moved her out of the way, " what the hell?" she said in confusion as a bullet was fired into the courtroom. " see you soon, bats" the man said 

" This place is dangerous, I like it. you expecting a kiss?" Catwoman said before batman lets go of her and said, " it was joker. you're not safe here. no one is" " nine lives, remember" Catwoman said before she left the courtroom leaving batman to find out where the bullet came from. " I need to locate where the bullet entered the court and when it impacted," batman said to himself. he activates his detective mode and looked at the glass window and saw a bullet hole, he scans it before saying, " the bullet entered through the window there. now, where did it hit?" batman looks down at the floor before he saw the second bullet hole after he scans it an orange line shined its way towards the church leading batman towards the shooter, " the trajectory the bullet traveled will lead me to the shooter" batman said to himself before he left the  courthouse through the balcony door, as he walked out he heard a voice below him and saw some thugs blocking the doorway as one thug said, " is he still in there?" " I think so. I can hear someone in there" said one of the thugs that blocked the door with his body. " keep that door shut, man. I don't wanna go head to head with Batman" a thug said as he watched his friends block the door. " you didn't say it was batman. why the hell are we still here? we should run, or something" the thug holding the door shut said, " you think?" the man next to him replied in sarcasm. " don't be stupid. if you keep that door closed, he can't get out and we're safe" the thug in front said. " really? what's stopping him from going out that back?" " there's a back?!" the thug asks in shock. " yeah, two-face showed me. there's a basement. it's full of cells, uh, there's some guy down there" the thug holding the door shut said, " didn't think to mention it till now!" the thug yelled out. 

batman just shook his head before he started to grapple from rooftop to rooftop till he was a rooftop away from the church.  " you cold?" a thug standing outside the church said to his friend. batman looked down to see two of joker's thugs standing guard outside the church, " course I'm cold. it's like 10 below out here and Harley left us outside to freeze to death. crazybitch. bet she's nice and warm in there." the thug said in frustration before his friend said, " take it, easy man, I was just asking. who was that lady? the one who got dragged off?" " no idea. just some losers from the church. buncha do-gooders if you ask me. hope the joker hurts her bad" the thug replied as he tried to keep his body warm. " odds are he will. he ain't been his unusual happy self for a while now" his friend said. " do you think the rumors are true?" the thug asks. his friend raised an eyebrow and asks, " what? that Harley use to be a due?" the thug shakes his head and said, " Nah. the ones about the joker dieing?" " no idea, man. but, he didn't look too good last time I saw him" " when was that? I ain't seen him for months," the thug asks. " me neither. the way I see it. if big J dies, this place becomes an all-out war zone. and if that happens, I'm joining up with penguin" the things friend said. batman raised an eyebrow at this, what do they mean when they said: " the joker dieing". batman wanted to find out, he glided down and glide kicked one of the thugs before taking out the other one by breaking his arm before he took out the thug he kicked down. 

after he took out the thugs, he turned to look at the church door and took a deep breath before walking inside. once he walked in he saw three thugs aiming their gun at the doorway as Harley Quinn started doing backflips towards him as he said, " coming through, B-man!" once she was about to kick him, he grabbed her arm and throws her to the ground. as he was about to grab her again he hears the sound of guns behind him, he looked at the thugs before one of them said, " let the lady go, bat freak. or these people all get a bullet in their heads" batman lowers his hand as he watched Harley Quinn stand up before dusting herself off, " I think you should do what he says. it would be a shame to get blood all over my nice new outfit. what do you think, bat-brain? like it? what am I saying ' course you do. who wouldn't?" 

after Harley Quinn stood up, she started to walk around batman as she said, " so anyway, here's the deal. mister J is really not up to a visit right now. he's not feeling himself.... well, actually, he was earlier. but that's not what I meant. he's not doing so good and that idiot doctor I sent from here didn't help. I've seen more smarts from these bozos" Harley then started to walk towards the door as batman just looked at her, " I've got to run boys, if he trys anything funny: KILL HIM!" Harley said before he blew a kiss and walked out the door. batman looked back at the thugs who just stood there In fear of what batman would do next, " don't you more batman. just stay there and this will all end ok." a thug said before his friend that stood next to him said, " what do you mean " end ok?" she. left us. alone. with. batman" the thug rolled his eyes at his friend, his gun still aimed at the batman. " keep it together he's ours, what's he gonna do?" " good paint. I mean it's not like he had a reputation for breaking free of traps and smashing people's faces. oh no, that's right. that's exactly what he does." the thug's friend said in a panic making the thug look at him. " I said stay calm. I've got a gun pointing at his damn head. what's he going to do?" he said as he tried not to show his fear. " oh I don't know. throw a smoke bomb, break your face and string me up from the ceiling?" his friend said in a sarcastic tone, " how's he going to do that? he can't do that, can he?" the thug said in concern before the thug on his left said, "I thought you said we were in control". "I did, I mean, we are. there's four of us. just one of him!" the thug said. "I saw him take out ten people back at the asylum!" his friend said in a panic and that set him off as he yelled out, " WILL YOU SHUT THE HELL UP! okay, new plan. we kill him now" " WHAT!" his find said, " yeah let's do this," another thug said as they all aimed their guns at batman. " ok, one... two..." " are you sure? won't Harley be pissed?" the thug's friend asks. " why should she care? one..... two....." " do we shoot on three?" the thug turned to his crew, lowering his gun in anger "  yes on three. like, one, two, three, shoot!". 

batman then throws a smoke bomb down making the thugs panic and start shooting as batman grappled up onto a galore for safety. " where's he gone?" " he's vanished he disappeared!" " screw that, he's gonna get us," the thugs say in panic before splitting up in the church trying to hide from batman. " they don't know where I am. good, let's keep it that way. time to survey the room. plan out my tactics" batman said to himself before activating his detective mode, " four thugs, all armed, two hostages. this is gonna be easy." batman said to himself before he grappled to another galore on the other side of the room. he looked down to see he was above two thugs that he would take out as they said, " we need to get out of here" one said, " he's gonna get us!" another said in fear as they both stood in front of some hostages as one of them said, " batman! can you hear me!? try and get u and these people die!" but his friend who stood next to him said, " that won't stop him, oh man, I'm gonna die in here." batman jumped down and landed on the ground silently before taking them both out in a double takedown before grappling back up to the galore. he looked around and saw a thug hiding behind a weak wall with a hostage, he glided down so he was behind the thug before taking the thug through the weak wall and grappled back up to a gargoyle. he then saw a thug that was below some building stand, he glided down so he was above the thug before taking the thug out from above. once they were all dealt with he called out to the medics and Arkham guards, " the room is secure, you're safe now" he said as the guards help the medics ups, " thank god. yo, batman, thanks for the help" officer cash said as he got up, grabs one of the thug's guns and walked towards the entrance as he turned to his crew and said, "  I want this place locked down tight. all medical staff, check supplies. find out if anything was taken." then a doctor stood up and said, " what about Stacey? isn't anyone going after her?" " I don't know If any of you just noticed, but batman just saved our asses. if anyone can find her, he'll do it. ok, does everyone understand? look after the wounded, keep the bad guys out. we're a team. let's keep it that way!" after cash spoke to his team he turned around and saw batman as he smiled at him, " thank god you got here batman" cash said. " after what happened at the asylum, I thought you'd settle for a quiet desk job. "batman said making cash scoff before saying, " yeah, right. when sharp closed down the asylum, it turned out that there wasn't much work for an ex-security guard who failed to stop a mass breakout. this is the only work i can get." cash replied. " what happened back there wasn't you're fault, cash. what was harley quinn doing here?" batman asks before cash said, " that crazy bitch busted in a couple of hours ago with the rest of these idiots. took something up the tower and then blew up the staircase." batman looked at the tower entrace before nodding his head " thanks, I'll check it out" batman replied before he started to walk towards the tower doorway, but then cash stopped him. " wait! cash called out making batman stop in his track and turn to face him. " i mean sorry, batman, i dorgot: couple of them grabbed one of the docs. quinn said something about needing her to fix up the joker. " " if she's alive, I'll find her. you concentrate on securing the church. it should keep you all safe." batman said before making his way up the tower. made it to the top, he saw a remote sniper aimed out of the window towards the courthouse in the middle of two joker statues with tv's on their heads, " there's the gun. it looks like it's being controlled remotely by joker." then as batman started to scan the gun for anything, the tv's turned on and joker appears in a dark room as he said, " well, look who it is. i haven't seen you for, how long has it been? let's see, there was an asylum, some monsters, and oh, that's right. you left me to die. now you probably don't remember it that way, but who cares? you just need to worry about the bombs. hurry up now, clocks ticking" then the screen went black and the bombs that were around the tower started to beep. 

batman ran towards the tower window and jumps out before gliding safly to another rooftop as the church tower blow up. he landed ont he rooftop before looking at what left of the tower, " alfred, I've got a loc on the signalused to remotely scotrol the sniper rifle. joker's behind this." batman said in his earpeace. " was there ever any dout." alfred replied, " the radio signal should lead me right to him" batman said before clicking his small computer in his glove and started to follow the signal. but before he could start following the signal he hears some thugs talking outside about joker and harley quinn, " so, do you really think batman blew up the church?" a thug asks his friend. " so, do you really think batman blew up the church?" " yeah. he was the last one in, next thing it's on fire" the thug's friend replied, " doesn't sound like the kinda thing the bat would do." the thug said, then one of their crew members behind them said, " maybe it was a trap? harley quinn tricks batman into going into the church and then the joker blows it up." " but wouldn't mean the harley got blown up too?" the thug's friend asks. " you know what those two are like, the joker probably though it would be funny" the crew member replied. " it would be, i hate her. she scares the crap out of me, but unfortunately, i saw the cray bitch leave before the roof blew." " pity, where was she going?" the thug asks. " she was heading back to her psychotic boyfriends still mill in an ice cream truck" the thug replied making the other nod their heads, " sounds about right". the steel mill, that's were joker was and batman started making his way towards it.  

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