Mr.Billionaire Meets Ms.Clumsy

By Just_SparkleBlue

631K 24.4K 921

"Watch where you're going!" A low voice shouted at me, looking at his stain shirt."Now, what I'm going to do... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Alternate Ending I
Alternate Ending II

Chapter 44

7K 326 19
By Just_SparkleBlue

"You forgot this." Christopher places a cup of orange juice next to Emilyn's plate and then take a seat next to her.

"Thanks." She smiled at him. They finish their breakfast and gather around the lobby. "So what are we going to do today?"

"You are going to have fun, I'm sure of it," Christopher told her and grab her hand, "Let's go." They head into the city and stop at the fountain.

"Wow, so pretty," Emilyn gaze at the fountain and many people are gathered around there.

"This is called the Trevi Fountain," Christopher said. "They said that you could toss a coin in here. For one coin, you'll return to the city of Rome, two coins, and you will return and find love and three coins, you will return, find love and marry." He took out coins from his pocket and hand them to Emilyn.

She took one coin and threw it into the fountain. Christopher gave her a frown. "What?" He took three coins and threw them in the fountain. "Are guys done?" He turns to the guys before walking ahead. 

"What's going on?" Ana asked her. Emilyn shrugs and follows the guys. We visited the Colosseum, Vatican museum, and many other attractions and stopped for lunch at an authentic pizzeria.

Ana gave Emilyn a look and cocked her head in Christopher's direction; she scrunched her eyebrows and mouthed the word 'what?'

"Don't you feel that your boyfriend feels a little grumpy?" Ana leans towards her and whispers. Emilyn turns to glance at him and found him knitting his eyebrows together. "Go see what's going on." She said.

Emilyn turned to Christopher and called his name, but he didn't answer. So, she tugs the bottom of his shirt to get his attention.

"Yes?" He finally looks at her

"Are you feeling okay?" Emilyn asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" He said.

"I don't know you just seem you are not."

"Trust me, Emilyn. I'm fine." He assured. "He called me Emilyn; he doesn't call me Emilyn. Something is wrong." Emilyn thought, but she decided to let it go for now.

"You like it?" Christopher ask. After lunch, they head into the shopping areas and stop at one of the stalls.

"Yeah," Emilyn admire the bracelet.

"You want it?"

"Uhm..." Emilyn find the price on the bracelet. "Uhm.. no." She then places the bracelet down.

"Why? You like it; why don't you want it?" Christopher asked.

"Is fine." She walks away from the stall to Ana and Finley. They are at the next booth looking at snacks.

"Ooh, Emilyn, you are here. Try this." Ana stuffed U- shape piece in her mouth.

"Yummy," She smiles and gives a thumbs up.

"Right." Ana smiles and she bought one bag.

"Give me your hand," Christopher said. Emilyn scrunched her eyebrows and stretch out her hand for him. He claps a shiny silver bracelet on her arm.

"Wait a minute, that's the same bracelet I saw just now." Emilyn looks down at the bracket and said to herself. "What did you do? Why did you buy it?"

"You like it, so I decided to buy it for you," Christopher said.

"But I don't want you to buy it for me," She argued.

"Emilyn, I don't understand; why don't you want it?"

"Because I don't think I should buy it with the amount I brought with me," She told him.

"Next time you want something, just tell me." He said.

"So that you can use your money to spend on me?" Emilyn frowned. "I don't need you to do that; I'm capable of buying what I want."

He sighs, "okay, okay, what is done, is done." He said. "I bought you this bracelet as a gift, alright." She avoided eye contact with him. "Come on, let's go." He said, walking ahead of her.

Before Emilyn can move a step, a voice so familiar called Christopher's name. "Christopher, Christopher." They turn around to see Chloe walking towards them.

"Hey, Chloe," Christopher said, and she hugged him. "What are you doing here?"

"I was in the city for a fashion show, and I found out you were here for a race. And coincidentally, I saw you here." She said, all chirpy and ignoring Emilyn.

"Ahh, Chloe Anderson. How nice to see you here too." Pierce said with hatred, standing next to Christopher. "Why are you here?"

"I'm here for a fashion show and was in this area and saw Christopher." She repeats.

"Then where are you model friends?" Pierce looks around the area.

"I told them that I saw someone I know and tell them to leave."

"Right." He eyed her suspiciously.

"Anyways, where are you going?" She asked, ignoring Pierce and turn her attention back to Christopher.

"We are just looking around this area before heading back to the hotel," Christopher said.

"Where are you guys staying?" She asked. Christopher said the hotel's name, and she said, "such a coincidence, I'm staying there too. Can I come with you guys?"

"No," Pierce said immediately. She glared at Pierce.

"Uhm...sure," Christopher said.

"Great." She hooked her arms around Christopher's arm and pulled him to someplace.

Emilyn watched them walked away from "Was that Christopher with some girl?" Ana and Finley walk towards her.

"Yeah, that's Chloe Anderson."

"Really? She is so pretty. What is she doing here?" Finley said. Ana glared at him. "Not as pretty as you." Finely laugh it off.

Ana glared at him, "Come on, we should go." Ana pulled Emilyn with her.


The next day

"So, what time are we meeting the guys?" Ana asked

"6, at the hotel lobby," Emilyn told her.

"Alright, it looks like we still have one more adventure up the Spanish steps." She said.

"How many steps are there?" Emilyn asked, looking all the way up.

"It says that there are 138 steps. Ana read from the pamphlet, "Seems easy."

"Yeah, says the person who hikes up, not even the half of the hill, wants someone to piggyback her up." Finley scoffed.

"I'll make it," Ana said. Finley look at me and mouth, 'Wait for it.'

Halfway through, Ana whined and asked Finley to piggyback her up the other half. "We did it." Ana cheered while Finley put her down.

"See, I told you that you are not going to make it." Finley groaned, massaging his shoulders. "Now, my whole body is going to ache."

"I'll give you a massage in return," Ana said, and instantly Finley's face lights up.

"I feel so much better; want to head down now?" Ana asked. Emilyn laughed and they headed down the steps. After the trip, they head back to the hotel and wait in the lobby for the guys. Ana and Finley head up to freshen up, and Emilyn wait for the guys on one of the lobby chairs.

"hey, they are not here yet?" Ana and Finley came down hand in hand. Emilyn shook her head. They sat on the chairs while waiting for the guys. They waited for a while until Pierce and Jax came running into the hotel.

"Sorry, guys. We got held up at the track. We are going to shower and be down soon." Jax said; Emilyn gave him a nod, and they rush upstairs. Her eyes never left the entrance hoping Christopher will show up, but no sign of him.

They waited patiently for the guys to get down, "thanks for waiting, shall we go for dinner now?" Jax asked.

"Jax, where is Christopher?" Emilyn asked, standing up from her seat.

"Sorry, I forgot to tell you. Christopher can't come to dinner with us; Chloe's dad is in the city today and invited him to dinner instead." Jax explains. "And he also wants me to give you this." He hands her the hotel key card.

"Oh, thanks." Emilyn took the card.

"So," Jax claps his hand together. "Let's go." He walks ahead, and they followed behind him.


Christopher talks with Chloe's dad at dinner, but his mind is somewhere else. Jax had texted him saying that Emilyn was feeling upset. After receiving that text, he wanted to get out of the dinner and rush to her. But Chloe is so clingy to him, and her dad kept talking business to him. He can't find any opportunity to leave.

"Nice meeting you again, Christopher." Chloe's dad said. "I'll head back to my hotel now; you both have fun. Chloe's dad waves a cab and left.

"So, do you want to go somewhere? I know a nice place." Chloe suggested.

"No, thank you. I got to head back now. Is getting late." Christopher told her.

"Alright." They hail for a cab to the hotel.

Christopher got into his room with the extra key card, he frowns when he saw no one on the bed. He asked himself, "Where is she?" Walking more profound, he found her at the foot of the bed, asleep with her head tucked in between her legs.

Christopher sigh at the sight.

He carries her up in a bridal style gently, not wanting to wake her up. "Rist?" She said sleepily. Christopher looks down at her and smiles at her adorable sleepy face.

"Go to sleep," Christopher said and pulled the blanket back before placing her down

"You are finally back," Emilyn said with her eyes slightly open.

"Why were you not in bed?" Christopher pulls the blanket back up, covering her.

"Because it is too comfortable, and I want to wait for you to come back." She said.

"You don't have to," He told her, sweeping her hair away from her face. "Now, go to sleep."

"Goodnight, Rist." She said softly and snuggled into the blanket. Christopher cannot help but take a picture. "So adorable." He smiles.


"I'm leaving now," Christopher said. "I'll send a car to the hotel to pick you guys up at 11 am."


"See you later, Angel." Christopher tilts her chin up to meet his lips before leaving the room. An hour later, someone rang her doorbell, interrupting her movie.

"Hey, I'm here to get you ready." Ana holds up her makeup bag.

"Do we have to?" Emilyn whined, letting her in the room

"of course, you are Christopher Evans's girlfriend. Your boyfriend is racing, and someone will recognize you. Who knows? better prepare than never." She said and dragged her to the bathroom.

Halfway through, Emilyn has to get the door for Finley to get in. "Are you guys ready? It is almost time," Finley called out.

"Yeah, almost." Ana shouted back." Okay, we are ready." She steps out of the bathroom first.

"Wow, gorgeous as always." Finley kiss Ana on the lips. "You look beautiful too, Emilyn."

"Thanks." Emilyn smiled.

"Let's go," Ana said. They grab their belongings and head down to the lobby.

Once they have arrived at the race track, many people waited in front of the door, waiting to get in. They got in line and when it is their turn, they show their tickets and walk-in.

"So, where do you think their waiting room is?" Ana asked; Emilyn shrug as she looks around.

"We can ask one of the people in charge here," Finley suggested.

So, they look around and spot a person who looks like he works here. "Hey, excuse me. Can you show me where is Christopher Evans waiting room is?" Emilyn asked.

"Why do you want to know?" He said in an Italian accent. "Who are you?"

"Uhm...I have special access to the rooms with this card, and I'm his girlfriend."

He squints his eyes at her, "and who are they?" His eyes landed on Ana and Finley.

"They are my friends, and they also have the special access card too."

"Okay, come with me. If what you said isn't true, you'll have to leave immediately." Emilyn nods and they follow after him.

They stopped in front of two glass doors, and the guy shows his card hanging on his neck to the guards at the door. One look at the card, the guards, open the glass door for them to enter.

They stopped in front of a door; then the guy proceeds to knock. Christopher appears at the doorway. "Sir, I'm sorry to interrupt, but this lady here says that she knows you."

"That's right. She is my girlfriend." He said. "Thanks for bringing her here." The guy gave him a curt nod and left.

"Hi." Emilyn smiled at him.

"You look beautiful." He smiled. "Come." He takes her hand and pulls her into the room. 

"It isn't big but is still comfortable," Christopher told her.

"Hey, Em." Pierce greets, from the couch. "Finally, you are here."

"Hey, Pierce. Are you getting bored without me?" Emilyn teased.

"Yeah, it is so boring. Jax has been on the phone, and Christopher ignores me the whole time." He pouts.

"Why?" Emilyn asked.

"How would I know? Ask him." Emilyn turns her gaze to Christopher.

"He is just annoying, don't care about him," Christopher told her, and Pierce sticks out his tongue at him.

"Come on, let's sit. The race is not going to start yet," Christopher said. So Ana, Finley, and Emilyn head over to the couch.

"Do you want to play?" Pierce asks Finley, who is sitting right next to him.

"Sure." Finley took the other half of the controller.

"Water?" Christopher offer, holding three bottles in his hands.

"Thanks." Emilyn takes it and passes the other two to Ana, who is busy watching Finley and Pierce.

"How was dinner yesterday?" Emilyn started.

" good. I don't know how to explain it, but it is good." They spent some time in the room before Jax came in.

"Emilyn, you're here." Jax came into the room. Emilyn gave him a small smile.

"The person in charge told me that we should get ready," Jax said.

"Angel, do you want to stay here and watch the race from here?" Christopher asked me.

"No is okay; I want to watch where everyone watches. And you got me this ticket for a seat out there, can't waste it."

"Alright." He said.

"Good luck," Emilyn told him, getting up from the couch.

"Good luck, kiss?" She smiles and leans forward to kiss him on the cheek.

"Hey!" He pouts.

"I'll give you another if you win the race."

"That's a deal." He said. "After the race came back here, I'll be waiting to redeem my price."

"Don't be so cocky," Emilyn said, shaking her head.

"I'll win, trust me." He smirks. Emilyn left the room for them to get ready.  After they left their room, they made their way to the entrance of the seats.

"You guys are so adorable." Ana gushed. "The way Christopher looks at you is purely love," Ana said, sitting down on the seat.

"Why are you watching us? Don't you have anything better to do?" Emilyn asked her.

"Nope." She emphasizes the p. "He loves you, you know."

"I know, he told me."

"What?" She gasped. "Since when?"

"Since the day of the catastrophe."

"And did you say it back?"

"No." Emilyn look down. "Not yet?"


"Because I don't know what I'm feeling towards him right now," Emilyn continued, "I know that I like him so much. But love? I'm unsure."

"Is fine not to understand what you are feeling; it took me months telling Finley I love him."

"Is true." Finley butt into their convo. "But finally, one day, after a very intense fight, the words came flying out of her mouth." Finely chuckles, and Ana elbowed him, "she doesn't like me talking about it."

Ana frowned and crossed her arms. "Come on," Finley nudged her. "I love you." He said and kissed her cheek.

Finally, Ana gave in, "I love you too, you dork." She leaned closer to him. Emilyn smiles seeing my two best friends being so lovey-dovey it makes her happy. 

The race started, and of the cars go, round and round, they go around the race track. Emilyn kept her eyes on the vehicles, especially Christopher's, but her phone kept lighting up with messages on the lock screen.

So, she decided to check what was going on. The colors on her face drain, and my heartbeat crazily in its cage. Her hands shake, and her eyes kept going over the messages over and over again.

Emilyn got out of the seat and made her way to the nearest toilet she can find.

"Em, Emilyn, are you in here." Emilyn heard Ana's voice from inside the stall. "Em, oops, sorry." She apologizes. "Emilyn, I'm right here; talk to me."

"I'm in here." Emilyn opens the door.

"Oh, Em. What's wrong?" She asked, getting into the stall and lock it.

"I receive a text from Mary, and she said that grandma fainted and now is in the emergency room." Emilyn cried.

"Oh, Em." Ana put her arms around her shoulder.

"Ana, what should I do." Emilyn cried onto her shoulder. "I need to be with her, now. But I'm miles away from her." She sobbed.

"Let's tell Christopher," Ana said. "I'm sure he will bring you home immediately." She comforts Emilyn by patting her back. "Come on, let's go. Finley told me the race ended." Emilyn nod. Ana brought her out but stopped in front of the sink.

"Let's get you clean up first." Ana took out some tissue and damped it. Cleaning the mascara falling down her face. "They're all done." She smiles. "Let's go."

"Emilyn, what happened?" Finley asked as they got out of the toilet.

"I'll explain later," Ana told him. "Now we got to find Christopher." Finley nods, and the three of them rush to the waiting area.

Emilyn kept her head down; she didn't want any attention. Ana showed the guards at the door her card, and the guard let her in.

Ana knocks on their door, Jax opens the door, "there you guys are. Christopher has been worry sick about Emilyn." Jax said. "Come in."

"There you are, you scare me. Where did you go?" Christopher bombarded Emilyn with questions. "You know how to worry I was when I didn't see you?"

Emilyn didn't reply to any of his questions but run over to him and cried into his shirt.

"What? What's going on? What happen?" He asked. "Angel, what's going on. Tell me." Emilyn continue to cry

"Her grandma fainted and is now in the emergency room," Ana told him.

"I need to see her Rist; I have to." She looks up at him in the teary eye. "Rist, I need to go back," She said with urgency.

"I know, I know." He wipes her tears away. "We will go now. I'll get my plane ready."

"What about the press conference?" Pierce said.

"I- we, forget about that. The most important thing now is Emilyn."

"I know, but they expect you to appear," Jax said. "How about this? Pierce will head back to the hotel with them. You and I will stay here. And after the press conference, we head straight to the airport." Jax suggests.

"Fine." Christopher reluctantly agrees. "Pierce packed everything; I'll make a call for someone to pick you guys up from the hotel."

Pierce nods, "don't worry. I'll take care from here."


"Let's go." Pierce grab his jacket.

"Angel is going to be okay. Nothing is going to happen to her." The tears kept falling down her cheeks. "I'll meet you at the airport." Emilyn nods her head.

Christopher let her go, and she follows Pierce out of the door with Ana and Finley.

A/N: Hey guys, a new chapter is up; what do you guys think. Emilyn's grandma is in the hospital again. Will I kill her off the book, or will I not. Comment your guesses.

See you guys in another chapter, bye.

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