A Pair of Rogues: An Assassin...

By JediCreed119

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Inspired by "The Rogue Couple" by: Broken Crystal Heart, instead of sending Shay alone to the precursor site... More

Chapter 1: Portugal Disaster, 1755
Chapter 3: The Choice and Escape From The Homestead
Chapter 4: Awakening in New York
Chapter 5: Home Invasion
Chapter 6: A New Shay and Chase Atop New York
Chapter 7: Hope's Meeting of Change

Chapter 2: Confrontation

561 7 1
By JediCreed119

Several weeks later after Shay and Hope arrive back at the homestead, Achilles Davenport, current mentor of the Colonial Brotherhood of Assassins, was there in his study still unbalanced from the loss of his wife Abigail and his young son Connor, and yet working to maintain and lead the Brotherhood without delay or second thought.

 Without expectation, Shay, with absolute fury across his face and Hope behind, with uncertainty and concern on hers entered and charged up to him. "So what's the next city you'll have us smite?! What happened in Haiti, happened in Portugal. A great earthquake, THOUSANDS DEAD THANKS TO YOUR DAMN MANUSCRIPT!" Shay roared, the hundreds of deaths he saw caused by the precursor artifact fresh on his mind only adding to the fire of his rage. Achilles, with a stern and strict expression, but not showing visible anger, pushed Shay back a few feet. "Shay, do not be ridiculous. One person cannot start an earthquake." Achilles stated, not believing an Apple of Eden would be capable of such a power. This voicing of ignorance only worsened Shay's fury. "I bet you knew that temple was filled to bursting with that kind of power. You sent me in there like Mackandal sent his men in Haiti. You made Me SLAUGHTER INNOCENTS!" Shay roared. "How dare you!" Achilles retorted not accepting this accusation of him being to blame for some unconfirmed casualty to the mission. Hope, seeing that neither would budge from their stances, moved in between the two men. Hope then stared into Shay's rage-filled dark eyes with a pleading look to calm down and let her explain to Achilles. Shay, still shaking, knew that Hope was also shaken up from witnessing the earthquake as well, and calmed down, hoping maybe she could make Achilles see reason. Once Shay calmed down to a good-enough degree, turned towards her mentor with a look of concern. "Achilles, what Shay says is true, whatever that artifact was, wasn't an Apple. We don't know what it was in that temple, but the moment Shay tried to take it, it disintegrated in his hands and then it somehow triggered a massive earthquake that leveled the entire city. I know it sounds absurd now, but I swear to God that's the truth." Hope explained hoping Achilles would listen. But unfortunately it didn't help much at all. "ENOUGH!" Achilles yelled, with cold fury spelled across his face. "I don't know whether it's something you or Shay did wrong with the operation, but I thought you would understand what is at stake here!" Pointing a shaking finger at her face, Achilles continued. "Remember what I told you Hope, the Templars are willing to do whatever it takes to get their dark, corrupted hands on the apple and all other precursor artifacts. I will not put aside this mission or risk losing any pieces of eden to our enemies for some baseless, outlandish claim!" He spoke with the stance of a leader that is not to be questioned. Hope, slightly trembling at his tone, Shay behind, ready to react if needed if things took a turn for the worse. Still hoping to get through to the stubborn mentor, tries once last attempt to persuade him to listen. "Achilles please listen, these artifacts, whatever they may be, are ones not meant for any person to disturb or control. I understand perfectly the importance at stake, but please Achilles, don't let the loss of your family overtake your sense of reason..." Before she could continue, a loud sound of a slap could be heard, as Achilles swatted a back hand across Hope's right cheek causing a sharp pain that managed to cut her cheek and she fell to the ground shock, dazed, and slightly afraid as Shay caught her, and he too was shocked at this action. "How dare you judge me on matters that don't concern you Hope Jensen!" He said quieter, but holding a lot of rage. The anger in Shay's blood rose and boiled again, but stayed to hold Hope close to him as she buried her face into his coat. "So this is how you respond to explanations, oh proud and grand mentor." Shay mocked. Before Achilles could retaliate, fellow assassins Liam O'Brien and Louis-Joseph Gaultier Chevalier De La Vérendrye enter the room. "What the blazes is happening here?!" Liam exclaimed wondering what had happened, finding Achilles and his longtime best best friend glaring daggers at one another and Hope in Shay's arms. "Liam, Chevalier, get them out of here." Achilles ordered in a tone that left no room for argument. "So sending us away now are ya, who are you to slap someone trying to reason with you, and who the bloody hell are you, TO DECIDE WHAT CITY FALLS NEXT!" Liam takes both Shay and Hope out of the room, following his order without question. Chevalier, who glared with his obvious dislike for Shay Cormac, slammed the door right behind them as Liam took them out of the manor.

AN: Chapter 2 done. Hope you liked it. Next will come out soon. Until then, happy May the Fourth, and may the force be with you. 

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