Mcyt Oneshots (Mostly Dream)...

By Angst_coffee_inhaler

65K 1.9K 2.7K

The description is what the title said and it would mostly Dream. More

About this book
Dandelion [Angst w/h Fluff]
Field of Dandelions
I sold my soul to the....
Blackened mark • WIP •
oh shit-
There's another Furry!!!
I'm sorry
Hold on
oh shit- 2
Wrong timing
Help? What's that?
Moral of the Story
Just smile and it'll be alright
It's my child now
ìññòçèñt ²
My brothers now so kindly f*ck off
Be careful what you wish for
Request Pls
Dragon Dream and his whelp
I exiled my own brother
Eyes blue
A Smiley Broken Dream
One person with two identities
A Smiley Broken Dream 2
What did I told you!
Goodbye Quackity
Till We Meet Again
"Attachment = Weakness" by :)
Still don't believe me?
Time of the month
Dancing with your ghost
The Complicated Family Tree
She's Here ( Dragon Dream and his Whelp² )
"You Promised"
Why you should never leave the voices unsupervised
Advanced/Belated Christmas to you all!!!
Brother [Angst]
Scary Teen Parents
Wait What?
Tch! Damned Hunters
A Sentient World
Business is business
Never Again
"He asked me" - Dream
Blood for the Blood God
The Bulletin Board
You had one job
The day Dream got kidnapped ( Still on Hiatus )


1.5K 44 16
By Angst_coffee_inhaler



{ Word count : 2642 }


It's rapunzel time bitches!


A man in a green cloak, walking under the moonlight, inside a forest that no one ever knew.

He walks and explore new places around that forest for a long time now, white with a green highlights tucked wings behind his back, making him more godly but what if he is one?. Animals following him, it can be a parrots to bears, it would followed him every time he walks around the forest.

Today was a strange day for him, he found a seed, a color green seed, floating above the ground, beautiful spring flowers surrounding it. At first, he would just observe the strange seed and leave it be then go back to observe it more.

He did this for a few weeks, then one day he take it gently and carefully plant it somewhere more open and not cramped like this area.

After a while of planting the seed, he saw a scroll floating gently above where he planted the seed. He cautiously pick it up and opened it, he saw some weird language written down in it and can't decipher if it's a code or an incantations.

He got back to his house and read some books to find something that could help him understand what's written in that scroll. It took him hours of researching and reading books, he felt like to finally gave up and then a book magically fall down to his head and onto the floor. He grunted and rubbed the sore spot on his head and look at what the cause of it, it's a book that he hasn't seen before, he picked it up from the ground and skimmed through each chapter, every word he read made him smile, it's the same language as the scroll have.

The Enchanted Table Language, what a weird name for it but he didn't care, as long as he could know what's written in that scroll then he will roll with it. This took him a whole day to master the Language, by the time he finished the sun start to set and he will just do it tomorrow to read that scroll and sleep peacefully.


The Sun rises and the man woken up, he did his morning routine and got back to the place where he planted the seed with the scroll on his hand.

He saw the place and stand 4 blocks away from it, sat down and open the scroll. He breath in and out, readying himself as he start to read the words written on the scroll.

From deep below the ground,
A new life will grow,
Taking care of it will never be easy,
But the happiness it would give is a gift to claim.

He finished saying it and glanced at the spot, where the seed planted, and saw a newly blooming sprout. Though it didn't stop there, every minute it would give a gentle light, as it grow and grow. He only watch in amazement as the plant grows, as tall as 25 blocks high, as soon as it reaches the high, the new tree give a blinding light, acting on instincts, he shields his eyes and he felt a little light headed at this, he tried to fight it off but gives in as it goes stronger, then he dozed off to sleep.


He doesn't know how long he slept in, but he felt like going to sleep after experiencing this...

At first he woke up, there's a beautiful world, trees and flowers growing healthy, animals are living peacefully. He explored the place, getting a bit more familiar and at the end of the day he saw the tree, sitting there at the hidden part of  the world - The End - standing tall and strong. He made his way to it and placed a hand, letting out a smile as he saw it gives a gentle breeze for a couple of seconds. He lay down at the soft grass underneath the massive tree, leaning at the roots of it and sleep through the night

It took him a month to explore the whole world, finding new things along the way. He even found out that he can name the world.... DreamSMP.... So everyone will know who it belongs to, no one can change it except him. It sounds a little possessive but who could blame him, it was given to him, and he would do anything to protect it from any harm. The world itself is a little sentient, it would only interact with the it's owner and it's very rare for it to response or interact with the other people.

For a whole year of living alone, he invited some people to his land, he knows who they are so its fine for them to live herewith him. He welcome them all with open arms, he wore a mask but they can still sense a warm smile from him. He hid his wings from all of them. It's a secret for another day.

He let them live here with a three simple rules,

No going  to the End

No stealing other people's stuff

No killing with no reason

He made them know this, he trust them to follow it but noooo...

A nation came out from nowhere, he just couldn't let let them, it was based from drugs after all - L'manberg - so he clearly don't agree with it, fighting them and a war broke out. They fought him for a false independence, claiming the land theirs when its clearly his in the first place.

It took a few months until a teen gave up a valuable item to bring peace for the both sides. Two disc, the very two disc that made the Disc war Saga, Cat and Mellohi. He agreed to this, disc equals the independence and freedom of L'manberg.

After this he drifted off to sleep, only to wake up for another war, it doesn't end, war after war, it's an never ending loop. It all started when one Nation rose up.

He wanted the Nation GONE, and he did, at November 16th, doomsday, where he teamed up with two people, an Anarchist and an Legend. They finally done it, once a Nation reduced to a crater. Now no more war will broke out, he smiles tiredly at this and slowly drifted off to sleep. Never to be woken again.... Until


He slowly opened his eyes, he felt an cold, hard ground below him and immediately on high alert, scanning through the area, looking for any sort  of danger and to his relief, he found nothing..... Yet. He finally realized he's in prison he help to sketch the blueprints. The Pandora's vault. Sam the Warden of the prison, insisted that he would be thrown into the prison, the others agreed instantly as he was down to one heart.

As the adrenaline goes off, he felt pain everywhere and knees buckled from the amount of pain his in. He breath in and out to calm himself and it worked, he scanned himself and look at grimace as he saw scars littering across his body, big and small bruises, burn, whipped, cut, etc. Any type of scars can be seen, his body felt like an painting, every detail of it can be seen and recognize. He look around and froze, eyes widen, can't look away from it even if he wanted too....

There's a dead body of an teenager, lying there innocently, from the looks of it, they've been beaten to death. He knows that he did it but still can't help but be shaken up a little when  he look at this.

He swallowed up the bile from his throat and slowly making his way to the body, he breaths in and release a shaky breath. Stretched his arms to the body, close enough to it but far enough to not touch it, and made his palm face it. He remembered there's another Incantations in the scroll and lucky for him he read it, he just need to pray that this would work.

Flower, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
And bring back what once was mine

He sang, green lights covered his veins, slowly making it's way to his palm, creating a gentle glow and covering the dead body. Though it didn't end there...

Heal what has been hurt
Change the fates desire
Save what has been lost
And bring back what once was mine

He focused more, putting his strength in it, bullets of sweat trickling down to his chin, careful not messed it up or it would be pointless...

What once was mine....

After that last line, he's finally done, the green light died down and so is the energy he have then he blacked out, he doesn't know what happened nor he cares about it...


He woken up again, only this time someone was dragging him, he tiredly open up his eyes and saw a creeper hybrid holding a chain that's clearly connected to him.

He let Sam drag him to whatever place they go and after a half an hour of walking, they arrived at their destination. He glance to his surroundings and saw a red vines crawling everywhere, plaguing the whole world.  He look around and see his former friends that locked him up to that prison, standing their looking exhausted and still glaring at him.

"Do you know why you're here Dream?"

He shakes his head, no he clearly don't know, he's locked up to that prison for a few months and saw this...

"That's fair, you're in prison while it all happened, but we want you to help us defeat the Egg"

"What?" If this isn't a serious situation, he would just wheezed uncontrollably at this. "So you need me by getting rid of the Egg" they all nod. "And what will I get after that?"

They all look at each other, it clear that they have been discussing something.

"Your freedom"

"Common reward but I'll take it" he smiled under the mask, he tilted his head to Sam and bring his handcuffs hands up, signalling to free him. Sam hesitantly did it, others had their weapons sheathed up. He just ignored this and rubbed his wrists.

He takes his mask off, threw it across, never bothered by the gasp he heard, he released his wings from his back, stretching them to their full size. He released a breath of relief, it's been so long to take his wings off, that cell wasn't wide or big enough for his wings to stretched so it hurt. He flapped them, testing them so there's no damage from it. He turned around and saw their agape faces from his wings and face. He wanted to laught at their expression but he had something important to do.

"Could all of you step like 10 blocks away from here if you all don't want to be in a crossfire" They hesitantly did it and he faced the building, he brought out a scroll and read what's written...

Cut the strings of hope
Catastrophic deeds
Burns all means to cope
And set the spirit free

Wither and decay
End this destiny
Break this earthly chain
And set the spirit free

He chanted loudly, voice booming across the land, white wings turned into a dark once as he repeatedly chant this...

Cut the strings of hope
Catastrophic deeds
Burns all means to cope
And set the spirit free

Wither and decay
End this destiny
Break this earthly chain
And set the spirit free

His eyes turned into a hollowed one, there's no color in it only black, this got them a little concerned, especially his two former bestfriend.

"Uhh Dream?" Sapnap called the winged male, only to let out an horrified gasp when he turned to them, hollowed eyes looking at them, that scared the shit out of them. "Yo-you can stop now" he said weakly, trying to snap the male out of this but it did work.

Cut the strings of hope

As just start to sing the incantation. It's too late now.

Catastrophic deeds
Burns all means to cope

Black fire came out from him as it spreads across the building, burning all the vines from the ground.

And set the spirit free

Screeching can be heard inside the building, they didn't know wether it was the animals or something more. The fire eats the building, he should stop now as the fire should've killed the Egg but he can't control his body right now and they know it.

"Dream you can stop now..."

"Dream PLEASE"

They begged but it futile, he's not finished yet...

Wither and decay

Dark spots spread slowly from where he stands, black roses sprout from them and their eyes widen at this.

"Dream snap out of it!"

"What the- Someone do something!"

"Someone's gotta snap Dream out of it!"

End this destiny
Break this earthly chain
And set the spirits free

The spirits free

He sang as more screams can be heard, dark spots from below him only spread slowly to where they are. They backed away from it, a wither rose was blooming beautifully at this. They all felt the air was getting thick, it made them hard to breath, some fell to the ground gasping for air.


Techno dared to walk across the field of wither rose, he drink some swiftness and brought regen with him. He run through it, a second later he's beside the winged male, who only standing there, looking at the building with those pure black eyed. The gigantic wings behind him only made him more menacing.

Techno tried to touch him, tried to shakes him out of daze but - keyword tried - he only felt burning sensation when he made contact with him, it felt like something prickling him or just put his whole hands to lava and never bringing them up. He hissed as he pulled away as fast as he could, drinking a regeneration potion when he saw his skin starts to have spot of dark color. He clearly didn't want to do this but this leave him no choice, he bring out a shield and wacked the man out cold, the lookers just cringed or hissed, looking away as they heard the loud thud.

It worked cause his wings starts to change back to normal, the dark spots starts to back away, the air is back to normal and only the first remains.

"Did you really have to do that?" Techno look at them with a deadpan look. "I mean that could damage his brain, just look at the crack it made at the shield! Don't you have a better option?"

"Try touching him and only to have your whole arm starts to wither" he said flatly to them, humming as he observe the big crack on his shield.

"Wither? You mean disintegrate little by little.... Is that why you gulf that bottle in one go!?" They exclaimed.

"Yup, just by a single touch and you'll feel like someone dipped your hands into the lava and never bringing it up" That horrified them and it made them even more scared at Techno now, if it were them, they would scream at the pain and he just stood there watching his hands getting withered and just drink a regen in one go.

They all just standing there, watching the winged man laying at the grass, sleeping peacefully, it's the complete opposite of what he did to the building. That place is the definition of hell right now, fire still raging on and maybe it wouldn't died down for a few months, but the Egg is gone and the only thing is the winged man, they promised freedom to him.

"So who's gonna carry him?"


I don't know what to put here so...


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