My Hiro (The Boys X Male OC/R...

By TheLostWr1t3r

8K 143 374

You and your little brother Reekid live with your horrible abusive parents. You end up running away from home... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 3

767 19 1
By TheLostWr1t3r

Reekid POV:

I suddenly woke up in a dark room in the middle of the night.

I looked around to see if we were dreaming the whole 'running away and being stuck on the streets' thing. But I really don't know. I noticed some clothes and a note on the dresser. It read:

Hey Reekid, you and Hiro were passed out at the bus stop when I found you. Hiro was in horrible shape, and I noticed you were pretty beat up too. Hence the new bandages on you.

Also, here's a change of clothes if you need them. Hiro's in the other guest room, if you need to see him.

Have a good night!

- Eddie

Eddie. Eddie's our new gardener. He... He took us in? I guess so, I don't remember this room. I got changed into the new clothes Eddie got for me, and decided to use the bathroom.

I did my business and got back in bed, when I heard Hiro yelling in his room. "No... Reekid. Leave him alone!" I ran over to his room. It seemed like he was having a nightmare. He had tears in his eyes while he was tossing and turning. I climbed into bed with him, kind of hugging him. "It's ok Hiro, we're safe now. I'm here." I told him. I laid down with him and went to sleep.

-Time skip to morning-

Hiro POV:

I woke up in Eddie's guest room. Reekid was next to me asleep. I guess he got scared of being alone or something. I can't blame him. I got up to go to the bathroom. I had some trouble walking, I had a limp from everything that happened yesterday. I did my business, deciding to once again let Reekid sleep. Not gonna lie, this was the best night's sleep I've ever had.

I heard a bunch of talking downstairs, it didn't sound like Eddie or Gabby. I snuck down the stairs to see who it was. There were a few guys around Eddie's age there. One had longer blonde hair, another with short brown hair, and another with a knight helmet on (because, yes). "Uh... W-Who are y-you guys?" I asked them. "Oh hello, I'm Swagger, and this is Ayden, and Gaege." The one with the helmet introduced everyone. Pointing to the blonde, and then the brown haired one. "We're some of Eddie's best friends, and his next door neighbors." Gaege explained. "Oh, ok. My name's Hiro. Eddie worked as a gardener for my parents, and then he took me in last night after-" I was gonna say what happened. But I figured they shouldn't know. At least not until Eddie and Gabby knew first. "Uhh... Uhh he found us and let us stay here for the night." I told them. I mean, I'm not lying, right? "Wait... Us?" Ayden asked me. "Y-Yeah, m-my little brother too." I clarified.

Eddie suddenly came in to the living room near the stairs.

"Oh, good morning Hiro." "Good morning Eddie. Thanks for letting Reekid and I say here for the night." I replied. "You're welcome!" He beamed with a bright smile. "Is Reekid still sleeping?" He asked me. "Yeah, I thought he should sleep for now, he needs the rest." I answered him.

Speaking of Reekid, he came downstairs. He ran over to me, hugging me. "There you are!" Reekid blurted out, sounding relieved. "Yep, it's ok Reekiddo, I'm here." I comforted him while patting his head. "Thanks for letting us stay here, Mr. Eddie." Reekid spoke up. "You're welcome, kiddo!" Eddie responded. "Oh, Reekid. This is Ayden, Swagger, and Gaege. Ayden, Swagger, Gaege, this is Reekid. My little brother." I introduced them to each other. They all greeted each other, saying their hellos.

Eddie asked us if we wanted breakfast. Both Reekid and I nodded. We haven't eaten in over a day, after all. Not that it was anything new anyways. Eddie walked into the kitchen to make some pancakes.

I decided to join him too, since he did bring us in, after all. Reekid followed me as well. "You boys can go sit down, you're my guests." Eddie told us. "Nah, we insist." Reekid replied.

Eddie got the ingredients and Reekid went to go set the table. I stayed in the kitchen with Eddie to make the pancakes. "You boys are so sweet. Helping out even when you don't have to." Eddie commented. "Thank you, and I guess it's how we were raised. Uh... More or less? I guess?" I trailed off. "My parents actually aren't nice people. They raised Reekid and I to always do the cleaning around the house, and if we messed up anything or didn't do our chores on time, they would beat us. Hence why Reekid and I are covered in cuts and bruises." I explained. Eddie looked at me with concern. "Hiro, I want you to know..." He knelt down a bit to my level. "We're not gonna hurt you. Ever. No kid should ever get beaten for messing up or not doing chores on time, or skipping them. I don't want you to think that you have to help out or do chores all of the time, just so we won't hurt you. And you don't have to deal with doing chores here if you don't want to." Eddie told me. "R-Really?" I asked him. "Of course. We just want to keep you two safe." Eddie answered. "Thanks Eddie!" I beamed, giving him a big hug.

Reekid and Gabby came in too, and they both joined our hug. I don't know why, but I swear, I've never felt happier than I do right now. I have Reekid here, safe and happy. And I'm here with Eddie and Gabby too.

We finished making the pancakes and we sat down at the dining room table. This is the best meal I've had in forever. Normally, Reekid and I would have to make food every day and night. It still came out pretty good, not to brag or anything. But still, making pancakes with Eddie was different.

"This is the best food I've had in forever!" I beamed as I grabbed a second pancake. "Glad ya like it!" Eddie replied. "Yeah! Your pancakes are way better than ours! No offense Hiro." Reekid spoke up. "No, none taken. I agree." I responded.

Eddie POV:

Hiro and Reekid told me how much they loved the pancakes, like it was the best thing they've had in a while.

We finished eating our pancakes, and Gaege, Swagger, and Ayden went to their house real quick to upload some YouTube videos. Hiro and Reekid were cleaning up the table, while Gabby started doing dishes.

"So Hiro? Reekid? I saw you at your house yesterday, and you weren't covered in cuts and bruises and such. What happened?" I asked them. Hiro started explaining. "Well, you know how just before you left, our parents came home, right?" He asked me. I nodded in response. "Well, right as you went into your car, we all went inside. Our dad flipped out on us about the dishes not getting done last night. He started flipping out on Reekid, but I took the blame. Mom called me pathetic for defending Reekid, and then I defended myself, saying how I did leave the dishes in the sink overnight, but I still got them done. And then our Mom punched me in the face. Hence the bandage on my cheek." Hiro Explained.

I knew what he was talking about. I saw him get punched when I was grabbing my bandana yesterday. I wasn't sure what to say. "Then later... Someone called the cops on my parents saying they punched a kid. My parents didn't get caught, unfortunately. But then they blamed the both of us for calling them, but neither of us did." Hiro explained. I was the one that called the cops on their parents. "And then Dad punched me a few times, and I fell to the ground. I grabbed his ankle so he couldn't hurt Reekid, but then mom stomped on my arm, which is why my arm was all bruised and swollen. Next thing you know, I woke up hours later covered in cuts and bruises." Hiro explained.

I felt so guilty. I called the cops on their parents, And they took the blame. "Eddie, you ok?" Reekid asked me. I sighed. "I can't lie to you boys. I'm the one that called the police. I forgot my bandana in the garden, and I saw you get punched, Hiro. It's my fault you kids got beaten up. I'm sorry." I told them with tears in my eyes. I genuinely felt like it was my fault they got beat up. "Eddie..." Hiro came up to me. "It's not your fault, none of this is your fault. It's our parent's fault they're a bunch of jerks." Hiro told me. "Yeah, don't blame yourself. You did the right thing." Reekid said. "Thanks guys." I told them. They both nodded.

"But then we ran way, since we had enough of the abuse. And they barely ever let us eat, even when we do cook. We packed everything we had, and well, you know the rest." Hiro explained. I gave both Hiro and Reekid a hug. "I'm so sorry guys. No kid should ever have to live like that." I told them. They continuted hugging me., and Gabby joined us as well. All I want, is to keep those kids safe, and give them the life they deserve. I think I'm gonna let them live here...

And that, my Cinnamon Rolls is Chapter 3 of My Hiro. I hope you liked it, and I'll see you in the next one! Bye!

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