由 MissNotu

3.5K 261 3

The story is about the journey of two childhood friends who grew up in an orphanage home. They become lovers... 更多



44 5 0
由 MissNotu

The launch was a success. It was then an after-party to celebrate the event and also to thank everyone for coming and for their support. Everyone was cheerful, vibing, and energetic.

Nad was enjoying her time with her friends and husband. She had not met Anga but she had seen him around busy, it was chilled and it wasn't packed as much as it was before the party. They didn't pay much attention to each other just little meaningless glances.

Kamilla seemed to enjoy herself that night even though she distanced herself from Zama and her friends, she was just enjoying her time while it lasted. She was a little tipsy so she decided to go and join Zama and her friends, Elam was busy hosting but he did go to the table from time to time but it was time for him to settle and enjoy some time with his woman and friends even though Anga was not in the mood of joining others all he wanted was to have a drink and go straight home.

Elam: Hey man, let's go join others.

Anga: Nah I'm alright man, I'm good here, in fact, I think I'm gonna go and rest it's been a hell of a night.

Elam: Yeah but it was a  successful night brother I still cannot believe that we did it man. Are you sure you good?

Anga: Yeah I'm good man, after this successful event I just don't want any negativity. I just want to end this great I'm gonna grab some bottles though I probably gonna drink myself to sleep, I will be celebrating still.

(He laughed a little)

Elam: Great man. Drive safe.

Anga: Tell K I'm gonna be out in a minute enjoy y'all.

Elam was approaching the table, everything was great holding a Moet champagne until he saw her. He looked again to make sure he wasn't seeing things, it was her in a flesh right next to Zama, they were laughing, and seemed like they were having fun together. He quickly ran back to where Anga was seating, he was like a madman he was shaking, he couldn't talk he paced around making his friend uncomfortable.

Anga: Dude you are making me dizzy what's up?

Elam: You got to do something she gonna harm her. How did she know I was here? When did she come?

Anga: Calm down, here have a drink. What are you talking about you are not making sense?

Elam: She is here to ruin my life. I can't believe it.

Anga: Who are you talking about, you are scaring me, man.

Elam: Paloma, she is here.

Anga: Arg man you scared me, see I told you to tell the truth now it's haunting you. What did you drink tonight? Look at you, you are sweating.

Elam: Anga she is here.

Anga: ( He laughed) you remind me of the first time I smoked weed it was so scary man, you know I actually believed I was butter, I felt everything the worse part was when I melted in a hot pan it was really man I had never been that hot. (He laughed again).

Elam: She is doing this on purpose just to torture me. I have to talk to her.

Anga: Okay, this is getting out of hand, am I that drunk or are you? Are you talking about your fiance from...

Elam: Ex-fiance, she is here with Zama man, come take a look.

Anga: What! Is that her? Man, she is beautiful like fire bro.

Elam: The fire that is here to burn me. I'm finished, she is telling Zama everything right now I can read her lips. I need to take Zama home right now before she gets her first.

Anga: She is really hot but very messy and dangerous, wow what should we do? But they seem to be happy they just hang out like old friends.

Elam: How do I get Zama here without her seeing me?

Anga: Looks like Zama saw us already. She is waving at us, let's go there and act cool. You don't know her even if she reveals the truth just deny it, we will tell everyone that she is crazy I will back you up.

Elam: It sounds like a plan.

They approached the table, and Elam's heart was beating so fast and loud, he finally reach them even though it felt like they were miles away. He tried not to look at her but he couldn't help but give a glance, she winked at him.

Zama was tipsy a little, she hugged him and kissed him.

Elam: Baby I think you have had enough, it's time we go home.

Zama: No I'm still celebrating my man's success. I'm not going anywhere come on have a drunk baby. I'm so proud of you.

Elam: Thank you, baby, but I think we should head out I'm not feeling well, I'm tired and I'm working tomorrow. ( He faked a yawn).

Kamila noticed that Zama was about to fall for Elam's lies, she got close enough for Zama to notice her, and Anga came too.

Zama: How rude of me, hey girl this is my fiance Elam. Baby this is Kamila.

Kamila: Finally we meet, nice seeing you.

Elam: Same here, so baby shall we?

Kamila: So sad, you are going already?

Zama: See baby, I'm still having fun with my girls. Hey, Nad ain't we still having fun?

Nadia: Yes friend, why are you asking?

Kamila: She is being a party pooper.

Nadia: No way that ain't like my friend at all what's up talk to me.

She came closer to them were, Nad, Elam, Kamila, Anga, and Zama.

Anga: Hey sister chill this ain't about you, she must go.

Nadia: I am sorry but was I talking to you? Who the hell are you telling her that she must go?

Elam: We got to go, I ain't feeling well you know I think I'm gonna catch a flue

Nadia: Well you look fine to me, but I was talking to that bum head.

Anga: No I know you ain't talking to me. Go to your husband and leave us.

Kamila: So Mr. Doc is not feeling well. I guess you should go take care of your man my friend.

Zama: I think I'm gonna go. Kamila, are you staying? Do you want a ride? We could drop you off.

Elam: Come on baby I'm sure she is still parting. Let her be.

Kamila: Actually I was kind of tired you know.

Anga: Good then I will drop you off.

Nadia:  Wow! that was quick, already wanna smash that. Unbelievable!

Elam: Stop provoking me. Don't patronize me, woman!!

Nadia: Really what are you gonna do?

Anga: Nadia you are drunk, leave me alone I have real matters to attend to.

Zama: What matters?

Elam: His personal stuff babe he is really going through a tough time.

Nadia: I don't buy that shitty story, what's really going here?

Anga: Please leave Nadia this is serious we have an emergency here.

Elam: It's a matter of life and death.

Zama: Baby what's going on, you are worrying me.

Kamila: Yeah Elam tells us what's the matter my friend is worried here.

Elam: ( He got closer to Kamila and pointed a finger to her face as a sign of warning) you stay out of my business. Stay away from her.

Zama: Baby you are being rude, what did she do? Apologize, please.

Nadia: (She laughed out loud) finally! I'm glad there is someone who sees her for who she is.

Zama: Nadia!

Nadia: Just saying okay?!.

Elam: You know I'm out of here it's either you go with her or with me.

Zama: This is madness, wait I'm coming.

Elam turn to Anga and mouthed him "Thanks" then he exited with Zama on his arm. She was still confused and had many unanswered questions.

Kamila: What about me?

Anga: Yeah what about you?

Kamila: Are you still gonna drive me home?

Nadia: You must be really thirsty, beat it, ain't nobody driving you nowhere. Take a Uber or hike Whatever suits you.

Anga: What are still doing here Nadia?, Care to join your husband? Please.

Nadia: (She rolled her eyes) you are so mean. I'm gone okay, I just wanted to congratulate you today was very beautiful I'm happy for you.

Anga: Thanks, Nadia.

Nadia: Anga I'm really sorry about...

Anga: Have a great evening Nadia.

Kamila: It seems like I ain't the only one who is thirsty here. Your husband is waiting to go on, bye!.

Nadia: (She sighed out loud) I'm gonna pretend that you bitch never said that, okay? and make sure you stay away from me and my friend bitch or next time I see you. You will catch the first flight...

Anga: Okay Nadia just let it go.

Nadia went back to her husband and grabbed his hand then exited too.

Kamila: You tell your friend. This is just the beginning. (She blew him a kiss)

Anga: What the fuck? What do you mean?

Kamila: He is gonna pay for everything. Now that I have his bitch figured out. (She smiled the winked)

She left Anga there still standing. He couldn't believe what she just said.

Thank you for reading


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