The boy underneath the stars...

By seungminsnail

137K 6.1K 12.6K

"Are you okay?" He swallowed, blinking repeatedly to stop the tears from escaping his eyes. "Yeah, yeah I'm... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chaper 97

Chapter 37

1.4K 63 203
By seungminsnail

Jeongin POV

I groan as the light shining through the window blinds me, shielding my eyes trying to stop the increasing of the pounding headache . A sharp pain flashes through my whole body when I try to move, and I hiss, quickly lying down on the soft surface beneath me. It smells fresh, like lemons....

My eyes fly open as I realise i'm not in my own bed, frantically shooting up from the mattress and throwing the covers off of me. Groaning as the headache increases immediately, sharp pains shooting through my chest.

Chan comes rushing into the room, a glass of water and medicine in his hands. Quickly putting them down on the table next to the bed. "Try not to move too much."

He puts the pillows behind my back, helping me sit up so I can take the medicine.

"Are you feeling better?" He sits down next to me, caressing my arm.

"Not really... everything hurts" I whisper.

He frowns, checking my body for any bad injuries. "It looks like you got kicked in the ribs, can you still breath properly? There might be something wrong with your lungs." He looks worried, and I smile at him.

"No it's okay, just a bit sore."

He nods, staying quiet for a few seconds, then hesitantly opening his mouth.

"What happened..?"

A lump forms in my throat as I think back to the night before, his hands all over my body, kicking me whenever I tried to push him away. A shiver runs down my spine, pushing the thought down.

"Well.. There's this boy, he's been following me for a few months already actually, his name is Bonwha.." I start, and chan takes my hand in his, comforting me.

"At first he was being nice, he would smile at me in the hallways and give me compliments. Then after a while he started acting weird, he got touchier, and about a week ago he tried to kiss me... I told him I didn't like him like that, but he got angry. He kept telling me I made a mistake, and that he would get back to me."

I gulp, my throat aching  from talking this much, the bruises on my stomach, wrists and face beginning to sting. I close my eyes, resting for a few seconds. Then continuing with my story.

"Then at the party, he came to me again. He wanted to.. he.. he kept telling me.."

Chan rubs by back softly, "it's okay, you don't have to talk about it."

"No, no I have to. He Uhm.. he kept saying things about.. about me.. having a pretty mouth.. and, h-he wondered.. that he wondered what it would look like-"

"Yeah I, I get it." Chan interrupts me, jaws clenched. He looks like he's about to burst any minute.

"What happened after?"

"Well Eric helped me, and Bongwha left me alone after that. But then Changbin came to talk to Felix last night, and I wanted to let them talk in private you know, so I decided to go to Hyunjin and spend the night there, only I forgot that Seungmin was there. So then I was walking outside when suddenly I got pulled into an alley.. and, well..."

I point to my body, grimacing. Chan only looks more fed up, veins clearly visible in his arms.

"How far did he go?"

I gulp, looking down at my hands. His eyes follow my gaze, ending at the red marks around my wrists. "Tell me Innie, I have to know."

"..everything..." I whisper, a tear dropping down my face.

His hand instantly drops from my back, shooting from the bed and eyes spitting fire. The ice cold calmness in his voice when he speaks freaks me out. "Where is he."

I pull his arm, dragging him back down. "No it's fine really, I don't wanna bother you."

"You're kidding me right?" He scoffs, looking at me in disbelief. I just shrug, "i mean I'm fine now, it's just a waste of time to go after him now."

He sits down next to me, taking my hands in his. "Jeongin I swear to god. I love you, but no it's not okay. The guy raped you goddamnit!"

"Now you're making it sound worse than it is."

"No Jeongin, I'm not. Because that's exactly what happened. You got raped, and he left you there alone. I know I sound harsh right now but you've got to realise it. You're not bothering anyone or overreacting, what happened is bad okay, and we can not just let him go like this."

I look down at my lap, avoiding his piercing eyes. "... yeah I know... just, please don't tell the others about this? I don't want pity or anything, I just want to forget about this as soon as possible. They've got enough on their minds already."

He sighs, dragging his hand through his hair. "Fine, but you are not leaving this house until you are completely better, and you're sure as hell not going out at night alone."

"okay fine, you're not my dad though." I huff, crossing my arms against my chest.

"No I'm not, but you're starting to feel like some kind of younger brother and I care about you." He smiles at me sadly, squeezing my hand. "Now, you must want to shower."

"Yes please, I feel like shit." I mutter, and he helps me up from the bed.


Jisung POV

"Hyung wake up." I whisper, softly poking Minho's chest. I giggle at how cute he looks, the hangover from last night clearly visible. Soft snores coming from his mouth hanging half open. I carefully wipe the hairs away from his forehead. "Minnie?"

I huff when he doesn't wake up, then smiling as an idea comes to mind. I straddle his waist, softly placing kisses all over his face as I rest my hands on either side of his head. A slight smirk forms on his face, but he keeps his eyes closed, trying to keep a straight face.

"I know you're awaaaakee~" I giggle, but he doesn't budge, pouting his lips a bit.

I huff, getting off of him, but his hand lazily reaching for my arm stops me, although he still keeps his eyes closed. "Mmh"

I slowly lean down, smiling as I stop just before our lips touch. "Sungieee." He whines, pouting his lips again, eyes still closed.

"What?" I ask, smiling as our noses touch.

"Mmh, kwiss..."

I lean down, pecking his lips softly, and he immediately smiles into the kiss, pulling me closer. Finally opening his eyes as I pull away, smiling brightly.

"Goodmorning baby." He mutters, sleepily rubbing his eyes.

"Get up asshat, we're going to lunch with the others, Felix wanted to talk to us or something." I announce, throwing his clothes at him and walking out of the room to prepare breakfast.

"Hmmh what? Lunch? But... it's only... oh." He comes walking into the kitchen, lazily ruffling his own hair.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier? It's almost lunch time already." He pouts as he discovers that it is in fact already 12:30pm.

"You looked cute, and seemed like you needed the sleep."

"Mmh" he nods, taking the cup of coffee I made for myself out of my hands.

"Yah that's mine!

He grins cheekily, leaning his elbows on the counter. "and you're mine."


"Sungie!!" Felix comes running towards me, dragging me by my arm towards the table where the others are seated. "Hey Lix." I smile, ruffling his hair.

"Why did you want to meet up?" I ask, sitting down next to him after greeting the others.

"What, can a friend not just hang out with six other friends?" He smiles, looking happier than usual. I scrunch my eyebrows together, tilting my head.

"One friend... plus six others.. but, that's seven? and we are with..." I look around the table, counting how many people there are with my fingers. "...eight?"

He giggles, nodding proudly. That's when I notice Changbin subtly holding his hand underneath the table, and my mouth falls wide open. "YOU'RE DATING CHANGBIN?? AS IN, THE DARK AND GRUMPY, MOODY GUY RIGHT HERE?!" Changbin immediately looks up from his conversation with Chan, dropping Felix's hand and eyes widening.

"Shh you pabo i'm not out yet!" He whisper-shouts, glaring at me after looking around to see if anybody heard me. Letting out a sigh of relief when no one seems to have noticed. "Well maybe you shouldn't be holding your boyfriend's hand and looking at him like he's your whole world then." I spat back, raising my eyebrows and smiling cockily.

Felix turns red, looking at Changbin. "What he doesn't-"

"yes he does." Seungmin smirks, opening his mouth to accept Hyunjin feeding him a grape.

"okay but, is anyone from our group even straight?" I ask, making the others think.

"Well, i'm sure as hell not, Seungjin doesn't seem to be very straight either seeing Seungmin just literally ate a damn grape out of Hyunjin's hand, Changlix absolutely not- that only leaves Chan and Innie." Minho concludes.

"Hey what about me?" I whine.

"Darling we're literally dating." He chuckles, "Oh, right."

He smiles, ruffling my hair, and I turn to Jeongin and Chan. They both don't seem to pay attention to the conversation going on, lost in their thoughts. Chan looking like he's about to explode, while Jeongin just looks exhausted, staring at his plate with dull eyes.

"You alright Innie?" I ask, touching his arm to shake him from his thoughts, he looks up, eyes bewilderd. "What? oh, uh yeah."

He smiles brightly, but there's something off in his eyes. He flinches when I put my hand on his shoulder, and I frown, quickly pulling it back. Have I done something wrong?

Felix speaks up, "Anyways, do you know what you are Innie? Gay? Straight? Bi? Pan? Omni? I've never really seen you have a crush on anyone, ace?"

The maknae shrugs, "I dunno, i'll see what happens I guess."

The rest of us nods, then turning our attention to Chan, "And you?" Seungmin nudges him, making him unclench his jaw and look up. "Mmh?"

"Oh please, Chan is married to his laptop, he doesn't have time for a partner." Changbin snorts, making the others laugh. only I frown, something is off with the both of them. Minho notices, squeezing my hand under the table.

"What's wrong?"

I shake my head, "Later." I whisper, and he nods.


"It's hoooottt." I whine, wiggling free from Minho's grip, but he huffs, hugging me closer. "Hyunngg let me goo." i giggle, taking his arms off of me again.

"But I want to cuddle." He pouts, I throw a pillow at him, moving further away on the couch. "Cuddle that then." He groans, then hugging the pillow close as he leans his head on it. Watching the movie further.

I direct my gaze back at the tv screen again too, trying to focus on the movie playing. When I still feel like i'm suffocating from the heat, I pause the movie. Standing up from the couch to open the window, the warm breeze from outside flowing into the room not helping at all. I scrunch up my nose, going to the kitchen to get some ice cold water. "You want some too?" I ask Minho, who just looks at me annoyed.

"It's not that bad, just come watch the damn movie." He whines.

"Yeah yeah coming." I sit back down, taking a big sip from the drink, sighing as I immediately cool down a bit. He raises his eyebrows at me, "Can I start the movie again or does the little princess need something else?"

"Yah!" I swat his arm, "Just put it on play, and I can't help it that it's like a 100 degrees(40 ⁰C) outside "

He rolls his eyes, pressing play on the remote one more time. I stare at the screen for a few more minutes, constantly changing positions because of the uncomfortable heat. When i'm still not comfortable after a few minutes I whine again. "I hate summeerrr."

Minho groans from beside me, then abruptly stopping the movie and turning to me with wild eyes. Before I can process what's happening he moves on top of me, pressing me down against the couch and moving his face close to mine. "If you won't shut up going on and on about how hot it is, i'm going to give you a reason to feel hot." he growls, eyes annoyed.

"But-" I start, getting cut off by his lips pressing roughly against mine. He raises his eyebrows as he pulls back. "Hot enough mmh?" he whispers, and I smirk. "Actually, i'm suddenly feeling very cold, I think you're going to have to warm me up."

Just as he is about to lean in again, he gets cut off by the doorbel. Groaning as he gets off of me. "We expecting someone?"

I shake my head, shrugging as I make my way to the door. "Not that I know off..."

I open the door, my body freezing when I get face to face with her, the one person I wished to never see again.



Bye bye happy fanfic, hello drama

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