The Unseen (A Supernatural MP...

De AstringentlySweet

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Prince Boun Guntachai of the Celestial Realm saved a dying Prem with his immortal kiss. Now the young man's l... Mais

Chapter 1: The Plea of a Dying Man
Chapter 2: What Happens Now?
Chapter 4: Meet The Family & Reunited
Chapter 5: Lies Revealed
Chapter 6: Nune's Wrath & Boun's Love
Chapter 7: A Walk With Gun
Chapter 8: Boun's Rage
Chapter 9: Prem's Calm
Chapter 10: Cruelty

Chapter 3: Q & A

982 59 108
De AstringentlySweet

Hello, my lovelies, so what I'm going to do is give a breakdown of the four genders, and Prem will be unleashed to ask questions 😂🤣😅.

I cannot take full credit for the gender ideas, some of it comes from my crazy brain but other aspects were borrowed from the omegaverse genre.

Paternal Males

Their anatomy and inner workings are the same as mortal men. Everything 'pretty much' works the same. They can impregnate maternal males and maternal females. Any extra information about them, I will tell you along the way.

Maternal Males

Both "male" and "female" organs are present. They have a penis and internal testicles, that never descend. Instead of an anus or vulva, they possess a hermaphroditus (yes, I just used Greek mythology lol), which then subdivides into a birth and rectal canal. Both the birth canal and the rectal canal have a valve which prevents them from opening at the same time. They have a uterus, ovaries, and produce eggs. Just like mortal women, they can produce natural lubricant to aid sexual relations. They can give birth just like mortal women, or via cesarean. Childbirth can be painful but managed using their celestial energy (kind of like a magical epidural with no needle required). Urine is expelled through the urethra in the penis. Their orgasms can be achieved ejaculatory (retrograde), via hermaphroditus, or sometimes both.

Retrograde ejaculation: When azoosperm enters the bladder instead of emerging through the penis during orgasm.

Azoosperm: Semen that contains no sperm.

Interesting Fact: Retrograde ejaculation really happens, but in the real world it's said to make men sterile.

Paternal Females

They have a vagina and an internal, retractable penis (while I was writing this I was cracking up, because Eminem's song came to mind: go-go gadget dick! 😂🤣) that grows during arousal then will retract after mating. Their testicles are internal and have female reproductive organs. They can impregnate maternal males and maternal females.

On rare occasion pregnancy can be achieved with a paternal male.

Note: Let me just say the omegaverse is creative as fuck, 😂. I had an idea of what I wanted to do for paternal females, but when I started researching the topic of alpha females to get inspiration...yo! The variants were insane, a bit comical, but all very super cool.

Maternal Females

Their anatomy and inner working are the same as mortal women. Everything 'pretty much' works the same. Any extra information about them, I will tell you along the way.

Boun & Prem's Royal Chambers

Any questions you may have...Prem will most likely ask them. If you still have questions, feel free to comment or message me.

Prem Point Of View

I listened in explicit detail as Earth and Fluke explained the inner workings of my "restored" celestial form. Had it not been for Fluke transforming heavy amounts of calm and hilarity here and there, perhaps I would be falling apart. I was beyond thankful for him.

Earth & Fluke

I always wanted kids, but the prospect of conceiving them seemed surreal, but rather intriguing.

"So, I have eggs, like a chick now?"

Fluke stared at me with the most lost expression I had ever seen, his eyes floated to Earth who had a stoic expression on his face, but I could tell whatever he was thinking had him ready to laugh.

"Well, no not quite, you're not a galliform." Fluke finally replied slightly taken aback.

"A 'galli' what?!" Now I was confused.

"Fluke," Earth giggled, "Chick is a slang term for mortal women, he's not really referring to chickens."

"Why on earth would a mortal woman be alright with being compared to a chicken?" He asked horrified. "They're brains are so small."

"Not all women are okay with being called 'chicks', but some don't mind. But the term 'chick' is way less offensive than the slang term 'bitch', we talked about that last week, remember?" Earth said gently patting his back.

"Oh yes! I think I understand now. So, 'chick' is not as derogatory as the colloquialism for a female canine while addressing a woman."

"But you can't just call random mortal women chick or bitch, unless you know them on a personal level." Earth added.

"Yes! Yes of course. Because addressing a woman you are not acquainted with as such, she may become offended and will most likely 'throw hands'...a dialect vernacular for hand-to-hand combat!"

Was this guy for real?!

"Very good Fluke!" Earth clapped his hands and Fluke smiled triumphantly.

"Hold up. Wait a minute, why do you understand me fine, but Fluke doesn't?"

"Fluke has never been to the mortal realm or even interacted with humans. It's forbidden amongst their clan." Earth answered.

"Why is it forbidden?" I asked curiously.

"Well," Fluke shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "The last empath to enter the mortal realm was around the year of 1238, long story short, he used his ability to gain favor among a large number of subjects and became The Royal Standard of the King of Thailand." He said remorsefully. "Ruling over humans is a serious offense, but not the worst. Our admission into the mortal realm was revoked indefinitely."

"Wow, so my clan was casted out and yours were forced to stay in. I don't know what's worse." I murmured, as I still didn't even know what 'treacherous sin' was committed. "So, you don't know anything about humans?"

"I know the basics, but extraordinarily little about the fashion and current slang. Moreover, I'm also much younger than Earth, so he's like a tutor so to speak."

I stared at both men. Much younger? Where?

"You two look around the same age." I observed.

"We're over one hundred years apart." Earth said with a smile.

I felt myself getting ready to freak out with this information, but a sweet calmness overtook me like a gentle breeze hitting my skin on a spring day.

"Damn Fluke...whatever you got going on, needs to be bottled up and sold across the globe." I exhaled contently.

"I'm glad that I can help." He beamed genuinely.

"You guys are super old." I observed.

"Actually, we're still considered quite young. We grow at the same pace as mortals the first twenty some odd years of our lives, afterwards our aging process slows down significantly sometimes halting altogether, depending on the amount of celestial energy one has. I'm a little over 200." Fluke explained. "Earth is 312, but Boun is older than him. He's 326."

I whipped my eyes in Boun's direction, he was quietly observing his brothers Ohm and Kao play a game of wéiqí.

Note: Weiqi (圍棋 traditional or 围棋 simplified, Pinyin: Wéiqí) is the Chinese name for the game that is known in the West by its Japanese name ' Go ' (). In Korean it is called Baduk (바둑). The Mandarin pronunciation is roughly "way-chee".

"We live ten to twenty times longer than humans but even at our oldest we'll have the appearance of a fifty- to sixty-year-old healthy vital mundane."

Did he just say ten to twenty times the age of the average human? That's like, what...carry the two...

"Earth, Fluke, I do believe you two are going off topic, the subject was celestial biology, not our ages." Boun advised gently, "And answering any questions or concerns that Prem might have."

He stared briefly at me and flashed a smile, and I couldn't help but grin back.

"Go on Prem, ask us anything you'd like to know." Fluke urged.

"What about birth control?"

"Contraception is not an issue, it's very much like union proposals, both partners must verbally consent and then while in the act, conception celestial energy must be exchanged. It's a very intimate, ethereal experience. Neither Earth nor I can truly explain what it's like, as we have never conceived before, but perhaps Gun could tell you, he's pregnant."

"Who's Gun?"

"Boun's brother, he's the second oldest." Earth answered.

"There's more of them?" I asked shocked.

"Of course." Fluke paused for a moment. "The average family has between twelve to fifteen offspring. I have ten brothers and sisters. Earth has twelve."

Holy crap!

"Boun, how many siblings do you have?"

"Counting myself? There's only nine of us." He replied nonchalantly, "From oldest to youngest, there's me, Gun (300), Kao (275), Dunk (248), Ohm (135), Samantha (127), Ja (110), PP Krit (82), and Becky (50). But I understand the average American family has approximately two children per household, I'm not expecting a large family from you." Oh, thank goodness! "We can compromise with six."

"That's still too many!" I murmured flabbergasted at Boun as if he had lost his damn, mind.

"Well, Prem you have to remember The Unseen, we live for a long period of time. You'll get the baby itch as your children grow up and move out. The only children that are still living at home with King and Queen Guntachai are Krit and Gena, because they are still incredibly young."

"Eighty-two and Fifty is considered young?"

Both Earth and Fluke nodded.

"You're not even considered an adult until you've at least reached a well into your hundreds. If you were born here, your union with Boun would be quite the scandal." Earth wiggled his eyebrows.

"It's not the first scandalous love affair we've lived through." Boun said smiling.

So many lifetimes together, at least two of them were very unconventional. I grinned at the memory.

"But I guess it's not scandalous or frowned upon having gay relationships." I said seeing that Earth and Fluke were married to men.

"No one really cares about that aspect of your relationship." Earth explained. "Nothing like that is considered immoral here."

"Wow, that's pretty awesome, so you can date or marry anyone you want without judgement?"

"Well...we didn't say that." Earth exhaled, as he and Fluke exchanged contrite expressions.

"Dear husband," Kao cleared his throat, "This is not the proper time or place to dive into that heavy topic."

"I'm sorry." Earth said remorsefully.

We were all silent for a moment before Fluke leaned forward a bit.

"May I ask you a personal question? It's about something you were having difficulty coming to terms with earlier,"

"Considering what we're talking about, you don't even have to ask." I laughed shaking my head.

Fluke giggled nervously, as Earth playfully bumped his shoulder with his.

"Go ahead Fluke, nothing is off limits."

"Well, you were very...displeased with your said it was smaller. May I ask how large it was before?"

Oh wow, I wasn't expecting that question.

"Fluke!" Ohm exclaimed somewhat taken aback. "Why would you ask Prem something so personal?"

"It was myself who escorted Prem to use the lavatory, and I saw it...empaths are naturally curious...he's very well endowed...still. So, I must know how large it was before!"

For some reason, hearing the honest yet earnest, inquisitiveness in Fluke's voice made me laugh a bit and feel better. Before I was above average, and technically I still was, but I was caught off guard either way.

A/N: When it comes to the circular measurement around the penis, the average man is about 3.7 inches soft. Erect, the average penis length is about 5.2 inches, with an average circumference of about 4.6 inches. Shocking, right? Expecting bigger? I blame porn. 😂🤣

"Really?! How large is he?" Earth asked curiously.

"Much larger than maternal males." Fluke told him quickly, "He's practically the same size of paternal males." Without hesitating, he lifted his hands and spanned my size, a little over five inches, and then he used one hand to show my girth. At first Earth seemed unimpressed until Fluke added, "He was completely flaccid."

Earth's eyes almost bulged out of socket.

I felt the need to proudly puff my chest out a bit after that.

"That's impressive! May I see?" Earth leaned forward.

"NO!" Both Kao and Boun yelled simultaneously.

"I wasn't going to touch it." He pouted folding his arms across his chest.

"Fluke, what paternal males have you seen?" Ohm demanded anxiously afterwards.

"Just because you're the only partner I've ever been intimate with, doesn't mean I hadn't been given countless offers and opportunities to be with others."

The black stone in Ohm's hand was crushed instantly. "You will not be getting any sleep tonight." He said slowly. "You'll be so drained of your celestial energy, that you'll need mobile assistance the entire morning."

Fluke let out a shaky breath, but then smiled gleefully.

"Kao!" Earth whined jealously, "I just asked to look at another man's penis, why aren't you threatening me with a good time?"

"Because..." Kao exhaled deeply and stared at his husband, "actions speak louder than words."

"I can't wait." Earth grinned brightly.

It felt like the temperature in this room went up five decimals. For some reason I was feeling a bit envious of Kao and Ohm's possessiveness towards their husbands. I wanted in on this...

"Does this mean I will be experiencing losing my virginity all over again?"

"You weren't a virgin?!" Boun exclaimed skyrocketing up knocking over the board game and table as he stood up.

"Boun!" Both Kao and Ohm uttered disappointedly.

Ohm & Kao

"Oh, calm your nerves, I'm sure you've had multiple partners, you're a million years old...damn fossil." I folded my arms across my chest and stood up. "And you just ruined your brothers game. Clean this up right now." I gestured towards the mess he made.

Boun folded his arms across his chest and glared at me, "I don't take orders from anyone. I'm the future king of this entire realm."

"If you want to consummate this marriage tonight, you'll clean this up."

Fluke, Earth, Kao, and Ohm exchanged the most shocked expressions as they witnessed the future king of The Unseen do, what I ordered.

"Is this what 'being whipped' looks like?" Fluke asked curiously.

"Precisely." Earth murmured.

"You missed a stone." I pointed out. Boun glared at me before picking it up and setting the game and it's pieces back on the table.

"You will pay for this." My husband said menacingly, his lips slightly curling up.

"Looking forward to it." I said with a satisfied grin. "Please continue you two."

"Well as far as your virginity goes, the answer is yes." Fluke replied.

"Damn it." That sucks.

"But since you're married, it'll be zero discomfort and all pleasure." Earth winked.

Now that's a plus! But because I loved seeing Boun get all possessive, I had to ask...

"What's sex like with others?"

"Why do you need to know that?" Boun pressed, glaring at me.

"I'm just trying to get all of the information." I said dismissively, while I tried to suppress a laugh.

"Well speaking from personal experience," Earth started to say excitedly,

"Earth!" Kao warned, "Must you bring up your past sexual conquests? Can't you keep your explanation ambiguous? Do you want to be bedridden for a week?"

"I would love too, but I have a very busy week ahead of me." He sighed disappointingly. "Vanilla it is." He shrugged. "If you are not in union with someone, intercourse isn't painful, just a bit uncomfortable, you'd have to engage in intercourse a few times with them, before it becomes pleasurable, eventually its quite enjoyable. But it pales in comparison to sex with your marital spouse."

I was already starting to understand that.


"The marital celestial exchange." Fluke and Earth gushed.

"What's that?"

"You've already experienced a small fraction of it when you consented to marrying me." Boun's voice got me off guard, because it sounded deeper, more authoritative, "But I had to hold back."

An overpowering sensation of being watched, forced me to turn my head instinctively in his direction.

"Held...back?" I squeaked.

That intense moment we shared through a kiss, was only the tip of the iceberg?

"You were still mortal and needed more awakening celestial energy than anything. Not to mention we were not engaged in the throes of passion." Boun's heavy-lidded gaze caused a current of shivers to run down my spine. "Now, tell me something husband, do you want to keep talking about this, or would you like to consummate our marriage?"

The next three words awarded me a night of passion that I would never forget.

"Everybody, get out."

A/N: At first, I was going to end the chapter here, since I'm trying to keep my chapters between, 2000 to 2500 words.

Loophole: I won't count the gender summaries. 😂🤣😅

We held each other's gaze as Boun walked towards me, his stare was filled with such hunger and desire.

"May I undress you husband?"


Boun slowly began to unbutton my pajamas shirt and pushed it back off my shoulders. He then pulled his own shirt off.

"I've been excitedly anticipating this very moment since the day you agreed to be mine." His lips brushed along my throat as he made his way toward my collarbone, a trail of warmth and tingling etched across my skin where his lips had been. "So many fantasies of us as one with you moaning and screaming my name."

The more Boun spoke, the more my body seemed to respond to him. Whether it be his lips, tongue, or fingertips, everywhere he touched left my body shivering and prickling.

Heat grew from deep within my core as my body continued responding to his amazing tongue, he left a trail of kisses down my body, until he was on his knees before me. Gripping the hem of my pajamas and briefs, he lowered them, setting my thick erection free.

"You are in fact quite impressive." He murmured, "I must have a taste." His eyes never left mine as he took me into his mouth. The blazing warmth along with the extraordinary ministrations of his tongue, prompted me to throw my head back.

"Oh fuck...Boun!" Just when I thought this couldn't feel any better than it already did, he pulled my legs further apart and slid two fingers painlessly inside me. My knees almost gave out.

"Ugh!" I desperately gripped his shoulders so I wouldn't collapse. "If you...keep this up...I won't last much longer!"

Hearing those words only seemed to encourage him further. He sucked and stroked me with such enthusiasm, my inner muscles started clenching with a fury, I shut my eyes, and gave in to the pleasure. I was still coming down when Boun lifted me effortlessly and carried me to the bed, setting me gently down.

"Now, lets get started. Shall we?"

What the fuck?! This was merely a warmup?!

"I just want to warn you, when you see me at first, you may feel a bit overwhelmed and think it won't fit, but I assure you it will."

Yeah, I've heard that shit before, and was left utterly disappointed ...oh ...sweet ...Mary ...Jesus ...and Joseph!

He was larger than I used to be!

Though Earth and Fluke said it wouldn't hurt, I was finding that extremely hard to believe!

"Um...Boun," I shakily murmured; my nerves were getting the best of me, as he climbed in bed and settled between my legs.

"Do you trust me?" Boun's eyes held such a gentle honesty that I felt like I could.

"Yes." I finally replied.

He brought my hands over my head and intertwined his fingers with mine, a tingle of warmth spread through my hands and traveled up my arms. A contented sigh escaped my lips. It felt that good.

"Do you like that?" He asked softly.

"The tingling? Yes." I answered.

"Good, just lose yourself in those sensations." Boun released one of my hands and slid it down between us. He lined himself up, "I love you."

Before I could even say the words back, he entered me with one powerful thrust and though it felt like I'm being stretched beyond my limits, it felt so damn amazing!

"Boun!" I exclaimed arching my back. My body responded to him so easily producing a natural lubricant as he pulled almost completely out and drove back into me.

The tingles, that indescribable amazing sensation of our energies moving and exchanging with one another was deriving pleasure all over my body.

"I want more!" I begged. I couldn't get enough, of this bizarre prickling spectacle.

"Are you...sure?" Boun panted as he continued pummeling strokes, filling me so completely and driving me so close to the edge. "You'll need bedrest—"

"I don't care!" I moaned.

"Okay, just remember you asked for it." My husband's lips seized mine, his tongue delved deep into my mouth.

Within seconds I felt a great surge of energy course through my entire body.

I could feel Boun everywhere.

He lifted my legs up higher and my entire body trembled when he hit something inside.

"Like that?"

"Yes, I love it!" I groaned and he kept slamming into it.

"That's your Grästate," He panted thrusting with each word, "it's like the mortal female Gräfenberg spot and the mortal male prostate combined into one single erogenous zone!"

His pace increased, and I was lost in pleasure. When he buried himself all the way inside me in one last powerful thrust, every muscle I had clamped down, a flash of blinding light clouded my vision, and my body reached its second climax.

A few more thrusts, and Boun found his own release as he spilled his seed inside me. I whimpered in loss as he slowly, carefully pulled from my body, and rolled over to his side of the bed.

My heart was still racing, it felt like I just ran a marathon, but still my entire body felt amazing and light. When I attempted to lift my arm and I was unable to...

"Boun...I can't move." I panted breathlessly.

"I tried to...warn you." He smirked. "...and I had to pay you back for bossing me around in front of my brothers."

Oh well, it was totally worth it.

As we dive into this story Prem will learn about his royal obligations, the clan he married into, time training, his sixth sense, information about the eight clans, allies, enemies, and so on...

Thanks so much for reading everyone.

An extra thanks to the amazing readers who vote, comment, message, and add my stories.

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