The Hero and Villain Hunter:...

By TheHatOfTheHats

158K 2.7K 1.6K

WARNING! Stop. Just... Just stop. Please for the love of god, whatever you do, DO NOT CLICK ON THIS FIC. I fi... More

Chapter one: Quirkless
Chapter two: Regret
Chapter three: Training
Chapter four: Reality
Chapter five: Exam
Chapter six: Rags
Chapter seven: Securance
Chapter eight: Aptitude
Chapter nine: Battle
Chapter ten: Dominance
Chapter eleven: Forebodance
Chapter twelve: Stalemate
Chapter thirteen: Ambush
Chapter fifteen: Humbling
Chapter sixteen: Friends
Authors note (Updated! (Will be deleted later))

Chapter fourteen: Survive

6K 119 22
By TheHatOfTheHats

To say the situation was bad was an understatement. To start it off, U.A., the most prestigious hero school in Japan if not the whole world, was under attack by a group calling themselves the 'League of Villains'. The thought was almost unthinkable to any sane person. The defenses, the skill of the heroes teaching at the establishment, it was theoretically impossible for something like this to happen. Yet it was and musing about the how's and why's would only get Izuku killed. He shouldn't have even been surprised. After All Might began to teach here he should have known something would happen.

Izuku shook his head violently to clear his thoughts. Now was the worst time to be thinking about that. Right now he had a villain to deal with, one at that he admitted might be a tough fight. While appearance didn't necessarily translate into skill and experience, he would be a fool to let his guard down and underestimate his opponent. He had to gather more intel on his opponent. When that was done, he could figure out some way to deal with them before moving on and regrouping with his classmate.

First off, Izuku had already established the basics of her quirk. When he saw the villain seemingly telepathically tear off concrete and cement from the roof of the building they were on, the rubble levitated and surrounded the villain almost like armor. That meant her quirk was either a magnet for rock like material at the very least, or, she could manipulate said materials almost like telekinesis and simply chose to use it for the purpose she demonstrated earlier. Izuku wouldn't put it past a villain to throw away an obvious advantage for fun but it was also possible that the villain was smarter than met the eye and was keeping her cards hidden.

"Ha! What's wrong?! You're so scared you can't even say anything? THIS'LL BE FUN!" The villain screamed, right as she charged at Izuku.

Izuku immediately reacted, jumping to the side as the villains' hardened fist met concrete, decimating the area where he once stood. He noted that the rock used to create makeshift armor also cracked and chipped at the blow but any debris that fell simply flew right back into place.

Another wild swing, a left hook this time made its way towards Izuku. Thinking quickly, the hero-in-training jumped up and over the strike, twisting his body in preparation to land back on his feet. As soon as he did, he noted that the villain was wide open and used the opening to his advantage.

"Damnit kid, STAY STILL!" The villain roared, but lacking the reaction time and reflexes to follow up with another attack.

He bent his knees and with incredible force, jumped into the air, launching himself at the villains face. He flipped in mid air right as he was to make contact with the villain, his feet smashing into the top of the villains head from above, delivering a devastating blow. The villain stumbled back a few feet before shaking off the pain and refocusing on her objective to rip the pipsqueak in front of her apart.

"Ow, ow, oww... THAT HURT YOU BRAT! YOU MUST WANT TO BE TORN TO PIECES!" The villain growled, tearing up the cement from around her, and reinforcing her make-shift armor.

The villain rushed Izuku again but before she got close, Izuku heard a cracking sound from behind him. He quickly threw his head over his shoulder to look at the source of the noise while keeping the villain in his peripheral vision. He barely had time to react but he saw chunks on concrete flying at him from behind at a quick rate. Izuku rolled to the side as the debris flew past him and stuck to the villain but she didn't stop moving. Izuku barely regained his footing and despite an attempt to dodge, the villain backhanded him in the shoulder, which he felt dislocate at the hit.

Izuku didn't stay down long, however... He couldn't. The villain immediately followed up with another attack, pouncing on Izuku in hopes to land on top of him and render him immobile due to her weight and size. As she jumped, Izuku's mind went into overdrive. Watching the villain he noticed something about the make-shift armor the villain created using her quirk. Her joints were unprotected.

The villain got closer and Izuku slid underneath. He quickly got up as the villain landed and took the opening created by the villain's slow reaction time. The back of the knees were completely unprotected. He closed the gap in an instant and with his signature style, slammed his right foot into the back of the villains left knee, his signature stream of illuminated green flowing behind his foot.

An audible crack was heard and the villains knee buckled before they fell to the ground. Not wasting another golden opportunity, Izuku quickly jumped up and onto the villain's back before making his way to their neck. It was protected but in the villains stunned gaze, he was confident he could smash it open. He brought back his right hand and made a fist, leaving his index and middle finger pointing outward, before striking the makeshift concrete armor plating surrounding the villains neck, shattering it to pieces.

The villain by this time had regained focus and had grabbed Izuku by the leg and started to pull but Izuku didn't let go. He was thankful that the only thing that gave her, her striking power was the concrete on her fists. Quickly and efficiently, Izuku found a pressure point on the back of the villain's neck, which he promptly struck with a high amount of force. The villain stopped struggling immediately and promptly went limp, before the armor on her body fell apart, after which she collapsed face first into the rooftops floor and entered unconsciousness.

Izuku breathed a sigh of relief at his victory. He didn't have anything to tie the villain up with, at least not securely with her quirk so he just had to hope she didn't wake up for a little while. Thankfully however, he could finally get on track to getting out of the flaming hell that was the fire zone of the U.S.J.

Izuku quickly spun around and began heading in the direction Ojiro ran in. He was absolutely sure that Ojiro could handle himself, especially if the villain he fought was one of the stronger ones at this attack but two are better than one.

He was thankful that the buildings were close together and that the rooftops mostly were not completely ablaze, meaning he had some room to maneuver about the city. The roads that lined the fake city were too wide to jump completely, at least for Izuku. If he got a running start and really, really jumped he might barely miss a ledge but there was no way he was stupid enough to risk that. Eventually, he came across a traffic light that brought him close enough to jump the gap.

As he made it further and further into the city, the shouts and grunts of the villains grew louder. Soon enough, Izuku came across Ojiro surrounded by villains. He noted that the villains were weak as he assumed when he first saw them. They were unorganized and lacked any sort of strategy. As soon as one charged, they were either easily knocked back or hampered by another villain. It was entertaining to watch the friendly fire and shouting of the villains but he was in a time crunch here. He could watch entertaining videos later on Youtube at home with Eri wrapped in a cozy blanket.

He crept up to a low ledge near the villains and now he could actually understand the interactions the villains were having.

"Dammi- JUST STAND STILL YOU SHIT FLINGING MONKEY!" One of the villains, some sort of quirk that shoots lasers from his fingertips.

"He's too fast! We're trying! Maybe if your aim wasn't so shit WE WOULDN'T BE HAVING SUCH A HARD TIME!" Another villain argued.

"DO I LOOK LIKE I GIVE A SHIT?!" The finger tip laser villain screamed.


The two villains arguing with the finger tip laser villain surged forward, hoping to make good on their promise to restrict his movement. One he noticed secreted something from his hands. It was white but he doubted it was acid. The other rushed at him with iron or steel chains with grapple hooks at the ends shooting from his wrist and elbow. The chains nearly wrapped around Ojiro but he avoided the attack and grabbed the chain as he leaped over. He tugged the villain towards him and with amazing strength, flung the semi scrawny villain at the other, who threw his hands up on instinct. The two collide and they are unable to become separated, screaming profanities and curses the entire time.

'Ah so that was glue... That quirk is actually dangerous if used correctly. It's a good thing Ojrio already took care of him.' Izuku thought. He then realized he indirectly complimented Mineta and immediately scowled at the thought of the perv before finally jumping down to aid his classmate.

When Izuku jumped off the ledge he was perched on, he landed on the villain closest to him, who looked like a werewolf. His snout met concrete once gravity pulled Izuku on to him and he was knocked unconscious. The thud was a little more audible than Izuku would have liked however and the remaining 3 villains who still had freedom of movement noticed him.

"Shit! There's another one! Take care of the monkey, I got him!" The villain with the laser quirk shouted.

"Just don't miss your shots like last time, I'll skin you alive if you do!" Another of the villains shouted. Looking at him closely, Izuku could see that he had razor sharp appendages protruding from his skin, as if he had spikes like some sort of animal. Izuku looked towards the final villain, who he noticed looked like an Echidna. It was kind of cute actually.

The laser villain turned a full 180 and lined up his laser fingers. Izuku immediately began running at him but couldn't close the distance before he started shooting. Luckily the taunts of the other villains had merit as he probably couldn't hit the broadside of a barn but lasers are still lasers so better safe than sorry.

The first of the lasers aimed for his upper torso and head. Izuku promptly ducked to the ground and slid underneath the lasers. The villain however, mde up for his bad aim with follow up attacks and the second the first lasers passed overhead, another barrage was flying at him. If he didn't move it would hit his legs and torso.

Without skipping a beat, Izuku rolled to the side and jumped back onto his feet, avoiding the lasers in the process. While on the ground, he picked up a sizable piece of rubble which was about the size of a baseball. Once he was up, Izuku threw the projectile at the villain, who panicked and threw his arms up while trying to move out of the way. 'Checkmate.'

Izuku immediately pressed his advantage and closed the distance between the two before he could recover. Izuku immediately struck him in the stomach with his fist, before kicking him on his side. He coughed saliva at the punch and he could feel something crack under the kicks pressure. Izuku then let a left hook fly at the villain's face. It struck true and following up that attack with an uppercut, left the villain dazed. A final devastating kick to the villain's stomach, which made him throw up his previous meal, caused the villain to stumble and fall to the floor.

The Razor and Echidna villains were still too busy dealing with Ojiro but a scream from the classmate in question alerted Izuku to his predicament. He saw a deep gash on his left forearm, most likely from one of the appendages on the razor villain. Izuku wasted no time and threw himself at the Razor villain. Izuku jumped up and spun his body around for momentum, before delivering a roundhouse kick to the side of the villains head, knocking him unconscious immediately. The Echidna villain was too shocked at the knock out of his partner to retaliate and was promptly taken out by a well timed but coincidental double attack. Ojiro swung his tail at the villain's face and Izuku swept his left leg underneath the villain's feet. After that, it was quiet, save for the roaring flames and heavy breathing of the two classmates.

"Thanks Yagi... You saved me back there. I probably would have come out on top but... I would have probably been hurt worse... So thanks." Ojiro thanked Izuku and gave him an apologetic smile.

"It's fine. We're classmates. Do you know where the rest of our class is? Have you seen anyone else?" Izuku asked, looking around to make sure the villains were still down.

"No I haven't seen them. They're probably still in the facility if that's what you're asking..." Ojiro said.

"Alright... I'm going to go find them. Come with me if you want or return to the entrance." Izuku said before turning around.

"I'll come with yo-" Ojiro tried to say, but was cut off when the structure beside them began to collapse. Izuku quickly noticed the villain from before, who could draw concrete to her body. She looked exhausted and promptly fell to the ground after using her quirk but the damage was done.

"OJIRO! MOVE!" Izuku shouted, he pushed him out of the way, before leaping out of the way himself. He managed to mostly avoid the fall but a large piece of rubble fell onto Izuku. He managed to push it off of him but his left arm throbbed in a dull pain. He tried to move it but each attempt left him trying not to cry out.

"YAGI!" He heard Ojiro shout. Once the rubble began to clear, Ojiro immediately ran up to Izuku, who was crouching on the ground and clutching his left arm with his right.

"Enough about finding the others, we need to get you to the entrance! Look at your arm!" Ojiro said in a semi panicked tone.

"I'll be fine. A busted arm isn't the worst I've dealt with..." Izuku grimaced.

'You quirkless Deku! You'll die if you become a hero!'

'Yagi? Going to U.A.? Is he stupid?'

'Katsuki! Shoto! Let's teach my brother just how dangerous heroism can be! HAHAHAHA!'

".... I'll be fine..."

"Whatever you say, but we need to go! If you need help, just tell me!" Ojiro retorted.

Izuku, surprisingly gave Ojiro a very faint but noticeable smile. "Thank you Ojiro."

"No problem, lets go! Move!" He shouted. The two then began to run in the direction of the plaza. Their progress wasn't very slow due to lack of injuries but every now and then they needed to take a detour to avoid the fires throughout the city.

Eventually they made it and what they saw wasn't what they were hoping for. On the plus side, they saw the unconscious bodies of a few dozen villains. On the downside, the hand guy and the large beaked muscle brain, were both still standing, the latter of which was holding Aizawa down. Right as they arrived they saw the large villain holding him down, snap his arm. It was audible across the plaza and the yell afterwards was bone chilling.

"Shit... We need to help them!" Izuku said.

"Hold on a minute Yagi. Look at the situation. We're both injured, you more so, and that giant villain managed to take and pin down Aizawa. Even if we could fight him off, he can still kill Mr. Aizawa if we try anything. Let's just watch." Ojiro Argued.

Izuku grimaced but he admitted that he was right. He wasn't thinking clearly thanks to the sight before him. He needed to lay back and observe. He just had to hope his favorite hero would be alright. He was furious with himself that he couldn't do anything. To hell with watching, he'd observe for now but the millisecond he got an opening, he'd take it! Immediately after Ojiro finished talking, the warp villain from before warped next to Shigaraki.

"Tomura Shigaraki..." The warp villain addressed the hand guy.

"Kurogiri..." Shigaraki acknowledged.

"I managed to scatter most of the students as requested and I incapacitated Thirteen but sadly one of the children managed to bypass me and has exited to facility. Most likely to call for help." Kurogiri informed Shigaraki. Izuku couldn't see it because of the hand on his face, but he was certain Shigaraki was livid.

"If you weren't our warp gate, I'd kill you right now... Damnit... We couldn't kill the guy running for the bell and now reinforcements will arrive. We can't fight a bunch of high level bounty hunters. That's it, it's game over... Let's go home..." Shigaraki stated in a fairly calm tone, despite his obvious frustrations.

"What? Are they leaving already?" Ojiro asked.

"It's surprising. Let's keep watching, I doubt they'd leave just like that." Izuku answered.

"But first..." Shigaraki started, glee almost radiating from his tone. His heart stopped for a moment when Shigaraki turned his head. On the far side of the plaza were three students who he hadn't noticed due to the bird villain being in the way but he had a clearer view now. Tsuyu Asui, Minoru Mineta and Izumi Yagi.

"Let's leave U.A. with a parting gift... and crush the Symbol of Peace's pride!" He shouted, before charging at the group.

Izuku moved before he knew what was going on, he hated his sister, strongly disliked Mineta and was indifferent towards Asui but he damn well wasn't going to let them die. Izuku jumped into the air after rushing across the Plaza and nearly landed on top of Shigaraki. He was about to pin him to the ground, until an excruciating pain erupted on his right side. Before he knew it, he was shot across the plaza, bouncing on the cement floor before finally stopping after crashing into a wall. The large villain who was holding Aizawa had moved and hit him.

He just regained his focus when he saw Shigaraki about to grab Asui. He tried to yell out but his ribs hurt too much to get a coherent sentence out. His hand grabbed Asui's face and... Nothing?

"Dammit... You really are the coolest Eraser Head..." Shigaraki said to himself. Izuku looked over and saw that thanks to the bird brain getting off of him, Aizawa managed to use his quirk in time to stop Shigaraki's quirk.

"GET AWAY FROM HER! SMASH!" Izumi shouted, and threw a punch as hard as she could at Shigaraki. There was a huge blast of wind and a large dust cloud appeared. When the dust cleared, Izuku saw the giant bird villain standing, completely unharmed, in front of Shigaraki.

"Well aren't you dangerous... I think I'll kill you first!" Shigaraki stated, before the Nomu went to grab Izumi. However, right before his classmate could be killed, the hinges to the door's entrance were blown off along with the door.

"WHO ARE THE VILLAINS THAT DARED TO ATTACK MY STUDENTS?" A voice bellowed. Izuku barely managed to tilt his head and who he saw filled him with relief, yet pure and unbridled rage.


Izuku noticed one thing about All Might that he didn't think he'd ever see. He wasn't smiling.

A/N: Note to self: Don't push yourself to write chapters if you're tired because it'll turn out shit. I had to rewrite this entire chapter cause I thought it was absolute garbage. Short and rushed. I hope you guys enjoyed though :3

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