Unrelenting || myg.

By obriensuniverse

39.5K 1.4K 513

When the forbidden fate of an apocalypse brings her towards four handsome boys in Daegu; she builds bonds tha... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six

Chapter Twenty-seven [FINALE]

1K 38 32
By obriensuniverse

(The image above was edited by me however the image of the stars is not. If you're a fan of this story go ahead and screenshot it if you wish.)

TW: blood, injury, death.

"Hobi wake up," I cried as I shook his shoulders roughly.

He couldn't be gone. It must all be a dream. In a moment my eyes will pull themselves open and I'll be shoved back into reality where I'm laying on the cold dungeon floor with chains locked around my wrists and ankles. Jimin will be in the cell opposite and we'll be friends. Jimin...

My gaze averted from Hobi's lifeless body and to where Jimin was standing only moments ago. There he stood in that same place, however now he was shell-shocked and guilt ran over his face like a rapid disease can spread around the body.

You could tell by his eyes and posture that he knew what he did was wrong: he tried to shoot me and leave me but instead he murdered someone completely innocent. Maybe there was more evil than good in the world.

Namjoon must've shot Jimin as soon as he'd pulled the trigger and shot Hoseok because blood poured down his right shoulder. It pooled out from the slashed skin and covered the whole of his hand, causing it to drip down his forearm and drop to the floor once it had reached the curve at his elbow. The blood was on his hands too, literally.

"Go away," I seethed with venom laced into the tone of my voice.

"I- I'm sorry," he trembled with a tiny voice before turning around and fleeing from the scene.

The second he had left my eyesight I had looked back down to Hobi. His once hopeful eyes were now dull and lifeless. I reached my hand out, the blood now dried and forming crust, and place my index finger on one eyelid and my middle finger on another. Gently I pulled them down, leaving his eyes closed. He could now rest in peace.

"Come on Y/n, it's time to leave," Yoongi says hoarsely as he pulls me up by my shoulder and gently leads me away from the scene, his arm still draped around my shoulder.

Slowly, me and the four- three boys started to head down the corridor heading to somewhere where food had apparently been supplied by the boys whilst I was serving time in the make-shift prison. After only a couple minutes of walking, we'd found ourselves in a classroom, except the windows had been covered by sheets of black paper and the tables and chairs had been pushed around the perimeters of the room.

In the middle of the room, blankets and sleeping bags were laid out to create a comfortable space to sleep. A shelf that had once held text books and pieces of paper was now stocked with various anti-biotics and cans of non-perishable foods. Although the atmosphere was sorrowful, and the people in the room were mourning their losses of a brother, it felt like home.

"Come on, you need rest," Yoongi says as he pushes me down onto a sleeping bag. I obliged and lay down on my side tiredly.

As Yoongi went to leave, I reached out and wrapped my fingers around his wrist.

"Stay," I mumbled out with my eyes closed, "please."

Slowly and carefully, Yoongi lay down behind me and I for once, felt content to sleep. Gently, he placed an arm around my torso and pulled me closer so that my back was pressed firmly against his chest. I could feel his warm breath fanning against my neck in a fixed pace as I slowly started to drift off to sleep.

After all we had been through, after much suffering and grief we had finally managed to reach a place where we could safely be together. The old classroom had now become our home. We would take it in turns to go on food runs into the old safe haven - which had become abandoned after the boys let out the zombies in order to break me out of jail. It was nice, and not a day went by where I didn't miss my best friend Hoseok, but I'm sure he was watching us from somewhere and he was proud. Moments before I drifted off to sleep, I could here Yoongi whisper three words into my ear:

"I love you..."

(Unfortunately, that was the happy ending to this story, I was really struggling with what to write so I'm sorry if it's not good - when I edit the story I'll probably come back and rewrite the finale. However, this isn't the end; if you wanted the tragic ending then read ahead. It is a continuation of the happy ending but of course you can stop reading here if that's what you'd like. Honestly, I'm better at writing sad scenes so this next part is better and you may want to grab a tissue or two.)

TW: blood, injury, death, mentions of enjoying pain and in some way suicide.

Yoongi and I travelled down a corridor on our way back from a run. We'd managed to salvage some bottles of water and even a box of granola bars that were yet to go past their sell-by date. A noise echoed through one of the corridors to the left, not on mine and Yoongi's route back to our shelter.

"We should check that out," Yoongi states before turning down the corridor.

"Okay," I hesitantly replied as we both steered from the path.

This corridor felt familiar but in an unusual way and only then did the flashbacks run back to me. We passed a few open classrooms until I stopped in my place as I remembered walking down this same hallway months ago only moments after disaster. Moments after I lost two friends. A traitor and a best friend.

My thoughts were disrupted by one loud shout breaking the silence.

"Y/N! BEHIND YOU!" Yoongi shouted.

Before I even had time to turn around, Yoongi had ran at me and hugged me tight as he turned us around so I was facing the other way and his back was covering whatever had been behind me only moments ago. He grunted in pain and I looked to the side only to see his shoulder with deep red blood rushing out of a fresh wound on his right shoulder... and a walker with messy red hair digging it's teeth into his clothed skin like a hungry lion feeds on it's prey.

The walker wasn't just any walker, it was someone who I believed to be dead. Jung Hoseok. He was alive. Except he wasn't, he wasn't himself.

I reached down to my pocket and pulled out a large knife where I raised it up to the walker and shoved it deep into the skull of the monster. As I ripped the knife from the walker's now limp head, I started to notice how Yoongi's firm hug was loosening on me and he started to become to weak to stand.

Gently, I lay him down on the ground a few metres away from Hoseok's now fully dead body and kneeled down beside him. With shaking hands, I tried to put pressure on the fresh wound but I knew that it wasn't going to work. Delaying the inevitable is impossible. Tears of distress streamed down my face as I knew I was about to lose the closest person to me. It was all my fault, and I don't know if I can lose someone else I love and continue to live on after it.

"Thank you," I cried out.

Yoongi's body twitched in some spaces and I started to see the veins darkening under his skin.

"You're welcome," he whispers breatily as he locks eyes with me.

His eyes were as beautiful as they had been before, they were a deep brown. Except this time as I gazed into them I could see the colour disappearing from them, and his life slowly started to drip away.

"I'm s-" his breath gets caught in his throat as he tries to speak, "I'm scared Y/n."

"Shhh, don't be scared. Look I'm here with you, and when you go you're going to be a star in the sky and I'll look up at you every single night. You'll be able to watch down on Namjoon and Jin. You will be with Hoseok again and you will be happy, in a zombie free world," I rant as I held back any sobs, trying to seem calm so that he doesn't get more scared.

"I love you," he says sincerely. I remember when he first told me he loved me, it was when we first found shelter and for a moment everything felt like it was going to get better. Not for a moment had I thought that I my world may end up crumbling around me.

"I know. I love you too."

Carefully, I lean down and kiss him on the lips knowing that this will be last time I will get to do so. His lips moved with mine shakily as my tears slowly dripped onto his cheeks. It reminded me of our first kiss that one night in the back of the jeep as Jin drove and laughed out loudly as he caught us. That was a memory I wish I could go back too, one where we were all happy and somewhat care-free. Moments after we pulled away; I picked up his weak body and cradled it in my arms, holding him close to me.

The brown in his eyes faded away now and were now a pale blue. His chest stopped rising and sinking. He was gone. Yoongi was gone. I let out one long painful cry as I could feel an aching settling in my heart already. It was so painful, it felt like a part of me had been ripped forcefully from my soul and I couldn't accept it.

Slowly, Yoongi's breaths returned gradually and gurgle was heard in the back of his throat. I wasn't stupid. I knew he hadn't miraculously recovered from a walker bite, he was one of them now: a part of the living dead. Although I knew, I didn't move. Whatever was going to happen will happen, and I couldn't care less.

Moments later his paled, veiny hands reached up to me, trying to grasp onto me and I didn't move. I was emotionless now. Suddenly, the zombified Yoongi composed himself in his new form and sunk his teeth deep into the side of my neck. I screamed out in agony but did not once try to pull away from the feasting boy before me.

A venomous energy coursed through my blood and it felt as though my body had been set on fire from the inside. Something about the pain satisfied me, it still really hurt like it would to any other person but to me it brought some pleasure - knowing I'd finally gotten my karma.

With the last energy I had left, I reached for my knife once more and plunged it deep into the skull of my deceased boyfriend so that he can now rest in peace, as he deserves to. I lay his body down in front of me before my muscles became like jelly and I too collapsed right beside him.

My breath was wheezy and in short cut off inhales as my body seized uncontrollably. It was a horrible feeling, but I knew that at the end of it I'd finally be with some of my favourite people. The short seizure came to a stop and my skin started to change and my veins too started to become more clear by the second. I can only imagine that the pigment in my eyes was starting to fade and they were becoming emotionless voids like any other Walker I had a run in with. Memories flashed before my eyes and I felt as though I was in a daze:

they day Yoongi had saved me for the first time...

drinking soju with my new friends...

free running at night...

sleeping on Yoongi's lap at the gas station...

seeing my father one last time...

hobi's reaction to my viral climbing video...

mine and yoongi's first kiss...

the confession...

As all my emotions clouded, my mind I reached out my fingers ever so slightly and they touched the tips of Yoongi's cold ones. With my other hand, I used any last control I had over myself to pierce the side of my skull with my own knife and everything had suddenly gone black...

a/n: wow was that one heck of a journey. As I have said previously, this is the end of this story and I couldn't thank the readers enough for simply reading this story and being patient with my updates. I know this is definitely not one of the best fanfics you would have ever read and it's definitely not one of my best writes - but there will come a time where I edit it and probably extend it so that it doesn't suddenly end like it did. Truth is, it wasn't supposed to end this quickly but I had no more ideas for what more to include but had an idea for a tragic ending. I'm aware the happy ending is extremely boring and basic but I had originally planned for it to end with the tragic ending so I wasn't sure what to write with that per say.

Lastly, I just want to announce that I may be making a second book to this. I'm aware the two protagonists are dead so it's not exactly a sequel. However, in the future if I ever get around to it I may be writing another story all about Jimin - from this story. I did purposely make his character really mysterious and secretive in case I do decide to follow the route of writing out Jimin's story including what happens when Y/n tells him to leave. Would you guys like that?

Anyway I'm aware I've written like a whole novel for an ending a/n knowing that not many people read them but oh well! I just want to say that I hope you're all doing well and no matter what I am proud of you <3
-if you haven't ate today go do that now
-if you haven't drank water today go drink some water!
-if you haven't slept in a while, go take a nap, you deserve some rest :)

-lastly, if you need to touch some grass please go so /j

goodbye for now :)

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