A Dream ➪ Drarry ✔︎

By multiplefandombish

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❝ A dream lead me to you ❞ A ᴅʀᴀʀʀʏ sᴛᴏʀʏ ⚠︎︎ 𝑊𝐴𝑅𝑁𝐼𝑁𝐺𝑆... More

-bonus chapter (AFTER 2 YEARS)-


18.9K 532 435
By multiplefandombish

"What the fuck?"

Harry jumped at the sudden exclamation from someone other then Draco and himself. He turned in his bed and saw Ron with Blaise behind him. The ginger's jaw was open wide and Blaise was stifling a laugh.

"I knew it!" Blaise jumped up an down like a little boy getting a present on Christmas. Draco only groaned and pressed his face between Harry's shoulder blades, which made the shorter boy nudge him with his elbow - his face flushed red.

The blond sat up and yawned, "Hey Blaise...Weasley." He glared at the Gryffindor. Ron challenged that and glared back.

"So you're together?" Ron gestured between the two boys laying in bed. Harry rubbed his eyes and placed his glasses on his face before nodding.

"I-It's not fully o-official yet," Harry said after a yawn, his cheeks slightly pink. Draco kissed his forehead which made Harry smile. He sat up and placed his head on Draco's shoulder.

"Malfoy, we have class to get to," Blaise said, playfully glaring and checking his imaginary watch. The blond rolled his eyes before reluctantly getting out of bed and picking up his uniform from the spare bed beside them. He left towards the bathroom to shower and change.

"Harry, do you want come to breakfast with us?" Ron smiled tightly. The black-haired boy gently it his lip before shrugging and saying a quick 'sure.'

Draco returned from the bathroom a minute later, fussing over his hair. His ran his hands through it every few seconds. Harry chuckled and shook his head. The blond smirked and intertwined his hands with Harry's once the shorter stood up from his bed.

"When are you coming back to lessons?" Ron asked as the four left the hospital wing.

"Next week but I'm feeling fine, obviously somethings set me off... I think I'm doing better," He concluded. Draco nodded in agreement, smiling proudly at the boy.

They soon walked into the busier hallways with students rushing around with their books and homework, basically overflowing from their bags. As soon as a few began to stop and stare, nearly everyone in the hallway decided to whisper and point. Quickly, Harry let go of Draco's hand, subconsciously beginning to pick at his fingers behind his back. Thankfully there was only a few people; just under twenty at most. The Slytherins amongst the four gave the dirtiest looks they could muster to the rest of the students.

"I swear on Merlin Harry and Malfoy were just holding hands!"

"They've had obvious tension between them for years!"

"I heard from a sixth year that Ron and Zabini were fuck-buddies."

The last comment made Blaise's head turn, he clenched his jaw before grabbing Ron and wrapping an arm around his shoulder. The Slytherin kissed Ron's neck which made the ginger turn as red as his hair. Two boys at the end of the hall whistled which made a few girls giggle. Harry rolled his eyes and began walking a little faster.

They turned towards the Great Hall entrance, watching as the wide room conversed. It's was nice to hear laughter and chatting from a room that had seen so much blood, injury and death. Harry's lips turned up at the ends slightly. Draco squeezed his hand reassuringly so Harry squeezed back, silently saying his alright before he let go. Public displays of affection was never something he was a fan of. He heard Draco sigh slightly which felt like a stab to the heart.

A few groups turned they heads towards the boy they hadn't seen in so long. A couple pointed at the arm wrapped around Ron.

A boy from Gryffindor wolf-whistled and laughed mockingly, fist-bumping his friends, as they too laughed. Blaise smiled sarcastically and held up a middle finger.

Draco winked at Harry before pulling Blaise off of Ron's neck. Blaise smiled dreamily and blew an exaggerated kiss at his boyfriend. Ron blushed and turned away, suppressing a laugh.

Harry spotted Hermione with a book in her hands and Dean and Seamus heavily snogging beside her, though she seemed unfazed.

As the two approached the table, Ron cleared his throat so the three would divert their attention to something of more importance. Hermione sighed and closed her book, Seamus huffed but pulled away from Dean's lips, even if Dean was protesting with a small whine.

"Harry!" Hermione shouted, realising he was in the hall for the first time in ages. She practically leaping over the table and pulling him into a suffocating hug, "wait is this okay?" She pulled away quickly. Once Harry nodded, she grinned before pulling him in again. Harry sighed contently, pushing his nose into the crook of her neck.

"Are coming back to class? I spoke to the professors and I don't mind helping you catch up," she grinned. Harry smiled in excitement as he sat down, "Next week, I'm really missing it to be completely honest."

"I'm not," Harry heard Ron huff as reached across the table to grab a couple sausages.

"We've missed you Harry," Dean smiled sweetly. Harry returned the smile before looking around the table for something he'd like.


Harry was walking around the halls, a couple books in his hand. He was coming back from the library after Hermione and Ron had left him because they had class. While they were eating breakfast, Hermione had told Harry the subjects they were in in each class so he decided he was going to try to catch up on his own.

He squeaked as he felt another hand grab his wrist, he roughly pulled his hand back and put his arms up to block his face.

"Hey, it's only me," Harry recognised the soft voice and slowly brought his arms down. He smiled nervously when he saw the ginger girl.

"I- ...Ron told me what happened and I just wanted to ask you how you're doing," Ginny bit her lip and tried to smile sympathetically.

Harry gulped and turned his head to avoid eye contact, "y-yeah I'm alright, the first few days were difficult but I'm getting better."

She motioned for a hug but Harry was the one to wrap his arms around her first. Ginny kissed his cheek as they pulled away, in a friendly manner of course.

"Aren't you supposed to be in class?" Harry narrows his eyes playfully. She rolled her eyes.

"We had care of magical creatures and I got but by a murtlap. Hagrid sent me he just to get it checked out," she lifted her hand to show before she shrugged like it was nothing.

"Murtlaps are hideous creatures," Harry chuckled, with a scrunched nose. Ginny grinned.

"Fancy going for a fly? After I get this bandaged of course," Ginny smiled and tilted her head.

"Sorry, I can't. I have to catch up on some work and ask Minnie when I can go back to lessons," Harry said with a small frown, leaving out the fact he went flying yesterday with Draco.

"Oh that's alright, is Madame Pomfrey in her office?"

"Yeah, I'll take you to her," Harry opened the door and let Ginny go first, smiling when she mumbled a quiet 'Thank you.' 


Draco quietly closed the door tot he DADA's classroom. He looked up and saw the Professor marking some papers - looking stressed.


"Merlin's beard! Draco, you're alright," Professor Alatar exclaimed from behind her desk. She stood up and rushed over to the boy. He smiled which made her relax slightly.

She placed her hand on his shoulder, "I'm so glad you're okay and I heard what happened to Harry... how is he?"

Draco sighed and smiled tightly, "he's doing alright, me and him went flying yesterday on the quidditch pitch. That's why I wasn't in class." He scratched the back of his neck sheepishly.

She only shook her head while chuckling, "The only eventful thing you missed was Miss Weasley and Miss Lovegood walking in late with messy hair and uniforms." She winked and turned back to her desk.

Draco chuckled and sat down on one of the front desks while the rest of the student spilled into the classroom.

Twenty minutes into the class Ginny and Luna came in at the same time. Even though they're clothes looked normal and their hair was styled neatly, the Professor and Draco gave each other knowing looks. It's safe to say Draco enjoyed his first day back.

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