Red Vs Blue, & there's Magent...

By Zeta_Lyfe

23.2K 564 119

Red Vs Blue, but with a twist! Now that Ruby had her memories back, she had more pressing matters to deal wi... More

Where There's a Will, There's a Wall (1)
Where There's a Will, There's a Wall (2)
Where There's a Will, There's a Wall (3)
Chapter 1 Revenants
Chapter 2 Heavy Metal
Chapter 3 Follow the Leader
Chapter 4 Turbulence
Chapter 5 The New Kid
Chapter 6 What's the "I" Stand For?
Chapter 7 Oversight
Chapter 8 Fall From Heaven
Chapter 9 Fighting Fire
Chapter 10 Shatter
Chapter 11 Out of Body
Chapter 12 Out of Mind
Chapter 13 Greenish-Blue With Envy
Chapter 14 New and Improved
Chapter 15 Three's a Crowd
Chapter 16 Happy Birthday
Chapter 17 Remember Me How I Was
Chapter 18 Change of Plans
Ruby Vs Carolina
Chapter 19 Party Crashers
Chapter 21 True Colors
Chapter 22 Don't Say It
Interlude - Her Choice

Chapter 20 Reckless

954 22 6
By Zeta_Lyfe

Carolina found herself overlooking a Ghost Town. . . The coverup for the Freelancer Offsite Storage Facility.

Carolina: How many?

Epsilon: None.

Carolina: Really? You're sure?

Epsilon: Positive. We're alone. . .

The AI vanished and Carolina drove forward in her Mongoose, getting out once she was near.

Epsilon: It's up here!

Ghost Epsilon stood in front of a tree with a control panel.

FILSS: I am sorry. This is a secure facility. Only authorized personnel may enter.

Carolina: FILSS? Is that you? What's happened to you?

FILSS: This is a secure facility. Only authorized personnel may enter. Please leave the premises immediately.

Carolina: FILSS, this is Agent North Carolina of Project Freelancer. Acknowledge and go for secure.

FILSS: I am sorry, I recognize that designation, but only authorized personnel may enter this facility.

Carolina: Church?

Epsilon: Open the door, FILSS.

FILSS: Certainly.

The wall opened up to reveal a hallway.

FILSS: Welcome back, Director. I did not expect to see you again so soon.

Carolina: Thank you.

Epsilon/FILSS: My pleasure.

FILSS: Strange, I was unaware you have left, Director. I will have to scan my files and find the error.

Carolina: Left?

FILSS: Yes, since his last visit.

Carolina: So you show the Director inside the facility as well as outside?

FILSS: Strange, is it not?

Carolina: Yes, strange. And exactly what we were hoping for.

*At Valhalla*

The Reds and Blues stood in the center of Valhalla, the Reds standing with the Blue Flag behind them and the Blues standing with the Red Flag behind them.

Grif: Well, this is depressing.

Sarge: Can it, Private. 

Grif: What? I'm just saying what we're all thinking.

Sarge: You didn't say you were fat and worthless, but we were definitely all thinking that.

Standing in the direct center was Simmons and Tucker.

Ruby: Alright, you know the drill guys.

Simmons: Do we have to?

Tucker: Yeah, can't we just trade flags?

Grif/Kaikaina: Lame.

Simmons/Tucker: *sighs* I would just like everyone to know that I suck. . . and that I'm a girl. . . and I like ribbons in my hair. . .

South: This was funny at first, but this is like the nineteenth time.

Wash: Yeah. . .

Simmons/Tucker: And I want to kiss all the boys. . .

Wash: Hey! What else have you got?

Ruby: Depends, you want a Warthog?

Kaikaina: We already have the Hornet.

Ruby: *mumbles* Well, I may or may not have already eaten the banana bread.

Simmons: Oh! I got something that might interest you.

*A Few Moments Later*

The Reds and Blues were now behind Red base, Simmons tossing a weapon to the ground. . . The Brute Shot.

Tucker: Woah! *whistles*

Sarge: Great ginzu gunshow!

Wash: Is that what I think it is?

South: Is that WHOSE I think it is?

Simmons: Stolen alien weaponry used by the scariest fucking mute in the galaxy? Yeah, pretty much.

Sarge: It's like. . . half knife, half rifle. What would you call that?

Tucker: I dunno, but we'll take it!

Grif: No! There is NO way I'm giving up the Grif Shot!

Kaikaina: That means I own it too!

Grif: No it doesn't!

Delta: Perhaps you should've used your first name.

Kaikaina: "Dexter Shot?"

Donut then popped out of the base.

Donut: Dexter got shot? Man, I know how that feels.

Wash: *whistles*

Grif: Do. Not. Call. Me. That.

Tucker: What the hell has you even been doing with that thing?

Ruby: He had the dumb thing mounted on the wall.

Wash: . . . You've been hiding one of the most advanced pieces of technology known to man. . . so you can hang it in your living room?!

Grif: Well, when you say it like that, it sounds dumb.

Wash: That's because it is dumb!

?: I think it's kinda cool.

They turned to see Doc on the ramp to Red Base's roof.

Doc: I mean, when I met you guys, all you did was stand around and talk. But now you can't walk five feet without getting wrapped up in some crazy adventure.

Sarge: What's your point?

Doc: I dunno. I just thought it was cool. I mean, come on, you guys have been through a lot together. Don't you want something to remember all the good times?

Tucker: The good times? I was stranded in the desert!

Simmons: We were almost killed!

Sarge: I learned my military career was a lie!

Ruby: I got shot and stabbed like eight times!

Donut: Yeah, I got shot too!

Wash: *whistles again*

Doc: Okay, yeah. Wasn't perfect, but. . . Look what you all got out of it.

Sarge: You mean the rifle-knife?

Grif: You mean the Grif Shot?

Kaikaina: Dibs.

Grif: Fuck.

Doc: Sure, there's that, but Sarge, you finally got to lead an actual military operation. And Tucker, you learned how to use your sword like a pro.

Tucker: Bow Chicka Bow Wow?

The purple medic turned to the two freelancers.

Doc: You two found a new team.

He then faced the air as the Beta and Delta AIs materialized.

Doc: Tex, you didn't have to die and Delta, you got to have a good holder.

Both AIs faced each other. . .

Doc: Simmons got back his told team, Sis learned how to not be worthless, I finally managed to keep a patient from dying-

Donut: And in return, I didn't die!

Doc: And Ruby, you bounced back from every injury and got stronger and stronger and protected everyone.

Ruby: I-I guess. . .

Doc: You see? In the end, we all work together. And everyone got what they wanted.

Caboose: But not everyone. . .

The Reds and Blues faced him before glancing to one another. . . Tucker and Ruby then outed their swords and stood beside the Blue Soldier.

Wash: You realize that if you go after them. . . there's no promise you'll come back.

Ruby: I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I just let them die. . . so screw it, why not take a chance?

Wash: Ruby, you know this isn't a game to the Director. . . He plays for keeps.

Sarge: Ah, well. . . This place was gettin' kinda stale anyways.

Wash: After everything those two said? After how they treated you?

Simmons: Hey, we gave YOU a second chance.

The Orange Soldier picked up the Grif Shot.

Grif: Besides, if we quit every time Church started shouting, this shit would have been over a long time ago.

South: We'd be outgunned, out- we'd be out fucking everything. This is retarded!

Wash: Just think for a minute before you do anything reckless.

Sarge: Son, stupid and reckless is how we ALWAYS get things done.

South: But Sarge-

Sarge: You know! There's one thing you freelancers always seem to forget! And that's the fact that we've managed to kick your ass time and time again! Oh sure, you've got all your smart plans and your fancy technology and your advanced training. . . but in the end, what has that gotcha? Without a team you can count on, without your fellow soldiers by your side, all that doesn't really amount to squat, now does it? So instead of standing there, bellyaching all day. Just tell us. . . Are you gonna keep playing it safe. . . or do you wanna get a little reckless?

The sergeant cocked his shotgun!

Wash: This has to be the worst idea, ever. . . but you can count me in.

Donut: Me too!

Caboose: Yes! And me! Oh! Church is gonna be so happy!

Doc: I'm in too! Man, this is so cool! I love how inclusive you guys have become. I'm gonna go pack my medical gear for the trip. Woohoo! We're back together!

He ran off while the group faced each other.

South: We're going to fucking die.

Kaikaina: Hey D, what are the chances of us dying?

Delta: Ninety-six percent chance of failure.

Allison: Well. . . Thats about par for the course.

Simmons: Uh, they have a huge head start. How are we supposed to reach them in time? We only have one Hornet.

As if on queue, a Hornet hovered above the ocean right next to them.

UNSC Soldier: Freeze! This is an ambush! You are under arrest for the theft of UNSC property!

Simmons: What?! We really are wanted criminals of the UNSC?!

Grif: Holy shit! Wash was right!

South/Wash: Oh, you've got to be fucking me.

Ruby: You guys are idiots.

A second Hornet then appeared!

UNSC Soldier 2: Surrender now! You are outnumbered! Uh, well. . . Technically you're not really outnumbered. . . I think we have the same number, uh, it's like one to one. . . But we do have airships! Fast! Easy-to-pilot airships! Which we will now land. . . in order to take you to jail.

Unsurprisingly, the Blues found themselves with a Hornet, the Reds found themselves with a Hornet, and the Girls found themselves with a Hornet.

Caboose: Goodbye, people we stole these planes from!

UNSC Soldier 1: Motherfucker!

Kaikaina: Woohoo!

Donut: Man, this is awesome! Hey Simmons, who's the Blue guy with the yellow accents? His voice sounds familiar. . .

Simmons: Oh, right. . . Funny story about that.

Ruby: Okay, operation save Rachel and Epsilon is a go! If you guys want to rub it in after, go right ahead.

Tucker: Let's fuckin' do this!

The three Hornets ascended into the sky. . . leaving Valhalla behind. . . .

*With Carolina and Epsilon*

They rounded the corner of a gray hallway, the AI appearing in his normal state.

Epsilon: I don't like this.

Carolina: Me neither. Where is everyone?

They entered the main area, seeing weaponry, equipment, and crates all over.

Epsilon: That's not it. . . I just got a weird case of. . . deja vu.

As they traversed through it all, they heard echoes. . .

?: And don't worry, you'll see me again.

???: Play again, FILSS.

FILSS: Sir? You really should stop to eat. It has been several days-

???: Again.

The Cyan Freelancer spotted twin Plasma Rifles. . .

Carolina: You're not the only one.

She then walked past a row of teleporters. . .

Epsilon: Here it is.

They faced the one right in the center. . .

Carolina: Ready to meet your maker?

Epsilon: I got your back, Carolina.

They entered the teleporter and appeared in a large silvery room, crates in random places. . . and something else occupying the empty space.

Epsilon: Oh no. . .

Carolina: Church? What is this. . .?

Epsilon: He kept trying. . . He kept trying to get her right.

Carolina: You think these. . . things are anything like the real deal?

An dozens upon dozens of robotic, black armored soldiers slammed their fists into their palms one after the other while craning their necks. . . The final took a single step forward before doing the same. It spoke, a deeply distorted voice echoing. . .

Texas(Drone): You have no idea what kind of trouble you are in. . . .

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