Tommyinnit Angst

By livthekid7

25.8K 869 597

Tommy is being beat by his father everyday. But a meet up with some of the dream smp could change everything... More

Trigger warnings
The pain (1)
The talk (2)
The car ride (3)
Not alone (4)
Dreams (5)
The big reveal (6)
The phone ring (7)
The voice mail (8)
The present (10)
Home (11)
Driving (12)
Chocolate cake(13)
The dream(14)
Birthday breakfast(15)
Sleepover (17)
Answering it (18)
Opening it up(19)
Surprise (20)
visit from him (21)
help (22)
change (23)
food and school(24)

Telling them (9)

1.1K 61 70
By livthekid7

ayeee can yall possibly vote on this chapter? thank youuu <3 aight enjoyy

TW//abuse mention//swearing//ed mention//ed//throwing up//claustrophobia warning//sh mention//

Tommy's POV

"Tommy has something to tell you-"


"But it's hard for him do I am going to say it" Karl says

Oh thank God

"Wait I have an idea" I say to Karl, he looks at me strangely but waits

I run upstairs to my room to grab my cracked phone and then run back down to give it to Karl. He immediately understands what I am implying and plays the voicemail

~You can skip this part if you already read it in chapter 8~

"Why didnt you answer you piece of shit?! Oh your gonna get it. I have a new knife that I got for sale and it's sharp. Around 12 centimetres long and I cant wait to hurt you with it. Don't fucking call back I don't even want to see your name on my screen. When your little pity party with your friends is over I'm gonna have some fun. HA friends. They all hate you because your fucking worthless, I honestly feel bad because they have to deal with you. They don't give a fuck about you. You know why? Because your a sorry excuse for a man. And an even worse son. I honestly wish you would be more like your 'friends'. Because they are probably men and not faggots like you. God you should just kill yourself. Your just a waste of space. You're a fucking pig too, you eat so much. You know what, when you come home no food for a month and don't give me that 'you can't survive' bullshit you've done it before and you're doing it again. And screw your stupid eating disorder it isn't real anyways. You're worthless. You're also stupid I mean 94% on a test. Do better. Get an 100%. Everything you do disturbs someone. A little piece of advice stop wearing those girl fucking clothes it makes you look like a fag. You disgrace"

Karl hugged Tommy and Tommy hugged Karl back digging his head in the smaller man's shoulder. Everyone was stunned, they couldn't believe what they had just heard. 

Tommy, the loud, happy, outgoing kid was being abused. 

"Ok" Wilbur said "I know you are all shocked at the info just given to you but we need to take a vote"

"On what?" Sapnap said

Wilbur sighed "Tommy wants to go back to live with his dad when the 2 weeks is up"

"No fucking way" Dream and George said at the same time. They both blushed but realized there was a greater matter at hand

"Ok by show of hands, who thinks Tommy should go back and live with his father"

No one raised their hand

"Now raise your hand if you think Tommy should come live me" Karl added

All of them raised their hands


"Tommy we all love you but you are not going back there" Sapnap said

Tommy just smiled a bit and nodded

Tubbo was frozen in place, Ranboo noticed this and gave him a hug (Platonic duh)

"Tubbo" I say before walking over to him and giving him a hug

Ranboo moves out of the way

"Why didn't you tell me?" he whispered

"I'm sorry" I whisper back as I leave the hug


I flinch a bit as he runs to his room 

"Ranboo go check on Tubbo please" Dream said

Ranboo nodded and left

I pretended to not be phased because it was the reaction I was expecting but that was only partly true. I was expecting that, it was one of the many reasons I didn't tell him, but I was phased. It hurt me a lot. My only best friend was mad at me. I'm a waste of space.

"Tommy I know this is hard to talk about but...what does he do to you?"

"He beats me with literally anything he can get his hands on. He also calls me slurs for wearing dresses and skirts." Oh my God what is wrong with me? Why did I just say that?

Karl gives me a look knowing there is more and I sigh

"He blames me for my mother leaving and limits what I eat. He also negatively comments on my body, causing me to have an eating disorder. Even if he allowed me to eat I don't think I would. I'm allowed to have an orange or something once every week or two but I normally just throw it up. He doesn't allow me to sleep when he's really mad" That felt good surprisingly. Too tell someone

Karl gives me a soft smile "Thank you" he whispers. I just nod

Then reality sets in. I'm pretty sure Sapnap was talking but I couldnt hear him. Everything just goes completely blank. 

I start panicking and run upstairs too my room. I walk into my bathroom and begin to pace. I lunge toward the toilet and throw up. Thoughts just start letting themselves into my brain.

Why did you tell them?

Dad's gonna find out

Dad is gonna beat you

He'll put you in the freezer again

You remember that?

He unplugged the freezer in the basement and shoved you in

You were in there for two days

You had too skip school because of it

He's gonna do it again

Then there was a knock at the door and I snapped out of my thoughts

"Hey Tommy can I come in?" Karl said

I quickly flushed the toilet and opened the door

"Is everything alright, you look pretty pale"

My breathing gets faster but I stop the panic before it starts

"Yea yea I'm fine"

"You can talk to me"

"Please dont be mad but, I wasn't completely honest with you"

"I'm not mad but what do you mean?"

"My dad used to lock me in an unplugged chest freezer and because of that I now have claustrophobia" 

(I have this fear btw and it's scary as fuck man)

"Oh my god"

I feel a few tears coming down my face and Karl put his hand out to wipe them. I surprisingly didn't flinch.

"What?" he says confused

"I trust you"

"Well I'm glad but what do you mean"

"My body trusts you" I say with a bit of a smile

"It hopes you wont hurt me. I didn't flinch when you moved your hand"

Karl's POV

I am so glad he or she trusts me. What did he mean by hopes though?

"I'm glad you trust me but hopes? Tommy I promise you I will never hurt you"

Then he sighed

"What's wrong?"

"It's just I hate that word. Promise"

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude"

"No no no not like that. You aren't rude. Stop being stupid Tommy" he whispered that last part

"Hey hey, you aren't stupid. Why do you hate that word? If you don't mind me asking" 

"It's just my mum, she promised me that she wouldn't leave when I was 5 and then the day after my sixth birthday she left, that's why I hate my birthday"

Hmmm I actually don't know Tommy's birthday

(I know his birthday just passed but it's for the plot lol)

"I'm so sorry that happened to you but I will never break that promise and I wont make any I cant keep"

"Thank you Karl but you don't have to do that. I'm sorry I'm such a burden too you"

"A burden? Are you crazy? You're my friend and you could never be a burden to me. If you want to talk about anything else, I'm always here. Now you should go to bed it's getting late."

"Oh yeah I should" he says as he softly chuckles 

"Alright goodnight" I say with a smile as I shut off his light

I walk out to the kitchen to talk to everyone else when I hear them all talking. I know I shouldn't but I listen in anyways

"We need to get him out" Dream says

"Dream he is going to live with Karl" Wilbur says

"I know I know but what if his dad finds him" Dream replies

"Dream" Sapnap says sternly

"What?" He says back

"Tommy's father lives in England and Karl lives in North Carolina"

"I know but still I'm scared for him. Like I would rather have Karl watching him over everyone else but like what if Karl gets annoyed? I know he's not that kind of person and he has an extreme level of patience but this is Tommy we're talking about here like that kid never shuts up. Plus with that stupid dress thing god he is such an attention seeker." Dream says

I feel my blood start boiling as I go down to confront them

"How dare you. Tommy is an amazing kid he's like a son to me I could never be annoyed by him and he's not attention seeking!" I say practically yelling

Then I see Tommy there at the top of the stairs, he clearly heard everything. He ran to his room crying

"Great, look what you did" I say mad and annoyed at him at the same time

I run upstairs and knock on his door

"Can I come in please" I say

"Just leave me alone" I hear him say 

Oh my god what if he's cutting again

"Tommy please let me in"

"Ok fine come in" he says

When I walk in I see...


hey guys just wanted to address something about karl jacobs and the drama thats happening there. I personally love his videos and think he didn't do anything.

It was recently revealed that Karl hadn't eaten in a couple days and being someone with an eating disorder, people shouldn't be telling him to eat. that is Karl's life and people need to but out

pulled another all nighter tonight

don't forget to drink some water and eat something!

suggestions? Put them here--------------------------------->

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