
By TheArinek

233K 5.6K 2.5K

Apotheosis, the highest point in the development of something or if you prefer, the elevation of someone to d... More

Chapter 44: NEW LIVES


3.5K 93 31
By TheArinek

Allmight let out a weary sigh as he sat in his chair quietly, skinny and shriveled. He looked down the hall to his left spotting a pair of suited security guards. Then he looked to his right and spotted another pair at the other end. After going through numerous security checkpoints he was finally allowed in the Prime Minister's office. Unfortunately even his position as the number one hero wasn't enough to get him an audience with Minister Akira Toriyama immediately like he wanted. He had to wait a few weeks for a scheduled appointment, but even then the minister was a bit reluctant to meet with him. Especially considering that there was no telling where Midoriya's eyes and ears were these days.

"Prime Minister Toriyama will see you now." The voice of one of the aids spoke as he appeared in the hall. Toshinori stood up and fixed his tie quickly before falling the young woman. As he glanced up he noticed the many sensors in the ceiling that detected the usage of quirks. When they reached the office two bodyguards quietly nodded at the hero and opened the double doors.

"Hello Yagi Toshinori." Prime Minister Toriyama greeted him. "Better known as Allmight." The doors closed and locked behind the hero as he walked up to the desk and gave a respectful bow to the middle aged dark haired man.

"Minister Toriyama." Toshinori greeted back.

"Please, I should be the one bowing to you." Toriyama stood up and gestured towards the seat. "I'm sorry you had to wait so long to get here, but as you can imagine I'm a very busy man. Now when you requested a meeting with me weeks ago you didn't specify what exactly you wanted to speak to me about."

"I wanted to keep that vague lest the wrong person find out, but I think you know what I'm here to discuss." The blonde skinny man gave him an accusing gaze. The minister sighed as he reached into a drawer of his desk and pulled out a bottle of alcohol.

"I was afraid it was that." Pouring himself a glass before offering the hero one. "Brandy?"

"No thank you. My health doesn't allow it." Toshinori politely refused the drink. "Now about this problem."

"What's there to talk about?" The minister took a deep sip of his drink. "Midoriya knows what he's doing and the villains are running scared now that we have their best on our side."

"I assure you the only side that boy is on is his own." The gaunt man argued. Toriyama's lips folded inward like he wanted to argue back but couldn't. He reached into another drawer of his desk and pulled out a small chrome device the size and shape of a pen with a red blinking light at the top.

"Clearly there's much you want to say and there's much I want to know." He pushed a button on the side of his device and the flashing stopped and started glowing green. "This is a nifty little gadget that only myself and other high ranking government officials are allowed to have. As long as it's on all transceiver signals in and out of this room are jammed." The minister explained. "If this place were bugged without my knowledge rest assured all that third party will get is static." Now Yagi understood what was said here will stay between the two of them. Izuku would never know what when on here if he was spying on them. "Tell me everything, because I need to know how this all began if I'm going to help you." Thus Yagi Toshinori told him everything. All for One, One for All, the path of succession with the power, his master Nana Shimura, how he became the number one hero and finally the first time he met Izuku Midoriya. The blonde older man didn't spare any details in the story. The minister sat there and listened patiently, taking a few sips of his drink here and there. When he was finished Toshinori leaned back in his chair to let that all sink in.

"Hmmm" The minister made a bridge out of his hands as he contemplated all this. "I did know a bit about All for One already, all the previous prime ministers did as well. That man has been our country's dirty little secret for over a hundred years." They never let the other countries know that there was a villain that had a quirk that let him steal quirks. The secret was kind of out thanks to Midoriya though. "As for the boy." He sighed before taking another sip.

"Look I'm not going to point the finger of shame at you. You're probably getting enough of that from your colleagues that know your secret." Toshinori frowned at how accurate that was. "How could you have known? How could you have possibly known that what you said to Midoriya was the last straw in a life of misery and oppression?"

"Still I should have said something else. I should have lied and said he could be a quirkless hero." Toshinori looked angry at himself.

"Would U.A have allowed a quirkless child into their hero program?" Toriyama asked.


"Would any other school?" Toshinori paused for a moment than answered truthfully.


"Exactly. Had you lied to him Midoriya would have done his best to get in, but he wouldn't have made it in do to his quirkless status." The Prime Minister went on to explain in detail this alternate what if scenario. "However he would have blamed himself and gone on the rest of his miserable life always seeing himself as inferior and working a dead end job until he committed suicide before age thirty. No one would have cared, he'd just be a footnote in the obituaries if it was slow news day and society would keep going."

"That was hauntingly detailed." The gaunt man was taken aback by how far that went.

"That's because I've seen that story before, many times." The minister took a big gulp of his alcohol. "It's the story of the average quirkless life."

"I didn't know it was that bad." Toshinori looked regretful that he never did anything to stop this.

"There's a reason the quirkless percentage of the population is decreasing ever year. It's partially due to them offing themselves due to the ridicule and isolation they feel." That was harsh but true. "And nobody cares. Why should they care when heroes are around to care for them? But heroes don't actually care do they?" He chuckled ruefully. "Do you see the problem now Toshinori? That's what Izuku Midoriya is trying to fix."

"I understand I really do. I think some of these changes are needed, but he's going about it the wrong way." Toshinori argued. "All this aggressive control, humiliating anyone who doesn't agree with him, taking the quirks of heroes."

"Just be glad he's only taking the quirks of heroes that he finds unworthy and not just any that he fancies like All for One did." The prime minister supplied. "We really got lucky with All for One though. He was content to rule from the shadows. The few that did know of him feared him and those that only heard of that man wondered if he even existed at all."

"There has to be a way to stop Midoriya." The hero quickly changed the subject to get to the root as to why he was here. The minister sighed again and finished the rest of his glass off.

"There is no stopping him. That boy is too smart and too powerful to be stopped at this point." It was harsh but it was true. What could Allmight with his rapidly draining power do?

"I don't believe that. You're the prime minister, there has to be something you can do." Toshinori wondered. "Isn't there anything you know that can be used against him?"

"There might be one way." Toriyama refilled his glass as he contemplated the situation. "You would have to restore your image why simultaneously diminish Midoriya's." Seeing the questioning look he elaborated further. "Midoriya's made himself out to be a lot more powerful than he actually is. Sure he's got that all powerful gauntlet, but you take that away and he goes back to being a quirkless teenager. The quirkless minority will always be on his side no matter what he does, he is their idol after all. However if you could get the rest of the population to see that he's not as big as he made himself out to be then they might stop supporting him." He paused to let his words sink in. "You of all people know how important and image needs to be maintained to hold together a society."

"But how would I restore the people's faith in heroes and myself?" The hero asked.

"You're probably not going to like this, but you're going to have to challenge Izuku Midoriya to a public battle." The prime minister of Japan stared down at his now empty glass. "You need to face him as Allmight the symbol of peace in a final stand to stop his era of darkness from taking hold once and for all." The words sounded out of comic book, but were so lack luster as if the man didn't even believe what he was saying would work. "You'll have to give it your all this time."

"He's just a kid. A poor sad and angry kid who doesn't fully understand or realize what he's doing." Going all out on Midoriya was still something he was a bit reluctant to do.

"You still don't seem to understand what Izuku Midoriya is." Toriyama pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "He's unlike your average villain. In fact he's something entirely new that we've never seen before." The man went on. "His intelligence is fueled by his raw untempered determination and ambition. He thinks of ideas no one else has ever thought, because in today's society there's no need to think of such things anymore. He thinks so many moves ahead, plans within plans within more plans. He's not afraid to flaunt his power to the world. He's also studied how our society functions in every facet. That's how he was able to pull all this off in the first place."

"Okay I get it he's a genius." Toshinori summed up. "But even geniuses can't predict everything."

"Your right. That's why the best chance at beating him is to completely blind side him with a bold move he'll never expect." Reaching into his drawer again the prime minister pulled out a thin file. "This hasn't been publically announced yet but in three weeks Midoriya will be giving a speech along with a special presentation that has to do with the next step of his hero reformation plan." He handed it to the hero.

"What is he presenting?" The skinny blonde man took the file and flipped through it.

"You're going to love this." The prime minister said with heavy sarcasm. "Apparently it's some new Titan robot that he's calling a possible candidate for a new symbol of peace. Other than that I don't know anything about what he's cooking up in that island base of his."

"He's holding it at the Coruscant Stadium. That's a big place, how many people will be attending?" Toshinori was surprised at where Midoriya was holding this event. It was usually reserved for sporting events bigger than the U.A sports festival and for hosting the Hero Awards where professionals were given accolades for great accomplishments and deeds."

"Well the event is going to be free to attend and with how popular Midoriya is lately they'll probably fill every seat." He chuckled at how smart Midoriya was at publicity moves likes this. "Also it will be televised live. You'll have to infiltrate the event as a spectator then unveil yourself when you challenge him in front of everyone."

"What happens when I defeat him?" He didn't say if he said when, assuring himself that he could still beat the teen if he went all out.

"Remove the gauntlet from his arm and bring him outside the stadium. I'll have authorities on standby ready to take him to a detainment facility to await trial." Toriyama supplied. "I'll then have heroes and police sent to shut down his base of operations."

"You make it sound so easy." Toshinori added.

"It's a lot more difficult then I'm making it out to be." The minister frowned as he thought of the potential head ache this whole operation would be. "Plus there's also the public backlash that will need to be dealt with which is why I'm relying on you to affirm the people that the symbol of peace is still strong and ready to uphold justice. Can you do that?"

"Of course." He would also begin preparing Mirio to be his successor. If he couldn't get One for All back from Midoriya's gauntlet then he could at least train the older boy to take his place as the new symbol of peace. Mirio was already strong and incredibly heroic. When he graduated and started making a name for himself then Toshinori planned to retire and leave the future in his capable hands.

"Then good luck to you." The Prime Minister breathed a sigh of relief as he turned off the signal jammer and called for his security to escort Allmight safely out of the building. 'Forgive me Allmight' Toriyama thought as he gazed at his empty glass with regret.


"Alright just remain still." Izuku smiled as Uraraka did as he told. They were currently in the testing room that Izuku had built for using the new gadgets and support gear that Mei and he created. The metal floor panel opened up behind her as a robotic arm extended from it with a device held in its claw. It pressed the device which resembled a metal back pack against Ochako's back where a series of straps snaked their way around her torso. "Is it tight enough?" Izuku approached and made sure the straps were fitted properly.

"Y-Yeah." She blushed at the feeling of his hands on her body. The brown haired girl tried her best to think of something else to distract her from this actions.

"Don't worry I'll catch you if something goes wrong." Izuku assured her as he took a step back completely oblivious to her flushed face. "Now go ahead and use your quirk on yourself." Uraraka nodded, pushing aside her momentary embarrassment to float herself off the ground. As she got a few yards up into the air the device strapped to her back transformed and unfurled into a set of metallic wings. Each was roughly the size of her own body and made of numerous diamond shaped feathers constructed from a light, but durable metal alloy. This support gear that Izuku developed kept her balanced in the air and would even grant her mobility. In other words these mechanical wings would give her the ability to fly.

"So far so good." Ochako gave him two thumbs up which almost caused her to lose her balance.

"Careful. This will take some getting used to." Izuku cautioned. "Tilt your body left and right to rotate yourself." She followed his instructions slowly making one eighties in the air. "Lean forward a bit to fly forward and lean back to do the opposite." Ochako smiled as she carefully moved around the testing room. They spent the next few hours practicing maneuvering through the air, taking breaks here and there so she didn't make herself sick with her quirk. Luckily all the combat and quirk training had increased her stamina greatly.

"Now there are thrusters that will give you some speed." Izuku began to explain as they started the next round of practice. "Do you want to try them out or perhaps wait another day until you're more comfortable with these wings?"

"No time like the present." She gave him the go ahead.

"Okay. Get ready at has a kick." He pulled a remote and pressed a button on it. Almost immediately neon gets burst from between the metallic feathers propelling her across the testing room. "Woah!" He quickly grabbed ahold of her with the reality stone's power and stopped Ochako from nearly crashing face first into the wall.

"On second thought." She chuckled nervously. "Why don't we hold off on that for a while?"

"Yeah that seems appropriate." Izuku agreed and gently placed her on the ground, switching the wings off as the girl deactivated her quirk. Removing the wings he stepped back letting her stretch her sore muscles. "Don't worry the field version will be lighter in weight, compact and much more comfortable to wear." He promised while handing her a bottle of water that he produced from a small portal.

"There's something I've been meaning to ask you." The brown haired teen gratefully took the water.

"Yes" He replied as he put some notes into the small tablet device he carried on his person.

"I don't want to sound impatient, but we've been training almost daily. When do you think we'll be ready to go out into the world?" She was referring to herself, Todoroki and Iida. When could they be heroes? That's what she wanted to know.

"Soon." He vowed. "Things are progressing ahead of schedule, much faster than I planned." Izuku looked up at the ceiling. "Everything is almost in place. There's just one last piece on the board I need to take out of the game before the new world can start to take root."

"Allmight" Ochako frowned sadly. She didn't hate the man, but she didn't like the man either for what he said to Izuku a year ago. Unfortunately he was the last person standing in the way of real progress and change as her friend explained. Izuku promised that he didn't want Allmight dead, just out of his way.

"We all have to grow up some time. Part of growing up is letting go of our childhood heroes." He said with a hint of coldness. "It's time for our society to grow up." As he finished an explosion could be heard coming from the lab next door, ruining the tension of what he just said. "Mei..." Izuku sighed as he turned towards the direction of the sound.

"She blew something up again?" Ochako chuckled at the resident mad engineer's antics and he replied with a dead panned stare that said 'Obviously'.

"The repair drones don't have a consciousness, emotions or mind of their own, but I think even they are starting to get sick of repairing the lab every day." He ran a hand through his messy green hair. "Excuse me." He quickly left the testing room, luckily the lab was right down the hall from where they were. Uraraka watched him go with a cheerful smile, not everything could go smoothly it seemed.


"Maybe he didn't hear that." Mei frantically tried to sweep up fallen debris and clean up the mess before you know who arrived.

"Hear what? You blowing the lab up again?" Izuku said from behind making her jump like a startled cat.

"Actually no." She quickly spun around to correct his assumption. Looking around the facility he noticed that there wasn't the usual smoke and fire, but there was debris everywhere for some odd reason. Highly suspicious in his eyes.

"What did you do?" Izuku crossed his arms like a disappointed dad.

"You know our new baby we've been making?" Mei smiled as she rubbed the back of her head. "I may have...turnedhimontoseewhathecoulddo!" She said that last part quickly, but he heard her loud and clear.

"You activated Nemesis!" He chastised her. "I told you not to switch it on or start testing it without my supervision!"

"I know, but I just wanted to see it in action just for a moment." She pleaded. "He didn't blow anything up. I just had him punch the wall."

"Which wall?" He wondered aloud.

"That one." Mei grinned and pointed at the wall behind him. Izuku turned around to stare at the colossal gaping hole in the concrete. He turned back around to look at her then back to the wall again.

"Okay...that is impressive." He pointed to the hole. "I didn't think it could do that."

"I made a few modifications to the armor plating and juiced up the hydraulics and engine that gives him super strength." She explained proudly.

"I want to see it." Forgetting his earlier frustration with her, Izuku eagerly wanted to see what she'd done to his super Titan. She too was eager to show it off and grabbed his wrist, dragging over to something large and covered in a black sheet.

"All about the reveal!" Mei exclaimed as she whipped the sheet right off.

"Oh!" Izuku was surprised to see there were more than just a few modifications to the armor plating.

"Yeah I took the impact absorbing panels that you use to practice your power stone abilities and applied it to his armor." She explained pointing to the robot's body.

"I just thought you were going to apply it to vital areas. I didn't think you would apply it to the whole body." He started muttering about all the ways this could be used to improve Nemesis's combat abilities.

"Well we want him to last, don't we?" Mei seemed proud of her latest accomplishment. The ultimate baby, she like to call it.

"Not forever though. Just until a new human symbol of peace can arise." Izuku sighed. As much as he valued these robots they still couldn't replace his dream of an ideal human hero. A cold soulless machine could never be that. Though he couldn't wait now to see the look on the people's faces during the big presentation in a few weeks.

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