Mutated Ectoplasm

Galing kay HelplessLemon

131 1 0

Karkat Vantas was almost eighteen, when he entered a very strange machine. That was only the start of a whole... Higit pa

1. Average Everyday
2. A Great Big Flash
3. Everything Changes
4. Molecules Rearranged
5. Mystery Meat
6. Gory Gourmet
7. Plans for the Future
8. One of a Kind
9. Million to One
10. Killer Garage Sale
11. Info Dumping
12. Dragon Bonding
13. Dance of the Dead
14. Fanning the Flames
15. My Sister's Keeper
16. Final Chorus
17. Summons
18. The Verdict
19. Bitter Reunions
20. High School Grudges
21. Thirteen
22. Unlucky
23. Splitting Images
24. Phantom Menace
25. Fright Knight
26. An Omen
27. A Curse
28. Paternal Instincts
29. Cabin in the Woods
30. Inhuman
31. Doctor's Disorders
32. Patient Patient's
33. Psychotic Psychiatric
34. Teachers Assistant of the Year
35. Research and Development
36. Social Experiments
37. Darker Aspects
39. A Pulled Thread...
40. ...Unravels a Tapestry
41. Lucky In Love
42. Romance is Undead
43. Couples Therapy
44. Control Freaks
45. Clown Code
46. Public Enemies
47. Crossing Lines
48. Million Dollar Ghost
49. What You Want

38. Doom and Gloom

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Galing kay HelplessLemon

Alright, things are moving along right now. This is going to be a lore heavy chapter, but things will speed up soon. Not to mention these chapters do set up key conflicts for later.

Either way, I hope you all enjoy!

Karkat had to spend an inordinate amount of time explaining what happened to everyone else, and even longer having to explain what any of what he said meant. Considering he was kidnapped by two people claiming to be holding the timeline together, it was somewhat warranted.

At least Bec staying around provided proof of it. Even if he was keeping his distance.

"I swear that dog is just leading us to our doom. And that isn't the cat in me talking." Nepeta kept her eyes on the faceless dog, doing her best to not to let it out of her sight. "You sure we can really trust it? Or its owner either?"

"Not really. I'm still expecting this to turn into them trying to ritually sacrifice me, but I'm willing to play along until it happens." Karkat figured that he'd at least learn something from this. Besides, whatever kept him away from Amity Park was worth it right now. "If they're being truthful, then we're at least making some powerful allies, right?"

"I'm still waiting to see one of your robes before making any judgement. The dog's cool, I'll have to admit." Terezi still had her weapon since he reappeared back in front of them. She wasn't going to take any chances. "Wonder what they trained him. You think he plays fetch or- wait, no, he doesn't have a mouth."

"Shouldn't we be a lot more concerned that we don't know where it's taking us? I'm pretty sure we've all forgotten that part." Tavros looked at all of them like they were crazy, which was a fair assumption. "I'm starting think you guys are just addicted to danger or something."

"Ghosts are extremely emotional, Pupa, and that means we want thrills more. Maybe you're just built different." Vriska flicked the boy's nose before going back to drifting lazily on her back. "Besides, think of it like playing make believe pirates or something. Isn't kid stuff your thing or something?"

"You know that isn't my 'thing.'" Tavros pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing. "I don't get why I hang out with you guys."

"Because we're the only ghosts your age who know you." Nepeta stopped, making everyone do so too. "I see two people in the distance. Looks like Bec got us where we need to go."

She wasn't lying, considering that there were two very distinctive people meddling about on an asteroid. Karkat vaguely recognized the two of them, one being dressed in robes with the Light Aspect symbol. He definitely remembered the adult figure wearing the nondescript robes, who was holding a ball of yarn as the Light Robe knit.

"Well, fuck me sideways with a chainsaw. They're real." Terezi didn't seem happy about it, quite honestly. She took in stride, though, turning her head towards Karkat. "This is your scene. You decide what to do here."

"We should probably go slow. Considering there's an adult ghost here, I don't want to do anything too crazy." Karkat rubbed at his chin, thinking it through. "I'm surprised to see only two here, though. And one of them isn't even marked with an Aspect. Seems weird to me."

"Yeah, they're probably hiding a third guy somewhere. Or maybe he's just a little late." Said the guy in blue hood. He was in the same position as Karkat, if somewhat goofier. "Probably a pretty funny and charming guy too."

Everyone nodded along before eventually stopping, giving the blue hooded guy some stares. His own robes were adorned in the Breath Aspect. Not to mention surprisingly geeky, with the choppy black hair and large square glasses.

"How long have you been standing there?" Tavros wasn't even surprised. He was honestly just tired at this point. "Could've just said hi. Or at least not do this."

"That's no fun." The ghost swung around in an animated fashion, flying backwards to the others. "Now, as much as I like having banter with you guys, we sadly don't have the time. If you'd all come with me in an orderly fashion..."

The group watched him "walk" towards the other two robed figures with a massive amount of confusion. They all, resigned, simply followed the guy until they eventually got close enough for the Light Robe to notice them.

"Ah, looks like you've all made it. I hope that your trip has been well." Light Hood responded, still making whatever it was that she was knitting. It looked like a plushie of a rabbit, honestly. "Dave, as you call him, made sure to message us where to go. We're surprised Bec brought you here without needing constant treats."

The adult ghost just nodded, not saying a word. Karkat could see a head of blonde hair on Light Hood and some elegant features, but he couldn't see anything from the adult ghost. Other than the glowing red eyes, he seemed to be completely featureless while the hood is up.

"Not like he can give us any puppy dog eyes for 'em, I guess." Vriska really didn't know what to do when dealing with someone that apparently wielded her Aspect. She could almost feel the disapproval coming from Light Robe. "What are you called, exactly?"

"Tragically, he hasn't given us a name yet." Breath Robe poked Karkat in the side, dramatically flying around with a hand on his forehead. "Oh, to go on living without a name. Such a tragedy has befallen us. We were supposed to be given them at thirteen, but..."

Karkat groaned, realizing every interaction with these guys was going to be like this. Maybe he should've let them introduce themselves.

"Stop whining. Your name is John Egbert now because of that." Karkat pointed to Light Robe with some amount of irritation. "Yours'll be Rose because you haven't done anything yet. And you..."

Karkat paused as he looked at the adult ghost. For some reason, one name came to mind, but he immediately squashed it before it could become a full thought. This made him draw a blank before he was able to recover.

"Signless. Your name is Signless." Karkat didn't know what else to add, just shrugging as he got some confused looks from his friends. "He's the only one treating this seriously, so he's the only one that gets a mysterious name."

"Oh, he takes everything seriously. He's been like that since we found him wandering around." Rose patted the man on the shoulder, who didn't seem to react much to the proceedings. "Of course, that makes him quite reliable, so I guess we can't really complain."

"Makes it really hard to prank him, though." John seemed oddly please at the exchange, seemingly smug. "So, why am I so special that I get a last name?"

"Because you're annoying." Karkat turned towards the others, giving them a long-suffering look. "See what I have to deal with. And you all thought I was crazy."

"We'll throw you part or something after all of this is over. Can we please get back to the matter at hand here?" Terezi pointed at Rose. She was a big fan of causing shenanigans but was starting to lose her patience. "You're going to lead us to the people who own the ring. We just want to return it and see what they can tell us about the theft."

"Preferably soon. We're kind of on a time limit here." Nepeta was referencing how Karkat couldn't stay in the Ghost Zone for too long without someone noticing he was missing. "We need to move the ring before someone else figures out we have it."

"True, true." Rose snapped, causing the objects she was holding to disappear into a flash of light. "The Far Frozen are a nice people, but misunderstandings wouldn't do us well."

She floated up, the others beginning to follow her, with some trailing behind. Karkat moved closer to Terezi, keeping his eyes on their guides.

"Do you know who the Far Frozen are?" Karkat didn't register the name, though the fact they mentioned it instead of going for full on riddles concerned him. "Some kind of ghost group?"

"Kind of. Not much is known about them except they're a ghost colony that primarily houses less human looking ghosts or ones with ice cores." Terezi hummed, thinking over everything she'd heard. "They are seen as a more religious or zealous group, but they're otherwise fairly friendly. Just don't tick them off too much and we should be fine."

"So, we leave Vriska behind then?" Tavros did receive a few laughs, even though Vriska tried to hit him with her guitar. "Hey, you can't say that I'm not right!"

"I will kill you, Pupa!"

The tension seeped away a bit as they all went through the motions. That didn't mean they weren't ready for a fight, however.

Kanaya wasn't sure what she was learning, but it was something. Feferi was pretty easy to talk to, and it wasn't like she wasn't lacking when it came to certain topics. Though, Kanaya couldn't help but agree with two of her earlier statements.

One; Feferi was sometimes condescending without meaning too. And two; she did have a fascination for Karkat. Maybe not quite a crush, but certainly leaning towards the territory.

"I still don't get why they decided to bring me along. Still expected some kind of camera to pop out when it was over." Feferi shrugged, finishing up her official 'first contact' story. It'd been rather enlightening, in more ways than one. "Then again, I think that Tavros guy wasn't exactly as threatening as a giant cat. Or a living shadow."

"Considering the times we live in; I don't think we can really judge things off of their appearances anymore." Kanaya knew that paranoia was at an all-time high. She certainly felt it herself, making sure to be cautious wherever she went. She never left without an ecto-gun now. "The people here seem to be tense as it is."

"Yeah, it seems like everyone's afraid to leave their homes now. And I kinda don't blame them." Feferi watched as a couple looked up in the sky briefly before heading out. "I know that thing at the school was the only one televised, but I didn't think it would reach this far."

"Nothing's been the same since the portal opened." Kanaya sighed morosely. The subject was starting to get depressing, and she wanted to get back on track. "I do have to wonder how this has effected Karkat, considering he lives over it."

"I'm sure he knows what he's doing. From what I can tell, he knows how fight ghosts well enough." Feferi remembered something, though it didn't jump out immediately. "Are you worried because he's your cousin or something?"

"He's my nephew. Long story." Kanaya waved off the questioning look sent her way. She didn't want this to be turned onto her. "Doesn't he sometimes act a little... strange? I've been doing my best to understand it, but something does seem a bit off."

"Maybe, but I that shouldn't be too surprising. I don't know if you've been paying attention, but Mr. Slick isn't exactly that normal." Feferi clearly wasn't understanding her. Kanaya forced down some frustration as she continued. "Is there something wrong? I don't think anything weird is happening to him if that's what you're worried about."

"It's... complicated." Kanaya didn't want to manipulate her, but it wasn't like what she was about say wasn't true. "Look, Feferi, I'm only going to ask you this once; have you ever lost someone?"

Feferi blinked. "Not exactly."

"My mother has. Quite a few someone's, honestly." Kanaya felt dirty using this. But this was for her mother, and Karkat too. "She lost her parents at a fairly young age, which led to meeting Karkat's father. She always said that they were close. Enough to actually adopt him out just so they wouldn't separate."

"Is that why you're Karkat's aunt then?" Feferi winced. Not the best time to ask that. "And I guess that he died and then ended up with Slick."

"Yes, but the only reason that happened was because my mom was so devastated when it happened. She still functioned, but she definitely wasn't the same as she was before." Kanaya remembered her early years, back when Mother had looked so tired all the time. Porrim had mentioned a time when she'd been nearly catatonic after Kankri's death. "The only reason I ask anything about Karkat is because I don't want to see it again. Especially to what she thinks is the same person."

Kanaya knew her mother well enough to know that Rosa was already placing a high amount of attachment on him. That kind of thing was dangerous, especially if certain things have already come to past.

If Karkat was a ghost, that meant something already happened. Depending on certain factors, that might hurt even more than if he was simply gone.

"...Maybe he is a little strange sometimes." Feferi awkwardly started, actually trying now. She didn't necessarily analyze things before, but somethings did pop up pretty quickly. "He made friends with Eridan a lot faster than anyone ever has. And I sometimes wonder if he knows when a ghost is around, even if he really shouldn't."

Ignoring the guilt that formed in her stomach, Kanaya mentally took notes as she started finally getting what she wanted.

The group had officially made it, despite John consistently finding ways to annoy them and Rose being completely vague about the location. The only one that could've been considered helpful was Signless, who hadn't really done anything to go against them.

"Rose, are we there yet?"

"You know damn well we aren't."

Then again, Signless didn't seem to talk much. They did.

"I'm so sorry I called you crazy, but I really wish you were still the only one that could see them." Vriska rubbed at her head, looking two seconds away from murder. "I thought the blue one was cute for a second, but then he kept opening his mouth."

"Can you two please tell me how long it's going to get to the Far Frozen?" Karkat wasn't that far away either and already knew where to hide a body if need be. "I don't think I can take much more of this."

"What are you talking about?" John swung around, swinging his arm out to point to something. "We're already here!"

The group looked at where he was gesturing, blinking as they saw the giant floating island covered in ice. It looked brutish, yet somehow elegant, as walls were high with the clear intention to steer people away. And it looked like it could make sure of it if an unwanted guest were particularly insistent.

"I do think it's our time to leave, unfortunately. Anything you do here will have to be on your own." Rose was already floating away, as if it wasn't a big deal that they were here. "There's no inherent danger here, but I would watch your manners."

"Wait, you're just gonna leave us here? We don't any of the customs or that crap!" Terezi started wondering if this was worth it. Then again, they'd already put in so much effort. "Aren't you friends with these guys?"

"Not really. We try to keep a low profile, so we have Signless do anything public for us. He's not an errand boy, but he's not a..." John paused, shaking his head with a laugh. "Whoops almost gave something away. Either way, no one is going to see us unless we want them to."

"And you seeing us is a once in a lifetime deal. We might have to work together again, but it'll be on our terms." Rose's voice was friendly, but firm. "As much I don't like putting a big responsibility in the hands of so few, this is how it's supposed to go. Good luck."

The two flashed in what Karkat was starting to dub as Space Teleportation. Jade must've been watching with Dave. He really didn't know how far their reach was, but he was starting to think it was pretty damn far.

"Annnnd, they're gone." Tavros huffed; his complaining was warranted this time. "Am I in a cult now? If I am, at least let me swear in first."

"Let's get this ring back to these Far Frozen guys first. And I want some cool ass robes after this too." Nepeta dashed towards the fortress, the call of adventure getting to her. "I wonder what these guys eat. I'm starved."

Everyone else started moving forward too, Karkat staying near the back. Signless kept by his side, eyes kept in a straight line.

"I really hope they pay you a lot. I have no idea what the hell you're getting out of this." Somehow, that made Signless the most dangerous to Karkat. Or the most trustworthy. "If you're not, I know a few lawyers."

Signless gave him a glance, and Karkat could've swore he chuckled. But if he did, it was too silent to hear, or muffled so he wouldn't hear it.

Well, at least he had a sense of humor. Maybe that meant he wasn't a bad guy after all.

The walls looked just as imposing up close when they all finally got to it. They didn't see any door that they could go through, or have a way to talk to anyone to let them in.

"I could probably manipulate the ice, but we'd definitely get shot on sight." Vriska was ready to do it anyway, but she was too close to freedom to piss anyone off. "Got any ideas?"

They all gave Signless a look, who was just looking towards the top of the walls. Following his gaze, they could see shadows at the top where the ice was thinner. It looked like they were being watched.

"L̵̼̈́̀e̸͙̹̕t̸̩̀ ̸̝̕ͅu̸͓̐s̵̳͘ͅ ̷̤̉ḯ̵̠n̴̗̬͛̽,̵̢̕ ̵̝̇̈́F̴̡̀̓ř̷͈͍̄o̴̹̾ͅș̷͊t̸̳̃̓b̴̲̪̈́ǐ̴̙̳͒t̴̢͖͠e̸̻̗͒.̷̱͐̄"

The group groaned, the voice etching itself inside their heads. If they had questions on why Signless didn't talk, they certainly didn't have them anymore. It felt like someone had scraped at their brains with a dull spoon.

They got what they wanted, though, watching as the ice cracked and began to shift away into a proper entrance. As it grew thinner, they could see some of the figures moving behind it turn clearer and clearer.

What they saw looked like a horned yeti like creature moving towards them, wearing a blue and gold kilt and a blue hood. Ice horns sat atop his heads and an arm made out of bone and ice were some of the more striking features, which made the hulk of fur and muscle almost intimidating.

If it wasn't for the jovial grin he had.

"Sufferer, it's been too long!" Frostbite, if they could guess, laughed happily as he caught eyes with the stoic ghost. "I wasn't expecting you, but I certainly didn't expect you to bring guests of all things. I'm assuming we're needed."

"Sufferer?" Tavros's question went unanswered as he could see more of the residents, looking quite a bit like Frostbite, brought them inside and closed the walls behind them.

Signless shook his head softly, pointing at Karkat, who tensed at that. Great, nice to shove him under the bus like that. He'd prefer having his brain scraped by whatever language the older ghost spoke.

"Yeah, sorry for coming uninvited." Karkat wasn't sure how he felt as Frostbite seemed to look at him a bit strangely, as if he were a marvel to behold. "We kinda came here to return something of yours. Sign- Sufferer brought use here to return it."

"You wouldn't have happened to have lost a ring, right?" Karkat produced the Noir Ring as Terezi spoke. The yeti-like ghost (ironically) froze up. "We're going to take that as a yes."

"How did you get that?" Frostbite gave a look towards Signless, as if asking if the kids were serious. "We know who stole that, and we're pretty sure it wasn't any of you."

"If you're talking about tall, scaly, and scarred," Nepeta made a zigzag with two of her fingers over her face to illustrate her point. "We may have taken it right back. Phantom started it, by the way."

"Hey, he was about to- never mind." Karkat knew Nepeta was trying to make a joke and lower the tension. "Either way, we came here to return it. Hopefully, we don't have to return it a second time."

"Hopefully not." Frostbite was still friendly, but the fact he seemed almost physically of kilter meant that he hadn't expected today to be like this. Karkat felt that. He really did. "I-I think we can put that back in our vault. In fact, it's time for a celebration!"

If it wasn't for the fact that some of the Far Frozen was already escorting them, Karkat would've instantly declined. Being in the middle of a land full of ghosts that were probably made his nerves spike but rejecting the offer would be rude. Especially since they were friendly since the beginning.

"What exactly are you guys? Only thing we heard was that you're called the Far Frozen, have a thing for ice, and are generally religious." Vriska earned a punch to the arm from Terezi for the blunt comment. "Hey, I'm just asking! I'm trying to be a good guest here."

"You're close, though that is an oversimplification." Frostbite didn't seem bothered, something everyone was immensely thankful for. "We do house quite a bit of people with ice cores, though the religious part is only partly accurate. We more or less try and follow the Aspects."

"Your colony has a lot of people that dedicate themselves to it then?" Nepeta asked. Everyone did notice that a lot of the Far Frozen did have some type of symbol on the back of their necks. "Didn't know you guys congregated. None of the people recorded usually get... communal."

"There are quite a few people that get touched by their Aspect in a way that ends with them becoming mad. However, as long as the ceremony is done properly, that number is usually brought down a bit." Frostbite pointed at the back of his neck, noting that it was blank. "Unfortunately, some of us can't get the blessing because of that chance. Our ultimate goal is keeping peace in the Infinite Realms, and that requires different types of sacrifices."

"...Just to make sure, you guys are doing this willingly, right?" Karkat really hoped that this wasn't an actual cult. The Robes may have said they aren't a part of one, but they never said they led one. "I'm just asking. You know, with the fortress and all..."

"We're well aware how it looks. Most of our population doesn't actually do the work related to the Aspects. They're mostly people who need homes before forming Lairs of their own." Frostbite must've been asked this a lot, considering the fast response. "We just make sure to keep the walls up in case of invaders. Or thieves like Dualscar."

Again, not exactly something Karkat was going to believe without proof. But Frostbite would've done something to them if he was actually malicious by now. Or be a lot worse at hiding it.

"Now, before we get too off topic, I think a tour is in order." The yeti ghost led them to the front of a beautiful ice building, the doors opening with a wave of his hand. "We'd prepare a feast, but we might have to wait for that. We've had some concerning reports lately, and I have a feeling you all don't have the time for it."

"Correct. I think my mom would like to talk to some of you guys later, though." Terezi definitely figured an alliance would be good to have. Especially if they actually were just trying to help people out. "Anything you're willing to show us first?"

"I have a few ideas. And I would appreciate a talk with Redglare at the earliest opportunity." No one remembered telling him that she was her mother, but that was fine. "Maybe it would be best to head to our library first..."

The tour was something that Karkat was interested in, but the sound of a crash and some cursing caught their attention. The voices sounded young, and one of them was certainly louder than the other.

"Ah. I guess kids are the same no matter where you go." Tavros chuckled at that, the sound putting him at ease. Of course he was used to kids more than people his own age. "You have kids? Must be pretty high up if they're already getting into shenanigans together."

"Unfortunately, they are heading up to thirteen soon." Frostbite sighed, running a hand down his face. He turned towards the noise, putting his hands near his mouth, and in the most dad like voice he had, yelled. "Kids, get down here! We have guests and I'd really appreciate it if you didn't set something on fire!"

A sigh from a female voice, and the loud curse from a male voice was his only reply. A stairway formed between the bottom floor and one above them, the sound of footsteps following close behind. There was some arguing happening between the brother and sister (that they figured), something that made Frostbite roll his eyes at.

Signless tensed but forced himself to relax. This didn't go unnoticed by Karkat, who just shrugged. Maybe the old man wasn't good with kids.

The group expected to see two little yeti pups to walk down the stairs, most likely looking like Frostbite.

Seeing two human shaped kids with green skin and skull-like heads threw them for a loop, though.

"Caliborn. Calliope." Frostbite crossed his arms before looking down at them with a stern eye. "What did you two do?"

Like I said, lore heavy, but set up stuff for later. Hopefully you all appreciate it.

I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you all next chapter!

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