Where Is He!? (discontinued)

By Ash_Chaos

51.8K 1.4K 412

Iruma is, as we know, a human in the demon world that can't use magic by himself right? Wrong! He finds a boo... More

Ch1: Assignment
Ch2: Tournament
Ch3: Aftermath
Ch4: Life goes on
Ch5: Enter - The High ranks!
Ch6: Children Of The Valley
Ch7: Meeting
Ch8: New Students and Old Teachers
Ch9: Dumb Kids
Ch10: Starting School Again
Ch11: Show of Dominanz
Ch12: Of Stoned Bonds And Foul Moods
Ch13: Walter Park!
Ch14: Hidden Group, Old Friend?
ch15: Collaboration
Ch16: Cold Hand
Ch17: In the Enemy's Hands
Ch18: New Allies
ch19: The highest place
Ch20: The Lone King Returns?
ch21: The Fool
alternative Ending
The Tower (Oneshot)
Summoning The Fam
Chaos Quiz


1.1K 29 5
By Ash_Chaos

Yeah so I have no motivation for the actual story line right now but I have gained a bit of inspiration from a few very rare reaction videos. -This is not a part of my story, see it as a entirely different AU please.


Makai was as loud and busy as always with students and teenagers having a screaming contest and the adults rushing about their lives with Kalego being a star example for all and getting his Cerberus to calm his students ass down as they were (for some of them more than others) behaving like shitty children.
Though most of Babylus would agree in saying everything's normal. So yeah, it was another great day and the purple sky was embracing for all those who wished to just ditch classes. An occupational hazard among the Royal One class apparently.

Iruma's POV

"Iruma-chi duck!" said Clara before dragging my head down since Sabnock's and Azazel's familiars were 'dancing' and tussling around everywhere. I closed my eyes thinking back on how this all started...

~~~~~~le flashback~~~~~☆

"Iruma-sama do you have anything planned for today?" asked me Azz-kun after sitting down on his part of the desk.
"No, not particularly. But grandpa wants to show me around Makai a bit this Weekend as a family picnic. Opera-San is also coming along with us" I replied expectant and a bit nervous of how that's gonna go.

"Hm? A picnic trip around Makai?" stated Sabnock-kun bringing himself into our conversation. Azz-kun didn't seem to like it seeing how his face gave off the impression 'rude' and he was giving annoyed eyes at our classmate.
"What wrong with it?" I asked him. Is there something I should better know about beforehand? I wondered concerned for my wellbeing yet again.

Sabnock: Just that you should totally view the firevore valley or the hell's nest! Whenever my family goes on a trip we never leave out those places!

Clara: But isn't the first a canyon where fire shoots in the air all the time and lava's everywhere?
And the other has multiple monsters roaming in it?

Sabnock: You know it!?
Clara: My mamma always tells us that none of us should go there 'cuz its too dangerous for most demons.
Sabnock: Pssh! -as if! Even my little sister loves it there!

Azz: I won't allow Iruma-sama to go to such a place alone!
Sabnock: Oh c'mon! You need to give him space sometimes your not good mother!

~~~~~~end of flashback~~~~~☆

And yeah it went to even more exaggerated spit-takes that would even make Croeri-san want to use her ice abilities to keep all the fluid or steam away from her... *creak* my ears picked up an all to familiar sound. The door closed accompanied by an all to familiar shout, "SILENCE!!".

Peeking over the table me and Clara hid behind, we saw our teacher Kalego-sensei looking as scary (if not a bit more) than usual. Probably because of the noise we made... I quietly whined to myself drawing my head to the side downwards.

"Sit." he said short, but sharply. It was clear that he didn't want to waste time ..unless its for class (lessons) or his punishments. Of course we sat down, who wouldn't if they had someone like Kalego-sensei as their homeroom teacher, at the same time, the two familiars dissappeared. He walked to the podium bringing down our class's attendance book with a strict but elegant handposition.

He walked further upfront so he stood to the podiums upper right, consequently, that was closer to our row. He looked displeased looking at his narrowed eyes and how the back of his eyebrows was raised. "Finally your seated. I have been informed by Ballam-sensei that some of you have been negligent in your studies about fantasy creatures and are beginning to drop into a grade warranting one step towards expulsion! If it was somebody else's class I wouldn't bother but I won't tolerate it from my own students! As such me and Ballam-sensei have decided to give you an opportunity to gain extra points for your pathetic grades!".

Lied-kun hesitantly raised his hand "And what does that mean for us..?".
'A test? A presentation? Repeat a year? Wait that wouldn't work and defeats the purpose..but how could someone fail at one of Ballam-sensei's test?', while Iruma was busy questioning about the others skills to learn simple knowledge, he didn't hear what was said about him.

"Now you are not totally failing seeing how you have a genius of that subject in class, but even so I'd rather you put more effort into your education. I don't expect you to go at it with your classmates 'bra-ver-y' but do strive to do better, AM I CLEAR!?".

Iruma jolted from the shout only seeing the others nod or say yes to whatever their teacher had been saying, 'Huh?! Did he say what we're doing? I didn't listen!', he failed to look at Sabnock or Asmodeus who were looking at him. The first in determination, while the other was proud of his ⚜friend⚜ 'Iruma-sama!'.

"Now then! Your assignment is to go to the east side of the school, further down is the entrence to a cave. Follow it and you'll find your quizmaster there. Depending for how long your able to answer his questions, we'll give you points. Be aware that if you answer just one of his questions wrong you'll be thrown out immediately with no way back in or to stay inside. Now get going!". Standing up, we exited Royal One, then Babylus.

'How do I get down?', I looked down upon the cliff before me as my friends and classmates (I'm typically against rivalry) got out there wings and headed down. As I was thinking I got picked up by a strong hand lifting me of the ground, 'Waaa! Ah..?'. I looked up to see who it was in shock only to feel my heart stop its hazardous beating, "Ballam-sensei!". A wave of relief washed over me, "Hello there Iruma-kun! Lovely weather up here wouldn't you agree? Me and Kalego will be watching you from over here".

As he flew me down (kinda hugging me) I began to see the aforementioned cave aswell as my class and our teacher, some shot me weird (sympathetic) looks. Ballam-sensei let me down and joined his college's side.. I kinda want to brush his feathers... "Iruma-sama let's go!", Asmodeus got my attention as I turned around "Coming!". '

A quiz.. I've never done one. Is it gonna be like those shows on TV?', I went over smiling, excited for the questions.


"Wow this place sure is dark" the thief of our group commented as we walked past the stoney, uneven or even twisted copper-black walls of the cave. Weirdly enough for an 'exam-area', there were no light sources, not even torches you could lit. Thankfully however Asmodeus-kun had volunteered to use his fire magic so we all could partly see what was infront of us.

Clink, clack
Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap

I don't even know for how long we walked but dare I say it felt longer than a trip from home to School! Were we walking in circles or sth? I brought my hand over my head in a gesture that wouldn't warrant any unnecessary attention "Ari-san this place is weird don't you think?", I quietly whispered to the ring on my hand. It glowed a slight purple, but didn't take any action otherwise.

'?', my eyes went from looking slightly to the closest ground I could see to the hand on my head. "Ari-san?"... "Iru-boozu, you're in the hom< of a s%h*-#! To get out you must ch@llenge it and w/n but be-!" the voice disappeared as any activity of it ceased. 'That wasn't normal at all!', I looked around once again, careful, wary and getting scared. 'This isn't a regular exam area is it?!'.

"Iruma-chii, are you OK? You seem worried..", Green hair appeared in my vision as a small red fire in someone's hand came closer to my face.
"Iruma-Sama is everything alright?", Azz-kun, who held the fire, looked at me concerned as we all came to a halt. I looked at them, "Don't you think we have been walking for quite a while?".

"Hmm? No? It's like a refreshing walk in greenborks park", Kamui who partook in our discussion commented.
"Iruma-chii, maybe you have a fever that's why your tired?", Clara tried to feel my temperature as Asmodeus swiped his fire to and away from my face as he began to panic if I'm cold or not.

As the class talked amongst themselves, the two teachers were seated on some stones and looking at a little screen showing them the students.

"Huh? So Iruma didn't fall under their influence for long. Normally they'd walk for 4 hours without a break before one starts to get a little suspicious", carefully raising an eyebrow at the tumult going on with the kids, Kalego didn't bother to see the thoughtful face of his colleague, 'Well that probably has something to do with the fact that they haven't had any experience on hypnotizing a human before'.

"I think we're being tricked, if this were a test why isn't the way we have to walk marked?.. Maybe...", Iruma looked at his worried friends in shocked realization meeting their confused faces.
"-This is already a test!", with his shout, a shiver ran down their backs as the walls seemed to have glue melt off of their surfaces. Light slowly flooded the sudden ginormous hall as torches and a beautifully tiled, marble floor was revealed to them. But that's not all, on the other side of where they seemingly had come from, was a very big (stoned?) feline like statue.

Iruma's eyes widened, 'That's a-!'.

"Welcome, demons, I, am Troja. A Sphinx, and I will be the one to decide weather or not you all are a group of no-brains that shall die here, or a group of beings that is capable of using their brain to think and learn. I will give you riddles, questions, problems.. solve all of them and you will be free to go, if not you can die here once and return to your place of birth and forget about all this."

OH this could get so ugly, Iruma didn't want to imagine what could occur should they even fail one of her(?) questions! He had heard/read what was said about a sphinx and their riddles, each one is a threat to their life should they live through the former or first one asked...

"First, what creature walks on 4 legs in the morning, 2 in the day and 3 in the evening?", her head tilted as her smile seemed to get sweeter at the distraught looks and noises the young demons made. That one fell from quick surprise, "A human", was heard. All eyes went to Iruma who looked confused himself even though he said it with more confidence than any answer he'd have given the familiar teacher. "Iruma-Sama? Why a human? They only walk on 2 as far as I know", said Asmodeus not wanting to argue with his friend but confused if suddenly he was going to doubt his knowledge.

Iruma looked at the silent sphinx, apparently he had to say how he came to the correct conclusion judging by how she looked at him. Iruma looked at her as he explained the rather familiar mock riddle he had once heard from a coworker, "Ehem! Rather than 'in the morning' it's at the start of their life where a human - a baby - crawls on all fours. Later it starts to adapt to walking on only 2, while in the 'evening' or their remaining time, they use a stick to support themselves which is the third leg in this case".

Kalego looked mildly impressed at how easy Iruma figured it out. Sure he was the class's best on the subject but still.

Troja laughed amused, "Hahaha ha! You are correct youngling. It is indeed a human that is the key to this riddle. Then, let us proceed to the second one".
After a short moment of being stumped at their amazing classmate, the others resumed their focus to the sphinx, they too could figure this out!
While the teachers got further impressed with their students as more time - and more riddles and quizzes - passed, the sphinx slowly got angry at losing to the kids that seemed to make a fool out of her. She snapped, her agreement to the headmaster and teachers be damned her pride was wounded! They hadn't even failed a single one yet! She got up with such fervor that the students were startled; the aura in the cave became odd as the sphinx took on a dark look.

"If you want to leave you must complete what will be said to you! Be warned, you will only get a small 'piece' as a hint",
said the sphinx her posture telling the demons that she meant buisness. Both Ballam and Calego noticed as much and quickly went to stop her. Alas, they couldn't pass through the entrences barrier willy nilly now that the female beast had lost her composure. 'Boy, there never gonna get it! This is a song I stumbled upon during my rare space-time viewings; it's nothing you'd know unless you yourself aren't even from Makai! Huhuhu~~'.

The misfit class gulped, were they gonna fail and die now of all times!?

-There once was a ship that put to sea
The name of the ship was the Billy of Tea
The winds blew up, her bow dipped down
Oh blow, my bully boys, blow (huh)

'Singing? We have to finish a song!?', (Kroeri) this is bad I don't know it! - which is even weirder!! '.

Soon may the Wellerman come
To bring us sugar and tea and rum
One day, when the tonguing is done
We'll take our leave and go

'.. Wait, 'Wellerman? Didn't I hear that song in the radio a few times back on the sailing ship? Is it the same..?', Iruma looked at the sphinx in sudden interest which didn't escape from her, she continued on suspicious at the kid whose eyes looked at her clearly. She felt like an arrow was pointed at her from under his gaze..

She'd not been 2 weeks from shore
When down on her a right whale bore
The captain called all hands and swore
He'd take that whale in tow (huh)

Then, it happened, just when some of then inched backwards at the now sitting cat which obviously seemed to have finished her 'hint'. Iruma didn't get back or close his eyes in response to the danger, no, he continued in a low voice.

"Soon may the Wellerman come
To bring us sugar and tea and rum
One day, when the tonguing is done
We'll take our leave and go"

The sphinx wanted to burn them alive since they failed, however, her powers discerned the truth of the matter and repelled right of in front of Iruma who grinned, he was right. He got louder, audiable as his classmates stared at him again speechless and awed.


Before the boat had hit the water
The whale's tail came up and caught her
All hands to the side, harpooned and fought her
When she dived down low (huh)

Soon may the Wellerman come
To bring us sugar and tea and rum
One day, when the tonguing is done
We'll take our leave and go"

The Teachers had fought their way inside while the ring of gluttony was freed from the magic suppression he'd been subjected to since entering, he smiled. Ballam and kalego didn't quite understand the songs language, the participants of the trial are able to automatically understand the sphinx, and give short replies. But a song was another matter, what was being said exactly?

"No line was cut, no whale was freed
The captain's mind was not of greed
And he belonged to the Whaleman's creed
She took that ship in tow (huh)

Soon may the Wellerman come
To bring us sugar and tea and rum
One day, when the tonguing is done
We'll take our leave and go"

The sphinx looked at Iruma flabbergasted, her glowering eyes and anger locked onto the small figure as her eye of truth activated instantly out of instinct. She had to know how he knew all those answers... And this outerworldly song! Then she.. saw, before her stood no demon.. but an otherworldler, she quietly gasped. All her temper vanishing.



For forty days or even more
The line went slack then tight once more
All boats were lost, there were only four
But still that whale did go (huh)

Soon may the Wellerman come
To bring us sugar and tea and rum
One day, when the tonguing is done
We'll take our leave and go"

Iruma was glad he remembered the song so well, even the cat lady seemed to have calmed down. Maybe it was all just an act for the final quiz and he'd get extra points now!
His classmates would disagree with him, but currently they were occupied to stare at him in wonder, he seemed to be having fun singing whatever or wherever that song is from.

"As far as I've heard, the fight's still on!
The line's not cut, and the whale's not gone!
The Wellerman makes his regular call
To encourage the captain, crew and all (huh)

Soon may the Wellerman come
To bring us sugar and tea and rum
One day, when the tonguing is done
We'll take our leave and go

Soon may the Wellerman come
To bring us sugar and tea and rum
One day, when the tonguing is done
We'll take our leave and go~"

Iruma bowed, compelled so due to the atmosphere in the room, he got up feeling embarrassed. In the end the sphinx got punished twice, once by the disgruntled teachers and the second time by the devil that his behind the face of a nice headmaster, he threatened her to not say a word. She felt wronged and moped the rest of the week while the students got their just rewards and passed their test in a way befitting the misfit classes reputation. Troja later continued to wonder about the boy and his ring, 'That ring.. It is..', she shook her head, there was no better gift in life than the present. She looked forward to more things in the unforeseeable future.

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