BaΠe of Nigh† (Hellsing)

נכתב על ידי wulfwuman

2.6K 76 86

(🍋)(🔖Wattys 2022 nomination)This is a version of a Nightbane in which the character Angeline Colter is a yo... עוד

intros (0.5)
club scene (1)
aftermath (2)
native image ( 2.5)
monday classes (3)
mystery men (4)
first day (5)
school & dinner (6)
secrets (7)
undead thoughts (8)
courting (9)
the speech (10)
vampire Aspects Hellsing A.U. (X)
decisions (11)
little lies (12)
illness (13)
Where (14)
party (15)
questions (16)
Hellsing intros (17)
the call (18)
the show (19)
mirrors (21)
where (22)
Discuss (23)
bad dreams (24)
learning about (25)
revelations (26)
Antebellum mirror (27)
rough learning (28)
rough loving (29)

next day (20)

61 3 6
נכתב על ידי wulfwuman

Angel woke to Alucard in his Vlad persona. He was wearing a dark pinstriped suit. His long black hair was loose and hanging down around his face. His eyes were back to blue to pull off looking human. He had spent the night in the chair. The man was absolutely gorgeous in appearance. He radiated calmness but Angel couldn't detect it in her current state.

The nightbane was sweaty and her hair soaked. Angel had a continual looping of Alucard torturing, raping and finally shooting her between the eyes. The sound of his gun hammer cocking to fire rang in her ears.

"Morning my seem to have been dreaming about what?"

Angel shook her head. Her nightmare sat in a chair and asked how she had slept. "You don't have to read my mind to know I was having nightmares and logic would answer what the topic was based on."

"Me, which is funny considering your other form. Normal humans scream and flee in horror. What do you call it?" He stood up and walked up next to her. She cringed.

Angel signed "Morpheus".

The young woman rose from the bed and planned to take a shower. She set a matched set of underwear and bra in a dark green color. The v-neck dark green shirt with black pants. Her old standby black docs. Vlad stepped into her path and placed a hand under her chin and held it so her eyes couldn't look away.

"So, your human aspect has a name too?" Alucard was now onto questioning.

"Facade..." Angel said in a monotone voice.

"By the very definition of facade, looking human is fake and Morpheus your true form?"

"Yes, most likely but no real experts for our kind," Angel replied, trying to pull her head free. "May I take a shower, dress and eat breakfast before you shoot me between the eyes?"

"Why would I shoot you? Have you lied so far on these questions?" Vlad licked his lips. "Was that what your dream was about? Me killing you cold and easily, without much thought?"

"Nightmare you mean but yes, after...the torture and forcing yourself on me."

"Torture perhaps, I would never force you, but I can guarantee rough sex. Kill you? Why would I remotely want to do, that to a beloved pet? And you will be my pet...What can vampires do to Nightbane?" Vlad said with a smirk. That smirk was about to turn to a frown.

"Your mind abilities don't work, and you can't slow kill me to turn me to anything, ghoul or vampire. I am vampire transformation and mind game proof. Hence probably not human...Morpheus...Nightbane."

"Hmm, vampires, I included, would want you as pets," Vlad stated matter of factly. "I, the vampire king, have never encountered your kind."

"Yes, hence my quickly accepting you were a vampire. We don't really know how many and hide from all, human and vampire. You are my first encounter. Slavery is what your kind offers, done deal, not interested."

"My dear, you are interested in me but won't admit it, as for your Morpheus, that form has some intriguing abilities. What do you call the blood drowning?"

The blood ability gave him a hard on like a teenage boy.

"You have shroud and teleportation too. How far is the teleportation?" Vlad had an excited expression as if Christmas had come early.

" first time using it. My blood continues to flow into the person or animal until the lungs are full. The result is drowning. A nightbane must have stigmata to even perform the power," Angel refused to look him in the eyes.

She jerked her head back and free. He just found out how strong she was. She was supernatural in strength. The morning was turning out, to be quite exciting, for a bored Vampire king.

"As for teleportation...I'm not comfortable telling you certain details. You will use this knowledge to enslave me to you. You have no right to do that to me!" she screeched at him like angry bird.

"My dear, you cannot flee me. I will hunt you down and bring you back every time. At least Hellsing will protect you. The Vatican has a branch would either kill you outright or enslaved to do globe of daylight. Iscariot gets you and then I will kill you," Vlad yawned.

"I will call the embassy and get your precious Hellsing shut down! You see I'm tribal and a ward of the United States. You are kidnapping a 'child' of America, a minority on a scholarship to a prestigious English college," Angel had just played her final card.

Angel moved as fast as she could and seized his guns. She unloaded all the rounds into both his head and chest. The body was a quivering mass of blood and chunks of flesh but a deep wicked laugh could be heard. No Life King just revealed how hard he was to terminate permanently. The woman just stood and closed her eyes with the pistols hanging from her fingers. Angel figured he would kill her now or at least hoped, instead of being a vampire slave.

Vlad regenerated his body completely to then seized Angel. The vampire spun and sat down in, the large armchair. She didn't resist him and landed in his lap. The guns were no longer in her hands. His hands held her tightly so as not to escape.

"You will change to your Morpheus right now."

"No, you don't control me!"

You will show me..." Vlad said coldly.

"I won't!" Angel yelled.

"Don't be difficult!" Vlad growled.

"Be realistic! I can't!"

"You will change. It's for your own good," Vlad squeezed her upper arms tightly.

"I will hit my head on the ceiling!"

"What?" the vampire tilted his head." How tall do get in that form?"

" Seven foot and six all."

"Fuck! I see your point! I will ask more questions, of you but take your shower and eat. You must be hungry," No Life King said.

Early Christmas was back on the calendar.

The young woman sighed then walked to the shower, her head hung down. Her life was over in her mind. Angel adjusted the water to a hot shower and got in. She just stood under the shower faucet, to just let the water poured onto her sweaty body. The young woman was pleased, at least, Vlad couldn't read her mind as she was trying to decide a way to elude the Shadow King.

Angel let a long sigh out and shook her head. Why had she thought Alucard's Vlad persona so appealing?

Her eyes closed, she always liked tall men with black hair and partial growth of facial hair. The woman cursed in her head; genetics betrayed her. He had also been a warrior too.

A pale, slender fingered hand reached into the shower and stroked her cheek. "I don't need to read your mind, to see you are having a battle of concepts pertaining to your mind, heart and soul."

"Please stop touching me..."

"But why? I can make you happy. I remember your smile and lighthearted laugh, in the park, when I chased you. Listen to your heart..."

"No, I have no experience with love, so I don't trust my heart. Besides you have 'toyed' with it. Your blindfold is gone, and a slave collar replaces it."

Angel turned and pulled the curtains open. " No, I am Haida and granddaughter of a tribal holy man. You are an unclean spirit that refuses to rest. Begone, don't bother me anymore..."

Vlad closed his eyes so not to stare at her body, glistening with beads of water. He felt his fangs wanting to elongate and bite her breasts. What did help was she truly didn't want him sexually.

Albert had spied and heard the whole conversation. Shadow King had just been told he was being rejected and not to pursue her. The imp grinned wickedly and had a little surprise for the arrogant No Life King.

Angel washed up and shut the shower off. The woman stepped out by him and grabbed a towel. She glared at him then rolled her eyes to see his current aura.

"Your aura now matches Adriean's perfectly. The red is rather vivid monster."

"Unredeemable monster, am I?" Vlad replied.

"At least I can hide in plain view unlike you. Your embassy protects you from Hellsing but not the world. Humans will never accept you," Alucard became his current persona.

Alucard continued, " My master would accept you in either form, but others will keep you in your Morpheus and never let your facade out again. You will be like a werewolf forced to stay changed until you no longer can if you wanted to. When Adriean finds out what you are, well I may not be there..."

"Can a vampire feel love? Probably in a twisted way, hence even your word, for beloved pet. I am no one's pet but would be an equal. Is there such a thing?" Angel said arrogantly as she dried off.

Alucard bowed, "That would be queen if you captured my undead heart. Mina caused me, to be enslaved to Hellsing but perhaps you would free me, if love were to happen..."

The young woman dressed quickly as the vampire's expression was on the disturbing side. "I'm ready for breakfast, so excuse me."

Angel walked briskly down the stairs and headed to the kitchen. "Good morning, Albert, can I have my last breakfast, as a condemned woman?"

"Angel, he won't trap you like he thinks he can." Albert calmly told her.

Albert slid behind Angel and placed his right arm on her upper chest near her neck. His left hand placed a small metal disk in her hand. Angel knew it was her 'turn undead' medallion.

"Vampire King you lost. Do you concede, as she has rejected you? I just happened to have heard the conversation, whole and completely," Albert smiled.

"I concede to nothing, unless you decide to explain your interest, in her too. I will not reveal his supernatural type, but he is not human, that is for certain, "Alucard said with a smirk.

Albert had not thought of that. She would reject him for being a demon. A creature with the worst press possible and had never been human, to begin with. No, he was in a stalemate not that it upset him. It was all part, of a great game with a marvelous prize, that was warm and bled.

Albert pushed Angel behind, "Time to leave Alucard. You are not welcome in my home."

"I leave when I chose to..." he purred.

"You know you can't portal, but you also know can't go dissolid or full use of your shadows either. Did you know that bit?" It was Albert's turn to smirk.

"My dear Angel, that means you're more powerful spells cannot conjured in his home. Albert has been deceptive too, "Alucard grinned like a shark. "Jackal can kill him quite easily and requires nothing special but blessed silver bullets."

Albert discovered how treacherous the vampire was considering he started out human but that was also why he became cursed for renouncing God.

"Angeline! Go to darkness! He can not follow you there!" Albert yelled then flung a satchel bag.

Alucard pointed Jackal at the mirror in the kitchen and shot it. "No mirror for you young lady..."

Angel glanced around the kitchen, to discover Albert had a window with a black tint and with the light, her reflection could be seen. The Nightbane ran headfirst to the window and became black liquid.

She had gone to the Nightlands.

"Demon! What have you done?!" Alucard roared.

Albert smirked, "Any reflective surface works like a mirror. She is currently in another plane of existence, that the sun never shines and no stars, fill the blackened sky. Angel is a little blackbird compared to what lives there. Even you would be hard pressed, to survive, there is no drinkable blood, for you and demons that hunt in packs."

"You sent her to her death?" he snarled at Albert.

"Possible but not probable. It's how she got back to Alaska so easily. Any mirror is but a see-through door you stupid vampire!" Albert revealed his sharp teeth. "There is another wonderful fact, about Nightbane, I will share once she's mine!"

"Stupid vampire with a gun that will blow lethal holes in your body, demon." the raven-haired Eldritch Vampire sneered. "You will share now!"

"Fine, fine you Brutish that her transformation to Nighttbane is complete, she ages slower," Albert crossed his arms.

Alucard tilted his head as if to hear better. "How slowly?"

Albert chuckled," For every hundred years she ages but one year. She is a mere baby in immortal years."

"Thank you for sharing but try to heal this!" Alucard had pulled his second handgun and fired them into Albert.  Yet it was a cruel action by Alucard, as he shot four rounds, at the cardinal directions and then clipped Albert's right thigh just below the groin and upper left by the point of the upper meets the shoulder.

The damage wasn't nearly enough for the size of the bullets.  Albert's skin blackened and three degree wounds appeared but the demon didn't go down.  Albert glared at Alucard.

"Satisfied?" He mocked Alucard.

Alucard moved to the demon's ear," Only excuse, you are not going back to hell is that you still play part in this tangled web of a game.  Do not think by just wounding you, that I won't still kill you."

With that Alucard was a blur moving through the backdoor...

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