By isa-tnj

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Some say the world will end in fire. Some say in ice. When Rosalie Stark found herself in an inferno of drago... More



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By isa-tnj



278 AC, Storm's End

During all her travels Rosalie had never set foot in Storm's End. She had heard a few stories of the castle from her father when she grew up as well as Robert and Renly during her time in King's Landing, but never had she seen the castle for herself.

It was an impressive building surrounded by a massive curtain wall that was one hundred feet high and composed of a double course of pale grey stone. Once they rode inside the walls she realised that the Keep only had one tower, a colossal drum tower.

The familiar banner of House Baratheon hung on the walls, the yellow field with the black stag giving Rosalie a sense of familiarity. The only thing missing was the crown.

Ready to greet them stood a burly man with black hair and blue eyes that bore a remarkable resemblance to what she remembered of Renly Baratheon and what she supposed Robert must look right now. It was Steffon Baratheon.

Next to him stood a woman with blue eyes and light brown hair that cascaded down her back in curls while some of it was held back in a knot at the top of her head. It was Cassana Baratheon.

From what Rosalie had learned both of them would be dead within the year if they followed their previous faiths. They would die in a shipwreck just as they were about to return from their journey to Essos, their ship getting smashed on the rocks in Shipbreaker Bay.

Rosalie dismounted her horse and much like she had done when they arrived in Riverrun she took the lead, walking over to the Lord and Lady of Storm's End to give them a smooth curtsy.

"Lord and Lady Baratheon," she smiled politely, "My brother and I are honoured that you have welcomed us both into your home for a visit. My name is Rosalie and this is my brother, Brandon, the heir to Winterfell."

Cassana and Steffon shared a look and Rosalie had to hide a smirk. By now she was used to people being surprised by seeing her. She had never before left the North, at least to their knowledge, yet she acted like the perfect southern lady, and much more than that. For which southern lady would take care of the introductions while her brother watched silently?

The only reason Brandon had taken the lead in Riverrun was that he needed to make a good impression there since he was betrothed to the Lord of Riverrun's daughter. But he had never been a fan of small talk so Brandon had no objections in allowing her to speak.

"The honour is ours, My Lord and Lady," Steffon gave them a courteous smile, "Your brother speaks of you often and it's an honour to finally meet you both in person."

"And our brother has only spoken fondly of your family and home so we couldn't pass up an opportunity for a visit," Rosalie said, "And I must say Storm's End has not disappointed us. It's truly a magnificent building. You have such a beautiful home."

"Thank you, Lady Rosalie," Cassana said with a kind smile, stepping forward to get a closer look at the girl, "And you are far more beautiful than the rumours say. You father and brother must have troubles keeping the lords away from you."

"We've had a lot of practice." Brandon said and he wasn't wrong. Over the years he had perfected the art of scaring men away from her with one look or a few wisely chosen words.

"Thank you for keeping our arrival a secret," Rosalie changed the subject, "We can never miss an opportunity to surprise our brother."

"No worries," Cassana smiled, "The boys have taken a hunting trip and should arrive back shortly, so they did not even notice when we began our preparations for your arrival."

Rosalie smiled, having already decided that she liked the Lady of House Baratheon, and she wasn't one who trusted people easily. There was just something about her that reminded her of her own mother.

"If I may ask," Steffon said, his eyes glued to something behind them, "Is that a direwolf?"

Rosalie had to suppress a smirk as she turned around and snapped her fingers together. Silver, who had been sitting dutifully by her horse, skipped over to her mistress, which looked rather comical considering her size. "It is," Rosalie said just as Silver stopped by her feet and sat down.

"We have heard rumours," Steffon admitted, "But no one has seen a direwolf for hundreds of years. She is truly magnificent."

"She is," Rosalie said and Silver let out a happy bark, making her appear more like a puppy than a direwolf the size of a large hunting dog. "But do not fret. She won't harm anyone unless they intend to harm me first. If it would make you more comfortable, My Lord, I could let her run freely in the woods instead of staying with me."

"No, that is quite alright," Lord Steffon assured them. "But I admit, I think it will give the servants a fright if the wolf runs around freely inside the keep."

"Don't worry about that, My Lord," Rosalie said. "Silver will be in my chambers or by my side."

"Well, now when that's settled," Cassana Baratheon said, "please allow me to show you to your chambers, Lady Rosalie." Cassana offered Rosalie her arm, and she took it, grateful and allowed the older woman to lead her through the castle.

"Have you ever left your home before, Lady Rosalie?" Cassana asked politely.

"Aye, my father doesn't like it when I'm far away," Rosalie said. "My place is in Winterfell."

"Your brother, Eddard, has told me that you have taken on the role of Lady of Winterfell since your mother passed," Cassana looked at her with sympathy.

"I have," Rosalie confirmed. "But it has never been much of a burden. At times I actually enjoy it - and other times not so much."

"It does seem like a lot of responsibilities for someone so young," Cassana said, sounding a bit like a worrying mother. "Lord Steffon and I can barely get Robert to take his responsibilities as heir to Storm's End seriously to this day - and he is two years older than you, Lady Rosalie."

"Well, based on my experience from what I've seen of my brothers, I'd say it has something to do with them being men," Rosalie jested and Cassana let out a laugh.

"I think you might be right," Cassana agreed. "Men rarely realise what must be done until the right woman tells them."

Before Rosalie could respond they came to a stop, "These will be your bedchambers during your stay here."

"Thank you, Lady Baratheon," Rosalie smiled. "Truly. My brother and I are so happy you've given us the opportunity to see our brother again. Ever since he left to foster in the Vale, we see him so rarely."

"I completely understand," Cassana Baratheon assured her. "I do miss Robert whenever he leaves for the Eyrie. But I must admit that Lord Arryn has done a splendid job in fostering the boys."

"I've never met Lord Arryn, but Ned, Eddard that is, has always spoken very highly of him," Rosalie said, remembering all the stories of Jon Arryn she had been told in both her life. "I shan't bother you any longer, Lady Baratheon."

"Oh, you haven't been any bother, Lady Rosalie" Cassana told her. "It's just lovely to have another girl in the castle."

.•° ✿ °•.

Rosalie had made herself comfortable in her bedchambers. She had shifted out of her riding gear to a dark green dress with simple silver embroidery. Her dark hair fell freely down to her waist with one thin braid that hung from the top of her head with pears braided into it.

"Remember, father wants us to travel back to Winterfell within a fortnight," Brandon told her, laying on her bed with Silver lying down over his legs, trapping his down with her weight.

"We should be happy he actually allowed us to come here in the first place," Rosalie snorted, "If he had his way we would already be back."

"We will just have to make the most out of our time here," Brandon said, "I've missed Ned and this is a great opportunity for us to see what kind of friend he has made in the Vale."

"We are not here to judge," Rosalie said pointedly, "We are just here to determine whether or not our dearest brother has made a suitable acquaintance."

"Same thing, fancier words," Brandon said dismissively.

"I've heard Lord Robert is very handsome," Rosalie stated, just to annoy her brother. "Not as handsome as Prince Rhaegar, according to the young ladies in Riverrun, but handsome nonetheless."

"I have heard that he spends more time in brothels than you do in the library," Brandon shot back. Out of all her brothers, he was the one most openly protective about men coming near her. Ned would just glare silently while Benjen was about as menacing as a pup, but Brandon loved to indirectly - or sometimes directly - threaten anyone that showed even the slightest interest in her. "And while Ned seems to like him, he isn't good enough for you."

Rosalie smirked, "Dearest brother, Robert Baratheon is the heir to a Great House. If he isn't good enough for me, who is?"

"I'm the heir to a Great House as well, but I would not want anyone like me anywhere near you," Brandon scoffed. "But to answer your question: No man will ever be good enough for you which is why you will spend the rest of your life in Winterfell."

"I don't think your future wife would appreciate it if I stayed in Winterfell until the end of my days, invading her home with my opinions on how to run the place," Rosalie smiled fondly at her older brother.

"It isn't her home. It's our home," Brandon said pointedly. "You are a Stark, so Winterfell will be yours more than it will be any southern lady's."

"This is why you are the most wonderful brother," Rosalie grinned at him. "You may not become the best husband though."

"You can't be good at everything," Brandon shrugged.

A knock came on the door and one of their men entered, "M'lord, M'Lady, Lord Eddard has returned from his hunting trip."

The Stark siblings shared a mischievous grin and Rosalie jumped off the bed, whistling for Silver to jump off Brandon so he could stand up as well. "Stay here, girl," Rosalie told the direwolf.

Storm's End was unfamiliar to them, so the two walked around almost blindly. Rosalie was a few steps in front of Brandon and just as she was about to turn a corner, she heard a familiar voice and footsteps getting closer.

Stopping dead in her tracks, Rosalie caused Brandon to crash into her, almost knocking her into the wall. "Shush," Rosalie placed a finger against her lips to motion for him to be quiet, holding in the urge to say something snarky about him lacking grace.

The footsteps grew louder and when Rosalie saw a shadow on the ground she jumped out from her hiding place, "Surprise," she grinned, and luckily it had been Ned and not a complete stranger that she scared half to death.

Ned jumped back, his hand reaching for his sword before he realised who it was. "Rosie?" Ned exclaimed in disbelief.

"And Brandon," Brandon said, sounding a bit offended that Ned hadn't noticed him yet.

"Oh, how I've missed you, Ned," Rosalie wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled her brother into a tight hug that he gladly returned.

"Wha - why are you here?" Ned was definitely confused.

"This is when you tell us how much you've missed us as well," Rosalie told him jokingly as she stepped back. "And that you are overjoyed to see us."

"Of course I am," Ned promised. "I just - I can't believe you are here."

"We were already in Riverrun - so we convinced father to allow us a little detour," Brandon smirked, patting Ned on the back in greeting.

"But why didn't you write and tell me?" Ned asked, one of his rare smiles on his face.

"What part of 'surprise' did you not understand?" Rosalie asked him. "We wrote to Lord and Lady Baratheon and asked if we could visit - and they were delighted to welcome us into their home."

"Ned?!" a slightly familiar loud and boisterous voice rang through the hallway. "Who are you speaking with?"

Rosalie turned and for the first time ever she understood what people meant when they said Robert Baratheon was a handsome man in his youth. Instead of the fat, red-faced man that used to sweat through his silks and had a wild beard that covered his double chin stood a handsome, clean-shaven man with bright blue eyes and black hair.

At first, he looked at Brandon and Ned. But when his eyes landed on Rosalie his entire demeanour changed, and his confused expression was replaced by a charming grin, "Ned, please, introduce me to your lovely companion." Even though his eyes raked her up and down, Rosalie didn't exactly feel uncomfortable in his presence. At least not as long as her brothers were there.

And when Brandon decided to block Robert's view of her by standing in front of Rosalie, she felt even more at ease. She hated how her distrust for men still plagued her. When her brothers were near it was better, but whenever any man stood too close or looked at her in a certain way. Much like the nightmares of her past that had plagued her for as long as she could remember, Rosalie doubted her traumas would ever leave her.

"Brandon Stark of Winterfell," Brandon introduced himself. Since he was taller than Ned, he almost matched Robert Baratheon's impressive height as he tried to stare down the heir to Storm's End. "Ned's older brother."

Robert and Brandon shook hands and Rosalie rolled her eyes at their display of manly passive aggressiveness. Since it was clear that Brandon wasn't about to introduce Rosalie, Ned stepped in, "Robert, may I introduce my sister, Lady Rosalie."

"Lord Robert," Rosalie curtsied and smiled politely. "It's a pleasure to meet you. My brother speaks very highly of you."

Robert took her hand and she succeeded in not flinching at his touch only because she had seen it coming. He raised it and placed a kiss against her knuckles, "The pleasure is all mine, Lady Rosalie. And while your brother has told me many stories of you, Ned has completely failed to mention your beauty."

Rosalie smiled slightly, both to be polite and because Brandon was sending a glare between Ned and Robert for absolutely no reason - perhaps he was angry that Ned had made a friend that appeared interested in their sister.

"Thank you, My Lord-"

"Robert," he corrected her. "Please, call me Robert. Your brother already does."

"May I also call you Robert?" Brandon asked pointedly.

Robert spared him a quick glance, "Of course," he answered, not understanding the point Brandon was trying to make. "I believe supper will be served in the Great Hall shortly. May I escort you, Lady Rosalie?"

"That would be lovely," Rosalie said, linking her arm with Robert's a bit reluctantly since she wasn't keen on the touch of strangers. Or of anyone outside her family really. "And please, call me Rosalie."

.•° ✿ °•.

A raven croaked as he flew through a set of ruins. Rosalie followed the bird, jumping over rocks and dodging fallen trees. It was difficult to see anything through the fog that seemed to cover the entire ruin and she had to quicken her pace to not lose sight of the bird.

Suddenly the fog disappeared and was replaced by smoke. Then flames appeared and Rosalie tried to scream but nothing came out of her mouth. But while she couldn't scream, loud cries and screams rang through the air.

Her head snapped from side to side in search for the source of the sound but all she could see was red and orange flames licking the walls. They were so close to her yet she didn't feel anything. Reaching forward to touch the flame, in hope of feeling something, her hand simply went right through it without feeling as much as a burn.

Then the bird swooped down and almost crashed into her but Rosalie dodged it just in time. It landed on a nearby wall and looked down at her, as unbothered by the flames as she was. The raven's three eyes stared at her and it croaked again.

"I don't speak 'raven'," Rosalie deadpanned.

It simply croaked again and the flames grew stronger and stronger until Rosalie couldn't see anything but orange. A loud and final scream followed by a baby's cry rang through the air.

Rosalie opened her eyes with a gasp and instead of seeing flame-covered walls she found herself looking at her poorly lit bedchamber in Storm's End. The black curtains that covered the large windows overlooking the Narrow Sea managed to block out most of the sunlight but a few rays managed to break through.

Knowing very well that she would not be capable of going back to sleep. Sleep hadn't come easy for her since before her father, Ned, became Hand of the King. Ever since then, in both her past life and this one, Rosalie had either been too worried to sleep or her nightmares would plague her. Hurt her.

It was difficult enough falling asleep in the first place. So when she woke up at dusk or the early hours of the day, there was not even a need of trying to fall asleep since she probably wouldn't be able to fall asleep again until it was time to get up for real.

Rosalie climbed off the bed and put on a robe. When she pulled the curtains to the side she was positively surprised when she saw that the sun was almost completely visible over the horizon. So she had at least gotten a few more hours of sleep than she originally thought.

As she started to brush her long hair, her thoughts drifted back to her dream. Since she was reborn, Rosalie had never had a normal dream. It was another reason she didn't find any comfort in sleeping - her dreams, or rather nightmares, were worse than her reality. Either she saw glimpses of her past, and it was never the happy times spent in Winterfell, or the Three-Eyed-Raven contacted her in some way.

The burning ruin was definitely not a memory of hers. She had never seen it before in this life nor her first. At first when she saw the ruin, her thoughts had drifted to Harrenhal and perhaps the fire could be when the castle was attacked by Aegon I and Balerion the Black Dread.

But she had seen Harrenhal during the War of the Five Kings and while the castle was far too big for her to be able to explore all of the ruins, the place in her dream didn't look like Harrenhal. Sometimes she wished the stupid Three-Eyed-Raven could just tell her what he wanted her to do. A building on fire wasn't nearly enough for her to understand.

It took at least two more hours until the rest of the castle had woken up and after getting dressed in a simple white dress with a black leather belt, Rosalie exited her chambers to make her way to the Great Hall of Storm's End where they would break their fast together with the Baratheons.


Rosalie turned to find Robert Baratheon walking towards her, dressed in his house colours of black and yellow. "Good morning, Robert."

"Good morning, My Lady. Mother asked me to escort you to the Great Hall," he said with a charming smile. "If I may."

"Of course," Rosalie offered a smile in return and linked her arm through the arm he offered her. "Now tell me, Robert, how is my brother fairing in the Eyrie? Please tell me he is at least having some fun between all the lessons."

"I try to drag him out every now and then. But you know Ned," Robert chuckled and the two made easy conversation until they reached the dining hall. Once inside, Rosalie made her way over to the empty seat between her older brothers and she did not miss the glare Brandon sent towards the eldest Baratheon brother.

It made her wonder how Brandon had reacted when Lyanna had been betrothed to Robert Baratheon in their previous lives. If he had been equally as distasteful against the heir to Storm's End. She also thought about how her presence might change things - and hopefully not for the worse.

"Lady Rosalie, Lord Brandon, perhaps Robert and Eddard could show you around the grounds today," Cassana Baratheon suggested. "I've heard you both enjoy riding, so you could take a little trip up to the cliffs overlooking the Narrow Sea."

"If it's okay with Rosie, I have no objections," Brandon said, forcing all attention towards her.

"I think that would be lovely," Rosalie said, never passing up on an opportunity to ride. "Will you come as well, Lord Stannis?" she asked.

The last time she had seen him was when Robb sent her to negotiate with Renly Baratheon on his behalf. The hard and unforgiving man was now but a young boy, the same age as her, but he was still a stone-faced person who rarely smiled.

"No thanks, Lady Rosalie," Stannis said in a bored tone. "I have other things to do." He then stood up, having finished his meal quickly since he didn't talk at all, and bowed towards his mother, "I have a lesson with the Maester now. I bid you all a good day."

"It will be far more amusing without him," Robert told her. "My dear brother will only spoil all the fun. His presence is as melancholic as our cousin, Prince Rhaegar-"

"Robert," Cassana scolded her son. "That is no way to speak with your brother or His Highness, Prince Rhaegar. Both deserve more respect than that."

"I apologise, mother. They are both delights to be around," Robert said. Then he added in a whisper, "If you enjoy spending time with someone who hasn't laughed in their lifetime."

Rosalie smiled politely at his joke and then she allowed Robert and his mother to discuss what the best sights nearby were, with Ned adding in every now and then. But one place they mentioned made something click in her head.

"Summerhall?" she repeated, unintentionally cutting Cassana Baratheon off in the middle of a sentence. "I apologise for interrupting you, Lady Baratheon. But did you say Summerhall is close by?"

"Don't worry, dear," Cassana assured her. "Yes, it's quite close. I'd say a day's ride."

"But you don't want to see that old place. Trust me," Robert told her. "It's just a ruin and a home for rabbits, foxes and spiders."

Rosalie nodded, but her thoughts were elsewhere. Her mind hadn't immediately drifted to House Targaryen's former summer castle when she saw the ruin on fire, but now she cursed herself for not thinking of it immediately.

Everyone had heard about the Tragedy of Summerhall that killed King Aegon V Targaryen, his eldest son and heir, Prince Duncan the Small, and the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Ser Duncan the Tall. It was also where Rhaegar Targaryen was born amidst the flames.

The only question was why the Three-Eyed-Raven would show her the fire.

Rosalie remained deep in thought for the rest of the breakfast. Then they all went their separate ways to change into their riding clothes. She continued to think about what the stupid Three-Eyed-Raven wanted her to get from that dream.

A bit later, while Brandon and Rosalie were making their way towards the stables, Brandon asked, "Why are you being so quiet? It's unsettling."

In that moment she made a decision and instead of answering she asked, "Bran, do you recall during your feast for your nameday last year when I came upon you and Barbrey Ryswell in a rather - comprisinging position and we agreed never to speak about it again?"

Brandon narrowed his eyes at her, "Aye, I remember."

"Well, I need you to do something for me now," Rosalie told him. "The day we start our journey home, I will leave earlier and I will be gone for a day. I need you to cover for me."

"Absolutely not-"

"I will take Silver with me and you know I can take care of myself," Rosalie told him. He didn't need to know that it wouldn't be the first time she travelled alone.


"Bran, please," Rosalie stopped, grabbed her brother's arm and looked at him pleadingly. "It will only be for a day, you will barely notice I'm gone. And if you say no, I will only do it anyway and if father finds out he will kill both of us."

"I will come with you-"

"No, this is something I have to do alone," Rosalie told him. "A bit like when I journeyed down to the crypts when I was three and no one found me for two days."

"If you get hurt in any way or disappear I will never be able to forgive myself," Brandon told her with a serious expression that seemed very unlike him.

"Which is why I will do everything in my power to come back safely, big brother. There is just something I need to investigate."

.•° ✿ °•.

278 AC, Summerhall

Summerhall was truly a ruin.

It was another place she had never seen in her previous life and the immediate feeling she got from it was grief. The Tragedy of Summerhall had taken a beautiful castle and turned it into a symbol of destruction.

She had grown up hearing the story of how almost the entire Targaryen line had been killed during a great fire that broke out when Aegon V tried to bring dragons back into the world.

Even by looking at the ruins one could see that the castle had been grand in its prime. But now it was just burned remains covered in ivy and moss. And even though the fire occurred almost twenty years earlier she could feel the smell of smoke invade her senses.

Rosalie pulled the hood of her cloak closer to her face to shield it from the rain. For her little trip she had opted for a simple grey cloak, brown pants, worn riding boots and an old white tunic. Her hair was in a simple braid, making her look like a commoner. Silver was around somewhere, she could feel her presence, but was running around the woods.

Then her eyes landed on an oddly familiar part of the ruin that she recognised from her dream. All that was missing was the three eyed raven that sat on the top of the small tower in her dream.

And just like in her dream she started to climb her way through the collapsed walls. It was a battle to stand upright at times, especially with the rain making the stones slippery.

When she reached what she guessed was the remains of the throne room, she stopped because this was where she had woken up. She looked around, searching for something that suggested that this trip wasn't a complete waste of time. The Three Eyed Raven had led her here for a reason, she guessed.

Then her head snapped around and she crouched down when she heard voices in the distance. It was men, she was sure of that and by the sound of it there was more than one.

Her curiosity got the best of her and she slowly made her way closer to the sound, keeping herself out of sight from whoever had decided to pay a visit to the ruins.

Rosalie reached down and pulled the fabric she had around her neck up to cover her mouth too, making it impossible for any man to distinguish her features. She kept her steps light as she walked closer only to stop when the voices stopped completely.

"Did you hear that?" a deep yet melodic voice asked. Rosalie cringed, stopping dead in her tracks to not attract any unwanted attention.

"It's probably just a rabbit," another voice said, this one more humorous, "Or perhaps it's the Ghost of High Heart."

Just when she thought she had gotten away with it there was some clattering behind her. Rosalie's head snapped around and her eyes widened, scared that she had been seen.

And her eyes continued to widen when she saw the Three Eyed Raven perched upon a wall. A wall that stones suddenly had started to fall down from, creating a lot of noises.

"That doesn't sound like a rabbit," the first voice said and Rosalie sent a glare towards the bird before turning around to retreat back to her horse.

She continued trying to stay hidden when she heard footsteps in the direction she was walking which forced her to take a detour. Her steps quickened and she was so focused on those heavy steps that she didn't realise someone was approaching her from the other way until she knocked into a hard body.

She barely had time to react before the person grabbed her arm and twisted it around. But then she used all her strength to stamp her assailant on the foot and push back so he hit the wall.

While she knew she could hold her own in a fight she didn't like killing so when she was free from his hold she didn't waste a second before running. The man who had attacked her wasted no time running after her.

Dodging branches and jumping over piles of stones she tried to reach her horse so she could ride away. The footsteps behind her got louder and louder until they suddenly disappeared. She didn't know if the person had given up on chasing her and she didn't care, she just continued running.

However, either the person she was chasing could read her mind or he had been there before because all of a sudden she was tackled to the ground. The person landed on top of her and rocks dug painfully into her back, making her groan in pain.

But she quickly acted after that and kicked him in the stomach. Rosalie could not see her attacker's face, his head hidden by a dark cloak. But there was no doubt that it was a man.

Rosalie's hand searched the ground for something to use as a weapon and when she found a rock she used it to hit him. He let out a groan of pain and she used that to her advantage to flip them over but she had underestimated him because it took him less than three seconds to flip them back.

But in the struggle his hood had fallen back slightly, revealing a few silver-gold strands that seemed all too familiar. Then a pair of eyes connected with hers and she froze at his beautiful indigo orbs.

"Targaryen," Rosalie muttered in realisation just as the man used her momentarily paralysis to pull back her hood and the cloth that covered her face.

His indigo eyes widened, "You are a girl."

"Observant of you," Rosalie snapped, narrowing her eyes at the man. He was easily the most handsome man she had ever seen with defined and aristocratic features that seemed to be cut out like marble. The only fault on his perfect face was the newly made cut on his jaw.

"Prince Rhaegar," one of the other men shouted which seemed to break both of them out of their shock. But the name made Rosalie freeze again.

Rhaegar. Rhaegar Targaryen.

This was the man that had run away with Lyanna and started a war? The man Robert Baratheon hated more than anything else? The man that had left Elia Martell and their children. Jon's father.

"I am fine, Jon," Rhaegar assured, his voice deeper than she had expected. They were joined by yet another man. The one named Jon was glaring down at her and his red hair easily gave away his identity; Jon Connington.

The other one seemed somewhat familiar, but she could not say from where. He looked between her and the Prince in shock. She guessed they made quite a picture.

Without a word Rhaegar got off her and offered her his hand. Rosalie stared at it for a few seconds before standing up on her own, ignoring his polite gesture.

"Who are you?" Jon snapped at her, taking a few steps forward, "How dare you lay a hand on the Crown Prince?"

"It's fine, Jon," Rhaegar said in a firm tone before turning to Rosalie with a polite smile. But despite the smile his face still looked melancholic. "What is your name?"

Rosalie narrowed her eyes in suspicion towards the silver-haired man. She was not about to tell them her real name so she said the first one to come to mind. "Arya."

"Where are your manners, girl?" Jon sneered, "This is Rhaegar of House Targaryen, the Crown Prince of the Seven Kingdoms."

"I would have kneeled," Rosalie said in a southern accent to not reveal anything that could give a clue about who she was, "but I think my knee was crushed in the fall."

"I apologise," Rhaegar said sincerely, which surprised her. She had not expected a Prince to be so polite to a woman that hit him with a rock, "But these lands belong to House Targaryen. I did not expect anyone to be here."

"It's a ruin," Rosalie, "It's not-"

"I didn't find anyone," a third man joined them, "Well, I found a horse —" he stopped when he found his three companions standing with a woman.

Rosalie was slightly surprised by the purple eyed man but then her eyes landed on the sword strapped to his waist and she gasped, "You are Arthur Dayne."

"I am? I mean, yes, I know I am," Arthur said with a frown, "Who are you?"

"This is Arya," Oswell said, "and she was more impressed about meeting you than our dear Prince. Interesting."

"What are you doing here alone?" Rhaegar asked, "The woods are no place for a lonely woman."

"Your jaw says otherwise," Rosalie crossed her arms, "I can take care of myself, Your Highness. Now if you pardon me, I should probably leave-"

"Where are you from?" Arthur wondered, "I cannot place your accent."

"The Riverlands," Rosalie lied smoothly, "Close to Riverrun." She started to walk away, "It was a pleasure to meet you all, but I really have to go now. You didn't move my horse, did you?"

"No," Arthur said, "I did not."

"Good. While I would have loved to stay here and chat with you, my brother will be worried should I not return soon," she said and it wasn't exactly a lie.

"Do you need us to accompany you?" Prince Rhaegar wondered, "These woods are not a safe place for a woman alone."

"This woman can handle herself," Rosalie said firmly, narrowing his eyes at him. She had survived more dangers than most men and she did not need the protection of some foolish Prince. "That is why I can travel alone while you are required to be accompanied by two Kingsguards - Your Highness."

Rosalie was about to walk away from the four men when Prince Rhaegar carefully grabbed her arm to stop her. However, one thing she had brought with her from her previous life was her dislike of being touched.

"Don't touch me," Rosalie flinched back, like his touch had burned her. She noticed how Rhaegar immediately retreated his arm, looking at her apologetically which actually made her feel a little bad, "Pardon me, I just - don't like being touched."

Rosalie straightened up again, not wanting to seem weak. It was weird really. She hadn't even bothered when he had her pinned to the ground but the moment he touched her unexpectedly she couldn't help but flinch. The ghosts from another life would always haunt her it seemed.

"I didn't mean to offend you," Prince Rhaegar said carefully, "But these woods aren't safe for anyone."

"I'm touched by your concern, Your Highness," Rosalie said, "But it's unnecessary. My family is probably waiting for me, so I won't be alone for long."

"Are you certain?" Prince Rhaegar asked and Rosalie was actually a little surprised by his insistence to keep her safe. Why would the Silver Prince care about some commoner?

"I am, Your Highness," Rosalie said, looking into his beautiful indigo eyes, almost daring him to argue. "It's been a pleasure to meet all of you - but I'm afraid I must go now."

With that Rosalie walked towards her horse, not leaving any of the men a chance to stop her. Her heart was beating rapidly in her chest and the Prince's warn touch still lingered against her skin.

She had just met Rhaegar Targaryen and she had no idea what to think.

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