Togetherness? - Little Nightm...

By Deadmandrifting935

69K 2.4K 1.4K

Trapped in a vicious cycle, time and time again Mono has only known failure. Bound by an incomprehensible for... More

Over and over again.
The shack
Soothing melody
Last resort (part 1)
Last resort (Part 2)
The calm
Journey to the pale city
The bending towers
He calls
The school
Through the halls
Plastic Hooligans
An Ally From Beyond
Found you
Wingless Bird
Once more
True colors
Kindred spirits
Still City
Last Swig
Centuries old
A coat from days past
Can you hear my voice?
Beware of the light
The tower
Garden of eyes
The hospital
The west wing
The doctor
Wonderful darkness
TV man
I am you
Promise broken
Old friend
Round two
Horrible melody
Stay with me
The Alpha And The Omega
A cycle's end

Cat and mouse

2.6K 81 31
By Deadmandrifting935

Believe me fine folk, I would have made a terrible doctor or an engineer. People could have perished, buildings could have collapsed. I mean... my writing is still garbage, but at least no one will die.


Loud crashing noises came from the kitchen, it sounded like a table being flipped over. Next came the sound of something creaking open, then the dreadful noise of a weapon being loaded. Mono felt his mind snap, this thing is seriously cracked! 

"we're dead, we're dead! It's my fault, Oh-" he said, knees shaking and hands quivering. As he heard it pass the hallway, terror fell over him and sucked the very breath from his lungs, making his dry throat hurt so terribly. 

He jumped as he felt tiny hands clutching his arms. Six shook him out of his thoughts, her face was pale and her teeth were gritted. She pointed at the lever hanging from the ceiling again and beckoned as she made for it.

Mono shook his head, "The lever right..." he said shakily. 

Six beckoned one last time before placing her hands together and crouched, Mono understood her intension, he steadied himself on her shoulders and placed his foot in her palms. And with a boost Mono grabbed onto the lever and held on. 

"SHHH, SHHH." Six place her fingers against her lips and raised her hands to her side, Mono looked down at her and froze, not making another sound. The footsteps were getting fainter by the second, it was going the wrong way. Mono heard it going down the stairs towards the basement, to where her found Six. And only a moment later a muffled scream filled with rage echoed through the wooden walls of the shack. 

Six then leaped and grabbed on his legs, adding to the weight. the lever snapped and they both tumbled on top of each other on the rough surface. the panel in ceiling swung open and a ladder came sliding out of it, landing with an unpleasantly loud thud.

Incoherent mumbling come from directly below them, Mono saw Six's eyes go wide. Then without warning, the floor beside them burst, sending splinters everywhere as a bullet went flying through the room. Mono held his ears and gritted his teeth in agony, the ringing in his head was unbearable. That could have been the end of him right there.

Peeking through the hole, he saw it. A hideous figure. it wore ragged deep green jacket, brown trousers, and black leather boots. It had a mud-covered potato sack over it's head with only one gaping hole for it to see through, and on top of it, The Hunter wore a green newsboy hat. 

The Hunter broke open his shotgun and slammed new shells in the barrel, ready to fire again. 

Mono's body jumped on it's own, "RUN!" he yelled, as he darted to towards the ladder with six right behind him. There came another thundering sound of gunfire, Mono felt the shockwave of the bullet as it flew passed him and collided with the roof above him, making dust particles fall and bounce off his paper bag. 

The hunter made grumbling noises as he disappeared out of sigh, then his thundering footsteps could be heard as he went up the stairs. Mono went up the ladder, his feet missing a few steps as he made his way to the top. There, he extended a hand for Six. She took it with haste and allowed him to pull her up. She then quickly gestured for him to follow her to where a wardrobe was propped against the wall. 

Mono followed her through the tiny gaps between the wardrobe and the wall, they pushed through cobwebs as they made for the center. Then Six began to push, making small grunting noises as she did. Mono joined her, pushing against the wardrobe with all his might until it began to wobble. his feet slipped against the floor, feeling the tiny needles piercing his skin. His eyes squinted from the pain, "Come on! Come on!!" he said, now propping his legs against the wall and gave the wardrobe one last push.

Mono fell on the floor as the closet slipped from his grip and came tumbling over. The hunter was halfway up the ladder, and before he reached the attic, the wardrobe came crashing down on his head. The hunter let out a muffled scream as he fell off the ladder and landed on the floor, which in turn swallowed him as it came crashing down. He was now back in the basement with no way to back to the attic, the wardrobe was now blocking the hatch.

As more and more shouts and mumbling came from below them, Six pointed towards a circular window at the far end of the attic, she really seems to know what she is doing... Mono thought. How many times has she tried to escape? How many times has she failed? 

She hurried towards the window as Mono lagged behind, now he was painfully aware of the contents of the attic, on each side of the room were several shelfs, and placed neatly next to one another; were stuffed dolls. Unlike those in the dinning room. Those were very much like him and Six, small and tiny. He gulped hard, feeling the sweat running down his spine. The scene shook him to the core. This was probably what was going to happen to Six if he had left her to her doom.

Six grunted as she pulled on the window, making no progress at all. Mono rushed to help her, he grabbed on the lower part of the frame and pulled upwards, and soon with their combined effort the window drew upwards. Mono's eyes squinted as the familiar icy wind blew through the holes of his paper bag. Six covered her face with one arm while pointing with the other down the sloped roof, to where laid a hump animal pelts. Pretty much seven feet drop. 

Mono gulped, "You're kidding right?! There's no way I'm doing tha-" Six grabbed his hand bolted down the roof, "WAIT, NO NO NO NO!" Mono screamed and yelped each time his rear slammed against the wooden surface, his grip got tighter and tighter on her hand as they neared the edge. Then came the drop, Mono felt the word spin around him, nothing to hold onto but her hand. He landed on the soft surface before he had the chance to scream again.

"Oi! Don't ever do that again!" he said, rubbing his head with one hand. looking around he didn't see Six anywhere, but his hand was firmly clasped into hers, "Six?" He called out. a moment later she popped out from beneath the pelts, an ill-fashioned raccoon tail hat laid sideways on her head. she looked around dazed and confused before shaking her head, knocking off the hat. Despite everything, Mono giggled.

keeping his hand in hers, he stood up and tried to help her out of the pile. She reached with her other arm and grabbed on to his coat. 

The back door slammed open with a crash, and the light from within the shack threw the hunter's shadow clear across the yard, Six jumped and shoved Mono's head down back inside the pile and drew a pelt over them. 

Mono saw nothing, but he did hear the hunter harrowing huffs and puffs. And all he could feel was her hand tightly clutching his, he felt her moving and then a small beam of light escaped from where she had lifted the pelt. Through the tiny gap he saw the hunter walking towards a small counter and snatch up an old rusted flashlight, and with a flick of a switch the flashlight came on. 

As the hunter was in safe distance, Six lifted the pelt upwards and slid down the mountain of furs, Mono did the same and landed gracefully beside her. And then without a second though she grabbed his hand again. Forcing an queer noise out of his lips.

Six lifted her head, her eyes shining a faint red in the moonlight. She placed her finger over her lips, "Shhh." Somehow her expression changed, was this all new territory to her?

Mono nodded slowly, now is the game of cat-and-mouse.

Six no longer knows what she is doing. 


Hmmm, to publish or not to publish.

AHH, forget it.

don't hesitate to tell me of any mistakes, those things are embrassassing you know *wink* *wink*

till next time fine folk, stay safe.

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