Monstrum Omens

By SouthernPansy666

217 26 1

Gabriel Archer, an assassin, is sent to track down two traitors.....but he has no intentions to harm his mark... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 13

16 1 0
By SouthernPansy666

Gabriel smiled as he finally reached South Downs. The humble cottage looked just as peaceful as he left it. The sun had just risen, which meant that the Fell's were probably in bed, but Gabriel didn't mind, he just wanted to make sure that all was well....

Gabriel's black ears twitched at the sound of a window creaking open. The black Lycan couldn't stop his tail from wagging when a red muzzle appeared to sniff the air curiously.

Eden was up as soon as sunrise. She had been checking for any scent of Gabriel for the past two weeks, only to be disappointed. But this time, when she stuck her nose out of her window, she caught the familiar smell of pinecones mixed with lavender....

"Eden!" Gabriel whispered as he dashed to the window, his tail still wagging madly, but he didn't care.

"Gabriel!" Eden yipped happily, her own tail wagging just as happily. "I thought you would never come!"

"I had to do a few more jobs before I could request some time off, but not to worry, I'm free for two whole weeks." Gabriel grinned. He noticed that Eden wasn't wearing her tartan bow, but her ears, especially the droopy one, was just as adorable as the last time he saw it.

"How's your hind paw?" Gabriel asked, genuinely concerned.

"All better now, it wasn't that serious."

"Good. In that case, I probably should go, you need your sleep..." Gabriel turned to leave but Eden stopped him. "No, please don't go! I just woke up, let's go for a walk or something!"

"Well," Gabriel thought for a moment, "How about we go into town?"

"Tadwood?" Eden asked. Tadwood was a small village and the only place Eden was allowed to go. The monstrum there kept to themselves and didn't mind the odd family that would come to the village from time to time to buy food from the market...

"No, not Tadwood." Gabriel answered patiently. "Sohowl."

"Sohowl?" Eden had heard of it of course. It was the nearest city. Her Daddy made the occasional trip to get certain items that the Tadwood markets didn't have. But she had never been there....

"It's a nice place. I really think you'd like it there. There's restaurants, all kinds of stores...."

Gabriel realized that Eden was gone, her fluffy red face was no longer framed by the window.

"I'm here!" Eden was suddenly right next to him, beaming up at him. Eden didn't seem to mind that he was quite a bit taller than her.

"Let's go!"

"What about your parents?" Gabriel asked, expecting the vampire Crowley to come flying out the door, fangs and claws bared.

"They're still asleep, I snuck out quietly. It'll be okay if we don't stay out long."

Gabriel couldn't help but gape at the Lycan female in front of him. She was wearing a dark blue summer dress and her floofy red tail was decorated with her tartan bow, which Gabriel realized was a barrette when Eden turned around to adjust it, making sure it was on straight.

Eden's fur was a dark red flame in the sunlight.

"Lead the way Gabriel Archer." said Eden as she slipped on a pair of glasses with dark lenses.

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