Army of the Damned

By ArchiveOfStories

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"The objective here is to return home. By any means necessary." An Isekai about Politics, Strategy and War. P... More

VOLUME 2 Chapter 2
VOLUME 2 Chapter 3
VOLUME 2 Chapter 4
VOLUME 2 Chapter 5
VOLUME 2 Chapter 6
VOLUME 2 Chapter 7
VOLUME 2 Chapter 8
VOLUME 2 Chapter 9
VOLUME 2 Chapter 10
VOLUME 3 Chapter 1
VOLUME 3 Chapter 2
VOLUME 3 Chapter 3
VOLUME 3 Chapter 4
VOLUME 3 Chapter 5
VOLUME 3 Chapter 6
VOLUME 3 Chapter 7
VOLUME 3 Chapter 8
VOLUME 3 Chapter 9
VOLUME 3 Chapter 10
VOLUME 4 Chapter 1
VOLUME 4 Chapter 2
VOLUME 4 Chapter 3
VOLUME 4 Chapter 4
VOLUME 4 Chapter 5
VOLUME 4 Chapter 6
VOLUME 4 Chapter 7
VOLUME 4 Chapter 8
VOLUME 4 Chapter 9
VOLUME 4 Chapter 10
VOLUME 5 Chapter 1
VOLUME 5 Chapter 2
VOLUME 5 Chapter 3
VOLUME 5 Chapter 4
VOLUME 5 Chapter 5
VOLUME 5 Chapter 6
VOLUME 5 Chapter 7
VOLUME 5 Chapter 8
VOLUME 5 Chapter 9
VOLUME 5 Chapter 10
VOLUME 6 Prelude
VOLUME 6 Prologue Part 1
VOLUME 6 Prologue Part 2
VOLUME 6 Chapter 1
VOLUME 6 Chapter 2
VOLUME 6 Chapter 3
VOLUME 6 Chapter 4
VOLUME 6 Chapter 5
VOLUME 6 Chapter 6
VOLUME 6 Chapter 7
VOLUME 6 Chapter 8
VOLUME 6 Chapter 9
VOLUME 6 Chapter 10
VOLUME 7 Prologue
VOLUME 7 Prelude
VOLUME 7 Chapter 1
VOLUME 7 Chapter 2
VOLUME 7 Chapter 3
VOLUME 7 Chapter 4
VOLUME 7 Chapter 5
VOLUME 7 Chapter 6
VOLUME 7 Chapter 7
VOLUME 7 Chapter 8
VOLUME 7 Chapter 9
VOLUME 7 Chapter 10
VOLUME 7 Bonus Chapter "The Time Scourge"
VOLUME 8 Chapter 1
VOLUME 8 Chapter 2
VOLUME 8 Chapter 3
VOLUME 8 Chapter 4
VOLUME 8 Chapter 5
VOLUME 8 Chapter 6
VOLUME 8 Chapter 7
VOLUME 8 Chapter 8
VOLUME 8 Chapter 9
VOLUME 8 Chapter 10
VOLUME 9 Chapter 1
VOLUME 9 Chapter 2
VOLUME 9 Chapter 3
VOLUME 9 Chapter 4
VOLUME 9 Chapter 5
VOLUME 9 Chapter 6
VOLUME 9 Chapter 7
VOLUME 9 Chapter 8
VOLUME 9 Chapter 9
VOLUME 9 Chapter 10
VOLUME 10 Chapter 1
VOLUME 10 Chapter 2
VOLUME 10 Chapter 3
VOLUME 10 Chapter 4
VOLUME 10 Chapter 5
VOLUME 10 Chapter 6
VOLUME 10 Chapter 7
VOLUME 10 Chapter 8
VOLUME 10 Chapter 9
VOLUME 10 Chapter 10
VOLUME 11 Chapter 1
VOLUME 11 Chapter 2
VOLUME 11 Chapter 3
VOLUME 11 Chapter 4
VOLUME 11 Chapter 5
VOLUME 11 Chapter 6
VOLUME 11 Chapter 7
VOLUME 11 Chapter 8
VOLUME 11 Chapter 9
VOLUME 11 Chapter 10
VOLUME 12 Chapter 1
VOLUME 12 Chapter 2
VOLUME 12 Chapter 3
VOLUME 12 Chapter 4
VOLUME 12 Chapter 5
VOLUME 12 Chapter 6
VOLUME 12 Chapter 7
VOLUME 12 Chapter 8
VOLUME 12 Chapter 9
VOLUME 12 Chapter 10
Volume 12 Bonus Chapter
VOLUME 13 Chapter 1
VOLUME 13 Chapter 2
VOLUME 13 Chapter 3
VOLUME 13 Chapter 4
VOLUME 13 Chapter 5
VOLUME 13 Chapter 6
VOLUME 13 Chapter 7
VOLUME 13 Chapter 8
VOLUME 13 Chapter 9
VOLUME 13 Chapter 10
VOLUME 14 Chapter 1
VOLUME 14 Chapter 2
VOLUME 14 Chapter 3
VOLUME 14 Chapter 4
VOLUME 14 Chapter 5
VOLUME 14 Chapter 6
VOLUME 14 Chapter 7
VOLUME 14 Chapter 8
VOLUME 14 Chapter 9
VOLUME 14 Chapter 10
VOLUME 15 Chapter 1


942 38 8
By ArchiveOfStories

"Yes Child. I've come far and between the great lands and worlds, resting upon a darkest Volcano of a Dark World and ascending to the Void. Now, I've cometh to serve a mortal man named Paul. Who, with all his tenacity, collected enough Dragon Scales to offer to me."

"But, you're a Dragon God. Why would you have to serve a human, your majesty?"

"That man has captivated my curiosity. Thus I rewarded him with my presence. With my scale, he prayed and I arrived to answer his prayer."

This was actually due to her being unlocked by PilotMan in the Chinese New Year Event. Making her a permanent companion of his, supposed to be a player's very own Dragon God due to high requests of the community for one. But the Devs made sure it'd come with a cost. Eattare continues interviewing the black dragon.

"What did he do that got your attention?"

"He collected a million and a half Black Dragon scales within a year and offered them to me. I was shocked by his ability, so I had to come and see who he is personally. I am very proud that he was the one, it has never been a dull moment with that mortal. He seems to attract trouble like Bees to Pollen."

Little did Bahamut know, PilotMan used a farming glitch and guides on the internet to attain that many Dragon scales in a year.

"Is that person even considered human at that point? How many Dragons he must've slain and why would you join him so easily?"

"Friends, what if he was a Demon Lord or something?"

"He must be some sort of a Sword Saint or a Great Knight Legend like Sir Caine or Sir Meyers! Amazingly, he managed to have a Dragon God as a companion!"

"He's neither Knightly or Saintly. He's a single man trying to live his life. I joined him after proving himself to me. He also has many shiny rubies that I play with."

"Wouldn't he have to kill so many of your kind to attain that many Scales? Why aren't you angry at him?"

"My kind?"

Pierence was left in the air while Bahamut makes a deep sigh, calming down as the kids slowly become curious of her.

"You simply do not become a Dragon God from killing Humans and other creatures. Other Dragons have cometh after me. I've slain many foes from all races. I'm no different from that mortal man. But he showed me and even after all that, there's still something to look forward to. Eternity is a sad and mundane fate, this mortal man might just have the answer to my struggles. Hence I offered him a contract for my powers and presence after attaining such a feat."

The large dragon simply sits as if she's having a good time chatting to the adventurers. Doing this, Ingraine and the others except Pierence become relaxed and approach the dragon. Grifvet is already curious about this man who tamed a Dragon God.

"I must meet him! I'm sure he can train me with the sword!"

Bahamut smiles as if she's recalling good times.

"Ahahahaha, he's good with the sword but I highly doubt he can teach. He and his colleagues have caused the land many troubles with their skeleton army."

Pierence was still on the fence about her and her master. Asking questions still about the nature of PilotMan

"Was this man connected to the Demon Lord?"

"No, his friends were all but mortal men trying to find their way into a world that wanted them gone. They created and used machines, ungodly creations that felt nothing and had no soul which prompted the many groups to come after them and their allies."

"I do not believe it, no normal human could reach his levels. King James, founder of the biggest Kingdom in Dragovh was slain by a Dragon God, and he only managed to damage it to a degree."

"Not a lot of humans could stand up to us in a direct fight, this King James must be a fool to try to go against a being older than the soil he built his Kingdom on."

Pierence was just left in silence as if he just heard words that absolutely angered him, Eattare comes into the conversation and tries to calm the situation.

"Then, why are you here? And don't you think it's better to be in human form?"

Bahamut lifts her head as if she heard something that also grinded her.

"Woman, I'm one of the representatives of the Dragons. Why would I trade this body for that of a human? A human body is weak and fragile. It hurts me to see my Lord get hurt every time he fails to win a fight. Blood is easily spilled, and no wings unless you have magic. No Dragon would trade their flight for a pair of feet."

"But all of our Dragon Gods, from History to today are all in Human form."

"Then this world's Dragon Gods do not deserve thine respect. To shed thou's scales and change their form to a Humans, absolutely disgraceful for who should be a representative of our race. Though I will admit, I do have a human form... but that form has been destroyed long ago in a Labyrinth built for me."

Ingraine recall a certain story or rumor from the land. Not being from Dragovh, she knows of a certain land in Schon that could get her attention.

"I've even heard from our Elders that there exists a city of Dragons. I actually came from the Continent of Schon, also called the Demon Continent. We have the biggest population of Dragons next Dragovh and it's said that out here, some Dragons live in a community where they constantly change forms from human to dragon and is led by one of the last Dragon Gods, Queen Catherine."

"That is problematic. We are prideful creatures, if one Dragon God was to meet another... a battle might occur."

"Well, that's what my Elders say, because the Dragons in Schon are slowly becoming extinct. The Hybrids or known as the Permanent Werewolves have been destroying the local fauna for a very long time. Many starved to death if I remember the story."

Bahamut tilts her head in curiosity.

"Interesting, I know humans tend to be friendly with other races but I never knew it'd reach that point where the two would be living in one, without conflict. Though they have the blood of the Dragons, I must visit them first before making an opinion about them. Strange, but I'm sure my Master would be interested in visiting them."

Bahamut thinks about it further, and simply sets her head down again. Deep in thought. While Pierence is still behind the group, keeping his distance from the dragon. Grifvet on the other hand gets closer to her.

"So, where are you headed? You can't simply be going around for no reason."

"I need to find a way to destroy the seal that was put to my Master without alerting the great mages. I might have my powers back, but I fear that doing so will only vindicate my Master even further. His faction is already at a disadvantage from the beginning. I must hide the fact that they have a Dragon God in their arsenal. I've also been instructed before to keep myself a secret till needed."

"And what does eating the animals of the Forest of Treuat had to do with that?"

"I hadn't fed for very long. I was attempting to find a way to destroy the seal that was installed upon mine Master for a while now. I got tired, though I do not want to leave him behind, he'd always tell me to be independent. Thus I went out after waiting for a while, I actually do not know of your language. Dragonian was it? I was only able to learn it after reading a book left by an adventurer who was sadly slain by the Demons of the city."

"He must really be a gentleman to give his servant such freedom. And yes, Dragonian is our language. It's also the main language of Geraldia and Meridian. Born from the first Saint who was half Dragon and half Man. He and his friend who was a human went on great adventures, forming the first party to lay the Demon Lord. His party and army had so many people from so many different places that Dragonian was made so that everyone may understand each other. A mixture of all the languages of the old."

Bahamut smiles again, as if to remember how PilotMan treated her after coming to him.

"Heh, I don't even think he ever saw me as one. I think he saw me as a... friend... Though I also thought he'd think of me as a servant."

"Where was he from?"

"Haaa." In a tired manner, Bahamut replies as she slowly puts her head to the ground to rest it.

"I don't truly know... he'd talk to me a lot but, thou never told me anything from whence he came. I only know that he's a Knight General of the Dark Knights of Eldwood. A faction of Knights specializing in Dark Magic. Thou never seen them commit Evils even with their name."

Pierence sees this as a red flag, immediately commenting.

"Sounds VERY Demon Lord stuff."

Grifvet on the other hand was totally stoked by her story, all giddy and curious.

"They sound like the human army from the Demon Lords Military. Are you sure they weren't from him? Knights using Dark Magic?"

"Child, I might not be like humans, but I do not despise you. I have no reason to join him and his kin, this so-called... Demon Lord. I might actually be quite the opposite, seeing how my Master did his duties. I might've gotten soft from all these years and started liking one of the greatest dangers and enslavers of my kin."

"But the Demon Lord is known to use Dragons for his atrocities. Heck, in the stories when the Vampire Queen tried to take over the world, the ruling Demon Lord used his Dragons to such a good effect that it kept the Crimson Legion of the Minuit family at bay."

"And I command the Dragons. I can simply turn them against him and Vampires? I do remember me and my Master facing many of their kind. Though he was mostly annoyed, calling them Twilight Fans and these so-called bloodsucking larpers."

"AHAHAHAH! Your master sure has some strange words."

"Indeed, he and his kind were old but modern... very modern and liberus with their ways. But he has a strange hatred for Elves and Vampires, saying that their races had cheating advantages."

"Well, Ingraine here would probably still be alive and young when we're all old and decaying... and Vampires? I've never really met them. Though many stories are told about how they have Legions secretly going through Port cities and performing reconnaissance and its diplomats secretly assassinating people."

"I see, I hope they're of the same types me and Master had encountered before. My power could only go for so long."

"But with your powers, you could save our Continent from his wrath! You could usher in a new era with your-"

Excited, Grifvet was silenced by Eattare, and she started bowing her head in shame.

"I apologize for his rudeness, your majesty. He's really a dumb head, I don't even know if he has brain. Those books have infested him with great stories of heroism. Even dragging me into this party..."

"No need to call me such titles. I'm now under a Master. I am but Bahamut, the Dragon God of the End. Just address me as Bahamut."

"Of course Bahamut. But how will you find a way to unseal the curse that was placed upon your Master?"

"I don't know, I could try brute forcing it. But I do think the Great Mages could put up a fight against me. I sensed incredible power within them, before they froze and sealed my Master and his friends. It wasn't also strange in the world I came from for my kind to be hunted down by these extremely powerful humans."

Ingraine knowing stories, recalls one.

"Are these Great Mages like Nerval the Sun Mage? He was once said to have summoned great balls of fire that were hotter than the Sun!"

"I do not know who this Nerval is, but I'm sure he's powerful. Powerful enough to stand up to me."

Pierence then turns around, facing Bahamut.

"Even our greatest champions weren't able to kill one Dragon God and you're telling me the people from the land you came from did this often?"

"Yes, our world is full of Darkness and danger. There is little to no hope, except for them. The Chosen ones, those who rose from the ashes of the old world and rose to conquer and restart everything. Even when the land is littered with beasts and creatures far beyond mortal conception."

As the Sun goes over their head, the party carries on talking and chatting with the giant Dragon till they've reached the setting sun. It was only Ingraine and Bahamut who were still chatting.

"I haven't had a conversation like this for a while now. It's been a pleasure."

"Do you want to come with us? You told us you can use Transmutate to become smaller. We'll help you. We travel the continent of Dragovh looking for work and adventure. I'm sure a Dragon God like you as a companion can give us great benefits!"

"Let us meet halfway shall we? I'll come with you and help you, but I shall not rescind my contract with my Master. Hence, I cannot become a companion, but I will aid you."

"O-of course! Just come with us and we'll help you!"

Bahamut shakes her head and she casts Transmutate on herself. She becomes small enough to sit on Ingraines thin shoulders. Grifvet hears the land changing and looks at the small dragon.

"Wow! You look so cute now!"

"But please bear in thine mind that I am still a Dragon God."

With the party's new friend, they walked back to their camp.

"What about the animals though? What're we gonna say?"

"Eh, we'll just say it was some of the Demons that did it."

"It seems that my eating habit has gotten you into a pint."

"Gotten us into a pint? But isn't drinking a good thing?"

"Oh, I could only imagine what my Master would say. He usually has meat stored in barrels of salt in our carriage."

Pierence was silent all the way back, still holding a grudge about what Bahamut said about the old heroes, unable to say anything to the powerful being that's now large enough to sleep on his wide shoulders. Bahamut senses this uneasiness but ignores it.

They reached the camp and started sleeping in their tents. Bahamut on the other hand stood guard the entire night while using the peace to think of how to free her Master. After waking up, the party starts packing their things for the walk back home. Pierence was still not willing to look at Bahamut. Ingraine sees this and thinks of a way for the two to get along.

"Woman, I feel like that tall man is angered by something I've said."

"Don't worry about him. He's a big fan of King James and his exploits. If he has a chance to visit a monument about him, he'd go there and take in the atmosphere of the place for days. Names Ingraine by the way."

"Mhm, I see that my insensitivity to human emotion has gotten me in trouble."

"Don't think too much about it, we Elves also live very long, humans on the other hand are chained by time. They don't have the luxury to all forgive those who have wronged them."

"How many Elven people are there?"

"A lot! There's Dark Elves, High Elves, Wood Elves and a lot more! The mixing of the two really creates interesting people with interesting powers!"

"Hmmm, I see. Ingraine though. Good name, it has a lot of meaning back in my world."

While the Elven girl starts getting into a continuous conversation with the Dragon, Eattare reminds them.

"Ingraine! Pack your stuff, we have to head home!"

She simply nodded in agreement and got back to fixing her things. Bahamut opens her wings and flies around, seeing the party members packing their things in harmony. The little dragon could be seen looking at their stuff, and then, a shiny stone took its attention. Bahamut flies to it and starts tapping it, the smooth rock was shiny but not what she wanted. Leaving it be as she joins the group. As the Sun's rays pierce through the bushes, a calm morning was set in. The party started heading back to the Capital of James, Grandure.

As they reach the open plain, Bahamut flies in front of them, the small Dragon then hovers.

"I suggest we ride on my back. I could transform in a bigger form and aid you in thy travel."

Ingraine looks around the party, seeing if anyone disagrees. Pierence, who was tired from the experience, couldn't hide it in his eyes that was curious to ride a Dragon. Grifvet though, he was extremely excited.

"I'm actually gonna ride a Dragon! Like the Royal Riders of the Skies!"

"Keep calm child. A man like you must hold back his emotions. Wielding a sword is not an easy task. Be strong in your resolve, let your happiness show through your smile. Swing one with a strong heart, and it will go through whatever it makes contact with."

The Elven girl on the other hand notes how she knows about wielding a human weapon.

"Did you also wield swords when you were in human form?"

"I wields swords, yes. I've slain many humans with it. One slice is enough to kill hundreds, one swipe to kill thousands."

Bahamut transforms into a bigger form of herself, though not as big as the one she used to intimidate the adventurers. The party climbs onto her back, sitting in between her pointy spine. She opens her wings and her gleaming black scales shines as the Sun's light hits it. The Dragon begins to climb rapidly and starts diving after reaching the clouds. It started flapping its wings, gaining speed and piercing through the skies like an arrow. The party members are having the time of their lives on top of her, even Pierence couldn't resist smiling from seeing the world's view from above.

After flying what seems to be only forty minutes, the Dragon sets down in a forest where the city's massive white walls can be seen. In a small open area. She lowers her head so that her neck may be low enough for the four people to exit. All of them were visibly messy from the fast flight back to the Capital. Bahamut transforms back into her smaller form as the party prepares to enter back through the Eastern Gate. After some walking, they finally see the beautiful Iron and Concrete walls of the Capital of James.

The big wall was on another level of magnificence, its top and bottom had lining of Bronze and Gold, while statues were scattered throughout it, with the name of the Heroes it honored written below their pedestals. Guards could be visibly seen on top, patrolling and proudly donned in their blue and yellow chainmail armor, equipped with ornate enchanted bows. Even Bahamut could feel the immense size and pride of the Kingdom, as they flaunt their wealth out in the open with such a magnificent build, and as they near the gate, the art on the wall changed to the history of the Kingdom, depicting King James himself slaying Demons of the Second Reset and under him, the thousands of Knights that came to be the now proud nation.

Withstanding two more Resets, fending off the Demons of Vitas, everyone can see that they're boasting but rightfully so, for they have survived this long and have garnered the power they have now.

"Amazing isn't it Bahamut?"

"Hmph. I've destroyed more amazing builds than this."

"Eh really?"

"Yes, it was called the Valley Fortress, built by Elves, Humans, and Dwarves. It was supposed to guard trading ships entering out of the Dark Continent, carrying rare earth materials and ancient weapons."

"Wait, why did you even attack it?"

"The mortal that awakened me ran to it. I was peacefully sleeping when a minuscule man wanted to see my resting place in the Void. Little did he know, he activated a portal that allowed my return. I'd eventually come back to the Dark World every now and then, to destroy and to kill these worms that dared me."

"All on your own? A Valley fortress meant they fortified an entire valley with defensive positions right?"

"Yes, Elf. Made of Darksteel and Adamantium, the fools thought that was enough to resist the powers of nature itself. But the very soil they stood on was also of nature, same of the material they used. I laid waste to it, a thousand meters of fortified towers and buildings, all burned to ashes, together with the fools brave enough to not collapse under the sight of my horns. The valley in which it stood on, I destroyed with my wind, and the water that flowed in between now rests flowing everlastingly without there dams."

"Wow, though I am proud of my heritage. I don't think the floating city of Elvenneur could withstand you."

"You Elves have a floating city?"

"Yes, built by the people of the old with the help of the Dwarves. It was meant to represent the High Elves' willingness to do anything to survive. Our Capital now rests three thousand Besels above the skies, though if you and your Master ever did visit it. The old giant graying statues of the Chiefs of the Northern and Southern Tribe shaking hands should be a marker that you're right below it."

As they lined up at the massive entrance, Bahamut was astonished at the different types of humanoids coming in and out. Half Elves, Elves, Humans, Half Humans, and many varying types. She stops hovering and lands at Ingraine's shoulder. Her head followed the strange half breeds that caught her eyes.

"Got something itching ya'?"

"Never knew the Humans and Elves had mingled this much."

Ingraine could only laugh at the Dragon that never saw the image of many different types of races together.

"Isn't this normal back in your land? Threa is a very big planet, it has enough space for everyone and everything. Humans and Elves don't really have a good history, but as long as its not like my parents who are High Elves, they do tend to get along well."

"No, people were indifferent to one another, but their hatred to other races, not their own, was visible. Many communities had Inns and Hotels reserved for certain types of races. Of course there were mixed ones but only a few would exist."

"It's the same here too, even more extreme than that. Cities would sometimes ask for more money from Demon Races for entrance. Some shops don't even accept Elves even though there are different types of us. But here in James, they accept everyone equally."

"Master gave me a sense that it's not all lost. Even though he hated the other races, he'd jump in to save them if the situation called for it. He is truly human."

"I'm a High Elf and that sounds human to me. Humans also hated us for our eternal youth, as they hate the Vampires and Dragon folk for being powerful yet forever beautiful. But when it came to war, Humans were always the first ones to open their hands to us."

"They sure are strange creatures. But, I don't mind it."

Bahamut's soft and motherly voice calms the tensing attitude as they bring a strange four legged Dragon into the capital. Grifvet comes close, holding Pierence's shoulders. Tugging him to say something to the dragon as they inch closer to the entrance.

"That's just how it is with us. We might hate each other and others a lot, but when it comes to it, we can drop it all for the sake of everybody's survival. The Demo-"

"The Demon King of the Third Reset tried to rule the entire world, with a Dragon God and an Ancient Mage. He used his creatures and skeletons to bring great pain to the land. He and his army was defeated by King James and the great Heroes of the old. But when it came to the Dragon God, King James could only give it his all to damage it."

Hearing this, Bahamut tries to assure them she wasn't planning anything of that sort.

"I hope you do not see me in the same light, I do apologize for my insensitive remark about King James, but one should not go against a Dragon like me without great preparation. There is a fine line between bravery and stupidity that all creatures must respect."

Pierence sensed that she was not lying and was trying her best to make friends with him. Making him drop some of his walls.

"I understand that, but I can't move on from what the tales told me. How your kind controlled Dragons and laid waste to the ground, burning the soil and the trees or how before the first Demons, was the Great War between the Gods, where four legged Dragons crushed entire towns and cities without remorse and fought Demigods, bringing chaos to the land."

"I can assure you I'm not gonna do that. I have my own fair share of history with God, but that is back in our world. Not here, I have no connection to the creatures here apart from the species being similar."

"I can't blame you anyways, the Demon Kings were all humans. But I just can't accept that your kind is this nice. It kinda makes me feel like the tales of the old betrayed me."

Eattare butts in, giving advice to the confused youngster.

"Books are something that is written by the victors, it just so happen that the victors saw the Dragon God's wrath and the silence of his kins leaders. Remember, when the Vampire Queen ravaged the lands decades after the Demon Lords attempt, it was the Dragons that fended off their mighty Legions."

"I can see that this last has a lot of histor-"

Just as Bahamut was about to finish her sentence, the guard at the gate stopped them. Ingraine shows her Adventurers ID card. She was about to start walking when the Gate Guard suddenly stopped her. He picks up a piece of paper on the table next to him and a quill.

"Can you tell me what kind of Dragon pet that is? I've never seen one with four legs."

Bahamut looked at the paper and saw that its Dragonian, though knowing the language, she still hadn't fully grasped the writing.

"Black Dragon, low level."

"I see... and species?"

"Uhhhh... ehhhh..."

"Uh huh." The Gate Guard writes it down, but before letting Ingraine in he mentions one last reminder.

"The Holy Kingdom is not responsible for the damages your pet might cause. If unable to pay for repairs for the damage caused by said pet, please be reminded that you could be jailed and thrown into forced labor. Welcome back Adventurer."

The rest passes through without a problem and they head back to the East Guild Building. Navigating through the lively streets full of stalls and vendors, with Bahamut amazed at the large number of people living happily and in peace, though there was a bad smell, it was mixed with various other aromas from the stores and potions out in the open. Once again enter the Guild Building and the old clerk is waiting for visitors on his desk. He smiles, happy to see the youngsters safe and sound.

"I see you have found the cause of it all."

Ingraine was quick, pretending like she doesn't know what he's talking

"Excuse me?"

"That little dragon friend of yours. It did it, didn't it?"

"Heheheh... Yes, it did."

"Ah, as usual. Dragons tend to destroy the ecosystem of the area they enter, they rapidly change the food chain of the place. Causing lots of problems for everyone. I'll mark this as complete. Reward of 12 experience points and a hundred Aeralous Bronze Coins. Have a good day."

The clerk signs the contract with a quill and it disappears, turning into exp points. The adventurers check their cards and see that they all received 12 experience points on their next level stat and were given the Coins. Bahamut is seemingly unaffected by this.

The clerk notices this and lifts an eyebrow, curiously looking at the small dragon on Ingraine's shoulder.

"Huh, That was a particularly bland reaction by such a small dragon."

The party leaves the Guild building with exp and Two-Thousand Gold Maximallus Coins. Happy with the experience, the atmosphere of the members are all happy and content. Grifvet with his hands behind his head and walking casually turns around and looks at everyone.

"Should we call it a day?."

"Of course! Let's go to the Inn of Trusted Fealty."

Bahamut though was curious as to what just happened.

"Experience points?"

"Oh, it's an ancient ranking system created by a Mage a thousand or so years ago. It was meant to be sort of a power system, so that you may not get yourself killed by waltzing into heavier quests without experience or training. After leveling up, we'd usually go to a Library or a Guild building to see if we have reached the level required to train for a skill or magic. Which could take months, so it's better keep a written version of the things you have trained on."

"An Ancient Mage? Where did this Ancient Mage come from?"

"No one knows, he just appeared out of nowhere with a strange language and strange clothing, but when he got attuned to Threa, he started changing the ways of magic with his very outworldly ways and created systems like this as back then, Dragovh still uses the Ranking with S to F. S being the most dangerous, and the adventurers with it being very powerful and F being mundane things like chasing Dogs out of a Cattle pen and is meant for F adventurers who barely know anything."

"But that seems already to be a very good system. What was wrong with it?"

"It's a good measurement but it doesn't really capture the exact type of level you need to be. So an F level adventurer might suddenly walk into a D level quest, making his chances of dying higher. With this, we may see what we need and what we must accomplish before doing such things as it requires us to train and at least gain new training before continuing."

"Do the other Continents use this?"

"No, only James' Ministry of Mages and Magic uses this, and they have the help of the Holy See to support their efforts in managing such a wide and paper driven system."

Eattare and Pierence nod their heads in agreement, proud of Dragovh's adventuring system and the party starts their walk back to the famed Inn. As they walked their way through the large crowded streets and into the small dense alleyways, In the entire trip, Bahamut was always looking at the people and the shops. As if it's her first time. Most of all, the shiny objects there were of her tastes, wanting to grab some and take home to her Master.

"Bahamut, we're near."

"Mhm, What a lively place this Capital city is."

Grifvet curiously asks about the world she came from.

"Are cities from the place you came from not this lively?"

"People there were powerful, but there was never true happiness. It's as if these people are only after fame and experience, not the camaraderie. But there were small pockets, young and up ones full of hope and adults who seemed to enjoy each other's company like my Masters friends."

Pierence interdict, knowing how strange that is for a world.

"What kind of city are those? So far, only the cities up North are like that, but many are still happy and welcoming. But I think the Continent of Schon was pretty much like that. Grifvet, how was it living in one of the only human villages in a Continent full of Demons?"

"Exactly like that, everyone had to be strong to survive. That's why my parents took the risk and moved to Dragovh for a better future, even the Dragons in that continent wasn't having a good time as they near extinction."

"But there was an odd melancholy to the cities me and my Master visited. There were happy people too, but the ones like my Master seemed very competitive and serious. He always says that only the strong or cheesy could survive the world they live in."

Hearing this, Eattare couldn't help but wonder how powerful were the people that lived there.

"If I may ask, what's the common level you'd find in the cities you'd travel to?"

"About one hundred twenty to one hundred fifty. Sometimes, we'd go to places like the Devil Peaks, where my Shrine was located. He went up the twenty thousand steps and prayed to my scale and thus, I answered the call of the Knight and came to his aid as a companion till his last breath."

"You two must've been through a lot huh?"

"Yes, we have been together for four years now and every moment I have adored. Every ups and downs, I treasure them all. That is why I am willing to go through all the means I have for him to return."

"Heh, he must've been a very kind man since you love him that much."

"Yes, though I am but a Dragon. Humans to me are fragile artifacts, meant to melt away as time passes. But before it happens, before his legs become weak, I'd like to be with him. Master is a kind man, a very kind man. He'd give me meat and when I pout, he would cuddle me, rub my belly and give me shiny objects."

"Ahahahaha, are you sure you're a Dragon and not some housepet?"

Pierence's head blows a lid from hearing this.

"WOW! Those cities are lucky to still be standing with so many powerful people coming in and out."

"What's strange is that none of them ever unsheathed their swords when within city grounds. It's like a safe haven all of them agreed upon."

What Bahamut doesn't know is that the great cities of Dark World VR were all safe zones, it disables a weapons ability to damage, preventing players from griefing and killing respawning people while Guild bases usually has a Mana Core which has enough power to prevent visiting players from using their weapons. The party steps out of an alleyway and sees the big four story Inn. Grifvet and Pierence smiles at the sight of the beautiful Inn.

"It's good that we took on that quest. I always wanted to see it from the inside!"

"Man, it's really large isn't it?"

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