The Green Bunny and The Pink...

By New_Start12

52.4K 735 1.2K

A Mina X Izuku story Ever since Mina Ashido was saved by Izuku Midoriya , she's taken a liking to the boy and... More

Ch.1 Thanks!
Ch.2 The Hangout
Ch.3 Feelings
Ch.4 Glances and movie
Ch.5 Groups
Ch.6 The 2v2
CH.7 I'm in What?!
Ch.8 Helping Friend/Christmas Pt.2

Ch.8 Helping friend/Christmas Pt.1

2.4K 47 43
By New_Start12

@Vdahiya420 wanted a character he made into the story. I was like "ok" so here it is. It won't change the story.  Sorry if I didn't capture his personality right.

All of 1-A were now sitting in the common
room. Excited for what was ahead of them.

It was now December twenty first. Meaning that a special holiday was ahead of them. It was Christmas. Which in 1-A had decided a random way of giving gifts to one another.

"Everyone!" Iida shouted "Please line up and draw a name from the box! That will be the class member you will get a gift for!"

Everyone was excited, all wondering who'd they get, and hoping that they'd get the right gift for one another. But most were hoping that they'd get their closest friend, since thats who they knew the most, and what to get. While Mineta was hoping to get one of the females in class. (He didn't)

Everyone was now in line, except for Iida, who was holding the box. When getting the paper with a classmates name, some could see their relief, or dismay when reading the small piece of paper.  And When looking at Izuku Midoriya, you couldn't tell which emotion to convey, except for panic. Midoriya was panicking because he had pulled the name of his new crush, Mina Ashido.

While yes, they had gotten closer over the time, gift giving to the pink girl was  proven to be difficult. Throughout their friendship, Ashido and Midoriya had gotten each other small gifts here and there. But never had they gotten each other a rather "big" gift. And this was their time to prove their gift gifting skills.

During Midorya's panic, Mina Ashido was disappointed to not have gotten Midoriya, instead, she had gotten her friend since middle school, Eijrio Kirishima. While yes she was happy that she had gotten a close friend, she wanted to show Midoriya how well she knew him.

"Iida!" Ashido called out "Are we still allowed to give another people gifts?"

"Of course!" Iida responded " This was just a precaution so no one is left out!"

Ashido smiled 

Perfect, thinking of options of what to do, perhaps she could have even confess to the boy, maybe even do the stereotypical mistletoe kiss. But she had to think of a plan, and a successful one.

After the class had at least one person to give a present too, they all went their separate ways. Some left to go back to sleep, some left to get a head start on to choose a present for their friends, and some went to go spend time with one another.

Izuku Midoriya left to go to the 1-B dorms to go talk with Shiozaki. Which to his luck, she was on his way to meet up with him as well. They had both met each other half way, both dressed to go out.

"Hey Izuku, I was just about to go to the mall"  Shizaki informed the boy "Would you like to come with me?

"Yes please" Midoriya responded

With that, the two left with one another. Side by side. Friend with friend.

Midoriya and Shiozaki finally arrived at the mall, they both figured out what they wanted; and what they needed.

Midoriya had a mood change, from anxiety to excitement. Though he wasn't the most confident, he knew he was a good gift giver. The best skill Midoriya could muster was being observance. Which included many events out of hero duties.

"I need to go get a personal item for Kendo, so we have to part ways at this moment, I pray that you find your item" said Shiozaki

"Sounds good, and you too" Midoriya's responded

They both hugged one another and went their separate ways.

On his way to the custom clothing store, Midoriya couldn't help but feel like he was being watched, but in a good way?

It didn't bother him much, so he decided to shove the feeling in the back of his mind for the current moment. Approaching the store, Midoriya saw a food stand, but a specific food that made him blush.

It was a funnel cake stand.

The same food that Ashido had eaten while in their first hang out. And the same time where she had made him eat with a utensil that she had used. Midoriya made a mental note to get one on the way out, to give to Ashido. To show that he remembered their time with one another, and that he enjoyed it.

Entering the store, Midoriya felt the feeling of being watched fill him, deciding to turn around, Midoriya saw a male looking at Midoriya.

"Sup" said the guy

"I-uh hello"

"How are ya Midoriya?" Asked the man

This confused Midoriya, have they met before? And if so why didn't he know his name.

"Do I know you?"

"Ah sorry where are my manners?" The guy questioned himself "the names Vinay Dahiya"

"Umm hi" Midoriya relied meekly

The two looked at one another awkwardly, but deciding to break the ice Midoriya spoke up.

"So... did you need something from me?"

"Nothing, just wanna say hi and see how you were doing?"

"I umm well, it's a surprise"

Not impressed or amused, Dahiya decided to mess around with the One for All user. With the only problem Midoriya had recently acquired.

"Is it a present for you crush Ashido? Right?" Teased Dahiya

"Huh!? What no!" Midoriya panicked

"Pfft liar"

"H-how'd you know?"

"I know all"

Midoriya felt uncomfortable, and not knowing what to do in this scenario. Was he a villain? Classmate? How did he know that he liked Ashido?

But Dahiya didn't seen hostile. All villains had a very distinct aura after initiating a conversation with. A aura that Dahiya did not have.

"you know what, you're pretty cool" Said Dahiya as he lifted up his hand, which started to glow white "here's a present"

Dahiya touched Midoriya's shoulder and the glow from his hand had disappeared.

"W-what did you do to me?"

"You'll find out eventually, see ya!" Said Dahiya taking his leave.

Midoriya's anxiety had spiked. Why did this encounter happened. What was the preset? Would it stop him from being a hero? Or help him?

Shaking his head, Midoriya continued his journey for his present. He had two in mind. One for Ashido, and one for Iida. Going to the counter, Midoriya had to confront his social anxiety with talking to store employees.

"Welcome to Guardians Clothing!" Greeted the worker "what can I do for you?"

"W-well I have this design and I was hoping y-you can do this?" Midoriya asked as he slid a piece of paper to the worker.

"Yes that should be easy to accomplish! Please come back in twenty minutes for the product, can I get a name?"

"I-Izuku Midoriya"

"Thank you Midoriya, see you in twenty minutes"

Meanwhile at U.A Mina Ashido was on her way to a photography store to print out some pictures. She had an idea for both Midoriya's and Kirishima's present.

For Midoriya was a collage of pictures together, and for Kirishima a autograph from Crimson Riot since she had a family friend connection. Entering the store, Ashido had pulled out her phone and went into the photo app, then went into the album where she had put all of her pictures of herself and Midoriya titled "Green and Pink" with hearts of said color.

She walked to one of the machines and plugged her phone in from the cord connected to it. Selecting the pictures, she sent them to the machine to print them out on a polaroid film.

(Idk if it's possible, but it is now)

Once the process was done she looked at the pictures and smiled. She loved them all. And she loved all the memories they stored within themselves. Paying for the pictures, she left the store with two copies of each picture she took. Next she went off the the store. For the board and decorations for the photos, and a frame for the autograph.

Entering the store, she got a basket and made her way to the craft isle. She had picked out ribbons, colored paper, and cut out letters for the poster board. Then she picked out a red frame for the autograph. Leaving the isle, she was stopped by a man.

Vinay Dahiya

"Good Morning? Evening? I forget, time is wonky for me"

"Who are you?" Asked Ashido

"That's not important, but there's something you need to know" warned Vinay "Midoriya is in danger, you need to keep him safe"

Ashido panicked, she grabbed her phone to call him. She clicked on his profile and initiated a phone call with the green boy.

"Hey Ashido, what's up?"

"Midori are you okay?!" Ashido shouted

"Huh? I'm fine why? What's wrong?" It was now Midoriya's turn to panic.

Hearing his crushes state of panic didn't sit right with him.

"I-It's nothing, sorry I just got worried for a second, I'll see you back at the dorms" Ashido responded. Then she ended the call.

Ashido looked back to where Vinay was, but he was gone. She wanted to tell him off, for making her worry, but she was also scared. How was she supposed to protect him, when he protects her?

Shaking her head, Ashido regained her conscious and made her way to pay for the items she needed.

Back at the mall, Midoriya had roamed around looking at what he should give to Iida. As much as he'd like to give Iida something Ingenium related, it'd be pointless considering it was his older brother. But there was something that he remembered that Iida was complaining about.

"You ok Iida?"

"Ah Midoriya, I'm in perfect condition, but I have seemed to smash my water bottle while training and need a new one, so I'm a bit agitated at the moment"

Going to the sports section, Midoriya found a bottle with "Gotta Go Fast!". Giggling to himself, he picked up the water bottle and payed for it.

Making his way back to the clothing store, his name was called for his clothes. He smiled and took the clothing. Walking back to the entrance, he spotted Shiozaki sitting down on a bench waiting for her green friend,

"Hey Ibara, sorry to keep you waiting"

"It's not a problem, I arrived only a short moment ago" Shoizaki responded "let's her back shall we?"

Midoriya smiled and nodded.

"Sur- wait! I actually need one more thing"

Midoriya power walked to the funnel cake stand, got one, and walked back.

Standing next to Shiozaki, she have him a look of 'why?'. Which Midoriya knew to answer.

"When Ashido and I first hung out, we shared one, so I wanna get her another one to show her I remember." Midoriya responded.

"Awe how sweet, I'm sure she'll love it"

Midoriya smiled with glee.

It had taken a small bit of time; but the two had made it back to the school and went into the walkway that separated the two class dorms.

"Thanks for inviting me Ibara, I'm glad we were able to go together"

"No problem Izuku, I'll see you soon right?"

"Of course! I'll see you soon" Midoriya's responded.

The two friends hugged and went their separate ways.

Going inside the 1-A dorms, Midoriya was happy to see all of his classmates hanging out with one another. And was very excited to see Ashido as well. Before he could deliver the food, he went to the kitchen and put down his bags to hide his present. Then walked to the group she was in a conversation with.

"Umm, Ashido," Midoriya said getting the pink girls attention. "I have something for you!" Midoriya accidentally said in a higher voice

"Really!? What is it?" Ahsido questioned

"I-well, I remembered how much you liked the funnel cake when we first hung out, so I went out today and saw a funnel cake stand and decided to get you one, to show you that I remember and liked spending time with you" Midoriya muttered. But Ashido understood all of it.

"You're so thoughtful Midoriya" commented Yaoyorozu. "I hope my future boyfriend does that for me too"

"I- thank you Midori, that's really sweet of you" Ashido said with a warm smile.

She stood up and grabbed the plate of food, set it down, and gave the One for All user a big hug.

They both blushed madly. It didn't go unnoticed. Soon they separated.

"N-no problem Ashi"

"Ashi!?" Ashido questioned bewildered

"I-Um well you gave me a nickname... so I thought I'd give you one too...." Midoriya responded "if you don't like it I-" Midoriya was cut off.

"N-no I love it!" Ashido responded spontaneously

Feeling relived, Midoriya smiled. They both said their goodbyes and the green haired boy left.

Midoriya felt accomplished. This was a step closer in the right direction. As happy as he was. The guilt began to rise as well. How could he betray Kirishima? He knew that the red haired boy had romantic feelings for the pink girl. and yet, here he was, trying to steal Ashido from him.

Going back to the kitchen, the One for All user grabbed his bags of presents and left to his room to fully prepare his gift. Now neatly wrapped, Midoriya hid the present in his closet, under a shoe box. Just in case if Ashido had ever decide to make his room her personal hang out spot. She wouldn't go snooping around to find out who he'd gotten a present for.

Now laying down on his bed. He couldn't help but wonder what Kirishima would think of him. As much as he wanted to. He couldn't go back on his feelings now. Closing his eyes. Midoriya remembered the time where Kirishima had told the green boy about his feelings for the Alien Queen.

"Hey Kirishima, are you okay?" Asked the One for All user. "You've been acting off lately, I'm worried about you"

"Midoribro, can you keep a secret?"

"Of course!"

Kirishima looked around the common room. Luckily it was them two. The silence was tense. Kirishimas face looked as if he were about to cry. But he didn't. It was more so the feelings he had been dwelling on for weeks.

"I..." Kirishima inhaled and exhaled. " I have a crush on Ashido, and I don't know how to tell her"

"Oh... ummm" Midoriya felt overwhelmed. Never once had a classmate, or even a friend. Had confided  romantic emotions for another. This was a whole new territory.

"No need to worry about me Midoribro, I'm just glad I had someone to tell this too"

"I'm not much of a help when it comes to romantic stuff, but if you need help let me know!"

This frustrated Midoriya. How could he say that he'd help him. When he would do the opposite.

Not knowing what to do, Midoriya decided to sleep. Hoping that he'd find an answer soon. Shiozaki assumption was right. In the end someone would get hurt. Himself or Kirishima.

The next morning Midoriya awoke to a knock on his door. He got off his bed and groggily walked to his door and opened it. To his surprise it was Denki Kaminari.

"Sup Midoriya!" Greeted the yellow boy.

"Hey Kaminari, what's up?" Midoriya responded

"Listen, I know this is very messed up with me, but I feel like you would be understanding on when I say this."

This made Midoriya panic. Although Kaminari was the sharpest tool in the shed. He wouldn't do anything to hurt his friends.

"I, I have feelings for Uraraka, wanted to know if you can help me ask her out?"

'So much love these days' Midoriya thought to himself

"O-of course!" Midoriya said happily. "Wait, why are you asking me?"

"We'll I know that you liked her before, so I wanted to make sure it was okay with you" Kaminari explained. "I also thought that since you like Ashido it would also be more okay"

This surprised Midoriya. Had others known about his feelings toward her before he did? Of course they did, it was obvious. The two had been spending more time with one another, and his more recent out bursts when interacting with the pink girl would've attracted unwanted attention from others.

"I-I don't like Ashido" he lied


The two stood in awkward silence. Both not knowing what to say. But in order to break the ice, Midoriya spoke up.

"B-but you don't need my permission to date anyone, so go ahead and ask Uraraka out; I'm rooting for you"

Kaminari smiled with glee.

"Thanks bud! I owe you one!" Said Kaminari as he ran to find Uraraka.

"But I said you didn't need my permission" Midoriya said to himself.

Closing his door, the green boy fell back onto his bed. Truth be told, he didn't have the motivation to train. His own emotions were getting in the way. Another feeling had arose from the boy. The feeling of another presence being in the room. Looking up, Midoriya saw Vinay Dahiya.

"You know slacking off isn't good, but I guess breaks are also good every once in a while"

"Dahiya! What are you doing here?"

Vinay was spinning in a chair that Midoriya had in his room. His care free attitude was conflicting with Midoriya's panicking state of mind. Questions ran through his head, how did he get into his room? Why did he come back? Was he a ghost?

"There's something I gotta tell you" Vinay started, as he stopped spinning. "Ashido is gonna be in danger soon, and you gotta save her. I would help but I can't interfere"

Getting up from the chair, Vinay waved at the boy and disappeared.

"Huh?" Midoriya let out in a high pitch.

Ashido? In danger? Soon? None of it made sense to the boy. But he knew that he couldn't slack off anymore. Getting up from his bed, Midoriya got ready to train.

"Don't worry Ashido, I'll protect you"

So I was planning on doing only one part. But I needed to update badly. Cause I haven't been uploading in a while. As you can tell. I don't have an excuse honestly. Next part, which is the Christmas part, should be up in a week.

Sorry that this chapter was crap.

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