Chapter 1: Portugal Disaster, 1755

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Dawn broke above the skies over Lisbon, Portugal. All around, the city was in a festive and spiritually positive mood, as it was a holy occasion, the Feast of All Saints. Several of Lisbon's inhabitants had entered the cathedral for the mass. Within that crowd, were two individuals. A man in a greyish-black overcoat with a white shirt, tanned trousers, a red sash across the waist, a belt with a tree design, long straight dark hair and dark brown eyes and a roguish appearance. With him, a woman in a purple dress-like coat with blue and white trims, yet she carried an elegant charm. They were Shay Patrick Cormac and Hope Jensen, members of the secretive and infamous Assassin Brotherhood of the American Colonies. What brings two Colonial Assassins overseas to Portugal. After battles against the Brotherhood's notorious enemy, the Templar Order in recovering an ancient manuscript and box built by an ancient race known to them as the precursors or 'The Ones Who Came Before'. The box and manuscript had led them to the location of a precursor temple in the city, believing it to hold a piece of Eden, artifacts and weapons left behind by the precursors when they perished more than millennia ago. "So, the Feast of All Saints, quite a sight, and the time to be searching around for a relic before the time of Adam and Eve, a strange day indeed right Hope?" Shay asked his companion, trying to open a conversation with the woman who was one of his many instructors that mentored him in the ways of the Brotherhood, and has secretly taken a liking to her. Hope, sighing and rolling her eyes at Shay's act of immaturity. "And this is why Achilles was wise to send me along to keep an eye on you." she stated straightforwardly. Giving one last playful smile, Shay responded, "To watch me do my handiwork or keep me out of trouble, care to tell me a hint?" "Just get to work and figure out the way to the site." Hope responded back groaning at his failing attempt to humor her.

Shay and Hope scattered across the church, looking for any lead or mechanism to unlock the precursor sight as the priest read from the Bible and led the morning service. Upon finding each of them around the four sides of the church, they each unlocked the sides of an emblem behind the benches. Upon stepping on that spot, they were lowered beneath the floor and facing a strange antechamber. "This must be it. The Precursor site" Shay said, in awe of the sight before him, being bewildered by something almost unnatural. "Focus Shay, and be careful. We don't know what surprises this site may have waiting for us." Hope advised straightforwardly, not exactly hiding her astonishment at the site before her, but knew they had to be cautious. The hall was dusty and had roots growing downward, and at the end was an open chamber with a massive black stone pyramid-like obelisk at the center. Upon reaching what looked like the end of the path, a set of black platforms with a slight golden glow in them rose from the chasm. "What do we have here?" Shay queried in amazement. Hope allowed Shay to move first, keeping a watch from behind in case anyone tried to follow them. Upon getting closer to the obelisk, a hexagon piece in front of it lowered, revealing a strange floating black and spiked object with white glowing tips. "Must be the artifact." Shay muttered softly. "Hope holds him back for a bit. "Is something wrong Hope?" Shay asked, wondering why Hope stopped him, seeing her face bewildered and somewhat confused. "Something seems off, this doesn't look like an apple. Look, the shape is different, even the colors. I'm not even sure what this thing is for or what it can do. None of the records back at the homestead described a piece of eden like this before." Hope explained to Shay with deep uncertainty of what they could be messing with. "I can see where you're coming from Hope, but we do have our mission right?" "Just be careful with that." Shay nods and steps forward. 

Shay approaches the strange looking artifact and gently picks it up with his fingers, and the moment he touches it, a glowing pattern appears all over it

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Shay approaches the strange looking artifact and gently picks it up with his fingers, and the moment he touches it, a glowing pattern appears all over it. Upon bringing it closer to him, the artifact lost color and crumbled into dust and pieces. Then, a loud rumbling sound could be heard around them, both assassins went on high alert. Next, the ground began shaking and the stones from the ceiling started falling. "What's going on?!" Hope asks frantically, wondering if they triggered some defense mechanism. "No time, we have to get out now!" Shay yells, knowing this was the start of some sort of earthquake. Grabbing Hope's arm, he starts dragging her with him as they both start to run out of the collapsing chamber. Upon leaving, they saw the church had lost its ceiling and stones from the remaining ceiling and wall began falling. Shay lets go of Hope and they begin running out of the church. "We have to get out of the city!" Shay yelled to be sure Hope could hear him in all the commotion and panic. Hope nods her head in acknowledgement. Upon running out into the streets of Lisbon, they could see the temple causing a massive, devastating earthquake destroying the city. The streets cracked, buildings and structures broke and started collapsing, and all the people were running away and screaming in panic at the devastation happening. Having to maneuver through and around the falling and breaking homes, streets, and buildings, they eventually reached a terrace facing the waters and both leapt. They kept swimming until they reached the ship that brought them there waiting far from the harbors. Upon climbing aboard, catching their breaths and collecting their thoughts, a crew member came and helped them up. All three of them facing out at the destroyed, smoking, city. "How could God do this to them?" The sailor asked them, shocked and horrified at the disaster he just witnessed. Hope was aghast and speechless, covering her mouth with both her hands and tears of fright being held back with all her will, horrified at what the they had unleashed on the innocent people of Lisbon. Shay however, while horrified, hid it under a light yet serious glare. "God had nothing to do with this." He stated, plain and coldly. Knowing he and Hope caused this, but knew the one who brought this disaster into happening. And the answer was waiting back in the Colonies.

 And the answer was waiting back in the Colonies

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AN: And that is chapter 1. Hope you all enjoyed. Images do not belong to me, all rights and property reserved to Ubisoft and makers of Assassin's Creed and all other owners. Comment and will upload the next chapter soon. Until then, May the force be with you.

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