Sweetheart (恋人 )

By friedfish00

10.4K 259 55

After finding the unexpected during a patrol, Yoru finds himself stuck with another "bother" or so he thought... More

Ark's Introduction
The chase. #1
Breakfast. #3
Sleeping beauty. #4
I'll protect you. #5

Idiot. #2

1.5K 44 8
By friedfish00

It's dark.
The last thing Ark remembered was that they were running away from some.. blue haired man.

Ark slowly opened their eyes, they were on a bed, like the ones you'd find when going to the Doctor. Ark sat up and observed their surroundings. There were shelves stocked with medicine and bandages, the counters filled with jars of cotton balls and popsicle sticks.

I hated going to the doctor.. where am I anyways? Ark thought to themselves.

The sound of a door opening could be heard, a woman with long black hair with a doctors jacket on walked into the room.

"Hello there, I am Sage. How are you feeling?" The woman asked.

Ark jolted.

"My apologies, I didn't mean to scare you." Sage said,

"Its..Its fine." Ark said with a quiet voice.

"So how are you feeling? Two of our agents found you on the floor at Split." Sage said.

"I'm feeling alright I guess.. where am I?" Ark asked,

"You're at our headquarters, welcome to Valorant."

Ark raised a brow, Valorant? They wondered.

A man with black and blue hair walked in.

"Sage you called?" The man said as he glanced at Ark.

"Yes I did, would you please show them around Yoru, we don't want them getting lost do we?"

He nodded.

"Come with me." He said as he started walking, Ark hopped off the bed and waved goodbye to Sage as they started walking.

It was a bit awkward, Ark walked beside Yoru glancing at him every five seconds trying to observe his appearance.

"Are you just going to look at me? It's annoying." Yoru said as he gave Ark the eyeroll.

Ark quickly looked away.

Rude piece of shit.
Ark thought as their eye twitched.

After the tour Yoru and Ark made their way to the breakroom, Jett and Raze greeted the two with a big hello, Raze patted Ark on the back while Jett was commenting Ark about their hair.

Yoru walked over to Phoenix who was drinking a cup of coffee, seemed like it was from the cafe Kingdom created.

"Sooo, how did the tour go?" Phoenix asked as he sipped on his drink,

"It was decent. They're a bit annoying like you." Yoru said with a smug smile.

"Always with the insults, but you find them interesting no?"

"Why would I find some stranger interesting." Yoru frowned.

"I mean just look at them, their hairstyle is pretty cool," Phoenix said as he smiled.

"It looks like a mess."

"Hey atleast theirs doesn't look like a mountain," Phoenix chuckled.

Yoru's eye twitched. He looked away from Phoenix.

"Soo Ark! What do you think of Yoru? His a bit of a jerk isn't he?" Jett asked with a smile.

"Oi. I can hear you from here." Yoru said as he gave Jett a stern look.

"Theres Yoru for you," Jett said as she rolled her eyes.

"How'd Yoru and Sova find you?" Raze asked as she opened up a can of soda,

"Well- uhm" Ark thought, remembering how they passed Yoru.

"I remember running pass Yoru? He was trying to sneak up on me but he stumbled on his own shoelace," Ark said smiling a bit.

Raze and Jett started laughing.


Phoenix started laughing too, Yoru's cheeks turn slightly red due to embarrassment.

"You guys are all idiots." Yoru muttered.

"Hey Yoru! You should show Ark to her room," Phoenix said as he raised his brows while giving Yoru a cheeky smile.

Before Yoru could object Phoenix said,

"Ayy, Ark! My dude here wants to show you to your room," Phoenix said, patting Yoru on the back.

Jett pushed Yoru and Ark out of the breakroom with a smile and closed the door.

Ark and Yoru just stand there in awkward silence.

Yoru sighed and started walking, Ark followed.

Yoru frowned as they walked.

Ark smiled,
"Are you still mad about the whole stumbling over your own shoelace thing?"

"I'm not, idiot." Yoru muttered.

"I'm just messing with you,"

Yoru flushed a shade of red.

Ark tried their best to not laugh at Yoru but it was so funny.

Yoru felt his cheeks burn, he looked away from Ark.

They both stopped in front of a door,

Yoru cleared his throat.
"This is where you'll be sleeping."

"Alright thanks," Ark opened the door and looked at Yoru sticking their tongue out at him then quickly closed the door.

Yoru walked away pissed.
That idiot.

A cup of warmed soda. :)

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