Dabi x hawks daughter (temi t...

By Shigggggyyyy

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Here's the link to the my playlist of where I get the songs from https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm... More

Chracter analysis: temi takami
Chapter 1: fire nomu
Chapter 2: a deal
Chapter 3: the "date"
Character aylasis: shizen, shinsuke (oc)
Chapter 4: muscular conflict
Chapter 6: muscular conflict p2
Chapter 7: a kidnapping
Chracter(s)anyalis: shinsquad(oc)
Chapter: 9 the hospital
Chapter 10: endeavor
Chapter 11: the nurse
Chapter 13: terrors
Chapter 14: its time i tell you
Chapter 15: camping trip
Chapter 16: happy
Chapter 17: hes gone
Chapter 18: a murder
Chapter 19: the end

Chapter 12: flashbacks

215 4 1
By Shigggggyyyy

Song: nightmare by set it off

⚠️again this chapter contains possible triggers I'll put warning ⚠️ signs when they come up. It's basically the whole chapter so I'll make a 'mini' summary.⚠️  also if there's a POV switch it's within the flashback so it doesn't mean the flashback is over. I'll say "flashback over" when said flashback is done.

Flashback 1 (middle school 2nd year)

Temi POV

As I was getting my stuff ready to go to my next class three boys came up to me. I think they were 3rd year. When they approached me they didn't seem friendly and I got a bad feeling about them. Because I refused to make friends I was by myself and was a easy target for whatever they were planning.

"Hey Temi~" one of the guys said.

"Hi?" I replied

G2 = the second guy and it's the same for the other two guys

G2- you better listen and nobody gets hurt

I could tell that was a lie. He meant the three guys don't get hurt but I more than likely I do get hurt.

T- the hell is that supposed to mean

I probably shouldn't have said that.

T- I gotta get to class I can't do this right now

I try to leave but G3 grabbed my wrist.

G3- your not going anywhere

T- let me go

⚠️ tw sexual assault⚠️

I say as I try to loosen his grip. Which ended up making him tighten his grip which kind of hurt. He then proceeded to thrown me against the locker. A sharp part of the locker ended up cutting my back as I slid down to the floor. I felt the blood soak my shirt but luckily I had a hoodie I could throw on. I do everything in my power to not let a single tear fall because I knew that's what the wanted. They wanted to remind me how useless and weak I am. The all just stood there and looked at me in pain.

T- what do you want

I managed to make out through my constant wincing.

G1- grab her arms I got her legs

With that G2 and G3 both grab on arm each and pin it above my head. I didn't even try to fight back because I know it would make everything worse on my part. G1 then sat on my legs since  the were out infront of me. I could be mistaken but I swear he was hard. That's disgusting he really got turned on from me in pain and bleeding. This really is a nightmare.

G1- this is gonna be fun

As he said that he moved his hands to my waist sending a shiver through my spine. His hands were rubbing all up and down my side even on my back some smearing the blood.  When he got some blood on his fingers he licked it. Now that's fucking disgusting. Now I really was going to throw up. But I held it in. The other two boys that were pinning my arms where enjoying the show and chuckling.

T- don't touch me
G1- shhh~

As he said that he put his finger to my mouth.

T- stop
G1- oh but it's fun
T- no it's not
G1- oh but it is

Before I can even respond he kissed me on the lips. Tried to stop him but he wasn't having that. He squeezed down on my side close to my new cut on my back. He then moved his hands to my thighs and squeezed them and rubbed them and at one point made it up to my crotch since I had to wear a skirt. I was frozen with fear at this point. He tried to slide his tongue into my mouth but I didn't let him. That just made his mad because he bit through my skin on my lower lip which mad me Yelp and open my mouth. ( he has pointy teeth due to his quirk).With my mouth now open he took the opportunity and forced his tongue into my mouth. He didn't care for the blood gushing from my lip if anything he enjoyed it. After about 2-3 minutes they left. I was left there in my own blood. I soon got up put my hoodie on and went to the nurse to get a band aid for my lip. I didn't tell her about my back or lip I just asked for a band aid. For the rest of school I put my head down and had my hoodie on. I tried to avoid talking because it hurt to talk. It also hurt to walk but I couldn't get out of that. Once school was out I didn't bother going home I went straight to the LOV base because I knew dad was there. He could clearly tell something was wrong and that I was hurting. And when I didn't tell him after him asking multiple times he used a truth serum on me. I know it was for my own good so I reluctantly agreed.

"What exactly happened" dad said

I ended up telling him about everything that happened today.

"I also got a cut on my back and lip." I say hesitantly

After I said that he left the room. He came back with bandages and stuff the clean the cut.

"Why didn't you go to the nurse?" He asked.

When he said that I kind of froze because I didn't know.

"Because I didn't want to tell her what happened?" It came out more of question then statement.

When I left I went home and began cutting . After that day I cut up until the end of third year.
⚠️tw over for now⚠️

Flashback over

"Hey Temi" dad said as he taped my shoulders to get my attention because I apparently zoned out.

"Hm?" I say as I kind of jump because I forgot he was here.

"You zoned out." He said

"Oh sorry I was thinking"

D- about what?
T- flashback

I mumbled

D- what was the flashback
T- you got super hearing or something
D- I serious
T- I was too
D- tell me
T- middle school

I let out a sigh

D- can you tell me what happened in UA
T- fine

I didn't want to tell him but I brought this upon myself. And I know if I didn't he would use the truth serum again.

(As the next flashback is happening temi is telling dabi what happened)
Flashback 2(beginning of UA)

⚠️also trigger warning rape,cutting, blood, starving ⚠️

Temi POV

It's the end of the day and I was getting my things together. It's Friday and that means papa and dad come home early. As I was getting my things from my locker I hear three familiar voices but I couldn't put my finger on where I heard the before.

"Hey temi~" I hear one of the guys says.

As I turn to face them my eyes widen with fear as memories fill my head. I quickly grab my things, close my locker, and try to leave as quick as possible. But before I could leave G2 grabbed my wrist tightly. Expecting to be thrown into a locker I close my eyes tightly waiting for the pain I swear I could feel already. But to my surprise they dragged me and covered my mouth. The dragged me into the bathroom? At this point I was scared and confused. They bought me into one of the bigger stalls and threw me on the floor with a thud.

G1 you know your really pretty temi
G1 especially when your in pain

I didn't even say anything from how wrong that is. How could these assholes expect to hero's. G3 started coming closer to me. I began scooting backwards until I couldn't. I know you may be wondering why I didn't at least try to leave 1. Two out of the three boys were by the door and could easily grab me. 2. They left no openings. Once I couldn't scoot back and more because of the wall G3 bent down and started touching me. This whole time nobody was talking. G3 then started stripping me leaving me in my underclothes. During this G1 started jerking himself off. I was extremely disgusted. G2 can over and flipped me onto the toilet so that I'm not bent over it. He then pulled my underwear off and released his hardened cock. He lined his cock up with my hole and without warning slammed into me. It hurt so bad I let out the tears I was holding in. I tried to scream but I couldn't because he was holding my mouth close. After a little the three boys began switching going at it with me. The whole time I was crying and trying to scream.

T- s-stop
T- p-ease
T it-urts

I managed to make out after he loosened his grip on my mouth. After a little longer the put there clothes back on and left one at a time to not look suspicious. I put my skirt and shirt back on along with my socks and just sat on the floor processing what just happened. I finally got up worried my parents would be worried about me. Usually on Friday I ask papa to pick me up because he gets off early but today I didn't ask him because I needed to get something from the store. I made it to the store and picked up some bandages and blades. Since dad threw my other ones away after he found out. I then made my way back home. Avoiding dad and papa's greetings and questions on to why I was home so late and what I got from the store I went straight to my room. You could clearly tell something was up with me from my face and slight limping. Once I got to my room I went straight to my bathroom and locked the door. I turned on the shower got in after taking my clothes off(obviously) and I pretty much sat there. I did take a actually shower though. When I was don't with my shower I grabbed the blades. I took one and began cutting.

1 for today
2 for middle school
3 for cutting for a year straight
4 for being useless
5 for making dad worry
40 for being a waste of space

I quickly rinsed off the stinging fresh cuts and got out the shower. The first thing I did was wrap my arms the best I could. I then got dressed and threw a hoodie on. I left my bathroom and went to my room. I started feeling dizzy and like I was going to pass out. Maybe from blood loss maybe not idk. I flopped in bed trying not to hurt my arms but failed.

"Ahhh" I scream out louder then I wanted.
I closed my eyes and let darkness take over. I then heard my door open i didn't know who walked in and I didn't react. Once they saw I was sleep they left. I didn't know if I had passed out or actually fell asleep the next morning.

Flashback over

"Ok so what I getting from this is that 3 bastards raped you." Dad in a concerned voice.

T- I guess you can say that

I looked away

D- why didn't I know at least
T- I wasn't planning on telling you
D- why not I already knew about middle school what's so different about this
T- yeah but I knew your were going to murder them
D- I've killed so many people before but you seem to care about literal rapist
T- no I just don't want you to have three more murders under your belt
D- Temi this isn't about me it's about your safety and well-being
T- still
D- temi
T- hm

I look up at him

D- promise me you'll tell someone if something like this happens again
T- sure
D-I'm serious
T- ok

Messages between hawks and dabi

H- touya is temi with you?
D- yeah why
H- she ran away and I've been looking for her
D- oh we just had a little talk
H- hideout?
D- yeah
H- I'll be there in a sec
D- ok

Irl again

D- temi
D- hawks is coming
T- well that's my que to leave, 'cya later

I stand up to leave.

D- your not going anywhere

He grabs my wrist making me sit back down.

D- why don't you want him to come
T- well I've been hiding a lot of stuff from him and I don't want him to worry about me
D- I'm sure he's been worried about you
T- I don't want to add to the list
T- I've also kind of straight up ignored both of y'all for two weeks
D- yeah I still want to know why you did that
T- I couldn't get myself to talk to anyone
D- why not
T- idk really I just couldn't
D- ok but why didn't you eat for like 2 weeks
T- oh you still remember that

I rub my neck nervously

D- it's not something you really forget but still why didn't you eat
T- idk I guess I just felt worthless and that I didn't deserve to eat

Flashback 3(two weeks after the UA incident)

Temi POV

It was two weeks after the UA thing, a week and a half since dad caught me cutting and took away all sharp things I had. Papa and dad were sitting on the couch watching a movie I think while I was in my room listening to music and drawing.

"Temi!" I hear papa call
My name

I sigh as I put my drawing things down and pause my music. As I make my way to the living room I can't help but think about what they wanted to tell or ask me. I walk into the living room and is met with visibly worried parents. At this point I was really confused.

"Uh yes?" I ask

"We need to talk it's serious" papa said

Does he know. What does he want to talk about. I hope it isn't about my cutting. He sounded pretty serious.

So many thoughts we're running to my head I didn't even realize I went pale.

H- do you have a shirt on under you hoodie
T- yeah

I say as I sit on the love seat

D- take the hoodie off

Dad spoke up. I reluctantly agreed and took my hoodie off revealing my long sleeve cropped shirt. I just sat there confused.

D- look at yourself Temi
T- what?
H- you really don't see a difference
D- Temi your incredibly skinny
T- I've always been skinny
H- your a unhealthy skinny
T- how would you know

Even though I knew exactly what they were talking about I still tried to Deny it.

H- I can literally see your ribs
D- have you been eating
T- yeah?

Dammit that came out more like a question then a statement. Great there's no more denying this. They could easily see right through that lie.

H- Temi your easy to read I could obviously tell that was a lie

T- I'm sorry

Papa held out his arms saying he wanted a hug. I gladly went into his arms. Almost immediately dad joined in.

D- promise me you'll start eating temi
T-I'll try

I say as I sit back into the love seat.

H- what do you mean "I'll try"
T- exactly what I said
T- part of me not eating was that my body adjusted to the little food I would eat and now if I try to eat more than that it'll hurt or I'll throw up

I reply simply

H- ok then we'll start it with light food
T- ok thanks
D- you can go back to your room now

As he said that he gave me a look of him saying " don't try anything" meaning don't try and hurt myself. I got the message and gave him a smile letting him now I won't and went back to my room.

Flashback over

⚠️tw over also⚠️ I would have just put multiple tw's but that would be too much and seems like a mess and annoying to read. Because you read one part and skip to the next and not no what happened.

Irl again

A little later we the special knock.

D- you should get it
T- ok?

I get up and go open the door and papa is there. I immediately hug him because I feel bad for making me worry about me. I then un hug him.

⚠️suicidal thoughts⚠️ I Am sorry for all the triggers

You should just unalive yourself. Your a burden to everyone around you. Do it I dare you. You know you want to.

This didn't seem like my thoughts more like my subconscious. ( do you know what I'm talking about???? If not it's like the voice in her head ig.)

Who even are you

I reply to whatever I was talking too. Why did they have to enter my mind right now.

I'm you. Wow we really are a idiot. Anyways that doesn't matter just do it already. Kill yourself. Later tonight when our parents are asleep write a letter then go to the nearest bridge and JUMP.

Maybe I should. I'm mean I am right. I am sucking everyone into my problems because I so weak. I'm useless and weak. That's all I'll ev- NO TEMI YOUR NOT KILLING YOURSELF. IT'LL JUST CAUSE MORE BAD THEN GOOD AND YOU KNOW IT.

I must be insane at this point I'm literally having a argument with myself. I didn't even realize but me and papa apparently walked over to the table and sat down. I began pulling on my hair and let out a groan of frustration. These stupid thoughts? Are messing with my head even more. I soon got out of my argument and thoughts but being hit on the head with one of papa's feathers. It didn't hurt or anything it was just to snap me out of my trance. It didn't cut me ether because it was the flat side not the shard sides.

D- how many times are you going to zone out today
T- sorry

I rub the back of my neck awkwardly

H- why were you pulling your hair.
T- I had a argument with myself
D- I'm sorry what?
T- I don't even know
H- what was this "argument" about
T- well my subconscious was telling me to kill myself later tonight but I didn't want to because I knew it would cause more harm then good. So I got frustrated
D- ok um we'll talk about that in a sec but right we're going to talk about what your hiding from keigo
T- ugh fine

I started telling papa about everything starting from middle school all the way until me not eating. I explained what I did and didn't do, what happened, and why I did what I did/didn't do.

⚠️ ok this should be the last tw for a while also tw over⚠️

H- temi you need serious therapy
T- I know but I'm not going to tell a complete stranger about my problems
H- therapy or a mental hospital
T- fine therapy
D- why not both
T- uhh I object

I say like he was crazy for every bringing up the fact that I could go to both. I mean he was obviously crazy I mean I didn't even want to got to ether of them, what's makes him think I'll wa t to go to both.

H- that actually seems smart touya
T- so are we just going to ignore my objection
D- fine fine for now
T- I heard that

After a little while we went home I ended up not going to school tomorrow but I did got to the dorms. I had to go to a police interview so they can get my statements. ( so basically after her interview she went to the dorms. Surprisingly I wasn't worried.

~~~ time skip to police interview~~~

P- hello takami temi
T- hello
P- as you know I am here to ask questions about this new case involving you as the victim
T- yes I know
P- I know this could be a sensitive topic so if you find any questions uncomfortable feel free to say skip or tell me
T- ok

I then told him all about my story not going into detail (obviously) and answering all his questions. He asked me if I wanted to go on the news and tell my story to help speak out against these things. I agreed. I had it two weeks later. First they need introduced my case. But I didn't have to go on and tell my story yet I still had a few more days.

~~~time skip to the news interview~~~

I did felt kind of nervous because this is new and I didn't want to miss anything or mess up.

"Hello I am Temi takami, im 15 years old, the daughter of n2 pro hero hawks, and I'm a victim. I am a victim of sexual assault and rape. I am here to tell my story and speak out against these things."

If you were to ask me back in middle school..heck even at the beginning of UA if I wanted to come out about my story. I probably would have laughed like you were crazy and say "no". The thought wouldn't even close my mind. But the talk me dad and papa had seemed to unlock something.

"Back in middle I refused to make friends and was very closeted. On they day I got assaulted I was in my second year and simply getting my things to transition to my next class. These three boys then came up to me they didn't have a welcoming or nice feel to them at all. To cut the chase they started saying things along the lines of "listen and nobody gets hurt." And things like that. I knew that they just meant they wouldn't be getting hurt and I will. I tried to walk away but one of the three guys grabbed my wrist to stop me from leaving. Following that action he threw me against the locker. As I slide down to a sitting position a sharp part of the locker cut me. I began bleeding from the long cut which later scarred which I still have. The "leader" of the group told the other to boys to pin my arms up above my head whilst he secured my legs which were out stretched in front of me. The "leader" began touching me smearing some blood in the process, when he got some blood on his fingers he licked it. He began forcibly making out with me. When I refused to open my mouth to allow him to put his tongue in my mouth, he bit threw my bottom lip causing me to Yelp as he forced his tongue in my mouth. He clearly didn't mind the blood gushing from my lip he probably enjoyed it. After that day I began cutting up until the end of my third year. Most if not all scarred and I again still have them to this day. They littered my once clear skin all up and down my lower arm from my wrist to my elbows. Back to the beginning of high school the same three boys came up me while I was simply trying to pack up and go home. I was and still am I first year whilst the guys were second years. I wave of horror flashed over me as I turned to face them. Preparing to get thrown against the locker and prepared my self for agonizing pain. But instead of that pain I got my mouth covered and was being bought to the bathroom. I was so confused because the thought of rape didn't even cross my mind. I was thrown into one of the bigger stalls with a thud. The three boys following. The leader began stroking himself and jerking himself off. All I was slowly scooting back until I hit the wall one of the other to guys follow me. The guy that was following me and the last guy began stripping me and touching me. One of them threw me onto the toilet back up. Before I could scream they covered my mouth. Without warning the guy slammed into me. I couldn't kick or anything because he had used his quirk on me which could make anyone freeze without the ice. All of the three guys began switching going at it with me. After a while they left. I was left there with my thoughts. I had a limp for the next day. Usually on Friday I would ask hawks to pick me up but this time I told him I didn't need it. I walked to the store got new blades and bandages and went home. Long story short I went to my room and went to take a shower and began cutting. I cut for about two weeks. Around the time I stooped cutting my parents confronted me about my extreme weight loss. I hadn't been eating and quite honestly I couldn't eat that much even if I wanted to. I'm fine now meaning I eat normal amounts now."

I had finished telling my story and now was going to speak out against these things.

"As a victim myself I know it may be hard... heck it took my almost two years but you have to tell someone. It's for your own good. Tell a trusted adult like a parent or guardian. If you aggressor is close to the guardian in your life and you feel like they won't believe you tell someone else. But please eventually tell someone and/or the police so you can get the aggressor arrested and hopefully prevent another victim from being made."

With that I was done.

"That was takami's tragic yet inspiring story" the news broadcaster said. I went home only to be met by a hug from my parents from how proud they were off me.

Time for the summaries

Middle school summary

Temi was getting her stuff ready to go to her next class. She was soon stopped by three approaching boys. One off the three boys threw her against the locker. Which made her back leak red. Two of the three guys pinned her arms against the lockers above her head. The last guy sat on her legs and began touching her and began kissing her with out consent. When she didn't open her mouth for him to he bit through her bottom lip and put his tongue into her mouth still without consent. He didn't even care for the red leaking from her mouth or back.

UA Summary

Temi was getting ready to leave UA to go home when she got stopped by the same three guys from middle school. When she realized who they were she closed her eyes waiting to get thrown against the locker. But to her surprise she was brought to the bathroom while one of the guys covered her mouth so she couldn't scream. One guy was pleasuring herself while another was walking closer to her as she scooted back to the wall. The guy then bent her over the toilet and began using her body for self pleasure. They all took turns using her. The whole time she was crying and trying to scream because it hurt. But she couldn't scream. She tried to tell them to stop but they didn't.

Last summary (when she wouldn't eat)

This happened about two weeks after the UA incident. Hawks and dabi noticed how incredibly skinny Temi was getting. She's always been small and skinny naturally but you could literally see her ribs which wasn't normal for her at all. They ended up confronting her about it. Which to their suspicions she wasn't eating. They ended making a deal that they would start off with light foods and make their way up to normal.

This isn't much a a summary but still read if you skipped the suicidal thoughts part. Ok so basically temi's subconscious was telling her to unalive herself. And she was arguing back about how she wasn't because it was going to cause more bad than good. So she basically had a argument with herself mentally and completely zoned out for like the third time in a day.

Omg finally done with this chapter. That was a lot. Sorry again for all the triggers it was for plot purposes. This chapter was almost 4000 words. And I thought the previous one was a lot (it was but still) this was way longer. Anyways byeee

A wooing word count of : 3795

Ok I updated this story so the word count is a lot longer. Ps thanks for around 280 reads. Especially thanks to those like three consistent reader. Ily. Ok all in all please tell someone if you feel weird around someone possibly a adult or if your a victim or are being targeted. I know it might be hard but in the long run it'll help you. Anyways byeee

Word count:!4942!

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