Two Paths, One Choice

By -AndyArts-

15 7 18

Julie is under pressure with her parents; Cherry and Luther, for which college she should attend and to conti... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Chapter 3

4 2 5
By -AndyArts-

Everyone stares at me in shock. I stand firmly keeping a straight face. Stephanie's face brightens and she squeals, jumping up and down.

'OMG! OMG! OMG! Yes! Finally! Thank you, God!'

'Get off the ground, Steph. It's dirty!' Miles takes Steph's hand and pulls her up. She complains and gives out to him, but I could tell she's also embarrassed, especially since Miles is still holding onto her hand.

In the very beginning, when "I" first started this boy drama, Steph and I agreed that even if we have a crush on the same guy, we won't lose our friendship because it's them who make the choice on whom they date, not us. The only reason why we were both under pressure with this was from my indecisivness.

Poor Steph...

Now, I know what I want. I want to go to Rezo Academy where I'll learn the study of animals and become a zoologist. If my family aren't happy for me, well, I have another whom are. They support me and I support them.

As for the boy thing, I don't care. I like both Rick and Miles. They're good guys. I don't have to have a crush. When I get one, I get one, until then, I'll live my life my way.

'They go well together, no?' Rick shoves me a bit, waking me from my thoughts.

I turn to him and then I look at Miles' and Steph's direction, it is obvious they like one another. I smile. Steph notices and blushes. I give her a thumbs up and wink. She recognises the signal and grins. Miles watches us with a raised brow and Steph pounces on him. I chuckle and turn away from the newly couple, gazing at the mountainous view.

'So...Rezo Academy. Good choice. Following your own dream instead of your parents'. That's...awesome...' Rick rubs his shoe on a small pebble.

'I thought your parents were happy for you?' I contort my face.

'No! I mean, yes. They are...happy for me. Yes. I was just saying that you're going to be working with animals and it might result in you travelling, you know, to study them.' He lifted his gaze.

'I guess.' I shrug. 'I don't like the idea of travelling but I know I want to study zoology. I love animals. Besides, I could learn to love travelling too.'

Rick nods. 'Make sure you're careful, Jules.'

I smile which turns into a grin. 'The Great and Powerful Julie is always careful!' I use my goofy voice along with my super pose. Rick breaks into a laughter and so do I.

'Gamer Girl.' Rick manages to say with a hand through his hair. I blush.

He looked soooo hot just then.

Rick half-smirks at me. I focus on the view. The grey and blue mixtures of colour on the mountains with the addition of the green from the trees and grass creates a marvellous landscape. If you look down, your stomach would turn from the height you're in. Rick startled me when he hugs me from behind. 'Boo.' I push myself away and shake my head.

'That's not funny.'

'Yeah, sorry.' He rubs the back of his head.

Awkward hottie?

We continue to look over in the distance while leaning on the same tree. I hear a wood pecker further down and imagine it's pecking as popcorn popping. Exactly in that moment, my stomach grumbles. I hold my tummy and sigh.



'I got rolls in my backpack. I made them in case anyone got hungry, me specifically.' He bents down next to him for his bag.

My eyes light up. 'I think I'm in love with you.'

Rick laughs. 'How about we take it slow?'

Damn that smile.

I smile and bite into the roll. 'Fine by me.' I shrug. 'As long as you don't make sandwiches or rolls for another girl.' I lean into him. 'Then that would be classified as cheating.' I look up at him.

He leans into me. 'Deal.' We sit together eating away and proceed to make flirty jokes. Later on, Miles and Steph join us, smiling.

Hmmm....I wonder why? 😏

I may not have solved all my problems but I did solve the ones that matter most. I can relax and enjoy whatever comes next in our life. We'll be here for one another. Together forever and no one can prevent that.

'Rick, did you pack any water in there?'

Hello Everyone! I know I said I'll make this chapter longer. I still plan to but I have things to catch up on so I'll have to "end" the chapter here for now. I hope that's ok. I'm also trying to work on the cover for this story and my previous one. Sooo; I'm a busy person. Any suggestions, please put them in the comments. Thank you for your support. You're all wonderful people. 😊

'Yeah, here.'


We all sit together at the tree, enjoying Rick's delicious rolls. Of course, Steph is sitting in Miles' lap and he's resting his chin on her shoulder. Rick and I stick with the side-by-side position. I take another bite into my roll and a dark thought comes.

Telling my parents the news!

Knowing that I shouldn't care about their beliefs and focusing on those who respect and love me is one thing.... The actual action in doing so is a whole other REAL THING.

'If you can stay with one of us?'

Steph shows me a warm smile.

'I'll need to make some room in the guest place, but you can stay there while in college and a bit after too.'

'A bit?' Steph tosses a scrunched up paper from the roll at Rick.

'Not like that! She can stay as long as she wants!'

'It's settled then!' Pearly white teeth. 'You'll be living with Rick. Any objections? No? Fantastic!' She claps and spins to hug her new boyfriend.

'I was going to offer you a place too but it's cool.'

'No worries, Miles.' I nod.

'I can stay with you ~ ♡' She boops her nose on his. He steams up and glances elsewhere. 'We don't have to necessarily live together. We can just visit. No?' She smushes his cheeks like a puffer fish. There's very deep eye contact.

'Yes...' His eyes gaze away.

'You're my adorable boyfriend!'

They hug each other, tightly.

I'm pretty sure she's been waiting for the chance to call him her boyfriend.

'You ok with -'

'Absolutely!' His eyes connect with mine. 'You'd be an amazing-no. You'd be an Incredible Roommate!!'

He looks so excited.... It's so cute!

I chuckle. 'I'm glad you think so. Just remember, when we play video games, your act of heroism will not interfere with me beating you!'

'Ooohhh! You wanna beat me?! Me?! Please! I can take you! Not cause you're a girl! But I'm a champion!' He drums his chest like a gorilla.

'Riiiiiiiiiight. Keep dreaming, mister.'

'I'm not dreaming you are!'

Our shoving turns into a wrestle. We flip the other over and this keeps going on until we're out of breath.


*thumbs up*

'Annnnnnnnnd it's a tie, folks! Looks like we have no one winner!'

'Who would've seen this coming! This was the match of the century!'

'Indeed it was, Jim! Guess all bets will have to be split!'

'Exactly, Kim! Which is why you owe me €40!'

'Oh, you! I need a €60 from you!'

Miles and Steph do that extremely fake laugh that they do on tv....or used to. (Thank God!)



Our comebacks are so weak and effortless as a result from our exhaustion.

'Nice burn. Where'd you learn it? "Roasting for Dummies"? Here.' Steph helps me sit against the tree and I laugh at her joke. She sits beside me. 'Glad you're enjoying yourself.' She whispers.

Miles helps out Rick and the four of us relish the view ahead of us.

I'll live with my friend. It's going to be ok. I have support. I will accomplish my dream. I won't give others control. It's gonna be just fine.



'Our parents can be there with you. You don't have to do it alone.' Steph's positivity shines through her smile.

'I don't like the idea of you even going alone.' Miles tilts back his head.

'Agreed.' Rick poses like a male model with his arm resting on his knee.

'We'll be in the car outside. Our parents will be there inside, maybe not in the same room so you can still have a heart-to-heart with them.' Steph brings me into her shoulder for a hug. 'There, there.'

~ At Home ~

'Do you think we don't want the best for you?!' My Dad yells at the top of his lungs.

'We want you to be successful and happy!' Mom messes up her neatly tied hair.

'We are guaranteeing that by you joining the family business!' Dad slams his hand on the kitchen table. The family business name is on a phablet directly under his big hand.

'I know! It's not that I don't - '

'Don't what? You have NO idea! You're still a child!'

'This is why parents should be allowed to choose their kid's future! They know what their OWN child is capable of!' Mom crosses her arms. Her eyes are like daggers, stabbing my body, weakening me.

'I don't want - '

'You can be such an amazing doctor! We know you're smart! You know you're smart! Why not let someone else care for the animals! There are others with that skill and they'd be better at it!'

'I HAVE A RIGHT TO MY OWN CHOICE!!!' I stomp my foot as I say this. I'm boiling with heat and want to say my thoughts too, not just stifle in their words.


'That's enough now!' Mom comes up to me and puts her hands on my shoulders, softly. 'Please reconsider. You have so much potential. You really do. Remember when you were little you loved to play doctor?'

'With my toys...'

'Yes. You can help people in reality too.'

She's trying to manipulate me. It's all they ever do, especially when I'm being stubborn.

'Mom....they were animal toys. I loved to care for animals. Thank you....but I won't change my mind.'

'I can't believe you....'


'No. No! You don't to be a doctor then GET OUT!'


Her back is the only part of her brave enough to face me.


Mrs. Reyes (Miles' mother - beautician) hugs me and walks me out of the kitchen. 'Come on, Sweetie.'

'Can't believe your encouraging our daughter.' I bet my Mom has her nose up in the air as she says this. Her and Mrs. Reyes used to get along well, even with the others. They all have successful jobs of their own and earn a lot of money so she didn't mind that I was friends with their kids.

'If you care about her future and her, you'd make better choices in raising her.' Mr. Reyes (father - sports trainer) steps in.

'You can't just control your kid like that!' Ms. Flores (Steph's mom - single pilot) snaps.

'What do you know?!'

'We know enough!' Mr. Cox (Rick's dad - entrepreneur) retaliates.

'Let's go, honey. The grown ups are talking. You did your part. You're a very brave girl.' Mr. Cox (Rick's other dad - game producer) strokes my hair and guides me with Mrs. Reyes outside.

I walk out with them and I see my friends in a car. When Steph sees me through the window she's leaning on, she burst through the door and hugs me. Rick and Miles come out too and we meet up as Steph walks me to them.

'You good?' Miles hugs me.

I shake my head.


'How about a nice stay-in, cozy movie night? We'll have treats, popcorn, cola or hot chocolate? What do you say?' Steph peeps her head left to make eye contact as I'm snuggled in Miles' bear hug.


'Brilliant! Who's place?'

'We'll go to our house. It's closer and there's a Costa near by. My favourite thing about it is the hot chocolate. I could buy two to go when I'm off from work and bring them home to Stephy.'

'Great idea! Us parents can hang out in the kitchen while the kids watch a movie. I really want a hot chocolate now.' Mr. Cox rubs his hands together while licking his lips.

I laugh without intention.

'I'll go in and let the others know. You stay with the kids.' Ms. Flores as the independent, strong woman she is walks ahead back into the loud house.

Time passes and she comes back. Steph is leaning on the outside of the car next to me while I'm sitting in it with the door open, dangling my legs. Miles is inside with me and Rick is standing next to his dad.

'They're almost done in there. Some of your belongings will be brought with us, Sweetie. The rest we'll come for another day.'

I nod.

Steph pokes me with her foot. Her smile is reassuring and pretty. Never expect otherwise from her good nature. I pack some of the basics I'd need for everyday and a few of my video games that I know I'll want to play on Nintendo. We drive off and I gaze out the window.

Trees....houses.....road......plastic bag floating.....maybe a cat?...

'We're here!'

I jump in my seat. 'What?'

'Oh, you fell asleep? Sorry! You!' Steph points with her perfectly long finger. 'Why didn't you tell me?'

'What are we the sleeping police?' They both shrug.

'If you're the police, I'm the judge. Now, next time we are driving, tell me without waking the baby up that she's sleeping!' Her grey eyes pierce through their flesh.

They flinch.

'Did you just call me a baby?...' I stare at her confused.

'Yes, and no, I won't take it back.' She winks with a dashing grin.

~ Inside Steph's House ~

I'm dressed in my cow onesie (excuse: comfy and warm) and Steph is wearing her cute, yellow, short summer pjs (excuse: she's hot). Miles is wearing a plain grey tank top with red shorts (excuse: didn't have pjs) and Rick has his Mario kart t-shirt with matching shorts (excuse: Mario kart rules!).

We all bundle up on the big, long, soft, redish couch in the cinema room (yes....cinema room!). Popcorn is split equally into four bowls (salt and butter). Hot chocolate poured in our preferred mugs; mine - Avengers mug, Steph's - personalised with all our names (bestie! 😭), Rick's - "Game Over" mug (😒) and Miles' - bunny marshmallow mug (always tease! 🙄).

The big screen comes with 3D glasses. For our special movie, we don't need them. Steph cuddles with her boyfriend (naturally!) on the right and Rick and I sit next to each other (space between) on the left.

'You have your own!'

'But we're sharing.'


'Yours looks better.'

'Here! That yours, this mine! Eat up!' Steph moves her bowl away from Miles like it was her "preeecious".

Sorry if you don't get my joke.

'Thanks, Steph!' I take a single popcorn and drop it into my mouth. 'Yummy!' I grin wide.

She stares at me. Like really stares. 'I love you, you're like my baby.....but never eat my food.'

I chuckle. 'Ok, mom.'

Miles takes her attention and kisses her on the cheek. 'Movie's starting.'

I eat my popcorn peacefully as "Ratatouille" plays. Miles and Steph eat from their own bowls. Rick is watching the movie with his hand still in his bowl, not eating. The blue mouse is trying to rejoin with his family and I shove Rick to close his mouth. He's still not eating but he gawks at the movie. He stops and turns to me. I motion with my head to his food. 'Eat.' I whisper. He smirks and shakes his head as he stuffs his mouth.

The mouse and the man are working together as they cook. Popcorn finished already and hot chocolate in everyone's hand. We are so engaged in the movie we take small sips to avoid a mess. Miles rubs Steph's head as they proceed to cuddle and Steph rubs under his chin. It sounds weird....I know, but when you see it, it's really, really cute. Rick flicks my cow ear repeatedly and takes my attention from them. He nods at the screen. 'Watch.' He whispers. I narrow my eyes.

Very funny

He winks.

The mouse is trapped in a cage. I put my awesome mug on the table next to Rick's and stretch my legs on him. He raises a brow. I shrug and rests my arms behind my head. My side vision allows me to see Rick smiling and shaking his head in disbelief. He takes my legs and stretches them out more. 'Comfy?'

I nod.

He keeps his hands on my legs and fingers the fabric. I flinch.

It tickles...

He gives me this very sly grin. I widen my eyes and shake my head viciously. No use. He tightens his grip and starts the act of forceful tickling.

'Noooooooooo!' I turn and twist, trying to pull away laughing. He's too strong. I laugh and laugh, feeling weak and happy at the same time. He doesn't stop. 'I can't breathe!!!' I continue laughing. 'Ok, ok! Please, stop!' He doesn't. 'Whhhhhhyyyyyy?'

'Let her breathe, Rick.' Miles' attempt at being serious while laughing himself.

Steph is enjoying this so much that she stuffed her face in Miles' chest.

'Plllllleeeeeaaaasssseee! I'm gonna peeeeeeee!' I hold my stomache.

Rick releases me. 'You okeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey?'

I lightly shove him with my foot as I calm down. Miles and Steph are still at it.

"P-pllllllleeeeeeaaaassseeeee! I'm, I'm gonna p-peeeeeeeeeee!" Steph burst out laughing even more.

'Stop! I can't!' Miles covers his face in tears.

I sigh, deeply. 'I'm going to use your toilet.'

'Take your time, baby.'

'Steph calls me her baby (for some reason).' I get off my back. 'Also, I was talking to her.'

'Weeeeeellllll, she's busy.'

*Straight face*

'That's such a cute face, baby ~ ♡'

I roll my eyes.

Coming back the critique likes the food the mouse made. Everyone has a smile on their face from before. Steph is on Miles' other side, hugging him and resting her head. He's playing with her hair as he's holding her.

Ahhh! They're so cute!!!!

Rick moves over (as if that makes a difference) and pats the space next to him. I sit a few inches further than where he insisted. He stares. I get pulled and embraced into his arms. He nuzzles my cow hood and holds me. I want to push away but I'll just say I can't when really this is a verrrry comfortable position. I rest my head against him and move in closer.

Rick strokes me and flicks my cow ear. I blink. The movie finished. I don't make any indication of getting up so I hug more and close my eyes. I don't know where or what Steph and Miles look like because Rick and I are on our backs or he's on his back and I'm on him, facing the opposite direction.

'Sleepy, baaaaaaaby?' He whispers in my ear.

'Five more minutes.....' I doze off.


That's it! I'm done! I hope you enjoyed. Please, vote for this chapter if so. Thank you for all your support. I really appreciate it. 😶

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