Battles (Sam Wilson x reader)

By marvelRvgers

72.2K 2.4K 836

*slowburn* Y/n Barnes, adoptive sister. Captured along with the 107th in the 40s Y/n is still alive thanks to... More

The Big Three
John Walker
Last Living Super Soldier
Group Therapy
The Prisoner
Sugar daddy
Private Jet
Smiling Tiger
Dr Nagel
Ba Ba Black Sheep
One Minute
Time's Up
Neither do I
Oh my God *smut*
I told you to be quiet
There's the Captain *light smut*
Good girl *smut*
Nice Job Carter
What Changed
A/N new book


2.2K 85 10
By marvelRvgers

We walked through the streets of Riga, Zemo leading the way apparently he had a house out here or something. We walked down the street and Zemo pulled out some keys unlocking a door. I looked back but couldn't see Bucky.

"Where did he go?" I muttered under my breath following the two men in.

Zemo went straight to the bathroom to have a shower, while Sam and I headed to the bar for a much needed drink, he leant over the bar grabbing a bottle of whiskey pouring us each a glass.

"Thanks" I said, clinking our glasses together.

"Cheers" He said, taking a sip of the liquor.

"Ok about what you said before, about how I shouldn't care for you, what is that all about?" Sam asked.

"Do we really have to go there?" I sighed.

"Look you don't have to but you can talk to me ya know" He said softly.

I let out a sigh and averted my gaze down to the hard, patterned wood floor.

"Everyone who ever says they care always leaves or gets hurt" I said.

"Well I'm not going anywhere" Sam replied.

"That's what everyone always says Sam, but then they leave as soon as a better opportunity comes up or things get difficult" I huffed.

Sam reached and grabbed my chin slowly lifting up my face to meet his gaze.

"I promise you I'm not going anywhere ok, I don't want to go anywhere" He said softly.

"What if you get hurt?" I said meekly.

"Then so be it" He said, rubbing his hand over my face.

The door burst open and Sam quickly pulled his hand away turning to face Bucky who had just walked in.

"The Wakandans are here for Zemo but I bought us some more time" Bucky said.

"Where you followed here?" Sam asks, Zemo exiting the bathroom in a bath robe.

"No I wasn't followed" Bucky replied.

"How can you be sure" Zemo said looking out the stained window, the light refracting and making patterns on his face.

"Because I know when I'm being followed" Bucky said slightly on edge.

"Well sweet of you to defend me at least" Zemo said turning back around to face us.

"Shut up no one's defending you, you killed Nagel" Sam looked over his shoulder at Zemo rolling his eyes.

"Do we really have to litigate what may or may not have happened" Zemo said.

Bucky pulled out his phone and began scrolling through news articles, before walking closer to us.

"There's nothing to litigate you straight up shot the man" I said to Zemo who was walking away.

"Sam, Y/n" Bucky interrupted looking up from his phone.

"What?" We both asked.

"Karli bombed a GRC depot" Bucky said.

"Shit, what's the damage?" I asked spinning the chair around to face my brother.

"Eleven injured, three dead" Bucky sighed.

"They also have a list of demands and saying that if they aren't met more attacks will happen" Bucky said.

"She's accelerating, getting worse" Zemo interrupted.

"I have a will to complete this mission. Do the three of you?" Zemo asked.

"She's just a kid Zemo" I said.

"You're seeing something in her that isn't there, she's a supremacist. The concept of a Super Soldier will always trouble people. It's that warped aspiration that lead Nazi's to Ultron, to the Avengers" Zemo rambled on.

"You're talking about our friends" Sam replied.

"The Avengers not the Nazi's of course" I chimed in.

"She may be radicalized but there has to be a peaceful way to stop Karli" Sam said.

"The desire to become a superhuman cannot be separated from supremacist ideals. Anyone with that serum is bound to take that path.She will not stop she will esculate unless you kill her" Zemo said, he paused.

"Unless she kills you" He finished.

"Maybe you're wrong Zemo, the serum never corrupted Steve" Bucky interrupted.

"Touchè" Zemo said lifting up a bagel taking a bite.

"But there's never been another Steve Rogers before" I said.

"Well maybe we should just give you up to the Wakandans" Bucky shrugged.

"What and lose your tour guide" Zemo replied, rummaging through the shelves in search of some food.

"Yup" I shrugged.

"Ok so Donya was like a pilllar of the community, right? So when I was a kid my TT passed away" Sam said.

I bit my lip holding back a laugh.

"Y- your TT?" I asked doing my best to not laugh.

"Yeah my TT" Sam shrugged.

"Who is your TT?" Bucky asked collapsing on Zemo's, plush blue couch.

"Ok fine, when I was a kid my aunt passed away and the entire community got together for a ceremony, it was like a week long, they might be doing the sam thing for Donya" Sam said.

"Eh worth a shot" I said.

"You're uh TT would be proud of you" Zemo said grabbing some candy.

"Turkish delight?" He asked.

He held the candy in his hand tossing it over to Sam who caught it in his right hand. He then emptied out the rest of the bag a huge smile on the rich mans face.

"Irresistible" Zemo said to himself.

He stuffed a few into his pocket and walked over towards us.

"We should go put there and start looking for Karli" Zemo said.

I nodded and stood up, wincing slightly at the sharp pain which shot in my leg.

"I'm ok" I said, looking over at Sam who was about to ask.

He nodded and we all headed for the door, Zemo making sure to look it behind us, triple checking the door handle.

"Paranoid much" I muttered to Sam, who chuckled lightly.

Zemo nodded his head to the side for us to follow him, he lead the way out of the apartment building and towards the streets.

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