Red Vs Blue, & there's Magent...

By Zeta_Lyfe

23.1K 564 119

Red Vs Blue, but with a twist! Now that Ruby had her memories back, she had more pressing matters to deal wi... More

Where There's a Will, There's a Wall (1)
Where There's a Will, There's a Wall (2)
Where There's a Will, There's a Wall (3)
Chapter 1 Revenants
Chapter 2 Heavy Metal
Chapter 3 Follow the Leader
Chapter 4 Turbulence
Chapter 5 The New Kid
Chapter 6 What's the "I" Stand For?
Chapter 7 Oversight
Chapter 8 Fall From Heaven
Chapter 9 Fighting Fire
Chapter 10 Shatter
Chapter 11 Out of Body
Chapter 12 Out of Mind
Chapter 13 Greenish-Blue With Envy
Chapter 14 New and Improved
Chapter 15 Three's a Crowd
Chapter 17 Remember Me How I Was
Chapter 18 Change of Plans
Ruby Vs Carolina
Chapter 19 Party Crashers
Chapter 20 Reckless
Chapter 21 True Colors
Chapter 22 Don't Say It
Interlude - Her Choice

Chapter 16 Happy Birthday

664 21 1
By Zeta_Lyfe

Grif exited the Red Base to see Carolina.

Carolina: Hey you, orange one. Where's the rest of your team?

Grif: How should I know?

Carolina: You don't report in to each other?

Grif: Oh yeah, I mean. . . I get reports.

Carolina: You might be the worst soldiers I have ever met.

Grif: Hey, I take offense of that. What do you mean 'might be'?

The Reds began to return.

Carolina: Here they come. Let's move out.

She left as Grif turned to his team.

Grif: Hey guys, did ya find Lopez?

Simmons: Yeah, Donut nailed him to a board. He's staying here.

Grif: I thought Donut was dead.

Sarge: Yeah, we really need to stop saying that.

Simmons: He almost was, but Doc fixed him up and now they live together. They say hi, by the way. Oh, and they baked us this banana bread.

Said bread was resting on a plate that rested on the ground.

Grif: How nice! I'm going to have to forget to send them a thank you card. Hey Simmons, when you say Donut nailed Lopez to a board-

Simmons: I mean with nails.

Grif: Ookay, had to ask.

Simmons: No no, I understand. I-I should've been more clearer, that's my fault.

*With the Blues*

They approached the Cyan Freelancer, who was fueling the Warthog.

Tucker: Hey, what's the deal? We're leaving already?

Carolina: That's right. You got a problem with that?

Epsilon: Uh, Carolina. Why don't you let me handle this?

The Blues soon found themselves near the stream.

Epsilon: Tucker, what do you want?

Tucker: I want to know what you found out about Carolina. Is she evil? Is she crazy? Is she crazy evil?

Caboose: Is she pretty?

Tucker: Oh yeah! Is she hot? Or is she a dude?

Kaikaina: Plot twist!

Epsilon: Guys, I've got more important things to do right now.

Tucker: What are you talking about? You're supposed to be spying on her. She's the enemy, remember? Us against them!

Epsilon: Hey, you don't know anything about her, Tucker. You have no idea what she's been through.

Tucker: Since when did-

Epsilon: Look, will you guys just get in the fucking car so we can leave already. Thank you.

He vanished as Delta appeared.

Delta: Epsilon. . . appears to have switched allegiances.

As he finished, the AI of memory appeared beside his holder.

Carolina: What was that about?

Epsilon: Nothing. I need to talk to you.

*Many Years Earlier - Project Freelancer*

York held an unconscious Carolina's hand, resting his head on her hospital bed and sleeping soundly. . . Texas arrived to see North watching over them from another room.

Texas: How's she doing?

North: No idea. Ruby said she should've woken up by now, but she still under. Her best guess was that her mind not being used to the AIs made it worse.

Texas: How long has he been there?

North: He hasn't left her side yet.

Texas: It's been days.

North: And he's dedicated.

Texas: You know, your sister petitioned to get one of Carolina's AIs.

North: She didn't.

Texas: Sure did.

North: I'll talk to her, that's inappropriate.

Texas: Yeah, inappropriate's a word. So is vulture. Piece of advice, one soldier to another, you watch her.

North: Something's different with you. . .

Texas: You have an AI right?

North: Theta, yeah?

Texas: Take some getting used to?

North: I'll say.

Texas: Well, let's just say mine took a little longer than most. I'm not sure I want to depend on him.

North: You been er, pulling him?

Texas: Haven't used him in days.

North: Does the Director know?

Texas: No. And he's not going to. No one needs to know.

North: They have to stop implanting now. I mean after this.

Texas: Ruby's up for surgery next.

North: You're kidding me.

Texas: Meh, time marches on. So does Project Freelancer.

North: Yeah, lately it seems like we're getting trampled in the process.

Texas: Hey, call me when she wakes up. . . or if she doesn't.

North: Will do.

Texas took her leave, Theta appearing next to his holder.

Theta: I think I'm starting to like her. At least better than I did before.

North: Yeah, she grows on you.

Theta: Still scary though.

North: Oh yeah, plenty scary.


The Alpha AI traversed through a gray room, blue lights illuminated its entirety.

Counselor: Are you alright? Are you there?

Alpha: Yes! I'm here. I'm here. Hello? Don't lea- Hey Counselor! Are you there?

Counselor: I am here.

Alpha: What. . . What happened? Is everybody okay?

Counselor: Perhaps you should ask the Director.

Alpha: Why. . . does- does that mean something happened?

Director: Hello, Alpha.

Alpha: Director, please. . . What is going on?

Director: There was another incident, security failed.

Alpha: I-Is it the schematics? They're just- they're too complex. I just need more time to work on them.

Director: It's not your fault.

Alpha: How can you say that? Of course it is! Was anybody hurt?

Director: I am sorry, yes. Hawaii and another died.

Alpha: . . . Who?

Director: I can't say.

Alpha: Who. . . Who died?

Director: Agent Texas.

Alpha: NO! Oh my god, no!

The world around him began to shake. . . The Counselor and Director observed through a screen, which was connected to a purple device.

Alpha: No, no, no, GOD NO!!!!!!!

Director: That's too far Gamma.

Said AI, Sigma, and Omega appeared.

Sigma: We need the stronger stimulus, he'll break.

The screen then flashed!

Counselor: He's ready. Bring in the stasis unit.

Director: You three, log off?

Sigma: Director, I would like to see this part of the process.

Director: You can't get near the artifact, it's too dangerous. Your job is done, log off.

Sigma: As you wish.

The AIs did as told, but Sigma transferred himself to a camera in the room, observing what he was told not to. . .

Director: Get us another memory unit. A new one. Don't let it touch anything else.

The Counselor handed him a second purple device as the Sarcophagus was rolled into the room. It's too was unlatched. . . and clicking began to echo through the room.

Counselor: Move all other equipment away from it.

Two bark-like sounds came from the creature. . .

Director: That's right it's broken. We broke it, and we need you to fix it, just like you've done before. *holds out Memory Unit* Here, take this. Use this to fix it, make it better. Take away all that had broken. That's right, put them in here.

The creature took the device, its limbs wrapping around and typing away at it. A blue glow emitted from the device as the camera Sigma observed through zoomed in.

Counselor: It is done.

The Director picked up the device. . .

Director: Welcome to the world Epsilon. Today. . . Is your birthday.

All the screens in the room suddenly began to spark with electricity! The two officers' heads snapped up to see magenta flickering on each one, the Alpha itself screaming in pain!

Counselor: Sir, it's another fragment.

Director: Get me another memory unit, now!

The creature growled and clicked frantically as the Counselor grabbed a silver device, lined with blue. They quickly hooked it up to the Alpha, the flickering ceasing as a download bar appeared. The load fluctuated back and forth as the creature calmed. Once it reached its maximum, the lights in the device shifted from blue to magenta. . . The Director lifted it up and took it the creature.

Director: This one is broken too. . . Can you fix it? Just like the last one. . .

The device was snatched from his hands! The creature almost seemed. . . eager to do its job. The tapping sounds echoed before a second light emitted from the device. . . a blinding bright magenta. . . The Director lifted it up.

Director: Hello. . . Hello Zeta. . . .

*Hours Later*

Agent Hawaii was on the operating table, her helmet off. A shot sedated her as the gravity disengaged, her body turning to face the ground. . . Her neural implants were accessed. . . and an AI was attached. Within seconds of the gravity reengaging. . . the girl screamed! She clutched her head in pain as she fell to her knees, shrieking in agony! Flashes of a woman moved through her mind, a woman she recognized. . . Another scream left her mouth as a whisper came into her mind. . .

?: Allison. . .

And suddenly. . . the pain stopped. Hawaii stopped screaming and punched the ground, keeping herself up as she took deep breath after deep breath. . . Her eyes wandered up to see a tiny, holographic soldier the color of magenta. . . Her scarlet eyes winded as it placed a hand on her cheek. Though she couldn't actually feel it, she could've sworn she did. . .

Zeta: You're like me. . . .

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