A New Precious

By LoveSmeagol

545 33 0

Sméagol gets a second chance at life, and discovers what is truly precious! More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 3

40 1 0
By LoveSmeagol

"Alright, Sméagol," Aaliyah said proudly, "you're a fast learner."

I smiled gleefully. "Sméagol is having fun, Precious."

Aaliyah giggled. "Good. I'm glad you're having fun. Yeah, these past few days have been fun, haven't they?"

"Oh, yes! So happy I am to finally makes a new friend."

"Awww, well, I'm happy to have you as my friend, too, Sméagol."

"So, what do we do today, Precious?"

"Well, I think it's time we get out of the house, and have some fun in public. I'm going to take you shopping for some new clothes."

I jumped up with excitement! "You mean I don't have to wears this loincloth anymore?!"

"Nope. You can wear what you want. We'll look at different kinds of clothes, and you pick out what's comfy for you."

I squeaked with joy.

Aaliyah giggled. "But, you can't really go out in just a loincloth, so I'll go get you some clothes to put on while we shop. Be right back." She jumped up, and hurried upstairs to pick some clothes for me. "Okay," she said as she came back carrying some strange-looking clothes. "This is a T-shirt, and these are shorts. I'll give you some privacy, so you can put them on. Just let me know if you need help."

"Alright," I said happily. "Thank you, Precious."

"You're welcome."

Aaliyah walked away as I began to put on my clothes. I pulled the T-shirt over my head, stepped into the shorts, and pulled them up over my loincloth. "Alright!" I called. "Sméagol is ready!"

"Okay," Aaliyah replied as she came back in with a pair of large shoes. "Now, put these on your feet, and we can go."

"Oh, shoes!" I said enthusiastically.

Aaliyah giggled.

I slipped my feet into them, and she showed me how to tie them.

"So, how do those clothes feel?"

"Alright," I said hesitantly.

"Well, let's go find you some clothes that feel better than alright."

I gleefully followed Aaliyah out to the car. She opened the door, and helped me in. She showed me what a seatbelt is, and explained its purpose as she showed me how to fasten it. Then, she climbed into the driver's seat, and fired up the engine.

I giggled.

"What's so funny?" she asked.

"It vibrates, Precious! It tickles!"

She laughed. "How about some music?"

"Oh, music! Sméagol hasn't heard music in so long!"

She laughed as she picked up her phone, and somehow made sound come out of the car doors.

"How did it do that?"

"BlueTooth. The car has speakers in the door, and my phone can get music to play out of them. Isn't that amazing?"

"Oh, yes!"

"Now, I just gotta find my playlist. Okay, start." She put her phone back down as beautiful music began playing from the speakers. Then, she slowly backed out of the driveway, and began to drive.

"Oh! Weeeeeeee!" I squealed. "This is fun, Precious!"

Aaliyah laughed.

As she drove us, I listened to the music playing. "What is this music?" I asked.

"This is Celtic music," she replied. "The band is called Celtic Woman."

I listened to the Celtic music. Oh, how beautiful it was! The singing, oh, it was so lovely! It reminded me of the elveses back in Middle Earth, the nice elveses. So lovely their voices were.

Soon, we arrived at a rather large building called a mall. Aaliyah parked the car, and helped me out. She led me into the mall, and we looked around the different stores.

Oh, so fascinating it was to see all the different kinds of clothes—T-shirts, pants, shorts, hoodies, other kinds of shirts. As I explored, one item of clothing in particular grabbed my attention. "What's this, Precious?" I asked, pointing to a hoodie with a long slither of metal down the front.

"Oh, that's a zipper," she replied. "Here. Let me show you how it works." She took the hoodie off the rack, and showed me how to use a zipper.

I squeaked with delight!

"You wanna try it on?"

"Oh, yes, please!"

She laughed softly as she led me to a dressing room. "Okay, go in there, and try on the hoodie."

I happily carried the hoodie into the dressing room to try it on. I removed my T-shirt, and hung it on the wall. I removed the hoodie from the hanger, and slipped my arms into it. I closed the zipper, and zipped it all the way up! I giggled with such glee as I felt it tickling my body as it zzzzzzzipped! I zipped it up and down for a little while, giggling and squealing with so much joy. Then, I looked at myself in the mirror, and flashed a huge smile.

"Sméagol?" Aaliyah gently called. "How's it feel? Can I see how you look?"

"Oh!" I was so busy playing with my zipper that I forgot she was waiting. I opened the door, and stepped out to show her.

"Ohhh, you look absolutely adorable!" she cried.

"I do?" I asked.

"You do. How does it feel on you?"

"Oh, it's so comfy, Precious!"

"Do you like the zipper?"

"Oh, Sméagol loves the zipper!" I giggled as I zipped it up and down again. "It tickles me. Feels so good against my skin it does, and it's so cute!" I burst into giggles as I hugged the zipper to my chest.

Aaliyah smiled. "So, do you want more clothes that zip?"

"Oh, yes, please, Precious. I wants everything to zip."

"Okay, I'll make sure we find plenty of zippy outfits."

I giggled, and smiled sweetly at Aaliyah. "Oh, thank you so much, Precious."

So, Aaliyah helped me finds more clothes with zippers in the front. We found more hoodies, sweatshirts, and even short-sleeved shirts with zippers in the front. We even found pants that zipped up. Oh, so happy it made me!

"Come on," Aaliyah said after we bought the clothes. "Since you love zippers so much, there's one more store I wanna show you."

I eagerly followed her into a store full of the most unusual items of clothing I'd ever seen. "Oh, my," I sighed in amazement, "what are all these?"

"These are onesies."


"Yep. Onesies are one-piece outfits you can wear to bed, or you can wear them around the house... and I've even seen some people wearing them in public. There's all kinds, and there's lots of them that zip up in the front."

I gasped with so much excitement.

"You wanna look at them?"

"Oh, yes! Yes, Precious, please!"

So, Aaliyah showed me different onesies that all zipped up. Oh, they were so lovely, and I tried on so many. They fit so perfectly, and the zippers felt so wonderful. They were all very long, so very careful I had to be not to trap my private parts. I didn't mind them being so long, though. They were all so comfy.

As we looked at more onesies, I noticed something strange about a lot of them, strange and wonderful and very cute. "Is this a tail, Precious?"

"Yep, it is," Aaliyah replied. "Some onesies have tails in the back. They're like animal costumes."

"Awwww, so cute they are!" I cried. "Can Sméagol try them please?"

"Of course!"

So, I tried on lots of onesies with tails. Oh, so comfy they were! So comfy! Some of them had short tails. Some had cute little nubses, and some had very long tails. It didn't matter to me as long as they zipped up in the front. Oh, I loved them all, and Aaliyah bought them all for me.

Then, Aaliyah took me to the shoe store. Very hard it was to find shoes that fit my large hobbit feet, but we found a few pairs of different styles. We found dress shoes for formal occasionses, comfy shoes, and sandals for warm weather.

"Well, Sméagol," Aaliyah said when we finished shopping, "I think you've got plenty of clothes now. You like 'em all?"

"Oh, I loves them all," I said lovingly. "Thank you, Aaliyah." I gave her a big hug. "Thank you so very much."

"Awwww, you're welcome, Sméagol. Now, before we leave, why don't you change into one of your new outfits? I have somewhere else I'd like to take you."

"Can Sméagol wears a onesie?"


So, Aaliyah led me to a bathroom, so I could change. I decided to wears a onesie with a little nub tail in the back. Then, I changed into my new comfy shoes.

"Awww, Sméagol, you look so cute," Aaliyah said.

"Awww, thank you, Precious," I said as I gave her another hug.

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