The Venom of Izuku Yagi

By DeadlokAU

531K 11.2K 8.2K

Izuku Yagi, quirkless girl, twin to Izumi Yagi, daughter of All-might and Green-Psycic. Abused? Check, Neglec... More

1: Prologue of Torture
2: A friend and powers?
3: Another friend?
4: Growing in every sense of the word
5: New powers
6: UA enter stage left
7: Izuku's hero trial
8: Birthday reminisce
9: First day at U.A.
10: Quirk testing
11: Prejudice
12: Letting them back in
13: Second day at U.A.
14: Hero training
15: True power
16: Recovery without Recovery Girl
17: A morning without Mei
18: Prior to the USJ
19: The USJ, the straw
20: The hero commission, the camel
21: Bringing the idiom together
22: The return
23: Dorms: BEGIN
24: Dorms: PLANS
25: Dorms: Momo
26: Dorms: Kyo
27: Pranks - Well maybe a bit more
28: Prank aftermath and Sports festival prelude
29: Sports time
30: Black and purple
31: Purple and Pink
32: Calming nerves
34: No internships?
35: Miracles
36: A brothers punishment
37: Actions have consequences
38: A hobo's wrath
39: Trial by trial
40: Little party all across the city
41: Another normal day
42: Ice Girl's Sins
43: Power moves
44: Final exams
45: Shinso trial
46: Losing isn't failure
47: End of Exams and start of vacation
48: Welcome to I-Island!
49: An old, very angry, friend
50: Coincidental meetup
51: Party gone wrong
52: Wolfram? WolfDone
53: Two more collars
54: Settling in
55: The attack begins
56: Uncle Dabi or Uncle Touya?
57: Dabi's sweet revenge
58: Say hi to the Traitor!
59: inTERMIssioN And TalEs
60: The only canon ship
61: Little big fight
62: Villains to corruption
63: Out of the hospital...
64: And onto the streets
65: Our Bean doesn't kill... right?
67: Back at UA
68: I'm not good with words
69: Back on track
70: Shie Hassaikai
71: Meeting
72: The massacre
73: One last obstacle
74: Rest at last
75: Last to rest

33: Date

5.7K 125 53
By DeadlokAU

Shinso made a quick stop at a cafe on the way to pick up some coffee and pastries for the two of them before continuing onto the meet up point, a few minutes early. He glanced around the street corner, eyes focusing on an empty bench before heading over and setting down the food.

Not two minutes later someone else sat down next to him, he turned around about to ask them to leave before he realised who was there.

'Hi Hitoshi.' She said cutting him off from any roaming thoughts that will occur. He just nodded in acknowledgement, Ibara frowned though. 'Hitoshi, don't worry. I know you won't use your quirk on me.' She added with a bright smile.

The boy let out a sigh of relief, 'Sorry... it's just... I didn't want to scare you off.'

Ibara frowned, 'Hitoshi, we've been friends for more than a year now, I doubt you could scare me off.'

'Yeah...friends...' He said casting his gaze to the bag filled with pastries

'You don't think we're friends?'

'NO!... not that... it's just... never had any friends before and you saying it just makes it feel so... real.'

The girl let out a sad smile before engulfing the boy in a big hug, 'Now then, I believe your new sister said something about a garden?'

Hitoshi smiled, 'She did, now a coffee for me and one for you, plus some pastries to tide us over until we get there, shall we your grace.' He finished over-exaggerating his bow

She pouted and bonked him on the head, 'Idiot, come on.' The grinned like a mad man and followed after her, passing her the coffee and striking up a conversation.

After finishing their coffee and pastries they finally arrive at the quirkless area, built to be separated for everyone else. The guard gives Shinso a hostile glare until some cackle come over his radio. His mood flips and he welcomes them both in, giving direction to the gardens with endangered plants.

The make their way over, passing a few people who look weirdly at them until one man with black hair stops the duo.

'Sorry to ask this but how did you two get in here?' He said, 'You boy might not have a quirk but she defiantly does.'

'S-Sorry...' The boy muttered out, 'My Dad and sister arranged for me to come here.'

'And who might they be?' The man said raising an eyebrow

'Rai and Mei... please don't do anything to them... I'll leave now' he said, grabbing Ibara's hand ready to pull her away.

'Wait! You said you're Rai's kid and Mei's sister?' Shinso nodded, 'Please forgive me then, do have a nice time here.' Then he walked away without so much as another glance behind him.

'That was... weird' Ibara nodded, still silent before they continued on into the greenhouse

Hours pass and Ibara still hasn't said a word, she gasps at some of the more unique plants but never says a word to our shy purple boy. Shinso on the other hand starts panicking after the ten minutes when Ibara hasn't said a word, his anxiety and horrible self confidence only worsen his mental state. When they finally leave, the vine haired girl guides the boy lost in his own head to a bench before opening up.

'Hitoshi' Silence from the boy, she nudges him, 'Hitsohi?' Still nothing, 'HITOSHI SHINSO!'

'YES!' he yells jumping up out of his seat into the girls lap

'Thank the lord your paying attention'

'Yeah' He notices their position, 'S-Sorry' He says repositioning himself back onto the bench

Ibara blushed a little, 'You know I didn't mind it.'

'W-What?!' Shinso said as his face matched the girls

She took a deep breath, 'I like you hitoshi, more than in a friend way. Some branches of my faith may promote full competence to our lord but... when I talk with you, I forget all about that. I don't even know when it started, or if it was the moment I laid eyes on you after you saved my sister.' Her vines started to curl around her face hiding it from view, 'You literally brighten up my day by just messaging me... so you taking me here, somewhere I've only dreamt of seeing... I can't really bottle everything up any more... I'

Shinso parted her vines and then placed a quick kiss on her lips, before leaning back and smirking, 'I like you too, Ibara.'

'S-So w-what does t-this make u-us.' The furiously blushing girl stuttered out

'Your boyfriend... if you want.'

Ibara's blush faded as her smile grew, 'YES YES, LORD YES.' She yelled launching into the boy hugging him, 'But...' She said tone turning serious and the vines pinned them together, 'No secrets, past or present. So explain please.' The boy gulped but accepted.

So they made their way back to Rai's house, tears spilling from the girls eyes not even halfway through the boys story. He let her finish before continuing at which point a new flood of tears began. Ibara just didn't understand why everyone would be so mean to him, the bullying from his peers, neglect and abuse from parents and the sabotaging from his teachers. It all just seemed so unreal to her, yet it happened to one of the people she cared about the most.

'Ok, we're here.' Shinso said as they reached the house, 'Do you want to come in or are you going home.' Ibara just pointed at the house, not trusting her voice. Shinso nodded, scooped her up and made his way inside.

'Hey Shinso' Rai yelled from the kitchen before turning around, 'How was i-'

'Rai...' The boy tentatively asked


Two sets of heavy footsteps thundered down the stairs, and two sets of eyes focused on the couple standing in the door.


Ibaa smiled, 'I take it you're Mei then.'


'Thank you.'

The pink girl smiled, 'It wasn't a problem,' Then her mood flipped to a mischievous one, 'So are you two staying to cement your new relationship then.'

The two burst out blushing furiously, 'W-W-What do you m-m-mean.'

Mei tilted her head confused, 'Movies, snacks and cuddles, why is there something else. Izu?' Said green head shook her head

The new couple calmed down, 'Don't worry about it you two.' Shinso said putting Ibara down, 'But that sounds like a great idea. Come on Ibara let's get settled.'

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