We'll Be Okay [Solby]

By Nova_Raven

18.9K 319 47

PLEASE HEED THE WARNINGS! Slow burn Solby. Sam and Colby are kidnapped by a group of contractors looking to f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 3

1.2K 20 1
By Nova_Raven

The door swung open, and Sam immediately shifted in front of Colby, protecting him from the gaze of their captors. Colby gripped tightly onto Sam's shoulder, more than terrified of what could be coming next, but trying to keep a strong front. The group was smaller this time, the two men with one of the women. She and one of the men held cameras.

"Hey!" Sam barked, "Planning on feeding us any time soon? We could both use something to drink."

A water bottle was chucked at them, and Sam narrowly ducked being hit in the face. "Uh... thanks?" He uncapped the bottle, handing it to Colby to drink first. As Colby struggled not to down the whole thing in one go, the three new people in the room started talking.

"Our client was very pleased with the content you have provided so far," One of the women started, "However, as you both know, good content can't stop."

Colby's heart sank into his stomach. He had a good idea where this was going. "What are you going to make us do this time?" Colby glowered at the group as he passed the water to Sam.

He didn't like the looks that spread over their faces. "Our client though it was... unfair, that you didn't get to cum last video, Mr. Brock," One of the men spoke. "It was requested that this changed."

Ice raced through Colby's veins. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck... He didn't want to orgasm for these people, didn't want to give them that. It just felt... wrong. For all that he had been made to suffer earlier, he had been spared that. "Only if Sam gets to do it," He stated, knowing it was the only thing that would make this tolerable, if even possible. Sam was the only one who he wanted... Colby shut that thought down.

Sam cast him a look, and in it Colby could read his thoughts. Always the one with the face like an open book, Colby could see every emotion passing through Sam's mind. Anger that they were being made to do this, concern for Colby and his desperate need to protect his friend from what others might do, pleading with Colby not to hate him, fear of hurting him, and a quiet resignation that this was what he would have to do.

"Our client always prefers that you two interact over us stepping in," The woman smiled, "So that request can be more than accommodated." Colby sighed in relief. At least there was that. At least he wouldn't have to tolerate them touching him. "We don't need to remind you that any resistance or escape attempts will be met with severe consequences?" She asked, looking at the two of them.

They shook their heads mutely. "Good," One of the other men confirmed, and Colby saw a rather frightening looking device disappear into a pocket. "I imagine you have no interest in being restrained again but we will do this if necessary."

Colby shuddered, nodding. He could still feel the phantom sensation of the cuffs. He would do almost anything to avoid feeling that helpless again.

The woman spoke again. She nailed Sam with a grin. "So Sam, our client requested that you suck him off while fingering him."

Sam's eyes went wide, and Colby felt an answering twinge of pain from his rectum. Fuck. But then something interesting happened. He also felt an interesting sensation, one that almost could have been a twitch of interest had he not been in an place where he was so scared, at the idea of Sam playing with that spot inside of him again.

The sensation had been so foreign, a feeling that intense coming from inside his body. The sudden sensation had made him yell at first, and Colby knew he had spooked Sam. He had just never experienced anything like it. It had started as a really intense sensation, kind of like he had to pee but more, and then Sam had kept rubbing it, and these pulses had started moving through his body, pleasant in a way that had been hard to quantify. It made him want to simultaneously demand that Sam stop and beg him to never.

He just hated that he was discovering this part of his anatomy because Sam was being forced to do this to him on camera for some unknown client.

Sam passed an apologetic look to Colby at the news of their expectations, eyes tearing up in frustration. Colby shook his head. He turned Sam around to face him, one hand on his shoulder and the other touching his face. "It's okay, man. I trust you." And Colby saw resignation settle into Sam's shoulders, his head dropping pressure into Colby's hand.

"I'm sorry," Sam whispered, looking up to meet his eyes. His hands had found their way to Colby's chest and Colby shivered at the warmth on his skin in this cold room. They had an almost tender moment, where Colby felt as though he could almost kiss Sam. It's certainly what his instincts were telling him to do, but he wouldn't force that on Sam, not when so much was already being asked of him.

Not when he knew Sam would not refuse it to give him comfort.

Colby chuckled a little bit through the emotions he could feel pressing out of his eyes. "How do you want me, man?"

Sam cast a look at their audience, waiting to see if there would be any input. When there was none, just the adjustment of cameras, he cleared his throat. "Just uh, where you are, I guess."

Colby leaned back so that he supported himself on his elbows and Sam followed him back, eyes glassy with tears. He looked like he was fighting some sort of internal battle and Colby felt like he had to say something. "Sam, I'm sorry..."

"Why are you apologizing?" Sam snapped defensively, and Colby flinched. Sam's face instantly crumpled. "No, I mean, sorry, I... fuck..."

"Sam." Colby cut him off, pressing himself up again. "I'm okay. Let's just get this over with, okay?"

Sam squeezed his eyes shut, tears leaking out. "I know, I'm sorry, okay, fuck, fuck..." He turned to their audience. "Lube?" He asked shortly.

He was met with a shake of the head. "You'll be making plenty if you suck him off well," he was informed.

Well that was frightening. "Spit for lube it is?" Colby offered, unable to hide the trepidation that evoked in him. Sam nodded. "Fuck..." Colby whispered.

Sam pressed a hand against his chest in comfort before pushing his waistband down. Wait what? Colby looked at him in alarm and Sam offered him a tight smile in response. "Gonna be hard to do it with these on."

"Right, right, duh," Colby glanced over at the camera as his whole body flushed with embarrassment. He was aware that technically the camera had seen everything while he was chained into that thing, but it didn't change the fact that he didn't want the camera seeing more.

"Sorry..." Sam whispered, pulling them off his legs. Colby cringed, flushing and curling in on himself in a vague attempt to hide from the camera as it moved to capture him. He heard a whimper escape from his mouth and Sam looked like his heart had been ripped out of his chest. "Colby..." He breathed, looking at his friend. He paused, seeming to be considering something, before pulling off his own pants.

"Sam, what are you..." Colby started in confusion.

Sam was already red, but he seemed determined in his decision. "We do this together," He promised, shucking the jeans off his legs. Colby's mind oscillated between fighting Sam and letting him do it, landing on accepting Sam's choice and the comfort gesture. He finally decided on nodding gratefully. Sam took a deep breath, looking at the hand resting on Colby's chest before he started moving it. He slid his fingers down his abdomen, locking eyes with Colby as he slowly uncurled his legs from his chest. Colby blushed harder as Sam's hand neared his junk again, groaning faintly when his felt a light hand graze his shaft.

Sam was watching his hand but Colby was watching Sam, trying to read the expression on his face. He was scared, terrified even, but there was something unreadable in Sam's face, something Colby had never seen before and didn't have a word for. And then Sam's hand gripped his dick and he was distracted from his psychoanalysis.

Sam was looking at him now, gently stroking him as he lowered himself down onto his stomach. He was steeling himself, Colby knew that face, mentally preparing himself for what he had to do. Colby was struck once again by how hard this had to be on Sam. He was the one having to actually do all these things. Even though Colby was the one feeling the bulk of it, Sam was still being forced to do things he had never done before and couldn't be comfortable with. He felt an overwhelming wave of gratitude to his best friend. It would have been so much easier for Sam to let them them rape him. But he was trying to protect Colby. "You're okay, bro," Colby whispered to him. "You can do it. Take it slow." Sam nodded, taking a deep breath. And then there was a mouth on his dick.

Colby hissed in a breath through his teeth, unable to stop his body from recognizing the sensation as good. He remembered Sam's expression from earlier, as Sam had struggled to keep the instinctual enjoyment of the act off of his face for Colby, and tried to do the same. His dick, however, had other plans, immediately perking up and taking an interest in the proceedings.

Sam seemed uncomfortable, unsure what to do about the flesh in his mouth. Colby could almost see the gears turning as he tried to work out how to be on this end of a blowjob. He moved his tongue cautiously over the head, trying a shallow thrust with his lips. He held the base of his cock with one hand, holding Colby stable and preventing him from slipping too deep.

He closed his eyes, trying to breathe out slow and controlled. He struggled to keep his hips from thrusting for more, his body reacting to the stimulus as it normally would, fear not even keeping the bloodflow shift at bay. Sam seemed to be finding a rhythm, still keeping himself from going too deep but providing enough sensation for Colby's dick to keep filling.

Colby tried to focus on that, getting this over as quickly as possible, to keep from thinking too much about the cameras watching him get off to his best friend being forced to give him a blowjob, other people watching as Sam fingered him until he came.

With that thought came a wet finger to his hole.

His next gasp was not a calm one. He had thought he was mentally prepared for the contact until it happened and all of the emotions from yesterday came flooding back. His eyes flew open and he might have thrown himself backwards and away from Sam had he not felt the gentle pressure on his right hand. His eyes flew back to Sam's with another ragged gasp. Tears were dripping down his friend's face and Colby immediately felt guilty for his reaction. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "It's me okay, you're okay Brother."

Colby nodded, gathering himself. He shifted his weight up to his elbow and placed his free hand on Sam's shoulder. "You're okay man, I just freaked out for a moment."

Sam nodded, swallowing harshly and muttering a quiet, "Okay," before wrapping his mouth around Colby once again. Colby didn't take his eyes off of Sam, couldn't let himself get lost in his head again. This was Sam, Sam wasn't going to hurt him, Sam was trying to protect him. Sam signaled with his eyes that he was going to try touching him again, and Colby breathed out, nodding his consent.

The pressure wasn't a surprise this time, and focusing on Sam's eyes helped him remember where he was and who he was with. Even as the cameras circled them Colby reminded himself that this was them. This was him and Sam and them keeping each other safe.

A particularly deep exhale allowed Sam to press a fingertip inside of him. Colby winced, the muscles still sore from earlier. The prior stretching didn't seem to impact how much his butt did not want anything else in it.

Sam pulled off his dick, fully hard by this point, to murmur comfortingly, "I got you, man. I'm trying to be gentle I swear," His voice was thick, "Just pretend I'm some girl, and that there are no cameras, and you're safe." He was struggling to keep a calm tone for Colby.

Always for Colby.

I don't want to picture anyone else, was the thought that went through Colby's head. Because he didn't feel safe enough to do this with anyone. Despite the fact that he and Sam had never been -been able to be- sexual, his brain wouldn't let him picture anyone else. But he couldn't say that. Sam was with Kat.

Sam had enough to deal with.

Colby hissed as the finger breached him further, trying instead to focus on the warm and wet around his dick. His fingers wandered up into Sam's hair. It was stupidly soft,how the fuck did he keep it so soft? Sam's finger pressed up to the hilt and Colby couldn't help the way his fingers tightened in Sam's hair.

Sam hummed quiet, trying to take Colby deeper and gagging harshly. Colby's hand almost pushed Sam down further because holy fuck that felt good and Sam looked so pretty- he stopped that thought in its tracks.

He had almost gotten used to the first finger when Sam was pulling it out, spitting onto his fingers in preparation for another. Colby cringed. This hurt. Two fingers hurt so badly last time and he had been tied down last time so he couldn't fight Sam off but how the fuck was he supposed to just lay here and take this...?

"Colby." Sam's voice broke him out of his spiral and he focused on Sam's eyes staring up at him. "You can do this," Sam whispered, "You've done it before, you can do it again. Come on Brother, breathe with me." Sam's breath wasn't that much further from panic, but focusing on something gave Colby the ability to regulate his own breathing and relax his sphincter muscles just a little bit. Just enough for Sam to slide his fingers in.

Colby hung desperately to Sam's gaze and the blue eyes he knew so well to get him through this. He needed Sam for this. Would not have been able to keep it together with anyone else. As Sam started blowing him again, Colby kept a desperate view of Sam's face, a sensory reminder in Sam's hair. The fingers in his ass were moving, he could feel them twisting and thrusting, prodding around inside of him. As he adjusted to the stretch, the pain faded, leaving behind an uncomfortable full feeling that somehow his cock wasn't totally opposed by. Just when Colby was thinking that he could probably get off like this if Sam kept this up, he hit it.

Familiar with the sensation this time, Colby's whole body reacted with pleasure at the touch, Unfortunately, that caused Colby's hips to thrust and Sam to take his cock nearly to the hilt. Sam pulled off, choking and coughing. "Fuck! Sorry Sam!" Colby cried desperately.

Sam coughed again, "It's okay, you're good." He hovered pensively over Colby's boner for a moment, before asking, "Do you want me to try to get you off with it?"

There it was. The real question. Did he want Sam to keep taking advantage of that little spot inside of him? To his confusion, he found himself answering, "If it will get me off faster, then yeah."

Sam nodded, seeming a little surprised but not going to doubt him. "Up to you man, I don't know what it feels like."

Colby chuckled, grunting at the increased movement inside him as Sam felt for his prostate. "Maybe you next time then?"

A laugh was surprised out of Sam. "Don't say that too loudly, dude," He commented. "Big Brother will hear you." He sent a pointed glance at the camera watching them.

"Big Brother can- oh fuck!" Colby was in the middle of his response when Sam slammed into his prostate, and he couldn't hide the whine or the full body shudder that came from it. It seemed his body had determined that "fucking amaze-balls" was the correct word for this sensation. He practically convulsed as Sam continued to stroke it, almost forgetting where he was as

"Fuck, Sam!"

Waves of throbbing pleasure pulse through him, almost forgetting, until he opened his eyes to look at Sam and saw a camera almost right in his face. The moan rumbling out of his chest died instantly as Colby remembered that every reaction he made right now was being recorded and sent to god knows where. He froze, panicked tears welling up in his eyes again as he desperately sought Sam...

"Hey, Colby, Colby," And Sam was there, pulling off his dick to be right in his face, getting between him and the camera. "Look at me bro, it's just me. Just me and you, okay?" Sam pressed against that spot again and Colby whimpered, still terrified and exposed and humiliated and "Colby, look at me!" His hair was grabbed and his face steered to look straight into Sam's. "It's just us man, okay?"

Sam was practically on top of him, they were pressed groin to groin. He felt something hard pressed into his hip and as he pressed against Sam he realized that Sam was hard too. "Come on, Colby..." He was gently stroking Colby's insides as they rocked together, blue eyes nailing into him, stroking the pleasure up into layers that built up to... fuck, could he cum like this, could he really get off in this situation...

"Cum for me, Colby," Sam whispered, "Cum for me." And Colby did. His whole body tensed and tightened around Sam, a high pitched noise escaping him as everything crashed over him. He'd never had an orgasm that felt like this before, everything was just so much, too much, every inch of his skin felt like he'd grown a million new nerve endings, and he could feel every millimeter of the skin where he and Sam were pressed together.

After his finished basking in the aftershocks, the world slowly came back to him. He opened his eyes -when had he closed them?- to see Sam looking at him, that unreadable look back on his face from before. His face was only inches from his own. Colby subconsciously registered that there was a camera filming both of them in this moment, but he could almost ignore it while he tried to figure out what the hell Sam was thinking.

He was vaguely aware of their audience wrapping up and leaving, the door locking behind them. Colby winced as Sam pulled his fingers out, his asshole sore from the abuse. Sam slowly uncurled his fingers from Colby's hair, freeing his head but not dropping the eye contact. Colby's hips shifted a little, and this light shifting let him feel that Sam was still hard.

A million thoughts raced through his head all at once. Had Sam enjoyed that? Did he need to cum? Why had Sam enjoyed that? Was it a bodily reaction to stimulus or had there been something more going on?

"Sam..." Colby reached up to touch Sam's hair again. "Are you..." He wanted to kiss Sam. He really wanted to kiss Sam and feel and taste his friend solidly with him in that moment. Their lips were only a few inches apart. "Sam, I..."

Sam abruptly rolled off of Colby, landing next to him and fumbling for his pants. For a moment it didn't register, but then it did. Colby felt his heart break just a little bit with the speed at which Sam had detached, his mind assuming the worst.

Sam had hated it.

Sam was disgusted by touching him.

Colby's breath caught in his throat as a sob boiled up in his chest. Fuck, what was he even thinking, enjoying this? Sam was straight, Sam was his best friend and nothing more. He was doing this because he had to. What the fuck was wrong with him...?

"Colby?" Maybe it was because of the stress, the humiliation, vulnerability and fear that he had experienced, but Colby wasn't aware he had started crying. Sam pulling away had been the last wall on the tears. The emotional wave broke and Sam suddenly had his arms wrapped around Colby tightly and comforting words were being whispered to him. "Colby, I'm sorry man, I'm so sorry I had to do that do you, I'm so fucking sorry..."

Colby shuddered, not even caring that he was naked anymore as he tucked his face into Sam's neck and clung to his chest. He breathed in his best friend's scent. There was body odor too, but mostly he could smell Sam, the scent he had known for so long, the only thing safe in this place. He could hear in Sam's hitching breath that he was trying not to cry. "I am so sorry man, we just gotta get through this, we gotta survive, I've got you, I'm here for you."

Colby was already trying to explain, feeling guilty to force Sam back to him. "You just, you just pulled away like that and I couldn't..." The crying was making it hard to be coherent. "I needed you."

"Shit, Colby, I'm sorry," Sam tightened his hug. "I didn't mean to abandon you, I'm so sorry." Colby shook again, struggling to deal with the maelstrom of emotions twisting in his gut. Fear, pain, worry, confusion about his feelings towards Sam and the shift that was happening because of everything they had already been through here, because Colby had been over Sam dammit, it had been years and he was over it but this... this forced intimacy and closeness... it was bringing it all back.


They heard the door open and both of them tensed for another episode of violation. However, a single tray was pushed into the room before the door closed.



"Food!" They cried in unison, cutting off as they looked at each other. Colby was the first to laugh through his tears, with Sam joining in afterwards.

At least some things didn't change.  

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