Classroom of the Elite: Unexp...

By KingpinRisette

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Soooooooooo after reading so many COTE fanfics, I got inspired to create my first one so I am very sorry if i... More

A true Devil
Bitter Betrayal
Weaknesses & Strengths
Surprising Summer
Mysterious Coincidence
Faithful Discovery
Sacrificing One's self
Broken Chains
Demonic Angels
Villainous Faces
I made a new book!
Y2V4.5 illustration leaks
Dealing with the Defectives
Shining Darkness
A lesson called Agony
Torture Time...
Taking out the trash
Fixing Witnesses
Gambling Life and Death
Striking Mayhem
From Bad to Worst


2.5K 136 53
By KingpinRisette

Shinohara POV

Pain. I feel nothing but pain throughout my whole body. This hurts so much I just want to take a gun to end everything right here, right now. I don't want to live in this cruel world anymore. Just let me die alone now so I can get rid of this unbearable pain... is what I would've said if this was my first time to  experience this. No matter how many punches, slaps, and kicks they've given me, it'll always feel the same. I've gotten used to every beating I've received from my shitty father so Onodera and her new "friends" just gave me the usual. They probably expected me to cry and beg for forgiveness but I ain't that easy to pull off. Gotta give them credit for trying though.

As I lay there all bruised up with drops of blood coming out of my mouth, I started to rethink my life choices. I wonder if this is going to be my life from now on until I graduate. I've only been at this school for half a month and my life already turned upside down.

I got framed, betrayed, and get beat up all because of one thing, trusting the wrong person. Onodera is out of the list I guess. Who's gonna be next I wonder?




Are they gonna do the same thing to me one day? Am I gonna get betrayed again? Have I trusted the wrong person? I don't know if I could even trust myself anymore. What the hell is happening to me? Why do I feel scared all of a sudden? Is this even me? Am I going to be alone? What's gonna become of me?

"U-uurgghh!" Damn, they really hit me hard. My arms and legs are so swollen I can't even sit down properly. I'm gonna be here for a while am I? Well, there's no use crying over spilled milk. I guess I could just take a short rest here until I can move a little. I hope no one sees me here.

"This is my life now I guess." I said as I slowly close my eyes and fall asleep.


Great. Just fucking great. My luck couldn't get any worse huh?

"Hey, wake up." Huh, that voice sounded familiar.

I opened my eyes and see a familiar male figure standing infront of me. Oh, it's him. Out of all people who would've found me here, it has to be this creep.

"What happened to you?" He asked in his usual gloomy voice.

"Huh? What are you doing here?"

"Answer my question first." He demanded.
This guy is acting tough now huh? Two can play that game.

"Nothing. Why do you care anyway?"

"You look like hell." Thanks for stating the obvious.

"No shit sherlock. You're starting to piss me off you know? What are you even doing here anyway?!" I shouted. I'd rather get seen by Ike than this piece of shit. Making me mad already instead of helping me.

"Atleast tell me what happened."

"I got my ass whooped by some girls from another class! You fucking happy?! If you ever tell anyone about this, I'll make sure you regret it. Understand?" Maybe that'll get through his head for once.

"I see. So Onodera decided to frame you and Manabe and your friends beat you up. Isn't that right?"

My eyes widened the moment he said those names. How the hell does he know? Did he set this all up for me? I felt shivers down my spine as imagining he's the one behind all this.

"Ho-how did you--mffmmfffmm!" Before I could even finish my sentence, he covered my mouth.

"Thanks to you, you ruined my plan." He said coldly. He looked at me directly straight into my eyes maybe through my soul as I saw his eyes completely changed. It was nothing like I've ever seen before. What the fuck am I looking at?!

"Look at yourself being pathetic as ever. Looks like you're staying strong on the outside but on the inside, you're hiding something, aren't you?" I've never been this terrified as before. Those pure darkness within those eyes of his, are worst than my father.

With the amount of strength that I have left, I shoved his arm away from my mouth and say...

Ayanokouji POV

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" She screamed with full anger on me using her remaining strength. Such a strong girl indeed. I may have figure her out somehow as I continue to look at her with full darkness.

"There's something hidden within you, isn't there? Let's say, an incident which involves your entire family breaking apart."

"I-I don't know what you're talking about! And what do you mean I ruined your plan?!" She shouted.

"You were sexually assaulted by your own father, am I right?" As soon as I said that, her reaction was all I need to confirm that it was the truth. A traumatized person can be quite useful but Shinohara was lacking potential. An incomplete puzzle that needed to be solved.

"Wh-why? Why are you doing this?!" She  screamed angrily with tears pouring out of her eyes.

"Why? Isn't it obvious? You revealed your past to me without even saying a word. Such an easy girl you are. You have nothing to hide when it comes to me. Which is why you have to do what I say from now on. Not from Hirata, not from Karuizawa, but to me only. You understand?"

"You... You think you can get away from this?!" She shouted. Even in this state, she still managed to put much effort to stand up for herself.

"Still fighting back. What a strong girl you are. Let's put it to the test shall we?"

"What are you--eek!"

I slowly groped Shinohara's breast. To my expectations, she can't fight back since her arms were too swollen from earlier. Even if its under her uniform, her breasts must be sensitive when touched.

"Get off me, you fucking pervert!" She tried to escape but due to her weakened legs, she failed and instantly fell down. I took advantage of the situation to go on top of her.

"There's no use escaping. You're still weak from earlier which is why you need to be taught a lesson." I said as I started to remove her uniform.

"Wh-what are y-you doing?! Stop it! Stop it you perverted motherfucker!" I ignored her bickering and continue to remove her top until I see nothing but her body with a bra covering her breasts.

"There! You see me half naked! Are you done?! Just stop this! Please!" She screamed in panic as more tears pour out of her eyes.

"What happened to your tough persona just now? Still want to fight back from me?"

"No! No! Please! I'll do anything you want! Just don't rape me!" She's starting to crack. I just need a little more push.

"I feel like you don't mean what you said. I think you need a very thorough lesson." I spread her legs and slowly touch her thighs then slowly go down until I can touch her panties.


And with that, I managed to break Shinohara's mind. I wasn't interested in her body. I just needed to threaten her to see how far she was willing to go, how much she would do.

A few minutes later, Shinohara stopped crying. She might still be traumatized from what I've done, but this was necessary.

"Do you admit to everything you say?"

"Yes." She said still trying to wipe off her excess tears.

"You know Manabe and her friends are still going to continue this adding Onodera too."

"I know."

"You've experienced this kind of despair before haven't you?" She looked at me and nodded.

"How do you feel right now?"

"After what you did to me earlier? What do you think?" Well, that was quick for her to act tough again.

"How about Onodera and Manabe? How do you feel about them?

"I wanna bash their faces together obviously but in this state I'm in, I'm just a living punching bag."

"Then I'll promise you this. I will protect you from Manabe, Onodera and anyone else who tries to hurt you in exchange for following my orders. I am much reliable than Hirata and Karuizawa." I told her.

"How are you going to do that?" She asked.

"With this." I showed her my phone and reveal the recording of what happened earlier.

"You could've helped me earlier you know?!" Instead of being suprised, she just bicker on me again. I could threaten her again but that's enough for now.

"You were fighting back anyway so this video is enough." I said flatly and she glared at me.

"You're the worst, you know that? I wonder how Horikita-san can even handle you." She said.

"All I want is for people to cooperate with me and since you got caught up in this, you have to assist me in the future. There are still things to improve on you but that's besides the point."

"What do you mean improve? What do you want me to do anyway?" She asked.

"Simple. Control the girls for me, especially Karuizawa."

I have a slight feeling that Karuizawa is one of the traitors of Class D. She might be working with Onodera and other people that might get suspected. If this keeps going to continue, Class D will never rise to Class A.

"Is Karuizawa a part of this as well?" I'm not surprised that she asked that. She is her friend after all.

"Who knows, but all you need to know is that our class is scattered because of a traitor."

"Traitor?! Then someone is working with another class?!" I nodded to her question. She's quick to understand the situation. That's probably one of her abilities.

"We'll take care of Manabe and Onodera if they ever make a move against you again then take care of the traitor as long as you assist me in the future, do you understand?"

"Yeah I know."

This whole incident wouldn't have happened if the one who went down here was Karuizawa just like I originally planned but somehow or someway, someone saw through me. In any case, I can somehow work with this.

Shinohara was lacking in almost everything or to be brutally honest, completely useless.
She needs a lot of work on herself especially for what I'm about to make her do in the near future. This might be troublesome to do but I can make her grow into something new. She gotten herself involved in this mess and she must pay the price for it. In other words,

Satsuki Shinohara is an imperfect tool for me.

I don't know what to say but Hi. Thanks for reading!

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