
By RosieAndria

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WANTED: NANNY FOR BILLIONAIRES I wish that's what the ad had said. Because it was a huge surprise when I was... More

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Thank You


19.5K 408 76
By RosieAndria


One Year Later

I stared out the window of the plane, watching the fluffy tendrils of clouds drifting by.

Next to me, Mathias nudged me with his elbow. "Do you remember the last time we were on a private plane together?"

I frowned. "The trip to Seoul two months ago?"

Mathias grinned. "I meant when all of us were together."

I suddenly remembered. My cheeks burned, and I giggled as Mathias kept nudging me with that stupid smile on his face.

"Ah? You remember, yes?" he insisted. "The fun we had?"

"It's a little different this time," I pointed out.

The twins went running across the plane, chasing each other with toys. Barry snatched Allie's toy from her, which made her scream with rage.

"Allie, Barry, I told you to settle down," I said. "We're almost there, and if you sit down and play with your tablets quietly you will get a special treat."

"But I'm bored," Barry argued. "Estoy aburrido." He stomped his foot to emphasize the point.

"Your father is trying to work." I glanced to my right, where Braxton and Adam were bent over their laptops at the table. It had been a year since Braxton was removed from his CEO position at Nash Capital, and the two of them were working feverishly to get their new firm off the ground. It was called ABK Capital. The letters stood for Alexandria, Bartholomew, and Kate. The three things most important to Braxton.

And Adam wasn't just coming along to work for him. He was his partner at the new firm. Equal positions running the company. Braxton didn't mind sharing the spotlight, because it meant he had more time to play with the twins. He was trying to have a better work-life balance, or so he claimed.

But despite how busy the two of them were, they were the same two men I had fallen in love with a year ago. And I couldn't be prouder of them.

"Don't worry about the twins playing," Braxton said. "We're pretty much done here."

"You sure?" Adam asked. "I think we should go over the secondary fund again, just to make sure we're not over-allocating on tech..."

Braxton laughed and closed Adam's laptop screen. "The fund is good. Take it from a veteran: at some point you have to sit back and let it ride. We can reevaluate it when we get back from vacation."

Adam sighed, but nodded. "I guess that means I can play with these two monsters!"

He jumped up and chased after Allie, scooping her up and then spinning her around. Mathias boomed with laughter and then picked up Barry, holding him under his arm and running him up and down the plane.

"I'm an airplane!" Barry squealed while holding his arms out like wings.

"An airplane inside an airplane?" Mathias demanded. "You are a silly boy! Minus five points for young Bartholomew!"

The bathroom door opened and Claudette stepped out. She laughed and clapped along as Mathias flew Barry up and down the aisle.

"You are suspiciously happy," Mathias said. "Normally you scowl at me when I play with the little ones!"

Claudette smiled and said, "Of course I am happy. I am returning to the most wonderful city in the world! If I was visiting Berlin or Munich my face would look like this." Her face twisted into an unhappy scowl.

I smiled at her. She had insisted on coming with us this time. We were one big happy family.

Oscar, the new bodyguard, emerged from the cockpit. "The pilot says we're about to begin our descent. Buckle up, children."

Rather than flying through the night, this time we had left America early in the morning. The six hour flight, plus the seven hour time change, meant we would land in Paris at six in the evening. All of us buckled up as we landed, gathered our luggage, and then got in cars to take us into the city.

We stopped by our flat before dinner. It was located in the Eighth Arrondissement, across the river from the Eiffel Tower. The living room faced the tower, with glass along one entire wall and on the ceiling so we could see the entire thing from the base to the top.

"It's just a stupid tower," Barry said. "There are way bigger buildings back home!"

The restaurant where we had reservations was within walking distance. Night was falling as we departed. Oscar walked behind us to keep an eye on everything, and the twins scrambled a few feet ahead. They waved to every Parisian they saw.

"Bonjour!" Allie said to another little boy.

Barry ran into a coffee shop doorway and yelled, "BONJOUR!"

"Bonjour, madame!" Allie said to an old lady.

"It's night time, remember?" I told them. "So what do you say instead..."

"Bon soir!" Barry ran back to the coffee shop to correct himself. "Bon soir, everyone!"

Allie tugged on a man's sleeve. "Bon soir, monsieur! Comment ça vas?" Good evening, sir! How are you?

We all laughed at the sight of them eagerly showing off what they had learned. Months ago, Claudette had insisted that we teach the twins French to go with German, Spanish, and Japanese. Braxton agreed, commenting that maybe ABK Capital would build their European headquarters in Paris.

Our dinner reservation was at a quaint little restaurant whose owner Claudette knew from her childhood. The man beamed when he saw Claudette, and the two of them hugged for a very long time. Then we were led to a private room in the back, free from watchful eyes.

"We beat them here?" Adam asked. "I thought for sure they would be here already."

I looked at my phone. "I texted her when we landed. She said they were getting ready to leave."

Miranda and Nelson came through the door moments later, arm in arm. I hugged my best friend, and then her boyfriend.

No, her husband. That was going to take some getting used to.

"Sorry we're late," she said. "It was a long walk."

"Isn't your hotel one block from here?" I asked.

Miranda grinned as they sat down. "We were... busy."

Nelson blushed and said, "Sorry if we delayed you, sir."

"Don't call me sir," Braxton said. "You're on your honeymoon! Plus you technically don't start at ABK Capital until next week. Until then, I'm Braxton."

"Speak for yourself," Adam said. "You can call me Mr. Sizemore."

"Oh don't be a drama queen," Miranda said. She snuggled up to her husband and said, "Adam is just upset he never won me over."

Adam rolled his eyes at me. I gave his leg a playful squeeze.

"How has your trip been so far?" Mathias asked. "Surely you have seen all the sights already!"

"We... Haven't seen much, actually," Miranda said. "We've been staying in a lot."

"We're jet-lagged," Nelson bashfully said. "That's why."

"Is that what they're calling it these days?" Miranda teased him.

Mathias roared with laughter and clapped Nelson on the back so hard he almost dropped his glass of wine.

Dinner was incredible, as Claudette had promised. We wolfed down five amazing courses, plus dessert, and killed four bottles of wine between us.

The owner came out and mingled with us while gently caressing Claudette's shoulder. When he left, I gave her a curious look.

"We spent a summer of love together in eighty-three," she said wistfully. "And again in eighty-four. Or was it eighty-five? Oh, who can say!"

Miranda was on her fifth glass of wine by the time dessert came out. "That hand is looking a little light," she said to me bluntly. "Specifically the ring finger."

"Oh be quiet," he said.

She gestured with her wine glass. "I'm just saying. Nelson was smart enough to lock me down. I would expect you to have three times the opportunity..."

Braxton smiled, and Adam chuckled awkwardly. Mathias pretended to study the piece of chocolate cake on his fork. The four of us had discussed the future. We weren't sure how to make it work. Legally, I couldn't marry all three of them. That left us in a strange stalemate.

I didn't mind. Not really. I was happy where we were, and didn't want it to change.

But I had to admit: I felt a little jealous when I saw Miranda walk down the aisle two weeks ago.

"Who wants to see the Eiffel Tower?" Braxton said.

We left the restaurant, but not before Claudette gave the owner a very long and inappropriate kiss. She hummed to herself all the way to the Eiffel Tower.

The biggest tourist attraction in the world was all lit up at night, a beacon of bright steel against the dark sky. The pavilion in front of it was crowded with tourists and street vendors selling drinks, toys, and glow sticks.

The twins ran up to the vendors and practiced their French, asking them how much things cost and then politely telling them no thank you.

"This is so romantic," Miranda said while holding Nelson tightly. "This is the best place for a honeymoon."

"Absolutely," I said.

"And the best place to propose, too," she added.

I shot her a glare.

"What? I'm just saying if we stand here long enough we might see someone get down on one knee." She pointed. "That couple over there is my bet. He looks nervous."

Overhearing this, Barry and Allie ran over to the couple. "Excusez-moi," Allie chirped up. "Veux-tu... sa femme?"

I laughed at the poor translation: Do you want her wife?

The man looked mortified, and Braxton had to quickly collect the twins and bring them back.

"I think that's enough talking to strangers tonight," he said. "You can practice your French tomorrow."

"What are we going to do then?" Barry demanded.

Braxton pulled out his cell phone and handed it to him. "Press record. The big red button. Now point the phone this way to record a video, okay?"

"I'd be worried giving a five-year-old your cell phone," I said. "One wrong text or email and he might tank the market."

Braxton glanced at Mathias and Adam, then smiled warmly at me. "Don't worry, this won't take long."

"What won't take—"

I cut off as Braxton got down on one knee. Next to him Adam and Mathias did the same.

"OHMYGODIT'SHAPPENING," Miranda screamed.

Each man reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. "Kate Renfroe, will you marry me?" Braxton asked.

"Kate, will you marry me?" Adam asked.

"Marry me!" Mathias boomed cheerfully.

I used to hate when women fainted in movies, but suddenly I understood the reaction. All the blood rushed to my head and I felt weak. I looked at each box in turn. Braxton's held a yellow gold ring with a large princess-cut diamond. Adam's was identical, except the diamond was round. Mathias's box was different. It contained a yellow gold chain necklace with a diamond pendant.

Miranda cleared her throat. "Kate, if you don't say something then I'm going to answer on your behalf..."

"Oui!" Allie shouted. "You're supposed to say oui. It means yes in French!"

"Yes," I breathed. "Yes, oui, ja, si, hai. Yes, I'll marry you, in every language my answer is yes!"

Everyone in our group cheered, and soon the surrounding crowd clapped too—although many of them looked confused by the fact that three men were proposing. Braxton stood and put his ring on my left hand, while Adam put his ring on my right.

"A necklace is more functional," Mathias said confidently. He strung the necklace around my neck and hooked the clasp in the back. "You must remove your rings when lifting weights, but a necklace will always stay on!"

Barry cheered and began running around the pavilion, telling everyone he could see that his father was getting married: "Mon père se marie! Mon père se marie!"

"What about the logistics?" I asked my three men. My three fiancés. "How will we make this legal?"

"We don't care about logistics," Adam said. "We want to be with you, and we want to make it official."

"Even if it isn't official on paper," Braxton added.

Mathias wrapped me in a hug and spun me around. "It will be official here, in our hearts!"

I giggled as he swung me around and then kissed me. "How many points does Mathias get for this?" I asked.

The big German looked at me very seriously. "All the points, Kate. All the points!"

Miranda ran over to a street vendor to buy two bottles of cheap champagne. "We need to celebrate!"

"We have bottles of Dom back at the flat," Braxton said.

Miranda popped one of the bottles. "Oh shut up mister fancy schmancy billionaire. Tonight we're drinking five-Euro champagne whether you like it or not!"

We popped the other bottle, and then we toasted in front of the Eiffel Tower. As we passed the bottles around, two French photographers pushed through the crowd and began snapping photos of us from ten feet away.

"Ugh, even here," I muttered.

Braxton put an arm around me and held me close. "Just ignore them. Nothing can ruin this moment, not even the paparazzi."

"To hell with that," Miranda said.

She took a big swig of champagne, handed the bottle to her husband, and then strode over to the photographer. Before he could react she grabbed the camera out of his hand and spiked it on the ground like a football.

"That's for Diana, you vultures!" she said while smashing it under her heel.

Nelson grinned at the rest of us. "That's my wife."

"You talking about me?" Miranda asked as she returned.

"Just telling everyone how much I love you."

She wrapped her arms around his waist. "You'd better!"

Allie tugged on my sleeve. "Are you still the nanny? Or does this make you our mommy?"

I glanced at Braxton, then said, "I'll be your step-mommy, technically."

"How do you say mommy in French?" Barry asked.

"Maman," Claudette answered.

Allie and Barry ran circles around the group shouting, "Maman! Maman! Maman!"

Braxton wrapped me in his arms. "You are great with them."

I smiled. I may have been the nanny for the past year, but I had felt like their mother the entire time. This was just making it a little more official.

Suddenly the lights on the Eiffel Tower began blinking rapidly at the same time. Thousands of them, tens of thousands of them, flickering like strobe lights up and down the steel surface. The crowd gasped and began taking photos.

"Our concierge said this happens every hour after dark," Nelson said. "It's more beautiful than I imagined, though!"

"You haven't seen it yet?" Adam asked.

"I told you, we've been busy," Miranda replied curtly.

She and Nelson kissed, and then Mathias wrapped me in his arms. He gave me a long kiss, and said, "I love you with all of my heart."

Adam grabbed me next and kissed me. "Thanks for saying yes. You just stood there for a while."

"I was shocked!" I said with a laugh.

Finally Braxton took me in his arms. He kissed me tenderly, then nuzzled his nose against mine.

"I'm so glad we hired you a year ago," he said. "You've changed our lives, Kate."

No, I thought. You've changed mine.

The four of us wrapped our arms around each other and watched the Eiffel Tower lights flicker in the city of love.

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