Arianna The First

By blackdust

50.1K 1.6K 428

They made every maiden do a test this year, which is uncalled for because it's the first time in history. It... More

Chapter 1 ~ Royal Betrothal
Chapter 2 ~ Not So Good Reaction
Chapter 3 ~ Betrayal From A Horse
Chapter 4 ~ By Royal Decree
Chapter 5 ~ Jibber Jabber
Chapter 6 ~ Aspiring Serial Killer
Chapter 7 ~ Kickass Barbie
Chapter 8 ~ Royal Additions and Intimacy Violations
Chapter 9 ~ Like The Three Musketeers
Chapter 10 ~ Water, Swords and Talcum Powder
Chapter 11 ~ Strange Nightmare
Chapter 12 ~ Trouble In Paradise
Chapter 13 ~ Damsel In Distress
Chapter 14 ~ Of Bravery And Courage
Chapter 15 ~ Those Who Wait
Chapter 16 ~ Half Reluctant Acceptance
Chapter 17 ~ The Beginning of Dawn
Chapter 19 ~ Of Past And Future
Chapter 20 ~ Budding Love
Chapter 21 ~ Wishes and Revelations
Chapter 22 ~ Shell Shocked
Chapter 23 ~ Accusing Fingers
Chapter 24 ~ A Hard Place

Chapter 18 ~ A Pinch Of Garlic

1.6K 64 10
By blackdust

Chapter 18 ~ Pinch Of Garlic

"Okay so what am I doing with this one?" I asked for the bazillionth time. I showed the baby pink document to my Dad, who gave me a  disbelieving stare. He knew I knew what to do with it but today I wasn't concentrating.

"Arianna, I don't know what's wrong with you today. You're so good at this. What's on your mind?" Honestly, nothing was on my mind. I was in such a good mood, a mood that wasn't in the mood to work.

"Nothing. I just, I just can't concentrate." I've had a pretty good week especially going back home and everything. I actually met up with Marissa and co yesterday, I hadn't realised that it had been ages since I had seen them.

He gave me skeptical look. It wasn't very often you'd find me like this. "You're not stressed are you? The lack of work isn't getting to your head is it?" I rolled my eyes at his incredulous tone.

"I'm concentrating. I'm being a good girl, helping my Dad in what he needs help in. That's why he asked me for help. Now, the pink form gets filed into its allocated folder after it is scanned and signed, if need be, by the appropriate person." I wasn't nearly as focused and I hadn't convinced my Dad. He gave me a smile, knowing that I could just about handle my task. I just needed time, about two thousand years to get it done.

I checked over the form before placing it away, it had already been signed. This was all part of my Dad's job, he might be the King's right hand advisor but he had a ton of admin to do. "You still know what you want to do sweetie?" I only vaguely heard his voice, the document in my hand was taking too much of my concentration.

"Hmmm?" I responded and ripped my eyes away from it.

"You still know what you aspire to?" He asked. I took a moment to think.

"Can't I just be the person I am now?" I questioned. He gave me a crooked smile, but was nostalgic in the eyes.

"You can, you are a wonderful young lady, but your... career aspirations?" I half smiled, I knew what he was talking about. I had wanted to become a kind of activist for people's rights and needs, even though the Kingdom was pretty fair. New conflicts just started all the time.

He wanted to know if I wanted to take my ambitions at a different angle by that meaning: becoming Queen instead of a member of the board. I hadn't spoken to my parents about it. I just knew they'll figure it out.

I shrugged. "I'm all about the now. The future holds a whole lot of stuff... that if I thought about it, I would get a headache."

"Avoiding the question, just like your mother."

"Well I am her daughter, you know I've read somewhere that offspring usually get characteristics from their parents," I said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes at me and scowled but smiled afterwards. "How did you and Mom meet again?"

His nostalgic eyes came back and his smile softened. "She was a headstrong women, very much how you are, and she was running towards her goals and ambitions. She had a good few choice of words for people who were against her. She didn't want anyone or anything to get in her way and it she became quite popular because of it. The King at the time admired her determination and helped her open her foundation. Now, as you know my parents were Nobles at the time and my Mother was in charge of things like charities and whatnot so they worked together." I could see my Dad blush a little, he looked away so he didn't get embarrassed but honestly I understood how he felt. "Her work expanded over kingdoms and when my Mom got sick she made me work with her from that point."

"But you were already so in love with her?" I gushed.

"Yes, yes I was. She just entranced me in a way that no one else could. She was just so goddamn stubborn, she had planned her whole life but the only thing she hadn't anticipated was me." I always liked that part, it highlighted the fact that life was unpredictable no matter how much you try to plan. It also reminded me that I was very much like my Mother and I was proud of that.

"I love your love story," I said simply.

"When you're older you could tell your children yours," He pointed out. I pulled a face, I still hadn't grasped the whole thing yet. It was the reason that I was adamant to live in the now.

"Yeah? Let's not talk about that," I said. A few minutes of silence ensued, I had managed to finish my pile of documents. My Dad was still going through his, they were a lot more lengthy than mine. Before I could even think about leaving he said something.

"Your Mom's cooking your favourite today," he said. I smiled, he had just booked my afternoon. "Are you coming over?"

"Now that you've told me that, yes of course." I had only been going on Sundays so far, early enough to help my Mother cook. It was the only way I could learn a thing or two.

"I'm really glad that you're coming back home more often." My smiled widened, it was my Dad's way of saying he missed me.

"So am I. I'm happy I decided to, I didn't realise how much I missed it."

"Oh and before I forget your mother's missing her keepsake," he said wistfully. "She can't even remember taking it off, she just doesn't have it anymore. Have you seen it?" I shook my head and pulled a face, My mom never loses anything, she actually finds everything that is lost. So if she lost her keepsake then it was a big deal. I just hoped that she'll find it because her keepsake to her is my charm bracelet to me.

"I'll keep my eye out for it. It can't have gone anywhere far," I said hopefully. I left after that, Christopher had been doing a similar thing. He was looking at important documents with Trevor.

I glanced at a nearby Grandfather clock, I had nothing else to do for the day except go home which would be in about 6 hours. Juliet was starting to get busy with the organisation of the Autumn Ball and the short festival that followed afterwards. I had tried to get her to allow me to help her but she told me that I had other things to handle.

I decided to retire to the library, I had been told that there was a delivery of books, in Juliet's name, but she wouldn't mind if I looked. I ambled towards it, and when I arrived I blindly picked up a book from the top of the pile. The librarian (yes, there was a librarian, weird right?) pulled a face but didn't say anything. I looked at the book vaguely before scanning the blurb and deciding that it was adequate. I marched out of the library and I was heading towards my room.

The day was pleasant. There was a little bit of a chill in the breeze but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. Plus the weather wasn't really on my mind. I continued on with a blankness that was beginning to get annoying but  it was also quite calming. I felt like I was a storm of thoughts battling in now lately and now it was the calm after it.

I was nearing my room, just passing Christopher's, but I was yanked away. I was swiped into his bedroom and further into the living room before I could register it. "What are you doing?" I asked.

He steadied me in front of him and let our hands linger. He looked at me earnestly. "I wanted to spend time with you."

I smiled a bit at first but then I realised. "Weren't you working?" I looked at the TV, Trevor was engrossed in a racing game that seemed a lot more fun than reading.

"Oh that, it was done a while ago. I was wondering when you were finished with yours."

"Or you mean you were waiting with your door cracked opening, anticipating my return? Quite like a stalker?" He threw me a playful dark look, I stuck my tongue out at him childishly. "You know I'm right."

"You just happened to be walking down the corridor when I checked," he defended. I gave him a look, his 'checking' must have been at least a dozen times before I did eventually show up. I felt a set of eyes on us, I turned to Trevor and gave him a welcoming smile. He pulled a face.

What a wonderful way to greet his only sister.

"Is this when you are going to politely ask me to sod off?" He questioned. My smile broadened, he was getting jealous of how much time I was spending with his beloved best friend. How cute.

"Oh you can stay, we're just going to play some video games." My face light up more than it should have, I never did see video games as a boy only activity. It was too much fun to cultivate in.

"Oh yes, I will kick your guys' asses," I said with much enthusiasm. "What game are we going to play?"

"Oh just some racing, maybe some wrestling or shooting, whatever we're in the mood for." I clapped giddily and I made my way to sit myself next to Trevor, I snatched the controller off him and started to familiarise myself with it. "Had I known, Riri, that you were so keen to play video games, I would have done this before." I gave him a brief look, he was going through a nearby cupboard taking out more controllers.

"Oh that wouldn't have been a good idea because I would have been really competitive and I might have nearly tried to kill you in real life. I get a certain, unhealthy high when I play video games. My Mom banned me from them." He looked bemused. He chucked Trevor another controller and settled on the other side of Trevor.

"Shall we make a bet?" Christopher questioned.

"I thought that was already a given?" Christopher chuckled and Trevor rolled his eyes.

"Okay the loser has to..." He thought for a moment and I did the same. I couldn't think of anything appropriate for Christopher to do, he's either really willing or the request would break my word. "...the loser has to bake or cook something for the winner." I groaned. I wasn't a fantastic cook, I was more terrible than good but if Christopher wants food poisoning he's going the right way. But then I remembered: who said I was going to lose? I'm totally going to win this.

"Okay that's fair," I accepted. We shook on it and I gave him a little smirk. "Christopher?"

"Yes my love?" Okay I had to force myself not to pull my face at that. Trevor didn't resist though.

"I like meatballs extra spicy!"


I couldn't have said that I've had a video game marathon since I was 11. My mom had told me to concentrate on other things and I know that now, as averse as she was, she would let it be. I am spending time with my future husband after all. I didn't pull a face as much to the thought but neither was I that in favour of it. It was kind of a neutral thing for me and I would like to keep it to that for a long while.

The video game marathon was awfully fun but it had been a terribly long time since I had used a controller. Recent games had decided to change the old general functions of the buttons so I ended up killing myself several times. Basically I threw a grenade when I didn't mean to thus it lead to suicide. Also racing games are now extra sensitive so even the slightest amount of collision caused mayhem, basically I crashed a lot and not even into one of the boys.

It was saddening actually, with every match my ego got smaller and smaller. It made sense to me why guys played games a lot on their own before playing with their friends.

So I lost and I am a sore loser. I had won a few times but over all I was a big loser. I lost so many times I felt shameful and I wanted to hide myself for a week. I lost so many times that I cheated.

Obviously, I had a good few words for Christopher and Trevor but I kept my mouth shut. Christopher wouldn't stop gloating and Trevor just had a smirk on that stupid face of his. It honestly wasn't fair. I had to pay the penalty now, maybe I shouldn't have cheated. Christopher may have taken pity on me then. Why oh why did I have to lurch in front of him and knock the controller out of his hand so I could win? I was already losing so badly that there was no point  of me doing it anyway.

Christopher afterwards tugged me to the kitchen, I wanted a bathroom break. I didn't need it and Christopher sensed that so he didn't let me go. I might run away. I mean I probably would have but I would have returned, unlike the other times.

The kitchen was huge, cooks were bustling around making tonight's dinner and there seemed to be little space to cook - oh what a pity, maybe I won't have to do it at all -

"Oh look there's some space!" Christopher pointed out. It was conveniently empty at the edge of the kitchen, as if there was a notice beforehand to keep it clear. As if he knew the turnout of today's events.

"You really want food poisoning don't you?" I asked him. He gave me a crooked smile.

"I won't ask you to cook me something, you can bake something."

"You really want food poisoning don't you?" I repeated, looking at him blankly. His crooked smile widened, why (and when) did he have such a nice smile?

"I won't get food poisoning."

I shrugged. He can take the risk if he wants. "What do you want me to make?" He thought for a moment, personally I had already assumed that he knew what he wanted. Maybe he wanted to keep it simple. He moved away, into a cupboard and took out an old recipe book. He blew off the dust and flicked through it. His eyebrow was posed in such a way it was oddly attractive.

"Make this." He walked towards the counter and leant it against the wall. The page showed a brownie recipe. I sighed in relief, it seemed simple enough. Seemed.

"Okay, I'll make that," I agreed. Christopher beamed and waited for me to get started. I gave him a look. "Go, you're not going to watch me. It's not part of the deal."

"But -"

"No buts! Go or I will put poison it in." It was an empty threat, I don't know where you would get poison from. Christopher pouted but I didn't falter. His shoulders slumped and he walked away. I grinned. I quickly tied up my hair and washed my hands. I pulled out a mixing bowl and looked at the list of ingredients.

Flour. Butter. Eggs. Chocolate. Sugar. Baking powder... it's like a cake but with different proportions!

I took out the ingredients which, conveniently, were all around the same area and started. The weighing scales were a bit dodgy, I realised this after weighing half the stuff. Well, actually, the scales weren't dodgy. It was me. I accidentally set it to the wrong units and then weighed everything wrong.

I told Maggie this. She chuckled and asked why I didn't just get someone to make it for me and just tell Christopher I made it. I wondered why I hadn't thought of such a brilliant idea but I knew I would feel guilty if I did. And he might ask me to cook for him again.

She told me that I should be fine, I had the proportions intact so I should be fine. A part of me doubted it but I said nothing. I got back to it and remembered the final ingredient. Baking powder. The dough already looked nice, nice enough to eat on it's own. I got the baking powder, which was just a pot that said powder on it, and I put a spoonful in. I gave the mixture a final stir before I looked for a pan to put it in.

Luckily a fellow cook did it for me. He knew more than I did plus I was likely to burn down the kitchen because of something stupid.

I cleared up after that. I wouldn't let the cooks to that, I needed to do some more work. The brownies would be in the oven more about half an hour.

* * * 

Christopher was eager. It was cute but disheartening. I probably screwed up somewhere, I had no faith in my culinary ability. So he shouldn't be excited, he'll end up disappointed. Well, actually, that could be a good thing...

I gave him a plate which had a square piece of brownie on it. He took a spoon and had a bite. His eyes widened and he, somewhat, mechanically swallowed it.

"You don't like it..." I said. I had already refused to have some of it and now I was glad.

"No, no I like it," he assured. I narrowed my eyes as he took another bite.

"You don't like it," I repeated. Again, with pain etched in his face, he swallowed. I yanked the plate away from him, he swiftly turned to the side and gagged.

"You must have put an ingredient that was off in it." I gave him a sympathetic glance and tapped his back. At least I warned him.

"I told you I sucked at cooking, plus I checked the expiry dates they weren't off at all. It's just me." I passed him a tissue and thought back to the process. Maybe I put too many eggs, or I some egg shell got into the mixture... or maybe it was the sugar it looked a bit different than usual.... wait, it was the powder wasn't it? "I think I know what it was..." I walked deeper into the kitchen and scanned my previous workplace. I looked back in the cupboard and took out the pot of powder. The words were fading and I could just about make out the word "garlic".

I doubled over in maniacal laughter but stopped abruptly. I just ruined a perfectly good recipe with a  spoon of garlic powder. How does that even happen? I turned around to face Christopher, but he was already behind me so I bumped my forehead on his chin. "Owww," I complained. I rubbed my forehead with my free hand and he rubbed his chin. "You need to stop doing that or one day I'll have a dent for a forehead." He rolled his eyes.

"So did you figure out what made your brownies so..."


"Not the word I was going for, but it would suffice." This time I rolled my eyes at him.

"I put garlic powder in it by accident."

"Wow," he said simply. Personally, I had no words for it either. But I did warn him.

Then he grabbed my hand, he put the pot onto the side and held my other hand also. I noticed that there were no cooks in the kitchen. I could tell that Christopher was staring at me, as he always does. With those eyes of his I would like to stare forever back. I wasn't looking at him first but involuntarily my eyes flickered to him. His was already caressing the back of my hand with his thumb and now this? Aren't we moving too fast?

I wanted to back away. This isn't a good idea, plus I need to get home before I am late. However, I could find that I could back away, it was like I physically couldn't. Maybe there is a pull between me and Christopher that I've never -

I shook my head. I will not think like that! I gave Christopher a quick smile and stepped back. "I've got to go home now, I'll see you tomorrow okay?"

He nodded. He ran one of his hands through his hair and grabbed my hand again. He gave it a swift kiss before letting it go. I let my eyes linger on him for a brief second before I turned around and left.

My mind had that same vacancy it had this morning. But I didn't mind, I just marched home with a stupid little smile on my face. I really couldn't wait until I got home and had dinner. I was famished.


Hey guys. It's been a long while sorry about the wait. School is really pulling me down right now. My sincerest apologies, honestly.

This story has reached 10k! Isn't that great? Thank you so much for reading! I love, love, love you!

NEXT UPLOAD: yeah let's not talk about this... sorry. I will but I don't know when.


Ciao ~ Ami xD

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