We'll Never Get Married in a...

By deanweasly

10.4K 292 104

Pelle and Marlene Ohlin are the gorgeous twins from Anita Forsberg and Felix Ohlin. They've spent their lives... More

1. Home, Sweet Home
2. Denim and Leather
3. The Toxic Waltz
4. I Wanna Rock
5. Welcome to the Jungle
6. Nothin' But A Good Time
7. Night of the Blasphemy
9. The Absurd Circus
10. 2 Minutes to Midnight

8. Seven Headed Whore

914 24 17
By deanweasly

18 November, 1988

When Pelle had invited Marlene to a rehearsal, she was expecting it to be just her invited. Maybe some amount of producer or manager. But she was certainly not expecting to see two other slutted-out whores there. She was so enraged when one of them claimed to be Pelle's new girlfriend then was incredibly rude toward a photographer who tried to introduce himself to her. 

One whore belonged to Jorn, which didn't surprise Marlene in the least. Jorn seemed loyal enough in all the months Marlene had known him, but he also seemed to be into that kind of stuff. And the beautiful Jan Axel was too beautiful to limit himself to one chick at a time, so he didn't bother to bring his whores to rehearsal. 

Either way, the one whore, Eva, she was fine. She was okay. Stupid, but sweet. 

But the other one. Marlene was ready to wring her skinny fucking neck. Tina. She even had an annoying fucking name. Who's ever met someone named Tina who isn't a complete fucking bitch? And for her brother, her twin, to be dating something like that? It made Marlene nauseous. 

And she'd have fucking told Pelle if he'd even bothered to show up to the rehearsal he invited Marlene to.

She refused to be in the same room as Tina while Pelle was still missing. Marlene sat with Jan, Jorn and his squeeze, and Oystein in the kitchen. Jon, the photographer, felt bad for Tina so he waited outside for Pelle with her. 

"Lena, would you fucking relax?" Jan pleaded. Marlene turned her gaze from burning a hole through that stupid bitch's dyed blonde, crimped hair. She turned it straight to Jan, who then got a scared look on his face. Marlene was already white-knuckle gripping her beer bottle. Her leg bounced at mach speed. 

"You wanna fucking tell me to relax right now, Jan Axel? Look straight into my eyes and tell me again?" Jan was silent. Marlene took a sip of her beer. "First, the stupid prick doesn't show up on time to something he invited me to. Then, he has the gull, the audacity, the fucking balls to invite his girlfriend that he didn't fucking tell me about! Yes, please, leave me with her and her black lipstick and mini-skirt and such a cropped shirt! That's everything I fucking want!"

"What wrong with black lipstick?" Eva asked indignantly. 

Marlene snapped out of her rage for a second to sweetly smile at the girl across the table from her. She put her hand over Eva's kindly. "Nothing, it looks amazing on you, Sweetheart, don't worry. Everything you do, I love." Eva began to blush and Jorn gave Marlene a look that screamed 'what the fuck, Dude, she's my girl'. Marlene slumped back in her chair, no longer holding Eva's hand. "But on her, it looks gross. She looks like a try-hard."

"Baby, I thought you'd be glad that Dead's finally getting some action," Oystein purred, putting his hand on Marlene's thigh. 

Marlene growled, "He could've warned me." Then she looked at Oystein. "And another thing!" He sighed. "He gets all pissy about you and I, but if he gets a girlfriend, that's just fine and dandy. But fuck Marlene, right? She's not allowed to be happy. 'Oh, Marlene, go to school! Go to church! You're touching a boy without The Lord in mind? Shame on you! Go to Reconciliation!' Well fuck that. Fuck him."

"Oystein, if you ever break up with her, I'm next in line," Jan announced. Oystein shot a look at his friend while Marlene laughed madly. She downed the last of her beer. 

"Please, you wouldn't know what to do with all this if you got it, Drummer," Marlene scoffed, returning to glaring at Tina. God, even the name got Marlene's stomach in a twist. She was upset. Mainly because Pelle just left them all to do their own introductions, and because he didn't even tell her about this bitch. 

"Okay, fuck this. We can practice without Dead," Jorn told the group, finishing his beer. Everyone looked at him. Eva wrapped her arms around his bicep like a hug. Jorn smiled. "We've got 3 quarters of the band. 75% is more than a pass. So lets get this show on the road."

Everyone was in agreement with Jorn. They all stood up. Oystein pressed a kiss to the still pissed off Marlene's temple. She softened slightly; enough to kiss Oystein back. He held onto her waist when she pulled him into a tight hug. Marlene sighed heavily into Oystein's red Poison shirt. His fingers messaged Marlene's hips.

"It's okay, Baby, don't worry," Oystein whispered while everyone else found their way to the studio in the basement. Marlene looked into her boyfriend's kind eyes. They were like her best medicine. "We're dating because it makes us happy. Maybe they're dating because it makes them happy." This motherfucker. Oystein smiled. "Baby, you only make that face when I'm right. It's my second favourite of your faces."

Even Marlene couldn't resist. "And your favourite of my faces?"

Oystein leaned in close to Marlene's ear. "Your face while you ride my cock." Marlene's eyebrows shot up and her face turned scarlet red. She wasn't expecting that. She was expecting the shit-eating grin that was plastered on Oystein's face when he leaned back, but good God. 

"Well, shit, expect to see that face tonight, Aarseth," she gaped. Oystein bit his lip. Marlene grabbed his hand. "Practice time, c'mon."

She dragged him down to the basement where everyone else was already all set up. All Oystein had to do was pick up his guitar and plug her in. Marlene sat on a milk crate beside Eva, who put her head on Marlene's shoulder. See, Eva was a whore. But she was the whore of whores and she wore the title proudly. And Marlene respected that. She first met Eva at a party in early October and the two were pals ever since. Not as close as Marlene and Ginger, but close enough.

The boys began practicing. Certain times they didn't sound evil enough, and Marlene would call them on it. Other times they would sound metal as fuck, and Eva would cheer them on. And both girls on both milk crates were banging their heads along to the music. When they got a bit dizzy after about an hour, Eva clung to Marlene who clung to Eva. 

But then the man of the hour showed up. 

Marlene didn't notice his arrival and no one called it out. Pelle just began singing his guts out, and Marlene stopped thrashing. She flipped her hair out of her face to look at him. Pelle smelt like dirt and rotten meat. Normally, Marlene wouldn't have called him on it, but right now she was feeling a bit spiteful. Especially because Tina had decided to take the milk crate beside Marlene. 

She didn't say anything until the song was over. But when it was, everyone was silent. Everyone looked to Marlene, ready for an explosion, save for Pelle, who was smiling at his sister, and for Tina who was giving her boyfriend a sultry look.

"That was amazing, Babe!" Tina cried out. Pelle smiled at her in thanks. Marlene scoffed, turning Pelle's and Tina's attention to her. Eva squeezed Marlene's hand.


"You were late."

"I know but-"

"You had us wait for over an hour, and then you come in here, sing a few lyrics and you're the hero," Marlene seethed. Pelle pursed his lips. Marlene stood, letting Eva's dainty hand drop. "So, you wanna do some introductions or are you just going to glaze over her."

Before Pelle could speak, Tina stood up on her stupid red stilettos and clacked over to where the twins were facing off. "I'm not sure I want my Dead to introduce me to such a bitch. Who are you, anyway?"

Marlene turned to Tina, eyebrows raised. The room was tense and ready for a fight. "I'm his sister. His flesh and blood. The one he cries on at night, the one who understands every single inch of him, the one who's always been by his side. He might be your Dead but he's my Pelle."

"Doesn't matter if you're his sister, you're still a cunt," Tina replied while checking her long, fake nails. Marlene gritted her teeth together.

"If you're going to insult her, you can fucking leave!" Oystein burst. Everyone turned their eyes to him. Oystein was red in the face, mad. He was out for blood. "If you have a problem with my girl, you have a problem with me. So get. The fuck. Out. Of. My. House."

Tina scoffed, looking back at Pelle who's eyes were now filled with betrayal. "C'mon, Dead." She tried to grab his arm, but Pelle flicked her hand off. Eva was now standing, holding Marlene's hand. Eva laced their fingers together like it would protect Marlene from whatever Pelle was about to unleash. Tina rolled her eyes. "Fine, fuck this. Fuck all of you. Including you, Dead. Lose my number or teach your sister some manners."

She stomped up the stairs. No one in the basement made a move nor a sound until the front door slammed. Oystein was staring at Marlene in regret, Pelle was ready to kill Oystein, Jorn and Jan were scared, and Marlene and Eva were ready to fight side-by-side. 

"I'm sorry, but your girl, Euronymous?" Pelle growled. Oystein gulped, turning his eyes from his love to his friend who was far passed angry. Pelle took a step forward. "I thought I told you I'd kill you if I found out you were touching my sister."

"Hold on, you said what the fuck now?" Marlene interupted. Pelle turned to her.

"I told your boyfriend that I'd fucking kill him if he touched you again, right after I told you to break up with him! And he's been touching you and you never broke up with him!" Pelle yelled. Marlene barred her teeth, letting go of Eva to walk up to her brother. 

"And what about you! A girlfriend? Was I fucking told? Alerted? Made aware? How many synonyms do you fucking want, Asshole, I can give you them all!" Marlene yelled. Pelle got really close to her, nearly nose to nose. He seemed just as mad and had an identical look on his face. Truly, they were twins.

"So we're even. Both with secret relationships."

"Except Oystein hasn't given me 16 new STDs." Crunch. Pelle's fist collided with Marlene's face. She cried out, holding onto her cheek. Recovering quickly, she kicked Pelle right in the family jewels. "Hopefully my sock doesn't get them too."

As he fell, Pelle wheezed, "You bitch!"

"You're the bitch!" Marlene kicked him in the stomach. Pelle groaned then grabbed her ankle, pulling Marlene to the ground. She crashed to the floor, head hitting a milk crate. Everyone made a noise as they heard the crack. "Fuck!"

"You deserve it!" Pelle yelled. Marlene rolled onto her brother and straddled him. She began laying punch after punch on her brother's face. He began getting bloody before he reached up, wrapping his fingers around Marlene's neck. Marlene stopped punching him, allowing him to pin her to the ground, throttling her fully. 

Jan and Jorn pulled the bloody-faced Pelle off of the red-faced Marlene. Oystein and Eva crowded the red-faced Marlene with a bloody nose and a forming black eye. Once Marlene got Oxygen back in her lungs, she found her boyfriend and her friend trying to get her to stay down. Eventually, she won the fight and Pelle won his fight between Jorn and Jan. The twin staggered up to each other, huffing and puffing.

For a second, it was silent. Until Marlene said, "You got blood on my rings."

"You gave my fingers cramps," Pelle responded with a smile. Marlene looked up from her bloody knuckles, in her twin's blue eyes that were the same as her own. She smiled right back at Pelle as they enveloped each other in a hug.

Everyone else stared at them, perplexed. 

"Next time, you gotta tell me about your girlfriends," Marlene told Pelle as they let go of each other. 

Pelle smiled, tucking a piece of blood stained hair from Marlene's face behind her ear. "And next you, you have to just tell me to suck it up if I tell you to break up with your boyfriends." Marlene smiled again. Then Pelle's look changed. He got a challenging look on his face. "Come to think of it, you've always broken up with them when I told you to. Why's Oystein different?"

Marlene struck him in the gut, right where she had already kicked him. Pelle doubled over, laughing. "I told you, he's got a cute ass." Marlene clapped her hands together, splattering a bit of the blood on Oystein, who was closer than she thought. "Now, I came here to watch a rehearsal, give me a show or there'll be Hell to pay."

There was no more Hell to pay.

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