Good Girl Bad Girl (Reece Mas...

By MendingMyLoveSong

49.8K 650 187

What could this world possibly have in store for Alexis Bennett, just another normal girl out of all the ordi... More

1. Meeting The First Time
2. Run Away
3. Where Are We Going?
4. What To Do?
5. Shut Up And Kiss Me
6. Click, Click
7. Obsession
8. Liv And Brad
9. How Do They Know?!
10. Abused
11. Voices
12. Going Home
13. Silent Secrets
Author's Note
Author's Note Again
14. Loosing It
16. It's Comlicated
17. Just The Beginning
18. Gone And Lost *UNEDITED*
Quick Authors Note *PLEASE READ*
19. Lost And Found *UN EDITED*
20. The Deadly Truth
21. My Heart Aches *UN-EDITED*
Last Authors Note & Many Thanks :)
The Lonely Rose Up Now!

15. Back At It

1.3K 22 10
By MendingMyLoveSong

Hey guys, thank you so much, I got 9 votes and 5 comments. Next time I would like them from individual people please.

Here is chapter 15 guys, hope you like :)


~Liv's P.O.V.~

"You guys had fun last night?" I smirk towards Reece and Alexis walking down the stairs, hand in hand, smirking at each other. Alexis looked down at the ground grinning. "You guys used protection right?" I asked more towards Reece. "Liv!" He argued with me. "Sorry but did you?"  

"Will..." Reece gave Alexis' hand a little squeze before speaking. "No". That's not good. "Reece, please don't tell me you didn't use-"  

"I know I know, protection. I'm sorry Liv and Alexis". He smiled at Alexis, then dropped the smile when he looked at me. What did I do? "Will then, lets just hope you don't get-".  

"I know pregnant". Alexis finishes of my sentence. Why is everyone finishing off all my sentences? "Did anyone like hear us part from you? How loud were we?" Alexis asks me in a questioning tone. "Um, i'd rather not answer that". I reply back to Alexis. "Liv!"  

"Fine, okay, you were really loud, like really loud. And I don't think anyone heard part from me and Georgina".  

"Georgina heard too!" Reece shouts at me. "Yeah she came into my room last night complaining about it". They both had a 'o' shaped mouths plastered on their faces. "Will then, i'm going to school". Alexis jumps up in joy. "Okay babe, wants some breakfast first?" Reece raps his arms around Alexis' waist. "Hmm, okay". She smiles and quickly kisses him on the lips quickly before rushing to the kitchen.

"What can I have?" Alexis' shouts out from the kitchen, looking into the kitchen cupboard. "Would you like me to make you some bacon and eggs for breakfast dear?" Mum asks Alexis, who just nods. "I'll have some too!" I shout out to mum, who just simply nodded in approval. "Me too!" Reece shouts out. "Us too!" Both Georgina and Phillipa runs down the stairs, and speaks at the same time. "Okay lovely's". Mum goes to the kitchen, and starts making breakfast for all of us.


~Alexis' P.O.V.~

"Thanks for breakfast Mrs Mastin". I say before getting up out of my set and pushing it in. "No please dear, call me Deb". I smile to her before looking at the clock hanging on the creme colored wall, it was 8:25am, if I don't leave now, i'm gonna be late for school. "Shit". I mutter under my breath. "I'm sorry, I have to leave or i'll be late for school, bye guys". I leaned in and shared a long passionate kiss with Reece. "Ew!" Phillipa blocks her eyes with her hands, I heard a few chuckles before I pulled away from Reece's loving kiss.

"You wanna walk with me to school?" Georgina stood up from the table and then pushed the chair under. "Yeah sure, what about Phillipa?" I look at Georgina for answers but end up asking the question directly more towards Phillipa. "Don't have school today, it's teachers only day". She says in glee. "Okay then, do you want too?" Georgina asks me yet again. "Sure". I had half my books at school and I was borrowing one of Liv's bags as I was also borrowing some of her clothes too. I can always just go home and get some more clothes and all.

The thought made me immediately shake. The thought of my mum perhaps killing me, even if she was drunk. I can still faintly smell the alchol on her breath, the way I instantly felt the love for her draw out of me, the way I could sense that she stopped loving me, how she blames me now on how dad left her because of both me and Reece. Her trust in me instantly went since dad and her split up. I haven't even talked to him since then, I haven't even been back home since the accident. How, after everything has gone on in the last 2 or 3 weeks, she blames me for everything, now, i don't even know if it's possible to love my mother again.

I guess i'll just have to face up to my 'brand new' fear, and face up to mum. Even if it is just to get some clothes and school books. I go there by myself, I shall not tell anyone, or bring anyone. For all I know, I could be putting them in danger, just as I am putting myself in danger.

I walk out the door with Georgina at my side after bidding our goodbyes to everyone. We were walking down Hazel Grove, then through an alley way on another street that was grove. The alley was rather large and clean. Mind the few smashed glass bottles scattered along the concrete.

"So, did you and Reece have fun last night". Georgina says while trying to contain her laughter, instead she just bites her lip. "Uhh, ummmm? Hmmm, will then, this is awkward"

"You said it".   

"Thanks captain obvious".

"HEY! I'd make a pretty good captain though ay?"

"I guess so?" 

"I know and you know so".


We were now standing outside of school. I knew that Georgina went to Golden Grove High School, i just never thought i'd be hanging out with her. As i never expected to be dating her brother who is known as Reece Mastin! Still can't get this all through my tiny little thick brain of mine. But, it is a small world really, so what do you expect? I never really wanted to go talk to Georgina when i wasn't dating Reece, as i had loved him so much. He was my idol, and still is. It was not only just going to annoy her, and her brother, but also invade their personal lives. Georgina's technically famous, in a long shot way. The sister of Reece Mastin, how can she not get any attention?

"Don't worry about it".Georgina puts her hand on my shoulder as we continue walking through the school, a few heads turned our ways, but they did nothing about it. "About what?" I keep my head down. "It's obvious you know, your dating my brother, Reece Mastin-". 


"What?" She looks around at the small and large groups of fellow students making their ways to and from classes. "I don't want anyone to know, not just yet anyways". She nods her head before she starts walking again, i just follow. "Right, your going to have to tell someone sooner or later, and again don't worry, just because your talking to Georgina Mastin, the worlds prettiest most gorgeous girl in the world". She flicks her hair and shows her charming smile, then laughs a cheeky one. "I think i'm going to have to stop you there". I spoke to an almost broken Georgina, her face. It was priceless. "I'm kidding!" I shout almost enough to send the birds flying. We laughed while we continued the walk to out classes. "Okay, so, i've missed more than two whole weeks of school, what am i meant to do, like with homework and classes". Georgina let out a sigh. "Don't worry, i sorted it all out, i made sure we were all in the same classes so i can catch you up, say i'm like, your private tutor". 

"Okay" Georgina smiles her glowing smile and drags me off into a class, precicly History.

"And that's the story on how the Titanic sunk". (Couldn't think of anything else...) Mr Morgan finished of his long torturing speech on the 'The Great Titanic' as he likes to say it. "Okay, i would like you to partner up with someone, and right the basic facts of "The Great Titanic', homework is due back in by the end of next week, class dismissed". (Again didn't know what to say)

"That was torture!" Georgina jumps up behind me and gives me a fright. "Did i scare you?" She asks me in a babyish tone. "No, maybe?" She gives a fake concerning look, then talks. "Okay so, wanna be my partner?"  Georgina flung her over shoulder bag onto her shoulder, catching up to me and my locker. I did my code lock on the locker, and shoved in a couple of useless books into the minimum space jammed between a bunch of school books. Then grabbed out my English book for English in the next period. "Yeah sure". I put my book into my bag and follow Georgina into the cafeteria. "I'm just going to go sit with my friends, you wanna come sit with me?" Georgina points to a group of both girls and boys around her age, they looked up from their conversation and gave a cheerful wave to Georgina. Maybe me.... "Na i'm good". Her face changed from excitment to disappointment. "You sure?" She asks as if double checking. "Yeah". I put on a fake smile. "Okay then, will see ya in class". She starts walking backwards and gives a last tiny wave, before turning her back on me. I watched her closely with my eyes as she makes her way over to the table with kids around it. i look around the cafeteria to spot another table with my 3 best friends. Samantha, Coral, and Maisie. We have all been best friends since little kids. Introduced through our parents who all went to school together. And they thought it was just right to do the same with us 3. And i think they are damn right too. 

I slowly begin to feel my feet guiding me towards the table of my 3 best friends. Samantha was stunningly beautiful. The way her blonde hair would glow in the sunlight. Her snow white skin and her plush red lips. Her eyes a dark ebony color and the way she so fluently walks swiftly. Coral has beautifully sun kissed skin. Her eyes are a cross between a limish green and hazel, her hair is midnight black and has a few red streaks here and there, not to mention her style in clothing is awesome to me, but at the moment we're in uniform... And for Maise, she's a sweetie. So sweet and caring. Her hair is a shade of light and a chocolate brown, her hazel eyes literally twinkle day and night, and her skin is more of a white English rose. Not to mention her lips is full of color. As for me, my hair is kinda both the shades of light and chocolate brown hair like Maisie but mine with very little volume, my skin is maybe a light tan, my eye color is just a plain boring brown, my lips look like they have very little life in them and not to mention i can not dress properly. By choosing the right clothes to wear and such and such. Sometime i'm even embarresed to be around them, they are all so beautiful, and sometimes i feel like i'm lugging behind them, left out, but if it was like that, why would they be my friend? 

"Hey, Alexis!" Samantha jumps up and gives me a gigantic hug, i return the hug to her. "Where have you been, w- how are you?!" She rushes out and drags me to the table. Maisie and Coral both give me hugs, more hugging my arms as they are on either side of me. "So?" She hand gestures for me to reply to her and her question. "Will, i'm alright".

"Where have you been?"

"Why have you missed school?"

"Why were you talking to Reece Mastin's sister, she doesn't talk to any one but her friends!"

All of a sudden these questions were being thrown at me. I felt like running away from all this mess, to just lock it up all in a a book and through away the key. Of course the girls would want answers, what am i supposed to say though? Just come right out and say that i date Reece Mastin? They'd think i have just gone crazy and i'm loosing my mind. A lunitic! Yet again, i am crazy, and probably a lunatic. But in a good way, if that is even possible... But then if i don't tell them, they might loose their trust in me, and not want to be friends with me anymore. Pull yourself together Alexis, they're your friends, they won't do anything like that. I better keep telling myself that, if i tell them though, they might tell everyone else, the whole school which will then lead on to the town, Adelaide, Australia, then the whole world. We'd get no privacy. Oh what am i meant to do? This feels like a life's time decision.



Sorry it's not as long guys as i hoped. And sorry i didn't update when i said i would, i was really busy. I do have a life outside wattpad believe it or not. 

Okay so i want to know what you guys think, if i should update a lot more faster, but the stories are shorter, or update lesser, or more like i am now, with the stories longer. at least 3-4+ pages.

I am updating literally right now just before school, today school starts at 10:00am YAY!! My first day and college. I am really scared but i need to suck it in and be brave. Ha Ha HAAA!!!

For my next update, i would like 10 votes and 5 comments. I know you can do it!

Question #2: What school do you go to?

Mine: Upper Hutt College.    So tell me yours!



Adriana :)xoxoxoxoxoxoxo 

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