We'll Be Okay [Solby]

Od Nova_Raven

18.9K 319 47

PLEASE HEED THE WARNINGS! Slow burn Solby. Sam and Colby are kidnapped by a group of contractors looking to f... Více

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 1

2.5K 28 22
Od Nova_Raven


Sam started to come to to Colby's voice desperately calling his name. "Sam, please wake up, please."

"Colby..." Sam slurred through a tongue that felt like a cotton ball, the fog in his head making focusing on anything a challenge. His face was cold, his hands feeling about ten times their normal size, consciousness slipping through his fingers like trying to hold onto water.

"Sam!" Colby called again, "Come on man, I need you with me right now, I can't..." Sam heard a clanking of metal on metal. "Sam!" Slowly, the fog on his mind was lifting, and the sensory cues his body was trying to send him finally started falling into place.

The ground under his head was cold and hard, and Sam's brain laboriously placed a name to the sensation. Concrete. He was lying on concrete. He shifted his body, moving to push his face off the ground but his hands weren't moving like they should have been, seemingly stuck behind his back. Wait, did he even have hands still? He couldn't feel anything where his hands should be. Panic brought him to full awareness, and Sam opened his eyes to finally take in his surroundings.

Gray concrete beneath his face explained the coldness he had felt, and as awareness seeped back in, he could also faintly feel the cuffs that bound his hands behind him. He sat up as quickly as his restraints would let him, trying to locate Colby.

"Sam, thank fuck you're okay." Sam's wandering eyes found Colby on the other side of the twelve by twelve room he had woken up in. Colby was bound over some sort of table, metal cuffs holding his wrists, ankles and neck in place.

"What the fuck?" Sam hissed, taking in the BDSM contraption that someone had put his friend into. Colby was shirtless, leaving him in only sweatpants, the guy clearly cold and terrified. Sam lurched to his feet, trying not to topple over at the lack of balance due to his inability to move his hands. The blood slowly started to return to his extremities, sending painful pulses of warmth all the way down to his fingertips.

There were tears in Colby's eyes as he approached, and the remnants of them on his face. "God, Colby..." Sam wanted nothing more than to hug his friend, but the restraints prevented him from doing so.

"I woke up tied to this thing, and you weren't moving, and I thought you were dead and I was so scared," Colby whispered, tears escaping his eyes as he gave a fresh wiggle against his restraints. Sam could see that his skin was already red from escape attempts.

"I'm okay Colby, I promise," He tried fiddling with the cuffs holding Colby, but the padlocks and solid metal quickly assured him he wasn't going to make any progress. "Fuck!" He snarled vehemently.

"I've been trying for like an hour," Colby said morosely, "Nothing." He stared up at Sam, eyes wide and terrified. "Dude, what the fuck is going on?"

Sam shrugged helplessly, wiggling his fingers as feeling slowly seeped back into his limbs. The numbness had started to subside, and a ferocious tingling had taken up residence in his hands. He flexed his hands as he continued. "I just remember being at the hotel, and then I think you screamed, and then..." Choking, cloying air in his lungs as he struggled to breath through fabric pressed against his face, darkness creeping into his vision as panic and adrenaline did their damndest to give him a fighting chance, but slipping under anyway... "Someone drugged us," He realized, tears of panic starting to well up in his own eyes.

He wandered over to the door to their room, hoping that perhaps it might be unlocked. It wasn't, of course, and Sam retreated back to Colby. It wasn't like he could leave without Colby anyway. Colby didn't speak for a moment, maybe letting the reality of the situation sink in. "Why did they tie me up like this?" He asked quietly, terror an undercurrent in his voice. "This table is like something out of Fifty Shades of Grey..." Sam couldn't help but agree. With Colby bound so that his neck was pinned in place, his wrists out to either side, and his ankles spread about a meter apart, Sam couldn't help the directions his terrified brain wanted to race down, as this looked way to much like someone was planning to...

"I won't let anyone hurt you," Sam promised quietly, interlacing his fingers with Colby's. His friend's breath was starting to slip into panicked hyperventilation as his mind had clearly begun to paint the same image.

"Don't make promises you don't know you can keep," Colby warned brokenly, twisting his wrist to grip Sam's hand better. "And don't get yourself hurt trying to help me. I can..." He took a steadying breath, "I can handle myself." Sam knew he was trying to put on a strong face. He shivered. "I don't want..." he trailed off.

Sam squeezed his hand. "We're going to be okay, man," His voice was thick with emotion, and he very much still wanted to cry. "We can... we'll keep each other safe, okay?" His voice broke. Colby nodded, tears falling from his eyes again.

"We'll be okay..."


Sam was sitting with his back to Colby's legs when the door opened. He automatically climbed to his feet, trying to put himself between their visitor and Colby. He received chuckles for his efforts. It was a group of five people, three women and two men. They all were probably in their late thirties or early forties, and all were looking at him and Colby in a way Sam immediately disliked.

Like they were prey.

"Hello boys," One of the women started, and Sam saw that she carried something that made dread sink into the pit of his stomach: a camera. Taking a closer look at the group, he saw that there were at least two high value cameras between the bunch. "Who are you people?" Sam meant for it to come out as much more threatening, but as it was it was clear that fear had leaked into his tone, as the predatory gaze of the two men had sharpened on him.

One of them moved towards them. Sam braced himself, not exactly sure how he was planning on defending himself with his hands bound and Colby locked into place, but feeling like he had to do something. The man seized his arm, yanking him off balance and away from Colby. "No, no, please, don't hurt him, what do you want from us?" Sam begged, hearing similar sentiments echoed from Colby. Sam yelped as a foot kicked into the back of his legs, and hard hands shoved him to his knees.

"Sam!" Colby cried desperately.

"Shut up you two, we're not going to hurt you," One of the other women said.

"Yet," Another offered.

"You see," The first one to speak spoke again. "We are private contractors of sorts. We take requests from clients and deliver upon these requests. Our newest contract, involves you two boys."

Colby spoke, though his voice was tight with panic. "So someone wants us?"

"Our client is interested in porn of Sam and Colby," The woman stated.

Sam blinked for a moment. "In what now?" He squeaked, trying to get to his feet again but a solid boot to the gut sent him to his knees gasping for breath. He heard Colby cry out in distress, and looked up to see his friend with his eyes tightly shut, face tucked into the table as though he could escape. "But Colby and I don't," He protested, he knew his face was red, that every emotion was showing across his face but right in that moment he didn't care, "We don't have sex, at all, he's my best friend, nothing more."

The other man not holding him shrugged. "That's not important," He continued where the woman had left off. "The way they see it, they just want to watch you two fuck." His eyes twinkled maliciously, "Whether that's you two fucking each other, or us fucking you."

"You want Sam to fuck me," Colby put it together first, shaking against his restraints, "That's why I'm tied up like this." Sam watched tears drip onto the table Colby was restrained to, shock and horror eating up his insides.

The first woman shrugged. "Sam can or we can," she shrugged. "Obviously he would prefer Sam, but exceptions were allowed if he won't." She glanced at him, "Or can't." Sam pulled again his restraints, hoping they would give, not sure what he would do against five people even if they did. And while they still had Colby.

Sam felt ice all in his insides. "I can't," He whispered brokenly, "I can't hurt him like this. Please, just let us go. We're just kids, we're just YouTubers, please, you can't ask us to..."

The man who had been explaining the situation strode over to Colby, who renewed his struggles against the cuffs, "Sam, Sam!" Colby called, "Let us go goddammit, please, please don't make us do this." Sam had only a moment to see the cameras move into position to realize what was going on.

And then Colby's pants were pulled down and Colby shrieked before breaking into sobs, begging him to stop and Sam was yelling too, and Sam saw the man's hand go for his pants and he cried, "I'll do it, I'll do it, don't fucking touch him, I'll fucking do it!"

The man backed away from Colby's sobbing form, smiling amicably at Sam. "Well then," he gestured. Sam froze, just now realizing what he had offered.

"I uh... I'm going to need some lube," He said haltingly, "And maybe my hands free?" His heart was racing as the people around him started moving. Sam felt someone walk behind him, and almost jumped at the grip around his wrists.

"You try anything," The woman said quietly, "We'll give it to him twice as hard." Sam shuddered, nodding his acquiescence as the binding between his wrist cuffs dropped, and his shoulders screamed as he moved his arms in from of him. Sam could see the cameras, one stationary on a tripod, the other one one of the women's shoulders, so she could move around and... Sam shuddered at the thought.

He walked over to Colby, placing a gentle hand on his back. Colby initially flinched, but then looked up to see Sam. His face was streaked from crying, and Sam knelt to get him at eye level. "I'm sorry man," He whispered, but I can't let them..."

"I'd rather you than them," Colby grated out, "Just... be gentle okay? I've never done this before..." Colby was petrified, he could tell, and Sam cupped his face between his hands.

"We're going to be okay, bro," He promised, aware that he probably looked just as terrified and tear streaked as his friend. "I'll go as slow as I can. I'm not going to hurt you." And he pressed a gentle kiss to Colby's forehead.

When Sam turned to look at their audience, he saw that a bottle of clear liquid had been placed at Colby's feet, and his heart jumped back up into his throat. "We're going to be okay," He whispered, more to himself this time than anyone else. There was a camera following his hands as he popped the lid and poured a portion of lube into his hands. It was cold, of course it was, just like everything else in here. Sam rubbed it between his hands to try to warm it up before he touched Colby.

"Oh, and Sam?" Sam turned back to the people watching him. One of the men cast him a threatening look. "You'd best cum in his ass, understand?" Colby cried out in shock and Sam's eyes widened. He was concocting a protest when the man said, "Our client wants cum in his ass, and its you or us." Sam gave a full body shudder, resigning himself to his fate.

He wouldn't let them touch him.

"Colby, I'm sorry." Colby had gone back to crying silently, and Sam had to fight past the violation on his mind and Colby's body to make his next move. It should be like girls right? Sam asked himself, realizing now that this moment would taint any sexual relationship he had in the future, because he would never be able to detach that from now. He rested a hand on Colby's tailbone, trying not to panic at the shudder he felt from Colby. He looked up at their audience again, and one of the men looked at him expectantly, even tapping a foot threateningly. Sam felt a sob threatening to break out of his chest, but he bit it back, pouring more lube onto his right hand to hopefully cause as little pain as possible.

Both Sam and Colby inhaled roughly when Sam's fingers brushed between Colby's cheeks. Colby whimpered, pressing his face against the table and clenching his hands. "It's going to be okay man," Sam promised, continuing to gently stroke his way deeper, "We're going to be okay." He hoped his hand on Colby's back served as some sort of anchor during this, something Colby could focus on that wasn't...

Colby cried out faintly when Sam finally brushed against his hole, and Sam could hear the quiet pleadings of "No, no, please, no, please..." And it twisted into Sam's chest to know that he was going to have to ignore Colby's pleadings, because this was the lesser of two evils right? Would they even have given Colby any prep? Or would a dick ripping into his ass have been his first experience in this room? Sam shuddered at the thought.

He began gently pressing against the muscle, working lube into the opening little by little. Colby was letting out little gasps at each of his movements, giving the occasional whine at a deeper press. Sam was pretty sure the first time his finger slipped in it surprised both him and Colby, a shocked yelp coming from the latter. Sam tried moving faster after that, seeing the threatening looks that everyone had begun to send him. They read clearly:

Hurry up, or we'll step in.

He got his whole first finger in without too much trouble, but the cry that came from Colby when he attempted to add another finger almost stopped him dead in his tracks. "Fuck, Sam, fuck, I can't, I can't," He whispered frantically. "It hurts, man, I can't do it, please."

"Colby," Sam whispered mournfully, wishing desperately he could retract his fingers and just set Colby free and run away. He could only pull his fingers out, add more lube, and return to his task.

Sam heard a loud whimper and several whispered swears but he was just trying to focus on getting through this at this point. This wasn't even the hardest part over yet, he still had to get hard, he still had to fuck Colby. How the fuck was he supposed to get off on this? On raping his best friend? He knew he had to try, he did. Or they would take over, and he told Colby he wouldn't let them hurt him.

Sam took a break from fingering Colby to unzip his pants, stroking himself and hoping against hope that a little stimulation would help to perk him up. Reinserting his fingers, he tried to picture a different situation, fingering Kat open, listening to her moan and tell him how good it felt, closing his eyes and letting his fingers switching into an autopilot that would have Kat screaming.

Which is why when he heard a shocked scream from Colby it was a total surprise. "What the fuck was that?" He demanded, and Sam opened his eyes, moving his fingers again in the same hooking motion. "Oh fuck," Colby groaned, "Sam, that feels..." His voice broke again. "Stop, please, I can't, fuck, please." But Sam noticed something.

For the first time since they had started this thing, Colby's cock had twitched. Sam wracked his brain for what the hell he had touched, when a long forgotten conversation about male g-spots and prostates surfaced. Had he accidentally found... He pressed his fingers forward again, and he could feel it now, almost spongy in texture, rounded and towards the front wall of Colby's rectum. Colby whined at the stimulation, hips thrusting forward in an aborted movement. He twisted around to look at Sam, lips parted, a confusion in his eyes.

At least he could maybe help Colby enjoy it?

"Oh fuck, Sam, Sam..." Colby whined when he resumed his stimulation, turning to press his forehead back into the table. "Sam, Sam, fuck, please, please, I... please..." Sam didn't know what Colby was pleading for. He wasn't sure if Colby knew either. But with these noises Colby was making it was easier for him to slip into his head again, this time picturing Colby, picturing a scenario in which everything was consensual, in which he had three fingers deep in Colby Brock and Colby Brock liked it. And that was what finally did it for his dick, it finally rising and taking an interest in the proceedings. Oh thank God, he could get on with it.

"Colby, I'm going to... I'm going to fuck you now, okay?" Sam warned his friend. Colby's body, which had almost relaxed during the prostate stimulation, tensed up again, and Sam heard a fresh sob heave its way out.

"Okay," Colby whispered. "Please, just..." He trailed off and didn't finish his sentence. Sam didn't push. Hating himself for every second of it, Sam lined up his hard dick to Colby's lube filled asshole and started to push in. Colby went rigid, and even as Sam didn't want to do this his body couldn't ignore the hot wet tight that almost immediately overwhelmed his senses, and Colby clenching down at the intrusion certainly didn't help.

Colby whimpered, pressing his face into the table and shaking. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." Sam saw new tears squeeze out of his eyes and Sam felt an immediate crushing guilt that he had come anywhere near thinking about enjoying this.

He swallowed and gripped into Colby's hips, giving little micro thrusts to simultaneously help stretch Colby and get his dick more with the program, as it was still having issues with the whole rape thing. Colby grunted, his thigh muscles straining as he struggled to adjust to the intrusion. Sam eased forward until he was fully seated, balls deep in Colby's ass, a place he sure as hell never though he would be. Colby was concerningly quiet, the sobs having tapered off as Sam breathed for a moment, his hands resting on Colby's hips.

"Am I okay to move?" Sam asked, and he felt absolutely awful at how much he wanted to, because his dick was just feeling good sensations, no matter the context, and wanted to thrust and cum.

"Slowly," Colby whispered, and his deep breathing told Sam he was trying to relax. Sam drew back just a little bit, the friction already amazing on his skin, and pushed back in lightly. Colby grunted, clenching hands rattling his cuffs. He thrust again, and again, and tried to lose himself in the mental image he had had before, where it was Colby actively wanting everything that he was doing to him, and that he was enjoying it as much as Sam's dick, shocked that this actually made it easier for him to continue.

Thankfully, it was over soon. Between Sam's fantasy and his own natural instincts, he found himself coming into Colby's ass much sooner than he expected it. He warned Colby before he did so, and his friend shuddered clenched his hands into fists. He half debated pulling out in the last few seconds, but couldn't let chance be there that he caused Colby any unneeded pain if their captors retaliated. Sam's head cleared almost immediately after the release of orgasm. He dropped to his knees, crawling around to look at Colby's face as a camera follow behind him for a shot of Colby's fucked out ass. His friend had clearly still been crying, but when he opened his eyes to look at Sam he whispered faintly, "Thank you."

Something metallic hit Sam in the back. "Keys for his cuffs." A female voice said. Sam jumped. He had almost forgotten they had an audience. Fortunately, it wasn't for long. The group filed out with the video cameras before Sam could do anything.

Sam jumped up, snatching the keys from the ground and moved to unlock Colby's restraints. However, first he saw the fluid leaking out of Colby and shuddered, pulling his shirt off to give him something to wipe it off with. "Colby, I'm going to..."

"Just get it out," Colby whispered vehemently. Sam could see that the facade of mild emotional control Colby had had was breaking down. "Please Sam, get it out."

"Okay, okay," Sam whispered, his own voice breaking, hating that they had made him do this, hating everyone involved in making him clean his own semen out of his best friend's ass. He did the best he could with the shirt, trying to finger out the fluid without hurting Colby more. He did the best he could before wiping a final time and pulling his sweatpants back up.

He pulled the keys to the cuffs from the ground and started unbinding Colby. He started with his neck, then his wrists and ankles. Colby tried to stand, but almost toppled over as the motion was too much for his stiff muscles. Sam caught him quickly, realizing that Colby was crying. Not the silent, terrified tears of before, but full on sobs, collapsing into his arms. A sobbing Colby in his arms didn't bide well for Sam's own emotional stability and soon the two were hugging and sobbing, trying desperately to come to terms with what they had just been made to do.

Sam was the first person to find his words again. "Colby, are you okay?" He backtracked almost immediately. "I mean, of course you're not, I just fucking raped you." Sam could feel the guilt that had been creeping up on him during sex poke its head out and remind him of its presence.

But Colby was already shaking his head. After a pained noise from first trying to sit on his ass, he had shifted to lying on his stomach almost on Sam's chest. "Sam, you had to," He whispered hoarsely, "They would have done so much worse. Probably fuckin' ripped my ass open or something..." They both shuddered at the mental image. "So I mean, yeah, it fuckin' hurt but like, I don't think there's any damage...so there's that." They fell into silence for a moment before Colby blushed suddenly. "What the fuck was that thing inside me?"

"Uh, Kat called it a prostate?" Sam flushed, recalling his own reaction to Colby's response to the prostate stimulation, "She was trying to talk me into letting her fuck me and said that guys have this g-spot up our asses." Colby nodded, blushing harder and shifting uncomfortably. The guilt hit him again. What if Colby had hated it? "I'm sorry if it made you uncomfortable, I thought if maybe you could enjoy it a little bit it would be less unpleasant and..."

"It was intense," Colby looked at the ground. For a moment, Sam thought he might elaborate, but he didn't continue.

There was a moment of quiet, before Sam asked, "So now what? They got us to fuck, what else are they going to do?"

Colby laughed darkly, "I guess it's too much to hope they'll let us go?"

Sam nodded faintly, curling up against Colby. "I'm scared," He whispered, feeling tears pricking at his eyes again. "If this is how it starts, where will they go from here?" Colby shuddered, pulling Sam closer against him.

"We'll be okay." Now it was Colby promising.

Sam closed his eyes, forcing out a few tears. "We'll be okay," He echoed, praying that somewhere, people were already looking for them.


The video launched on Sam and Colby's channel at 1:14 PST. It only enjoyed a short 20 minutes of being live before it was taken down. At that point though, the damage had been done. Twenty minutes of fans watching in horror as the creators they had almost come to view as friends were tortured. Some called it a stunt, some called it real. But they all made sure the evidence was tweeted out to the former trap house roommates, to make sure they knew that something was going on.

After viewing the sickening screen caps, anyone who knew Sam or Colby personally sent text after call trying to get in contact with their friends.

The messages were never received.

The police were called 24 hours later.  

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