Chapter 7: Hope's Meeting of Change

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 Hope continued to wait in the house for Shay to come back. She sits in her room continuing to worry if Shay's injuries will hinder his skills and allow the worse to happen. Hope would be pulled from her thoughts of worry at the opening of her bedroom door to see Cassidy walk in holding what appears to be a bundle of clothes. "Sorry to disturb you from your thoughts dear, but I just came to tell you they finally came." she said. "What did came Cassidy?" Hope asked. "A friend of ours had these clothes specially made for you. We weren't sure when they would arrive but here you are dear. It'll be definitely better than having to move around in your sleepwear all the time." Cassidy said with a smile as she handed Hope the bundle. Hope could only smile back and thanked Cassidy for the clothes. Cassidy stepped out to allow Hope to change.

After a few minutes of freshening up, styling, fitting and adjusting, Hope stepped in front of the mirror to see her new self. She was now wearing a white, long-sleeved blouse, clay and purple-striped pants with a purple belt with a gold-colored buckle with two additional purple belts with clay colored attachments and two brown colored leg pouches, dark purple boots, purple gloves with gold wrist bands, and a long purple sleeveless vest-coat with gold highlights, buttons along with her red and onyx encrusted cloth choker, and a necklace with a light blue gem to top it off. She wore her hair in a braided tail to the left with a purple bow at the end. Looking at her new appearance in the mirror, it was almost like seeing an entirely different person at first. 'This new wardrobe is something else to say the least. I suppose a whole new life calls for a whole lot of change.' Hope thought to herself. After a few minutes of taking in every inch of her new appearance, she opened the door to find a bundle including her hidden blades, pouches, pistols, and other belongings wrapped in a blanket like Shay's, but also saw a long package in front of the bundle with a folded note attached to it. Bewildered at the box, but grateful at the same time that most of her stuff was there. Taking the stuff back in and she then quickly equipped herself with her current weapons and supplies from the bundle before turning to the package. Taking the note, she unfolded it to read the following: "I hope this small gift will help in the future. We'll meet soon and I'll help to make sense of many things. - A Friend'. Looking with suspicion at the note, she wasn't sure what to expect of this 'friend'. "Must be the same friend who got me these clothes. Hope he didn't get them for any reason he'll regret." She said with slight venom at the tone assuming the worst scenario of this mysterious benefactor. She then went and opened the package to find a long and beautiful slender rapier that fitted her and her fighting style perfectly. She stared in awe of the weapon and its matching beauty as she then strapped the sheath to her belt and sheathed the blade.

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	After what seemed like forever, Hope finally stepped out of the room

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After what seemed like forever, Hope finally stepped out of the room. Not sure of what to do next, she decided to head downstairs. On the way, Cassidy was leaving her room when she caught a glimpse at Hope's new appearance. She only looked and beamed with the pride of a mother. "By god Hope, you look beautiful darling!" She exclaimed with glee while clapping her hands together. Hope could only blush in slight embarrassment, feeling as if this new wardrobe isn't something to over-celebrate. "Thank you Cassidy, but it's really nothing much." She said. Cassidy waved it off and gave her a light one-armed hug before they both went downstairs. When they made it to the drawing room, Hope was surprised to see Barry with someone else on the sofas drinking tea. The man was aged and was wearing a military officers uniform, and Hope could already identify him as a British colonel, yet he carried a tone and appearance that reflected only peace and calm. Barry then looked to the side and smiled at Hope and Cassidy's entrance. "Ah, just in time you both. Thought you'd never be ready." Barry exclaimed. "Oh, my apologies, I wasn't told we were having company." Hope apologized frantically. Then the uniformed visitor spoke up. "There's no need to apologize, my arrival was a bit unannounced." Hope saw he spoke very calmly and civil, not exactly the kind of tone you see in a redcoat, which surprised her. "It's good to see you're doing well Cassidy. It's been some time. I'm sorry about what you both went through." the man spoke with regret at the end. "It's ok Colonel, we're safe now." Cassidy responded. "Please, I told you, you can call me George Cass, we've known each other for a while now." the colonel named George responded back. The Colonel then looked to Hope and with a kind smile and approached. "It's good to see you've recovered well, Miss. Jensen. You have great luck after what you must've been through." Hope was befuddled by how this colonel knew her name, she started to get worried. "I don't think I remember meeting you before sir." she answered. "Oh, forgive me, I didn't mean to make you assume the worst. My name is Colonel George Monro. I'm a friend of the Finnegans, and hopefully to you as well." he introduced himself. Hope only nodded her head. "Well to explain, my men were returning to New York, and found you and a man, unconscious and very injured, we got you out of the sea and took you back with us to get you treatment. I brought you both here to let you both heal and recover." Colonel Monro explained to Hope. Hope could only be silent as she listened to Monro's story, seeing as she and Shay pretty much owe their survival to this man. "I guess I owe you my thanks colonel." She said in thanks and gratitude. "I only did what I knew was right, Miss. Jensen, no need for deep thanks." Monro responded humbly. Cassidy then called them to sit and finish their tea, and invited Hope as well, to which she decided to join.

	After a few hours later, Hope noticed Shay had still not returned from chasing that gangster and began to get worried

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After a few hours later, Hope noticed Shay had still not returned from chasing that gangster and began to get worried. Colonel Monro took notice of this. "Is something troubling you Miss Jensen?" he asked out of concern. "It's nothing too serious, it's just, my companion has been out for longer than I expected." "Aye, I bet that boy has gone off looking for trouble." Barry said out of the blue. Cassidy then sighed out of her husband's quick assumptions of people, but also sensed he might be right in a way. "I just hope Shay's alright. " Cassidy contemplates out of concern. "He wouldn't be Shay Cormac if he didn't know how to handle himself against a few street thugs, Cassidy." Hope reassures. Colonel Monro then looks up with a thoughtful expression seemingly ready to take action. "If it will ease your worries, I can go with my men to assist master Cormac in whatever trouble he has. I have been tracking down these criminals myself, and we recently have found their hideout close to here. I heard they came here a few days ago. I'm sorry I couldn't have protected you both better from these ruffians." he said as he offered both his assistance and condolence at the same time. "It's ok Colonel, Shay really came through and gave them quite the beating when they tried to extort us." Barry said. Colonel Monro then stood up and readied himself. "I better be off to aid Master Cormac in case these criminals prove to be too troublesome. I'll be sure to return him alive Miss Jensen, you have my assurance." he told her. "Thank you colonel." was all Hope could say as they shaked hands and he exited the house. As Colonel Monro left the house, she went to find something to ease her worries, and could only hope either Shay would survive or the colonel would arrive in time to help.

AN: Hello readers, sorry about the long hiatus. Been having a lot of stuff going on keeping me busy. But here is the long awaited next chapter. Hope you like the appearance and weapon I've given Hope. Again, pictures above and used are not mine, all rights reserved to original artists and makers. As always, like and comment, and I'll do my best and work on the chapter. Until then readers, may the force be with you. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2021 ⏰

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