The Venom of Izuku Yagi

By DeadlokAU

531K 11.2K 8.2K

Izuku Yagi, quirkless girl, twin to Izumi Yagi, daughter of All-might and Green-Psycic. Abused? Check, Neglec... More

1: Prologue of Torture
2: A friend and powers?
3: Another friend?
4: Growing in every sense of the word
5: New powers
6: UA enter stage left
7: Izuku's hero trial
8: Birthday reminisce
9: First day at U.A.
10: Quirk testing
11: Prejudice
12: Letting them back in
13: Second day at U.A.
14: Hero training
15: True power
16: Recovery without Recovery Girl
17: A morning without Mei
18: Prior to the USJ
19: The USJ, the straw
20: The hero commission, the camel
21: Bringing the idiom together
22: The return
23: Dorms: BEGIN
24: Dorms: PLANS
25: Dorms: Momo
26: Dorms: Kyo
27: Pranks - Well maybe a bit more
28: Prank aftermath and Sports festival prelude
29: Sports time
30: Black and purple
31: Purple and Pink
32: Calming nerves
33: Date
34: No internships?
36: A brothers punishment
37: Actions have consequences
38: A hobo's wrath
39: Trial by trial
40: Little party all across the city
41: Another normal day
42: Ice Girl's Sins
43: Power moves
44: Final exams
45: Shinso trial
46: Losing isn't failure
47: End of Exams and start of vacation
48: Welcome to I-Island!
49: An old, very angry, friend
50: Coincidental meetup
51: Party gone wrong
52: Wolfram? WolfDone
53: Two more collars
54: Settling in
55: The attack begins
56: Uncle Dabi or Uncle Touya?
57: Dabi's sweet revenge
58: Say hi to the Traitor!
59: inTERMIssioN And TalEs
60: The only canon ship
61: Little big fight
62: Villains to corruption
63: Out of the hospital...
64: And onto the streets
65: Our Bean doesn't kill... right?
67: Back at UA
68: I'm not good with words
69: Back on track
70: Shie Hassaikai
71: Meeting
72: The massacre
73: One last obstacle
74: Rest at last
75: Last to rest

35: Miracles

5K 128 45
By DeadlokAU

The news hit about Hosu the morning after the attack and Shota was off in an instant, dragging his new daughter along with him through the morning traffic.

'Izuku any thoughts?' The man said tailgating yet another car

The girl looked up from her phone, 'Looking at the police reports Yagi, Iida and Native were attacked by Stain, the Todoroki's and Uncle Enji arrived before the finishing blow could be dealt but Iida is now paralyzed. But...' She looked back down at her phone.

'You think they've covered something up?' Izuku nodded, 'Go on.'

'Turns out Tensei was also paralyzed during the sports festival but my announcement over shadowed his injury. So based on Iida's actions last week and his choice of a lower tier hero in Hosu I would say...' She turned her phone off and looked her uncle in the eye, 'He hunted down Stain and everyone else was in the area. However it seems him and Yagi did not have any permission to use their quirks.'

The man growled, 'Thank you, they will have suitable punishment awaiting when they arrive back.' They sat in silence for another twenty minutes before the man spoke up again. 'What are you going to do about Tensei, I know he's one of your more... personal customers.'

Izuku looked down before looking up and smiling, 'Perform a miracle of course!'

The man just looked at his new daughter/niece incredibly before turning back to the road, 'Truly you are my problem child.'

They laughed a bit before reaching the city hospital after maybe almost running over like 50 reporter trying to get in. Shota just smirked as they started shouting at him to get lost before he revved his engine and charged at them, causing them to scatter before the gates opened for them letting them pass through without the media infiltrating the institution.

They entered and cut the queue towards the check in desk where the man immediately was swamped with three stacks of paperwork for his four students. He groaned and told the gooped up Izuku to go on ahead as the nurse on duty gave a room number which she blindly followed, or rather ran towards.

'Tensei!' She yelled slamming open the door causing the room to fall into silence.

In front of her sat four people, one motionless Iida, propped up using an intricate and complex pattern of stiff white pillows. Two Todoroki's bandages wrapped around the red half of their faces, their mothers side of their split eyes blocked out by the white material. And finally one female Yagi with solid white casts fromnher fingertips to shoulder blades hung on several metal contraptions to keep them raised.

Iida was the first to break out of his shock, 'What do you want with my brother!' He exclaimed drawing the other threes attention to him.

Izuku just blankly looked at him, 'Do you know where he is or not.'


'I asked first.'

'Grr... fine room xxx, 10 doors down.'

'Thank you' She said making her leave but stopping in the frame of the door, 'And for your information I'm going to perform a miracle.'

She shut the door behind her, leaving the four in silence as she quickly walked over to the actual room, this time gently easing the door open to reveal Tensei in the same position as his brother. The noise alerted the man as he looked over, his features forming into one of shock.

'Venom?!' He asked trying to take the situation in

'Hi Tensei, you're looking too much like your brother at the moment.' She chuckled trying to lighten the mood

The man's features dropped, 'What do you mean.' Izuku just looked at him unsure of what to say, 'Venom, explain.' He stated coldly.

She gave in and pulled up a seat, spending the next ten minutes giving him her full in-depth analysis of the series of events that transpired, from Iida's sudden mood shift, to him seeking revenge, to the Todorokis accidentally blastibg each other with fire and ice simultaneously. The man was beyond fuming by the end of the story.

'So now.' Izuku said after wrapping up her catch up session, 'The real reason I'm here!'

'Go on' He said tentatively

'How would you like to not only walk again but also be a hero as well!'

'I'm sorry...' His features shifted awkwardly, 'Say that again.'

'Do you want to be Ingenium again?'

The man nodded, 'Of course! More than anything in the world. But they said it would be a miracle if I could ever walk again, hero work is impossible.'

Izuku rubbed her hands together, 'Well lets perform a miracle and prove them wrong shall we?'

The man caught on, his smirk matching his saviour's, 'Let's!' He said before Izuku knocked him out with a swift chop

Not an hour and a half later Izuku snapped a packet in front of the man's nose, causing him to leap out of bed, ever vigilant to the new threat.

'And done!' The girl announced

'Done w-' He noticed what he was doing, 'OH MY GOD OH MY GOD I CAN WALK.' He started to test out his new mobility, shifting from a walk to a jog to a run to his quirk. His smile lit up the room as he zoomed round it, 'I CAN SAVE PEOPLE AGAIN! THANK YOU' He said before crashing into Izuku.

The girl chuckled before her mood turned more serious, 'Now then, shall we see some law breaking teens.'

The man met the mood shift with a mischievous smirk, 'Yes we shall.'

The two made their way back to the other room, stopping outside when the door opened, revealing the police chief, a pissed of Aizawa and several disgruntled internship heroes.

'Hey Venom, Tensei' Shota started still half distracted, 'Come in we're just finishing up' The room fell silent as his words sunk in, '... TENSEI! YOU'RE WALKING?!'

'And quirking' He replied pulling off a quick quirk based moonwalk to prove his point.

'How?!' Enji yelled, 'It's amazing your back but wh-'

'Venom' He, Shota and Tensei said at once before all bursting out laughing.

Gran torino just signalled for the police chief and Manual to leave before making his own way out, not before sneaking a look at the supposed miracle worker but getting a shiver down his spine as something tried to click in his head.

The door closed and the room fell silent as Shota focused on Izuku.

'Venom... I take it you can fix Iida.' Izuku nodded, 'But there's a catch isn't there.'

This time Tensei spoke up, 'Oh yes Aizawa, Oh yes there is.'

The younger Iida gulped preparing for his punishment to come.

Heyo my precious beans, two chaps in one day? I could never

But we're getting into the more glaringly obvious plot of the book soon, so buckle in and wait as I run parallel up to Eri's little arc ^U^

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