
By idreamibelieve

51.3K 2.4K 359

Red was a very unique 17-year-old girl. First of all, her name was Red. She gained that nickname due to he... More

One: Damon, who?
Two: What are you?! My Mom?!
Three: You're too gullible, Red.
Four: His face is stupid.
Five: Scar killed my Simba
Six: Let's play truth or dare!
Seven: Out of all the people in the world, it had to be you!
Eight: I will personally kill you.
Nine: I'm going to hurt you so bad you're going to wish you were dead.
Ten: You brought a 14 year old to a bar? How classy.
Eleven: We're going to take Sawyer down... for good.
Twelve: You're trusting a delinquent with your life?
Thirteen: We're associating with the devil now?
Fourteen: They're both irrational and stupid!
Fifteen: Let's go bowling!
Sixteen: There's so much blood, oh my god.
Seventeen: Is he always so over-dramatic?
Eighteen: I'm not into this sentimental bullsh**
Nineteen: My parents are disowning me
Twenty: Let me tell you a short story about a girl called Sally
Twenty-one: I took a bullet for you, little Red.
Twenty-three: Robert and Cupcake?!
Twenty-four: The bad boy never cries, Damon.
Thank You Message

Twenty-two: I love you, - Damon.

1.3K 75 8
By idreamibelieve




“Is everyone okay?” Damon asked, limping towards his brother to help him off the floor. Kieran took his hand and stood up wincing.

Everyone nodded while Damon looked around the huge pile of dead men but gladly only two of Damon’s men were killed, the others were from Sawyers gang. When Sawyer died, the rest of his men that survived the chaos managed to run away from them but Damon knew they weren’t going to be any trouble to them without a leader.

“Damon, are you okay?” Red asked, walking towards him with a grimace on her face. Damon was in a very bad condition. He had broken ribs and bruises all over his body. He needed immediate medical care.

Damon nodded with a hand gripping his side. He wiped the blood that was still pouring down his nose from Sawyers punch and gave Red a small smile “It’s over”

Red nodded but did not smile back “Yeah, Damon. It’s over for us too”

Now that was a complete surprise for everyone.

“What do you mean?” Damon asked. He was as confused as everyone else.

“I mean, I don’t want to see you or hear from you again. You lied to me, Damon and I HATE liars. I’m glad everyone is okay, I really am and I’m glad you’re okay as well. I dealt with your anger, I dealt with you hating my guts and I even dealt with you not here to protect me but lying to me about something so big? I can’t tolerate that. So please, just stay away from me and my friends.” Red walked away with tears in her eyes.

“Wait- Red!” Damon called out for her but she didn’t reply, she walked out of the door with her friends following her. He couldn’t exactly follow her with his condition so he had to watch the girl who changed him walk away from him.

“Damon-,” Leo walked towards him, worried about his friend. He knew how much Red meant to him.

“Just stay away from me” Damon said and backed away. Leo nodded with a frown plastered on his face when he heard the ambulance and police sirens.

“I fucking messed up” Damon mumbled and sat down as he waited for the paramedics to help him.

Everything passed by in a blur and Damon, Kieran, and a couple of Damon’s gang members were taken to a hospital to get treated for their injuries. Red and her friends stayed with the police for questioning and they told them the whole story of how Sawyer was stalking Red and Damon. After that, everyone was sent home and Sawyers death was ruled out as self-defense which meant no jail time for Damon.

“Thank you guys for showing up” Red said to her friends as they were walking to Luke’s car.

“No problem, Little Red” Norman grinned.

“What are you so happy about?” Gina asked Norman and his grin widened “I can’t believe I had the guts to take a bullet for someone!”

“Yeah, dude. That was really brave” Luke said and Norman felt even prouder of himself.

“Oh, stop feeding his ego. Yeah, yeah, you saved Red’s life, now that is where you build a bridge and get over yourself” Gina said and Normans smile immediately deflated “You’re such a buzzkill”

“So, guys, now that this is all over, how about the kittens I want to get” Red grinned at her friends and they all laughed.

“How about we all go tomorrow after school to choose a cat for Red?” Holly said and they all nodded agreeing to her plan.

Red smiled “I have the best friends ever!” She suddenly stopped and turned around with a grin “Group hug!” She giggled and everyone laughed as they walked into her open arms.

“I love you guys so much!”

“We love you too, Red” They all replied back and continued moving to Luke’s car.

Luke dropped them all off at the diner where they left their cars. Red couldn’t believe that she was back here at the empty parking lot at almost midnight where 7 hours ago she was going through the most terrifying thing of her life.

Tears welled up in her eyes again as she stood in front of her car. Red was still scared but she didn’t want to show it to anyone. Being kidnapped was not easy to get over especially when she was about to die a horrible death.

“Red?” Jonathon said softly as he came up beside her “You’ve been standing watching your car for almost 5 minutes, you okay?”

Red didn’t reply, she let out a very loud sob and started to cry.

“Shit, Red, come here” He wrapped his arms around her as he cried into his shoulders “I don’t think I’m okay”

“I know, Red” Jonathon sighed and kept holding her close to him. After a few minutes of Red crying, she finally stopped but she stayed holding on to Jonathon “It was so scary, Johnathon. I don’t know how I am going to sleep tonight”

“Try not to think about it too much, little Red. You’re strong and brave. You will be perfectly fine” Jonathon said and she smiled “You always know what to say”

He chuckled “Can you drive or do you want me to take you back home and you can just take your car tomorrow morning?”

She sighed “I think I’m okay, thank you John”

Jonathon nodded “It will all be okay, baby girl”

Red pulled away from him wiping the tear stains from her cheeks “I’ll see you tomorrow”

“Drive safely” He bent down and kissed her forehead “I’m really glad you’re okay”

She nodded and walked towards the driver’s side. She opened the door and got in and locked the doors immediately. She was still a little paranoid but she knew she would get over it eventually.

Red managed to get home in a couple of minutes and noticed that Jonathon was following her with his car making sure she got home safely. Red parked her car and got out waving at Jonathon who gave her a thumbs up and drove away. She opened her front door and walked in “Mommy, daddy, I’m home”

“Oh dear god” Sera, her mother, came rushing from the living room towards her daughter giving her the biggest hug “We were so worried about you”

“It’s over, mom” Red smiled “No one’s going to hurt us ever again”

“Is daddy awake?” Red asked her mom and she nodded “Yes of course, he’s been on his nerves ever since Gina told us about what happened”

“Are you okay? You have a bruise, honey” Sera said touching her cheekbone making Red wince “Ouch mom, I’m fine”

They walked to the living room where Red’s father was still sitting on the couch waiting for her to come in.

“Are you still mad, daddy?” She asked him with a gulp. She’s already been through enough for a day, she did not want her dad to be mad at her as well.

He nodded “Mad? I’M FURIOUS! My little girl was out there in danger and I couldn’t do anything about it”

Red ran towards her dad and they embraced.

“I’m so sorry, daddy. I promise I won’t be stupid again. I will be the perfect child you could want. I love you so much” She kissed his cheek and kept on hugging him tightly.

He chuckled “I love you too, honey. You have no idea what would have I done if something happened to you”

“My knight in shining armor” She laughed making her parents laugh as well.

They spent about an hour talking about what happened then she went off to sleep because she was physically and mentally drained.

She took a shower, put on her pajamas and laid down in bed. She took her phone out and turned it on when she noticed around 60 messages mostly from her friends and family asking where she was but there was one message that stood out and it was from Damon.

“I don’t know if you’re going to read this or not but I’m going to try either way. To be completely honest with you, I do not have a legitimate reason for lying to you but what I do want to say is that I have never been so ashamed of my decisions. All my life, all I ever wanted was to keep the people I love safe and it has not been working well for me. I never meant for anything like this to happen and it pains me that I put you through hell, Red. I am truly sorry. This is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to type because a part of me knows that you will never forgive me no matter what I do but Red, you are the only good thing that I have- I mean had- in my life. You kept me going. You make me want to be a better person. I know it’s a little too late to realize that but I finally did and no matter what you say or do nothing will ever change that. I’m sorry for everything horrible that I put you and your family through. I love you. –Damon”

Red could not believe what she was reading.

She was overcome with anger and all she wanted to do was scream profanities at him but instead she just typed into her phone “Goodbye, Damon” and sent it to him then proceeded to block his number.

She has suffered all this time from his bipolar attitude and not once did her remember to mention that he loves her? It drove Red crazy because deep down she knew she felt the same but she would not lose to him now. He already ruined her life once and she did not want him back in it again.

She turned off her phone and went to sleep hoping that she won’t get any nightmares.

She was also secretly hoping that Damon would not give up on her. 


How about that? I think Red's decision is completely rational. Damon is a very mean person and it's time for him to find out that the world does not revolve around him only :p I love these two! I did not proof read! So enjoy my mistakes, haha! Love you all!


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