Bittersweet Revenge (FINISHED)

By theanxiousk

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She is out to make the person who made her father suffer pay and she's not alone in making that person suffer. More

Bittersweet Revenge
The Visitor (Chapter 1)
Franc Sebastian (Chapter 2)
The Heartbreaking News (Chapter 3)
The Master Plan (Chapter 4)
Three Years of Waiting (Chapter 5 part 1)
Drunk and Violent (Chapter 5 part 2)
"New" Friendship (Chapter 6)
Workaholic (Chapter 7)
Casanova (Chapter 8)
Emptiness (Chapter 9)
Turned Down (Chapter 10)
Revelation (Chapter 11)
Wrath (Chapter 12)
Taking Care of Her (Chapter 13)
Out of Town (Chapter 14)
Silence (Chapter 15)
The Big Reveal (Chapter 16)
The Painful Truth (Chapter 17)
A Day Together (Chapter 18)
The End of the Deal (Chapter 19)
The Wedding Proposal (Chapter 20)
Meeting Again (Chapter 21)
Taking the Bullet (Chapter 22)
Unforgettable Visits (Chapter 23)
Painful Revelations (Chapter 24)
Blame (Chapter 25)
The Confession (Chapter 26)
The True Meaning of Happiness (Chapter 28)

The Last Kiss (Chapter 27)

330 3 0
By theanxiousk

“What’s happening here? Where’s Venus?” Henry immediately said as soon as he saw Martin pacing back and forth outside Venus’ room.

“Henry! Thank God you’re already here. Venus had an attack. I already called Dr. Quillamor. He’s taking care of Venus right now.” Martin said.

“Why? What happened?” Henry said.

Martin then told Henry what happened earlier. After a few minutes, Dr. Quillamor went out of Venus’ room.

“Doc? Is she okay already?” Martin said.

“Yes. She’s okay already. She’s just under a lot of stress that’s why this happened to her.” Dr. Quillamor said.

“Thank you very much Doctor. I really can't afford to lose her right now." Martin said.

“How about her treatment in the States? She told me she’s leaving for the States tomorrow already. Is she fit to travel at this state?” Henry said.

“I suggest she rests for two days before travelling to the States. I will be the one to reschedule her treatment procedure there.” Dr. Quillamor said.

“Thank you very much Doctor.” Henry said.

Dr. Quillamor then leaves.

“Venus is going to the States?” Martin said.

“Yes for treatment. But I don’t feel that well about that treatment.” Henry said.

“Have you told that concern to Venus?”

“Yes. But she said..”

“That you shouldn’t worry.”

“Yes. You know Venus always say that to me. I want to go with her but she doesn’t allow me.”

“What if I’ll be the one to go with her? I’ll be the one to take care of her there.”

“Are you sure? But Venus wouldn’t allow that.”

“Then, we’ll surprise her. Just trust me okay Henry?”

“Fine. Martin, thank you for always being there for Venus.”

The morning came and Venus eventually wakes up.

“Good morning Ms. Venus.” Henry said.

“Good morning Henry.” Venus said.

“I’m glad you’re okay already. Here, have your breakfast. Martin cooked that for you.”

“Wait time is it? I have a flight today.”

“Dr. Quillamor said you need to rest for 2 days. He already rescheduled the treatment procedure. Also, I already fixed everything with the airline so you will no longer take care of it. Just rest okay? Don’t be stubborn because if you’ll not rest for 2 days you can’t go to the states.”

“Okay fine. But thank you very much Henry.”

“By the way, Martin’s downstairs having breakfast. Do you want me to call him?”

“No. It’s okay. After having breakfast, sent him home already. It’s been a long night for him.”

“Yes Ms. Venus.”

“Thank you Henry.”


“Is everything there already?” Henry said to Venus while they were at the airport.

“Yes Henry. I brought everything that I need.” Venus said.

“Take care okay. I really hope because of this treatment procedure, you’ll get well.”

Venus suddenly kisses Henry on the cheek and hugs Henry tightly.

“I really hope too Henry. I love you Henry. Thank you for being my second father. You have sacrificed a lot for me and I really thank you for that. I will miss you.”

“Thank you too Ms. Venus for everything. I miss you too.”

Venus then breaks the hug and holds her luggage already.

“I have to go. I don’t want to be late for my flight. Goodbye Henry.”

“Goodbye Ms. Venus. Take care. And say hi to the one who’ll be beside you in the airplane for me.”

Venus that time didn’t know what Henry was talking about but as she arrived in her seat in the plane, she was surprised that Martin was there. Martin will be the one beside her.

“What are you doing here?” Venus said.

“I’m going with you.” Martin said.


“I presented myself as your companion for this trip of yours. You may not reciprocate my love for you but I want to be there for you. I want to be beside you. I want to protect you.”

“You’re over dramatic for a guy. But I don’t have a choice right so fine be my ‘companion’.”

Venus then takes a seat. And as the airplane was going up, Martin’s expression suddenly changes. It is as if he’s scared.

“This is your first time riding an airplane right?” Venus said to Martin.

Martin wasn’t able to say anything because he’s really scared.

“Mr. Herrera, you’re not afraid to take a bullet for me but you’re afraid to flying in an airplane.” 

Venus started laughing.

“Don’t laugh at me.” Martin said.

Venus then smiles and suddenly holds Martin’s hand.

“Don’t be scared. It will be okay. It’s actually fun riding an airplane.”


After around 12 hours, Venus and Martin arrived in the States. They went straight to the hospital where Venus will be admitted.

“Good morning Ms. Steel. I’m Doctor Andrea Smith. Dr. Quillamor told me about your case.” The doctor said as she goes in to room of Venus in the hospital.

“Good morning Dr. Smith.” Venus said.

“Dr. Quillamor also told me about you wanting to take this new treatment procedure we are offering. I believe Dr. Quillamor already told you about what the procedure is about and the risks of the procedure.”

“Yes. I know and understand what the procedure is about and its effects. But nevertheless, I will go under that treatment procedure. I have already decided.”

“If that’s the case then the schedule that Dr. Quillamor fixed will push through. It would be tonight. So just rest for the mean time.”

“Thank you Dr. Smith.”

Dr. Smith leaves.

“Mr. Herrera, as you can see I am okay by myself here so you can already go to a hotel and stay there. It’s uncomfortable if you will stay here. I will just call you after the treatment procedure.” Venus said to Martin.

“What did I tell you? I will stay by your side right? So I will not leave you I will just stay here.” Martin said.

“Suit yourself. I am already tired from the flight so I no longer have any strength to argue with you.”

They eventually fall asleep.


“Sir, I’m sorry to wake you up. I’ll just check the patient’s blood pressure and temperature.” The nurse said.

“It’s okay.” Martin said.

Martin then looks at Venus who was still sleeping. .

“You’re the patient’s husband?”The nurse said.



“No. I’m just the guy who loves her.”

“How poetic and romantic of you Sir.”

“Your patient here just doesn’t want to love me back.”

“Maybe Sir she’s just afraid to love you back. There’s this one of author I know, she always say that love isn’t always enough. And I finally get it why she said that. Because not everything can be fixed by love. Love can’t make your rich. Love can’t literally move mountains. And love, especially for the patients here, it can’t cure cancer. So that’s why maybe, she can’t love you back. She’s afraid her life’s too complicated for you. And in here, there’s no certainty just like in love. Excuse me Sir, I still have to go take care of the other patients. ”

The nurse then leaves and the words that she said kept ringing back in Martin’s head. The time finally came when Venus was about to go do the treatment procedure.

“Martin..” Venus said as she holds Martin’s hand.

“You called me Martin.” Martin said.

“Can you just listen to me?”


“If this treatment procedure doesn’t work out, take care of Henry. It’s time that someone takes care of him instead of him always taking care of people.”

“Why are you saying that? You’re not going to die yet.”

“We’re not really sure about that so I am saying this already. And Martin..”


"It doesn’t mean that I can’t love right now; I can’t love you in the future. You're actually not hard to love. So if this procedure works out, then we’ll see about that.”

“Excuse me. We need to get her to the treatment room already.” The nurse said.

Venus then motions Martin to move closer.

“Why? Is there something wrong?” Martin said.

When Martin’s face was already inches away from Venus’ face, Venus kisses Martin on the lips.

“For good luck.” Venus said then laughs.

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