
By riddle_malfoy06

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"I have come to believe that we are bound forever to those with whom we share blood. And while we may not cho... More

Bears Will Be Bears
Danse Macabre
The Three Bad Wolves
Love Sick
Cat and Mouse
Leave it to The Beavers


211 6 0
By riddle_malfoy06

"She'll sting you one day. Oh, ever so gently, so you hardly even feel it. Til you fall dead"

I slept in since I didn't have school today on Mom's order. She wanted me to stay at home because of Marie's death.

I got used to the idea of not having Aunt Marie around any more mostly cause I wasn't that close to her as Dad was.

I would still hear her words going through my head. And killing that man, it was on replay in my head.

I somehow feel that it's my fault, but like Dad said I'm just a kid and I couldn't have done anything but still I have this guilt feeling.

I decided to take a shower when I got out I went downstairs stairs to see Mom helping Hank with a bee sting.

"Oh hey, how you feeling?" Mom asked

"Fine" I said as I walked to the kitchen

"What's wrong with her?" Hank asked

"I don't know, she's been in her room all day and she's moody"

"Maybe she's on her period" I hear Dad say

"No that's next month" Mom says, hate how she says those things in front of Dad and especially in front of Uncle Hank like come on.

I hear Dad sigh "I know what it is, Marie"

"She was crying a lot when you both got home"

"That's probably her way of dealing with it, later she'll go back to her normal self" Hank says

I go back to my room and take out one of the books I got out of the trailer before Dad took it to who knows where.

Shit. I forgot the Hexenbiest book, I've been trying to find out everything I can since that blonde woman tried to kill Aunt Marie. I guess whoever wanted Marie dead succeed.

I started to read about Blutbads and Wendigo's till I started to get sleepy and went to bed.

When I woke up I saw Dad looking at me.

"It's 6 in the morning, and what are you doing in my room?" I ask

"Better question what the hell are you doing with these books?"

"Uh reading them like any other book, Aunt Marie said-"

"No! No your to young for this stuff, I'm not letting you get involved"

"I am already involved with this! The least I can do is read about this maybe help you!" I say

He sighs "fine what do you know about Mellifers?"

My eyes light up "Only that there bee like wesen and their natural enemy are Hexenbiest's......why?" I say

"I got a case, come on we're going to work" I get dressed and we head to a house.

"Damn" I say seeing all the dead bee's on the floor

"I know right? Forensics says this stuff is a preliminary match to the apitoxin in Serena's system, that clears our beekeepers" Dad says

"Which makes Melissa Wincroft our primary, if we can find her. She didn't sell this place or buy a new one, It's like she just picked up and disappeared. Now can you tell me how the hell did you find this woman and her hive?" Hank says

"Well, it's all in the legal files. Read 'em last night, everything's connected. Shellow, Coleman, the mill, even Serena." Dad says

"You could of called me" Hank says

"Hey doctor told you to rest" Dad says

"Yeah, fine all right. So, connect the dots"

"Well, messy class-action lawsuit about a year ago. Serena represented Ameri-Mill in a hostile takeover of Primrose paper, the employees tried to fight it, they lost" Dad says

"Let me guess two of those employees were Doug Shellow and John Coleman" Hank says

"Exactly, Melissa Wincroft was their boss, her family owned and operated the mill for over a century. She had the most to lose"

"So she's taking revenge on Serena for getting her company shut down"

An officer comes in and say's there's been a flashmob murder again. We get there and we see the body.

"Tell me you got a solid lead on this on this." Captain Renard says

"We're zeroing in on a suspect Melissa Wincroft." Hank says

"That's Camilla Gotleib she was on the primrose paper case with Serena." Dad says

"Two dead lawyers from same firm? I'd say we got ourselves a same pattern." Captain says

"There was a third lawyer on the case, I read it on the files."


We get to Captains office to see Adalind Schade the third lawyer.

"Miss Schade" Captain says and she turns around, it's that blonde bitch that stuck a needle into Dad.

"I'm Captain Renard and these are Detectives Griffin and Burkhardt" He says as I glare at the woman.

"Detectives thank you" She says

"You can thank Detective Burkhardt he's the one who figured it all out"

"Actually, I'm still trying to piece it all together" Dad says

"We need to ask you a few questions if you're up for it. Can I offer you a cup of coffee?" Hank says

"Thanks" Adalind says

She walks by us looking at me and I glare even more at her.

"Hey Nick, Nick you all right? You look like you've seen a ghost, you too Lizzie. Do you both know this woman?"

"For a second, I thought I'd seen her somewhere before" Dad says

"But your not sure"

We nod and Captain continues "There's a killer out there, that's already hit two of her coworkers. So if you know something about Adalind Schade, now's the time to share it."

Oh it's nothing just the fact she tried to kill Aunt Marie but instead stuck a needle into Dad and left.

"I don't know anything more about her than you do"

"Well, then just, stay on your game keep her safe. Don't want her to be number three" Sean says, I mean do we.....I wouldn't mind if she accidentally died. Where are the bees?!

We leave his office and I ask Dad "Can we go to see the ladies bodies?"

"Why?" Dad asks

"We need to see there tongues, we know that Adalind is a Hexenbiest we need to see if the others are too"


Yup they both had the mark on there tongues showing that they were both Hexenbiest's. We go inside the interrogation room and Hank's asking Adalind questions.

"Please, call me Adalind, all my friends do" she says

"All your friends are dead" Dad says and my mouth drops.

"What he means is it seems more personal than to business transaction." I say giving Dad a look "eye for an eye sort of thing, like you hurt someone close to her or something" I say getting closer to Adalind.

"Some people don't get the big picture, I was just doing my job" She says

"Hey, so am I, just trying to get to the truth here. Unless Miss Schade has something to hide." Dad says

"No more than you do detective, look I wish I could tell you something more about Melissa Wincroft but I really didn't know her. I told you, it wasn't personal." She says looking at me for the last part

"Well maybe not for you, but if someone tried to take something important away from me, I'd take it very personally." I say

"You know what let's take a break, excuse us Adalind" Hank says

"I think I'll stay here" I say and they leave

"Listen bitch, I don't care if it was just a job, you made it personal"

"Little girl, what are you gonna do?" She says as she shows her true form.

"A lot more damage than you can" I say getting close to her face.

When she turns back she looks at me and says "I'm not afraid to kill you"

"Then do it" I say

I scoff and leave when I turn back I see Captain and Adalind talking when he looks back and see's me staring, I glare at Adalind and go find Dad.

Adalind's POV,

I look at the door and see Sean "Burkhardt remembers me" I say

"I pushed him, but he's keeping it to himself, what about Lizzie?" He asks

"So that's her name, the little shit threatened me! And maybe there both just waiting to get me alone." I say, I know Lizzie is

"I told you, I won't let anything happen to you"

"Is that what you told Serena and Camilla?" I questioned him.

"Serena and Camilla are not you and don't worry about Lizzie she's just a kid." Sean says and I roll my eyes

"A smart kid, who killed the man I sent to kill Marie Kesler."

"She did what?"

"She killed the man, what else can she do?"

"I don't know"

"Just find this queen, or I'm not the only one who's gonna get stung." I say as Sean turns around and we see Lizzie glaring at us before she walks off.

"Hm, maybe you do need to worry about her after all" I say

Lizzie's POV,

"Got it, thanks, no credit card activity and no travel and no sign of Melissa Wincroft in the system" Hank says

"She's got no known family" Dad says


"Well, we know about John Coleman and Doug Shellow but I doubt she's gonna be calling them" Dad says as he gets 'the look'

"That look usually gets us in trouble" Hank says

"Well, she might not be getting in touch with them what if they got in touch with her?"

"Wu said Shellow's not cooperating until he sees a lawyer" Hank says

"You don't need him to cooperate you just need him to do what he does best; send a message." I say

Dad nods and says "He also doesn't know we're protecting Adalind Schade"

"And neither does Melissa Wincroft" I point out

Dad goes into the interrogation room with Doug as we watch behind the windows with Captain, Hank and Wu.

Dad sets the trap and Doug is deciding to grab the phone or not.

"Oscar-worthy performance De Niro" Wu says

"Middle school drama club" Dad says

"This better work" Captain says

"It will it's in his nature" I say

"Come on Doug phones right there, buddy take the bait." Hank says

Doug grabs the phone "there it is Wu" Dad says

"On it, he just sent a direct message to a blocked user."

"Well can you-" Dad says but he's cut off by Wu saying "of course I can I'm Asian"

And Hank laughs "Okay, here's the message, 'They don't know, as open' 'as open' " Wu says

" 'As' a.s Adalind Schade, he just told Melissa Wincroft to make there move" I say as they look at Doug.

"Wow" Wu says

"What?" I ask

"Your smarter than me"

"Of course I am, I'm smarter than most people" I say the last part looking at Renard.

"And cocky to" Wu mumbles

"You know just because you mumble it doesn't mean I can't hear you" I say

"Okay!" Dad says, probably not wanting me to fight with another officer. Like last time


We get into the hotel while the Wu and the officers set up the trap.

"Do you really think this'll work?" Adalind asks

"Well, we've gotta smoke her out of her hiding place somehow. Every eye in the department is on your place." Hank says

"Thanks, Detectives, this is probably a big inconvenience for you" Adalind says still looking at hank. Either she's doesn't want to look at us or she wants to do something with Hank. Note to self keep an eye on Hank.

"No, we're just doing our jobs, nothing more" Dad says

"Anyone want some room service?" Hank asks

"I'm not really hungry" Adalind says

"Uh, how bout some tea, chamomile, it's nice and relaxing" Hank says telling Dad to calm down as I try to stop myself from laughing.


"Nature's full of powerful concoctions" Dad says and I laugh.

"Sorry, sorry" I say as I try to stop laughing.

"I'm gonna make yours a double, there's gotta be a coffeemaker around here somewhere." Hank says and leave's to go find one.

"I know what you are" Dad says

"I'm an attorney." Adalind says

"Cut the bullshit, you're a Hexenbiest" I say

"Just like Serena and Camilla, I saw there marks" Dad says

"Detective I don't know what-"

"You tried to kill my Aunt in the hospital but you got me instead, so were they in on it with you your sisters? Who do you work for?" Dad says. Sisters? Really dad.

"Okay, so you wanna play the victim?" Dad says when Adalind doesn't talk.

"Hush, Dad, why do the Mellifers want you dead?" I say

She looks at me and says "I don't know your dad's a detective figure it out"

"We don't like this any more than you do, but if it's his job to protect you, he damn well better have a good reason or he might have a bad day at work" I say

"I can't help you unless you tell us why Melissa Wincroft wants to kill you" Dad says

"You have no idea what you're in the middle of" Adalind says

"Oh, well, then who could blame me for making a mistake and letting a queen Mellifer kill another Hexenbiest?"

She shows her true form and calms back down "this won't end well" she says

"For you" Dad says

"Or you, if something happens to me, it won't be a Grimm killing a Hexenbiest, it'll be a cop who let's an innocent woman die on his watch up to you"

Sneaky bitch.

"Can I get a little help in here?" Hank yells and Dad goes in and I stay there, flat on the bed staring at the ceiling.

"What, your not gonna threaten me again?"

"No, I don't need to waste my energy on a witch bitch like you"

"You know I could kill you"she says

"You said that before"

"Well how bout I kill your Dad instead"

"Gfy" I say and look at her "Go fuck yourself" I say after seeing her confused look.

"Shit. Adalind look behind you" she looks at the swarming bees

"Lizzie! Adalind!"

"Come on" she says "hell no I'm not going anywhere with you" I say

"Fine then" she leaves as I run after her.

We get to the basement where Dad's following us.

"I have to kill her you don't understand" Melissa says

"Drop it, I'm arresting you for the murders of Serena Dunbrook and Camilla Gotleib" Dad says

"I did it to protect you" she says and looks at me before saying "and you."

"There's no excuse" I say as I reach for my knife.

"We're clarions. We send the warning call, we're on your side. The lawsuit it was a conspiracy to get rid of us, there not just lawyers"

"Doesn't matter you killed two people" Dad says

"Two Hexenbiest's, closing the mill was their way of stopping us from warning you"

"Warning me?" Dad says

"Somethings coming, something bad, I have to finish this"

"Melissa don't!" I say as she grabs Adalind

They start fighting and I could tell Dad isn't going to do anything. So before she could kill Adalind I stab her.

She looks at me and I whisper a sorry and she says "He's coming for you"

"Who" I say

"Beware it's close.... Meisner" she says as the bee's and her fall dead.

Meisner? Who's that?


"Thank you" Adalind says as we're leaving the hotel

"If anyone is going to kill you, it's gonna be me" I say and smile as her smirk comes off her face.

When we get home I go to bed and Dad goes into my room.

"Give me the knife" He says and I don't do anything "Give me the knife!" I do what he says and he holds it. "Where'd you get it?"

"Aunt Marie, she gave it to me when I turned thirteen."

"You never told me?"

"Because I wasn't gonna use it ever...."

"Till this" Dad says and I nod

"No more secrets, because if I try to keep you out of this your just gonna get back in"


"That man and now Melissa those are the only people you killed right?"

"Yes" he sighs and we hear a buzz I look and it's a bee. I try to shoo it away so I can close the window. The bee gets on my hand and stays there for a few seconds before it stings me.


"What happened?" Dad asks

"I just got stung" I say as I closed the window, this has to mean something. I never got stung ever as a kid and I think killing Melissa just changed that.

Or I'm just being paranoid.

Either way things are changing and I do not like it at all.

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Music show, actors, pictures all go to rightful owners. Enjoy!