To Be Mine (Editing)

By laurenejohnson

32.6K 165 42

Elizabeth Miller was hopeless when it came to love. Brett Smith had experience, and was the player type. Both... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 4

1.2K 5 5
By laurenejohnson

Chapter 4

I opened my eyes and the sun was blinding. I still felt Brett under my head.

“Brett?” I said groggily.

“Yeah beautiful?” he said.

“What time is it?”


I sat up and stretched. My back popped from sleeping on the ground, and my body ached all over.

“I need to go,” I said. Brett propped himself up on his elbows.

“Why?” he asked. I leaned over, kissed him, and stood up.

“I’m supposed to sketch the beach with Kathy at eight.” I put my flip flops on and tried to fix my hair a little.

“You look fine, honey,” Brett said, grinning.

“Hmm, like the view I take it?” Brett stood up and started gathering the blanket, while I put everything back in the picnic basket.

Brett set down the blanket and pulled me close.

“I’d say it’s pretty nice, getting to see my sexy girlfriend have adorable bed head.” He leaned down and kissed me. I looked at him and thought how lucky I was to have him. He was really great. Better than any other guy I’d met before. I locked my hands in his hair and kissed him. After a couple seconds, he pulled back and I decided that I really did need to go.

“Well, bye,” I said as I grabbed my phone from the picnic basket.

“Let’s have dinner tomorrow,” Brett said as he picked up the blanket.

“I don’t think I’ll want to sleep on the ground again…” I said playfully.

“Okay, lunch. Anything.”


He walked me back to the beach house, hand in hand. We kissed goodbye and I headed inside to take a shower before I went to the beach with Kathy.


After I’d taken a shower, I pulled on some light wash jean capris and a plain white v neck, straightening my hair. I ate a bowl of cereal and pulled on white flip flops as it was eight already.

Kathy and I walked to the perfect spot for sketching the horizon. I had brought my water colors, but Kathy just sketched and shaded.

“I can’t stop thinking about Brett,” I said once we found a magnificent view.

“Obsessed much?” Kathy said, joking.

“No, he’s just really great. I didn’t know I would find someone as great as him while we are here,” I said.

“You know…” Kathy started, then stopped short. “Never mind.”


“Just, never mind.”

I wondered what Kathy was going to say as I painted the beautiful beach scene before me. I still couldn’t stop thinking about Brett.


Another week passed by, and I wished for the days to magically become longer so I could be with Brett. I only had four weeks left with him. 

That night he was alone at his house, and for the next two nights. He insisted that I stay over, because his family went to New York to visit relatives, but Brett stayed for me. I told him I would, but my parents told me we had to sleep in separate rooms. I already knew that, of course. 

I was packing an overnight bag when Ali knocked on my open door.

“Can I come in?” Ali said.

“Sure,” I said as I was folding my clothes.

“So, Brett…” Ali said.

“Yeah?” I said, curious.

“I saw him holding hands with another girl,” Ali said quickly. “When I was getting some groceries, I saw him on the way there. He was on a patio at a restaurant and he was holding hands with someone else. I’m so sorry.”

I sat on the edge of my bed, and tried to hold back my tears welling up in my eyes. My world was caving in, waves of sadness crushing me.

How could he betray me like that? He was the first to say those three little haunting words, I love you. Was he lying? No, he couldn’t’ve lied to my face…I knew for sure he loved me.

“Are you sure it was him?” I said, my voice shaky and threatening to crack. I wouldn’t let it; I had to be strong.

“One hundred percent,” Ali whispered.

I propped my elbows on my knees and put my face in my hands. I started crying.

Ali tried to comfort me as much as she could. She knew I loved him. She brought me a box of tissues and eventually unpacked everything I’d packed for later that night while I was bawling.

Eventually I wandered from my room to the living and tried to watch TV, but it seemed like everything that was on was about love, even the horror movies. Kathy eventually made me a sandwich since my body felt like jelly and it was around dinner time. I was still in shock when Kathy came to talk to me.

“Remember last week, when we went sketching?” she asked.

I nodded.

“I was going to tell you that I thought that he wasn’t the kind of guy to stay with one girl for as long as you two have been together. He seems like a real player, and I can tell now that he is. I knew this day would come. And I knew you would just be a ‘summer fling’ to him. I’m sorry he did this…I should’ve told you, then maybe you would’ve been prepared for this.”

“Kathy, it’s okay,” I said softly, my voice hoarse from all the crying. “No one can be prepared for this. These things just happen.”

“I…I’m still sorry I didn’t tell you,” Kathy replied, struggling to find the words.

I nodded again, understanding. It only made me cry more.

At seven, Brett was at the door to pick me up. I was lying on the couch so he couldn’t see me from the door since the couch’s back was to the door, and I was grateful for that. Kathy answered the door.

“What do you want?” Kathy said.

“To pick up Beth,” Brett said. “I thought she told you…?” He sounded a little confused.

“Oh, she did, but she doesn’t want to see you anymore.” Kathy stated as if it were obvious.

“Why?” Brett was still confused. 

I saw Ali get up from the kitchen table and walk to the door.

“Because you cheated on her,” Ali said, “and she doesn’t want to see you again.” I heard the door close, or more like slam loudly.

“Is he gone?” I whispered, not daring to sit up yet. My voice cracked, and another tear streamed down my face.

“The door’s closed, if that’s what you mean,” Kathy replied. “But he’s still standing at the door. Hold on.” I heard the door open and close again and Ali sighed.

“Is Kathy really out there?” I asked.

“Yeah, and I have a feeling he’ll leave once she comes back inside,” Ali said as she walked to the living room and sat at the end of the couch, near my feet. “I’m sorry he did this to you. I thought you two were meant for each other.”

“I thought so, too.” I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


The next day I was depressed. Brett texted me and told me to call him eighteen times. He called me fifteen times and left voicemails every time. Eventually I got sick of it and called him.

“Beth, I’ve been trying to get a hold of you all day,” Brett said, worried.

“Do you think I really care?” I snapped, anger making my voice piercing. “How could you do this to me? You told me you loved me. Why would you go off with some other girl?” My voice cracked.

“Beth,-” Brett started, but I hung up. He called back, but I ignored it. He didn’t deserve me if he cheated.

I decided to clear my head, so I went down to the beach to sketch. At first I was sketching a seagull, but then it turned into Brett smiling his beautiful smile. I stopped when I realized what I was drawing and ripped it out of my sketch book. I went to the edge of the water and tore it into a hundred little pieces, letting go and letting the wind take them far away. 

The water softly washed over my bare feet and I looked at my clothes. I was wearing jeans, folded up to mid calf. My shirt was a v neck and was a bright hot pink, showing a little cleavage and hung loosely. I hadn’t bothered with my hair so it was wavy and pulled into a low ponytail, no make up on.


I snapped my head to the right, towards the much too familiar voice and saw Brett running down the beach.

I turned my head back to the ocean. I didn’t want to talk to him. I turned around and started walking to the beach house, picking up my sketch book and pencil on the way.

“Beth, wait,” Brett said as he finally caught up to me.

“Why should I?” I snapped, dropping my sketch book and pencil and walking towards him. “Why should I wait for you? Obviously you didn’t wait for me. What did I deserve for you to cheat on me?”

“I didn’t cheat, Beth,” Brett said. “I love you.”

“Then who were you holding hands with?”

“Heather. She wanted to see me, and when we sat down at the restaurant, she took my hands and told me that she wants to be my girlfriend again. I said I was taken and took my hands out of hers. Ali must’ve seen us at the wrong moment.”

“Did you make that up last night? To tell me so I would believe you and think everything was okay? Because it’s not. I really don’t want to be with you anymore, and if you could just accept that, I could-”

Brett grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him, kissing me as his tongue grazed my bottom lip. I didn’t want to kiss him, but eventually my body gave in, opening my mouth as our tongues danced.

I loved him, and I knew he did too. And he didn’t cheat. If he didn’t say it enough times, the passion in that kiss definitely did.


Two more days passed, very happy days. I was going to spend the night over at Brett’s, and I was very excited. 

I had taken a shower and put on jeans along with a white layered floral cami and a brass necklace with an anchor charm on it. I pulled the outfit together with my favorite white sandals. I packed my silk light purple pajamas, all my necessities, and my clothes for the next day. I had almost forgotten my phone charger before I ran out the door.

I had decided I wanted to drive to his house, instead of Brett picking me up, so I pulled my Corvette out of the garage and peeled out of the driveway. It was only five o’clock, so I had put the top down and plugged my iPod into the speakers. Hey There Delilah by the Plain White T’s was soon playing, and I sang along.

Once I pulled into Brett’s driveway he came out to greet me. Apologize by OneRepublic was playing and Brett decided he needed to join in and I sang along too. Brett came around and opened my door, still singing, and helped me out.

“Hey babe,” he said in between belting out the words.

“Hey,”  I replied as I gave him a huge smile and laughed as he pulled me into dancing with him, twirling me around and gave me an occasional peck on the lips. I still couldn’t force the goofy smile off my face as the song ended.

“Aw!” Brett said like a little kid. “Got any other good songs?” Brett winked at me. He walked over to my car and sat in the driver seat, picking up my iPod. He scrolled through my songs for a little bit and the a huge smile spread across his face as he pressed a button and got out of my car. 

He walked over and pulled me into his arms as we slow danced to And I Love Her by The Beatles. I repeated the words to the song in my head-I owned every single Beatles album-and Brett softly sang the words to me in my ear. So we slow danced in his driveway, to a song playing very loudly through my car speakers. Surprisingly, it was very romantic. And it was yet another great memory of Brett to add to the rest.

When the song ended, we kissed, and I pulled out of Brett’s embrace to grab my bag. I put my convertible top up, turned my car off and walked hand in hand with Brett up to his front porch. 

He opened the door for me and I walked in to see his beautiful house. To my left was an archway that led to the dining room. To my right was French doors to an office that looked equally as grand. I walked through the foyer, admiring every detail. The kitchen was backed up to the same wall as the dining room, and there was a breakfast bar with tall chairs. 

Just past the kitchen was a breakfast room and the living room was straight ahead. A flat screen tv was mounted on the wall, and a leather couch and loveseat were arranged around the room. The floor plan was pretty open for the most part. Across the kitchen was a staircase, and I looked up the stairs to see the second floor just as beautiful as the first floor.

I sat at the breakfast bar, and my stomach grumbled.

“Hungry?” Brett asked, already knowing the answer, and winked at me.

“Uh, duh,” I said playfully.

“Hmm…” Brett contemplated. “Spaghetti with meatballs? And no, I won’t do that cheesy move trying to kiss you with us both eating a noodle.” I laughed.

“You know me much too well,” I chuckled. “And of course, it’s my favorite food!” I could never pass up Italian food. It was my love…well, besides Brett of course.

“Let’s get started then!”

“Um… What do you mean?”

“We’re making spaghetti and meatballs…” Brett started getting out the ingredients and a cookbook was open on the counter.

“Oh! That makes sense,” I said while blushing at my blonde moment. Brett chuckled. I got off the chair I was on to help Brett. To my surprise he knew how to make it, and it tasted amazing. Afterwards, we went to their media room and we decided to watch The Godfather, even though we’d both seen it. We really only maybe watched the first five minutes of it…the rest of the movie was spent kissing.

“I’ll show you my room now,” Brett said, as I looked at the huge tv realizing it was the end credits. Winking at me, he led me out of the media room and up the stairs. We went to his room, but I didn’t pay much attention as I dropped my bag and pulled my shoes off as he pulled me onto his bed. I sat on his lap as we made out passionately.

“Wait,” I said, pulling back for a second and biting my lip.

“Yeah?” Brett asked, slightly confused and he had that glint in his eyes.

“Where are your parents and your brother?” I asked nervously.

“Parents, date night, bleh,” Brett said. “And Brennan is on a date with his girlfriend. I don’t expect any of them to be home anytime soon.”

“Great.” I bit my bottom lip seductively as I leaned back in to Brett and we kissed more.

“I love you,” Brett whispered in my ear. Our cheeks were pressed against each others’.

“I know,” I whispered back. I wrapped my arms around Brett’s back, spinning him around to where we were laying on his bed now, him on top of me.

“I’m liking this new position,” Brett breathed, that glint back in his eyes. I bit my bottom lip as I smiled; I knew exactly what he wanted, and I wanted it too. I was sure I was ready, too.

I brought my hands to the bottom hem of his shirt, pulling it up over his head. He obliged, exactly as I wanted him to. He leaned down and kissed me, our bodies pressed together. I bit his lip and my tongue explored his mouth. The taste of him intoxicated me as I traced his muscles. I wound my hands into his hair and Brett wrapped his arms around me. It was so hard to wait as want became more and more aware of its presence. I started to pull my shirt up, when Brett stopped me.

“Wait, Elizabeth,” Brett said breathlessly. He used my full name…ah, crap. “Are you ready to take this step? I mean, with me?”

“I want you to be my first and only,” I replied confidently.

“Great.” Brett’s face pulled into a smile as he took my shirt off for me. I pulled him back to where we were pressing our bodies together, and I could feel his muscles even more defined now; I’m sure he could feel my chest much more defined as well. I unbuttoned his pants and pulled them off. I was suddenly very aware of his need, as our bodies were pressed so tightly to each other. 

At some point he finally got my jeans off and we were captivated by each other. One thing led to another and…yeah…you get the picture. I drifted off to sleep, naked, in Brett’s arms, thinking about how I had just made love to the most amazing guy in the world.


The next morning I woke, the morning light peeking in through the window. I yawned, and saw Brett was still sleeping. 

I carefully slid out of his bed, trying not to wake him. I then noticed I was naked… I looked around the room and grabbed the first piece of clothing I saw. I pulled Brett’s shirt on over my head, breathing in the smell of it; of him. I grabbed my bag off the floor, and found clean underwear in there, pulling it on.

I examined his room, since I was a little preoccupied last night. It was fairly large for a bedroom; his walls were painted navy blue. There were three different doors, one leading to the hallway and I discovered the others went to a bathroom and a closet. He had a tall dresser to the left of his bed, and his bed frame and desk all had matching dark wood.

I walked over to his dresser and saw the picture frames on top of them. The pictures were all of him and family members, and there were also a few surfing trophies scattered on his dresser. I didn’t even know people competitively surfed.

His dresser was on the wall opposite of his bed, and I sat at the chair. I looked out the window and grabbed my phone. It was a little past eight and I saw I had three texts and a missed call. The first text was from Kathy:

Hey! Just checking to see my girl at her future husbands house!! Well I think you two should get married! ;) Text me when you get this!! xxx

I replied:

Haha, very funny Kathy!

Then I saw the next text, from Ali:

Kathy cooked dinner. Kill me now?

I texted back:

Sorry for your torture! I was fed yummy spaghetti and meatballs made especially for me by my amazing boyfriend….I mean not bragging at all….

The third text was just one of those annoying texts you get from your service provider. There was also a missed call from my mom, but I figured I could just call her back later.

I realized that Brett’s parents would be at work, and he had mentioned that his brother had gotten a summer job…so we would have the house to ourselves…I got an idea.


Author's Note: This seemed like it was really long...a lot of things happened...what do you think about them now??(; I'm supposed to be studying right now, but I couldn't help but write! A lot is going on after she leaves Florida *HINT HINT* which is the part I'm writing right now on my word processor.. So anyways...

<3 you guys!!! Thanks for reading!!!!

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