Iron Man Izuku

By AnimeEagleScout

928K 17.3K 11.4K

after drinking something from a "fortune teller" Izuku is transported into the Marvel universe as Tony Stark'... More

Iron Man comes home
Picking up the pieces
Back to School
Chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
Prep Time
Ding Ding
Kings of Infinity
Christmas Party
Beyond the Stars
Sparks Flying
Iron Someone to the Rescue
Daddy's so Proud
New Beginnings
Break down [sorry]
School Supplies
Hights Aliance
Moving In and On
First Day
A Shocking Discovery
Class in session
Iron Man vs Explosive Queen
Mr President
USJ Part 2
Future Teasing [Not a Chapter]
Hard Work
Probing the stars
tournament: part 2
please read my other shit
Hammered Ice Sickle
Looking for Normal
Repeating History
Intern Prep
Blood Trust
Bringing Back Allies
First Day of Training
The Chapter Before Stain
Stained Night
Nomu's in the Hosu
Nomu in Hosu part 2
Art [not a chapter]
Nomu in Hosu part 3
New Light Old Solutions
A Playboys Wisdom
Gods and Monsters
Welcome to Midgard
Building Hardlight Bridges
Beginning to Learn
Idea i had [not a chapter]
Finals part 1
Finals Part 2
Olympus Starting to Notice
story ideas Please steal these ideas [Not a chapter]
Don't Fist Android Girls
[Cut content chapter]
Really Anal about Science
Green Energy Convention
Green Energy Convention
King of the Ring
Wattpad weirdness
Officially getting back into this story


14K 271 298
By AnimeEagleScout

1 week after USJ

Izuku hadn't slept well. He wanted to but his other projects...he had to get his next project space ready before the planet got to far.

Izuku texted Mei and they agreed to meet up. When Izuku knocked on the door he saw the Cat like face of the vice representative Momo Yaoyorozu. Fist raised as if ready to knock.

"Uh." Momo started.

"What is it?" Izuku asked.

"A few of us wanted to go to the mall." Momo said "We thought you might wanna go since you've been so busy"

Momo had honestly been confused about Midoriya's non-academic life. He always had been busy with one thing or another. He was friendly whenever the class met up and keep up with his duty as class president but he spent alot of time alone.

He always wore something...comfortable was what she could describe his choice of Shorts and muscle shirt whenever at the dorms. An outfit that screamed "Look at all the fucks I give about your opinion."

"I was gonna meet with Mei about her input on something." Izuku said.

"I...I see. I just thought..." Momo rubbed the back of her head.


"Calling Miss Hatsume..."

"Hey are you on your way? I wanna see the specs on this new baby of yours."

Momo had a look in her eye of absolute confusion.

"Change of plans. Wanna make a run to the mall? We can grab a few things not in the school material line." Izuku said.

"But we can..." Mei was cut off by the voice of her teacher "...She'll be right out."

"Great meet us at the gate." Izuku said rubbing his eyes.

Momo just staired and blinked.

"Mei has some energy." Izuku said "A lot of energy."

Momo slowly nodded and they headed off.

Front entrance

Mei was already there by the time they walked over and when they approached said "Let's go get the supplies for our next baby!"

"BABY?!" A majority of the group shouted.

"Didn't know you had it in you Midoriya, ribbit." Tsuyu said.

"Deku..." Katsumi fumed.

"Lucky bastard." Mineta said looking at Mei.

"Midoriya if you are having-" Iida started doing the hand chop thing but Izuku stopped him.

"Iida...Mei calls her Inventions her babies." Izuku said.

"So how many 'Babies' has Izuku made with you?" Mina asked grinning.

"Oh lot's actually." Mei said.

"And where do you make these 'babies'?" Shoko asked giving a small smile.

"In the lab, his garage, we even made a few on the beach." Mei said.

Even Katsumi was snickering. "So what's Deku like *snicker* making Babies?"

"Well he's usually the one that wants to take it slow but I wanna get as many out as I can." Mei said "He's really good at leading during it all and makes sure we both put the most effort into each one."

"I don't want anything blowing up." Izuku said before his eyes widened and he groaned.

Mina had fallen to the ground as she was bagging up.

Toru said "Hey Mei how supportive is Midoriya when making babies?"

"Oh he's behind me all the way when we actually get into it." Mei said.

Katsumi had gasped and had to lean on Jirou to keep from falling.

"Ok we can we go now?" Izuku asked.

"Hey Mei do you guys play music while you two make one of your 'babies'? Ribbit." Tsuyu asked "Slow Jazz?"

"No mainly Rock Music." Mei said "Some Drake or The Weekend really get the flow going."

"I have...1 question." Iida adjusted his glasses and snickering "Do you two wear proper safety equipment? I know Making Babies is fun but protection is cheaper then *snicker* accidents."

"Oh yeah Midoriya makes sure we both have the proper protection when working on our babies." Mei said.

"Ok...we are officially deeming Midori the Daddy of Class 1-A from now on." Mina said "All in favor of Daddy Deku?"


"All apposed?" Mina asked.

"Nay." Izuku said.

"Majority vote!" Mina said pumping her arms "Daddy Deku stays!"

"If I'm Daddy then What's Momo? Little Mama?" Izuku asked.

"Class MILF?" Jirou asked.

Momo blushed.

"Ok let's go." Momo said pushing everyone.

Teachers lounge

The staff were gathered around bagging up from the security footage of the interaction at the front of the school.

"This again." Aizawa shook his head.

"Guess Midoriya got the title as Class Dad." Present Mic said grinning at Aizawa.

"What exactly is that?" Vlad asked.

"Usually classes kinda create a family structure." Nezu said "It's something I've been taking notes on about human social reactions."

"Remember Eraser Daddy?" Midnight asked.

"No." Vlad said. His hero rank obtained after his time in the military.

"Please don't." Aizawa said. The paused video showed Problem Childs face throughout the whole thing. Completely too tired to give a fuck.

"Well Hatsume is getting along with class 1-A. Now when can I move her into the 1-A dorms?" Power-Loader asked.

"Why would you want to do that?" Midnight asked.

"Hatsume seems to be at peak 'No Explosions' when Midoriya is around or she's talking about him." Power-Loader said.

"So what she's slower without him?" Aizawa asked.

"No, that fucker seems to just...defuse her Inventions!" Power-Loader shouted "Aizawa can you please spare him. Please? Just for a few minutes a day. I'm getting tired of the smell of fried 'babies' nearly every day. Please?"

Aizawa raised an eyebrow. "I don't see why you can't just ask Midoriya to visit her."

"I can't." Power-Loader said "Midoriya is just as active as Mei but he knows how manage his time and energy."

"Well the only reason a transfer could happen would be if Mei's current dwelling was destroyed." Nezu said "However I think waiting and watching is a better strategy."

"I have a few things that could...make something happen partner." Snipe said.

"Meet me by the dumpster in 15 minutes." Power-Loader said.

"So anyone wanna start betting on the dating pool?" Midnight asked.

"No." Ectoplasm said.

"I'm good at the moment." Nezu said taking a sip of tea.


They had gone around to anywhere they wanted to. The girls often calling Izuku Daddy much to the confusion of anyone within hearing range.

"So anyone wanna try that karaoke place?" Mina asked.

"I've never done Karaoke." Ochako said.

"Deku hasn't either." Katsumi said "He always stuttering he butchers every song."

"Actually I sing all the time." Izuku said.

"Hu?" Katsumi said.

"It's something that helps getting my voice to stop stuttering." Izuku said "I sing nearly every morning."

"Oh really?" Jirou asked her earjacks curling.

"Why are you surprised?" Izuku asked.

"If you actually get on stage I'd pay to see that." Katsumi said.

"Is that a real bet?" Izuku asked.

"Let's make this interesting." Ochako said "Everyone kick in 5 bucks."

Everyone pulled out a 5 and she counted it "There wasn't that interesting?"

"How have I never thought of that?" Mina said.

All Might

Iron Liberty was flying through test ground Alpha.

The suit major problem with controlling it it was two...responsive.

All Might had been thinking about things and it just did it.

This seems fine until you realize this was linked to his phone, bank account and Jarvis.

All Might had to keep his thoughts in line. The HUD was also taking some time to get use to. 'How does Midoriya handle all this in a fight?'

"Sir actually has the HUD slowed down for you All Might."

"Ga!" All Might shouted crashing into a building.


"At your service Mr Yagi." Jarvis said.

"Can you read my mind?" All Might asked getting up.

"The helmet and glasses are linked to Stark Industries Server's. All Mr Midoriya's notes on quirks and heros are available at your request."

"Ok this is so confusing. Is there a way to...dumb down the interface?" All Might asked.

"I am able to change the load out to vocal command only however Sir has memos for you that mental command is required if you wish to operate the suit remotely."

All Might watched as the display changed. It was an experience relearning a powerset. Would Midoriya have as much trouble when he finally passed on One For All? Toshi had put off giving Midoriya the quirk out of shear selfishness.

"You wish for All Might to leave the world as he entered." Jarvis said

"I...yes." Toshi said.

"Sir has figured this. He also has been busy with the asteroid harvesting mission before the launch window closes." Jarvis said "would you like to leave instructions on One for All so I may assist Sir after the transfer?"

"I can't really help him." Toshi said sitting down "I was able to use the quirk at 100% as soon as I got it. Nana told me she hadn't gotten full use of it for years."

'I need someone that can actually help Midoriya...' Toshi thought 'I need someone who knows about it and knows how to train an All For One user... I need...'

"Calling 'Old Man'...."

"No wait Jarvis!" All Might shouted "Cancel call! Cancel-"

"Toshi?" A voice said

'Shit.' "Uh hey Torino... I uh..."

"You need my help." The retired hero said "Talk. Now."

'God damn it Midoriya.' Toshi thought.



Raccoon Eyes picked the song and when Deku heard the song he had actually laughed. "Really? Alright."

~"Has he lost his mind? Can he see or is he blind?"~

I looked over at Raccoon Eyes and can't stop myself from nodding.

Deku changed over the years...hell he changed a lot in senior year.

The squishy nerd afraid of his own shadow was now...

"Boyfriend material."

Gummy worms turned into Pythons. She hadn't often seen him shirtless before...the change but he definitely wasn't built like a...

~ "He was turned to steel. In the great magnetic field. When he traveled time for future of mankind." ~

'Hero.' He was build like a hero.

"He's still quirkless."

~"Nobody wants him!"~

'We do!'

Mei Hatsume

~"they just turn their heads."~

Mei hadn't paid much attention to people. She only really cared about building stuff. But since meeting Zuzu making her babies seemed...better. She knew companies had teams but she always invented alone.

~Nobody helps him."~

Nobody ever actually wanted to work with Mei on her babies. Was Zuzu like her? Was he alone making his?

~"now he has his revenge!"~

Mei had heard the others in the class call Zuzu Daddy. Why did that feel...right. like it was something meant for it.

'Failure was the mother of success But courage was the father.' Mei remembered that line. Zuzu had courage...he picked a fight with the toughest hero just to test his baby.


~"Heavy bones of lead, Fills his victims full of dread."~

Midori was interesting. He did all kinds of stuff yet wanted to be a hero.

He was probably the only one on earth with the stuff to make her an actual alien queen.

The fact he could go from earth to space wearing the same suit was amazing. Mina had wanted to be an astronaut when she was little. The movies she watched, classics talking about living beyond their world were amazing.

She cried the day she was told no one has been to space in hundreds of years.

It was a dream she had buried. Until Midori showed her the actual HUD recording of his satellite installation. Well Hatsume's Satellite but Midoriya was allowed to use it for space stuff.

Then he had said he could turn her into a Xenomorph. Mina had remembered the first time she saw that creature and wanted so badly to be just like it...Minus the eating people.

The fact he WAS technically a xenomorph from the lore she understood from the series. He was genetically tailored to be the toughest guy in the yard. He literally rebuilt himself to be a hero.

Linebreak that night

Katsumi had approached Deku's door when she saw Raccoon Eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Katsumi asked.

"Just wanted to speak with Midori." Mina said.

"Yeah same." Katsumi said shifting her gaze around.

"Uh Jarvis?" Mina asked.

"Sorry Miss Ashido Sir is currently in the Support Department with Miss Hatsume."

"What?!" Both shouted.

"Sir has a small window to launch Project Jericho." Jarvis said.

"The fuck is Jericho?" Katsumi shouted.

"Classified." Jarvis said

"Is he gonna comeback soon?" Mina asked.

"Unsure. Sir has all non emergency calls blocked until 6 o'clock." Jarvis said

Katsumi grit her teeth. Not only was Deku not here, he was with Pinky doing...who knows what and Raccoon Eyes was probably here to do the same thing she was.

"I'll just talk to him later." Mina said.

"Memo left for sir that you and Miss Bakugou wish to speak to him." Jarvis said.

"Thanks Jarvis." Mina said.

"Can you open the door?" Katsumi asked "We won't take anything."

"One moment....sir has no restrictions on that."

Mina rushed in to see what was there.

"Don't touch anything Raccoon Eyes." Katsumi shouted.

"I won't." Mina said looking around. Everything in here was meant for work. A computer, a mini Holotable and a chair.

"This bed is so tiny! What kinda fun can you do here?" Mina said rushing to it.

"'Never have sex in your own bed.' Quote sir." Jarvis said.

Mina laid on it and a groan came out her mouth. "It's like sleeping on a cloud."

Katsumi had her get up and tried it. "Shit no wonder Deku's falls asleep so fast."

"Move over I'm sleeping here tonight." Mina said.

"Fuck no I'm staying here." Katsumi said.

"I call little spoon!" Mina said.

"Hu?!" Katsumi shouted as Mina got on the bed.

"Man your waist is so tiny." Mina said as her arms wrapped around Katsumi's waist.

"Hey watch those horns." Katsumi said.

"Don't worry I have plenty of practice not poking you." Mina said adjusting the blanket.

"With who?" Katsumi asked.

"All Might Body Pillow." Mina said.

"Same...surprised Deku doesn't have one. Or any of his fanboy shit." Katsumi said "Jarvis."

"Yes Miss Bakugou?"

"Does Midori have a All Might Body Pillow?" Mina asked.

"Checking Stark Hero Collection...1 unopened Official All Might Body Pillow Case."

"How many body pillow cases does Deku own?"

"Year One Midnight Pillowcase, opened and used. First Edition Endeavor Pillowcase, unopened. Mt Lady Pillowcase, unopened. 2B Pillowcase, damaged and pending replacement."

"What's the most expensive thing in his collection?" Mina asked

"Signed All Might Transparent Chocolate bar Event Card. Estimated value... "touch this and I will gut you like a fish." Current location... classified."

"What's the second most valuable?"

"Notebook signed by....547 different heros with photo and video evidence of authenticity." Jarvis said "Not available for purchase or trade. Estimated value of notebook...314,982 USD."

"Wait Deku's autograph book? The one he got from a cereal box when we were 5?" Katsumi asked.

"Damn when we call Midori a fan we clearly don't give him enough credit." Mina said yawning "Night."

"HEY I'M NOT SLEEPING WITH YOUR RACCOON EYES!" Katsumi shouted but a pink hand reached up.

"Shuuu. Queen's need sleep." Mina said.

Support Studio Lab B

Momo had approached Midoriya's room last night but booked it the second she heard Katsumi.


"Yes Madame Yaoyorozu?"

"What's Midoriya's favorite breakfast place?" Momo asked, she couldn't cook, at all, but she had money and was up before everyone.

"Sir frequents Krispy Kream Fresh Glazed on his busy days." Jarvis said.

"But the closest one is on the other side of town?!" Momo shouted "I'll never get there and back before class. How does Midoriya get those on a busy day?"

"Sir does possess the ability to fly." Jarvis said "There's a dinner across from the school that has a Breakfast sandwich he has ordered more then once. He has called their donuts good enough when they are received."

"Thanks Jarvis!" Momo shouted rushing out.

It was next morning she arrived to the Support room armed with the Glazed Confectioneries, a bag with sandwiches and a cup holder with what Jarvis said Midoriya usually got.

Momo knocked on the door and Power-Loader, blurry eyed and not even wearing his helmet answered.

"Are you here for Midoriya?" He asked.

"I was just bringing him some breakfast." Momo said.

"Good. He's here until the bell rings. Anything to keep him in disarming distance of Hatsume." Power-Loader said helping her in.

She saw the two at a holotable going over a blueprint. The bags under their eyes and the sheen of grease on their face had been out staged by Midoriya current wearing a body tights suit.

[He's shirtless but the undersheath is out and he's wearing his gloves and boots.]

"Hey Yaoyorozu." Midoriya walked over.

Momo blushed when her fellow class rep had accepted the box from her hand and had to lean over her to set them down.

"What brings you around?" Izuku asked.

"I uh...I was wondering if you wanted any help with your...whatever it is you're working on." Momo said "I can help with a few parts as long as this isn't something..."

"That'd be great." He said "Get a pair of gloves and goggles on."

Momo nodded.

Momo looked at the hologram and asked "Ok what...exactly are we working on?"

"A multi stage space outpost." Izuku said "Usually we'd just launch one of these at a time but we're currently at a...very good opportunity and can't wait for another chance."

Momo watched as a hologram of the solar system replaced the blueprint. "Ok so Phyche 16 is currently closer to Mars then ever."

"If we wait to launch it will take almost a year to haul it back and even longer to get the proper industry up there." Izuku said zooming out "Mars is in a position where if we time it right we can drop a drone, catch the Asteroid and sling shot around Mars."

Momo eyes widened as she saw the simulation of the Rocket breaking apart after leaving earth and leaving a piece to floating onto the moon. Then a second part broke sending it into Mars and the tip hit the Astroid.

"I think your forgetting something." Power-Loader said "Where are you gonna get the cable long enough to basically turn Mars moon into a pitching machine?"

"Bio cable is light enough." Izuku said.

"Why even do this?" Momo asked "I mean you can just gather more asteroids. Why is it so important to get this specific one?"

"About $10,000 quadrillion dollars worth of metal." Izuku said.

Momo paled. Her father was a trillionaire and practically owned the majority of Japan. Midoriya was going after enough money to own the damn planet! "Tha thats...that's a good reason." She said.

"Split evenly between Hatsume Incorporated and Stark Industries." Izuku said.

"You have my full help!" Momo exclaimed "It would be an honor to partake in this mission."

"Alright." Mei said "Now who are you again?"

"Momo Yaoyorozu." Momo said "My quirk let's me build things using the lipids in my body."

"Momo you and I are gonna make so many beautiful babies. With Zuzu we'll change the world." An arm was wrapped around her.

Momo gulped.


Aizawa was looking over the class "Where's Problem Child and Yaoyorozu?"

"We don't know?" Iida said.

"I think I saw her leaving the diner across the street." Tokoyami said "She had a lot of donuts and Coffee."

"Maybe she's talking to Midoriya, ribbit." Tsuyu said.

"Jarvis said He was working with Mei last night." Mina said.

Aizawa pulled out his walkie "Hey Power-Loader are my students over there?"

"You know Eraser I can't let Midoriya and Yaoyorozu back they are needed cleaning something for me." Power-Loader said

"What happened?" Aizawa asked.

"Oh It's really important. Might take a few hours but I can assure you it's vital to keep Yaoyorozu and Midoriya here for it." Power-Loader said.

"Ok." Aizawa said flatly before hanging up. Power-Loader was probably just trying to keep his best and most dangerous student from blowing the place up. "Ok going over news...there is no news. Sit at your desk till first period."

Aizawa rolled over and the students started talking.

"What do you think Daddy's upto?" Mina asked.

"If Mei and Yaomomo is in on it then it's gonna be important. Ribbit." Tsuyu said.

"A three way between Yaoyorozu and Hatsume..." Mineta said "Jesus that lucky bastard."

"What could they be making?" Iida asked more to himself.

"Hopefully more space stuff." Mina said "Or maybe it's my xenomorph transformation!"

"That seems more a biological process not mechanical." Iida said, a bead of sweat going down his face.

"I'm sure Deku wouldn't want to rush that." Katsumi said "He should take his time with that. A lot of time. Maybe years? Maybe never? Hopefully it's just space shit he's doing with Ponytail and Pinky."

"I often look to the vast darkness above our heads and wonder of what lurks beyond." Tokoyami said.

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